Piotr Stańczyk
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Books by Piotr Stańczyk
Papers by Piotr Stańczyk
Ladislau Dowbor, Co to za gra? Nowe podejścia do ekonomii,
Książka i Praca, Warszawa 2017, pp. 253
The main purpose of this text is to review new book of L. Dowbor. Co to za gra? is fourth book of the brazilian economist, published in Poland. The Review is written from the perspective of educational theory and economic conditions are considered as significant for educational processes in general, and educational emancipatory processes in specific. Reviewed book is an exceptional example of Freiran pedagogy of possibility in discourse of economy.
In the forthcoming issue of Ars Educandi we want to return to that radical idea. In the thirthieth anniversary of the publication of Absent Discourses we are thus attempting at textualizing absence anew. We are inviting researchers to expose pitfalls in which contemporary pedagogy might have got trapped. We are inviting to pushing the borders of educational discourse. This time, we will not write on paradigmatic conceptions, and we do not have to stick to canonized languages if those are not capable of expressing that which has become taboo or that which cannot be said and heard. We are inviting to speak of what usually remains “unpublishable” or on what we do not write, fearing of being excluded.
We are inviting theoretical papers and empirical reports from the broadly understood domain of educational studies. With merits and ethical criteria in mind, in the forthcoming issue of Ars Educandi we shall write on what is absent in pedagogy today.
We are expecting to receive your papers by Septeber 30th 2021. We will appreciate your prior announcement on the intention to submit the paper, with a preliminary description of its problematic.
Źródło: Małgorzata Cackowska, Lucyna Kopciewicz, Mirosław Patalon, Piotr Stańczyk, Karolina Starego, Tomasz Szkudlarek, Dyskursywna konstrukcja podmiotu. Przyczynek do rekonstrukcji pedagogiki kultury, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2012, s. 155-207.
"Ars Educandi", Tom XI, 2014, s. 233-242.
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