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The location of the island of Antikythera in one of the most important sea routes in the ancient Mediterranean made it important strategically, despite its small size. It was the reason for an extensive program of fortifi cation in Kastro... more
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      Ancient Greek HistoryGreek FortificationsGreek and Roman Architecture
The Władysław Łęga Museum in Grudziądz, one of the oldest museums in Poland, has in its collection two ancient oil lamps that have not been published until now. Both lamps are of high quality and of unique form and decoration, even if... more
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      Roman LampsAncient LampsHistory of antiquities collecting
The Jesuit Museum in the Sanctuary of Holy Mother of Christian Unity at Święta Lipka showcases a small collection of Middle Eastern antiquities that for decades had been hidden in the storerooms of the church of Our Lady of Grace in... more
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      Archaeology of Ancient IsraelPilgrimage and travel to the Holy LandRoman LampsHoly Land Studies
The main purpose of this book is to present a catalogue of the terracotta lamps and moulds used for their production, excavated from the site of Negotino Gradište in the Republic of North Macedonia during excavations conducted by... more
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      History of Ancient MacedoniaRoman LampsGreek LampsAncient Lamps
Philipp Sauerland (1677–ok.1760) to malarz aktywny w I połowie XVIII wieku w Gdańsku i Wrocławiu. Jego dzieła cieszyły się pewnym zainteresowaniem w wiekach XVIII i XIX, czego przykładem jest kilka wzmianek w ówczesnym piśmiennictwie o... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtCollecting and CollectionsArt Market
Jeremiasz Falck (ok. 1609–1677), najważniejszy grafik czasów nowożytnych na terenach związanych z Rzeczpospolitą, był gdańszczaninem tworzącym w różnych miastach europejskich, od Paryża i Amsterdamu, przez Sztokholm i Hamburg, po rodzinny... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtArt MarketStill-life painting
Recenzja tomu dotyczącego wymiany kulturalnej między Europą zachodnią a regionem Morza Bałtyckiego. Większość opubliko- wanych artykułów cechuje jednak wyraźne skupienie na roli Gdańska – przekaźnika idei i najważniejszego centrum... more
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      Baltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region StudiesCollecting and CollectionsArt Market
The beginnings of amber, a fossil resin of organic origin, lie 40-50 million years ago in the Eocene Epoch, on the former continent of Fennoscandia (a continent which then constituted the northern part of the Baltic and Scandinavia).... more
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    • Baltic amber
Amber has been valued greatly for ages. Unfortunately, unlike diamond, it does not last forever. Succinite suffers greatly from exposure to sunlight, air, fluctuations in temperature and humidity. Modern museums attempt to maintain a... more
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      Art HistoryMuseum StudiesHistoric PreservationHistory of Art
At 25th November 2011 in the Malbork Castle Museum has been opened the new amber exhibition. Hues, transparency levels and various shapes of the Baltic amber are the effects of the creative forces of nature. All these features capture... more
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      Museums and Exhibition DesignBaltic amber
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      Art HistoryHistory of Art
Amber is a natural origin material with a wide range of colours and structures, concealing the secret of the now bygone continent inside. At present, much like in olden days, amber is used to make mainly decorative items. As a material,... more
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      DesignHistory of JewelryJewellery DesignArt and Design
Amber Metamorphoses | Bursztynowe przemiany is a book published on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the International Amber Association. My idea was to launch the book, that includes a brief history of the IAA and presents objects... more
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      Art HistoryDesignAmber RoadBaltic amber
Jeremias Falck (c. 1605/09–1677) is considered to be the greatest engraver of early modern times working in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Graphical representa- tions of ower forms constitute a signi cant part of his oeuvre. So far... more
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      Art HistoryBotanical literatureHistory of ArtArt of Botanical Illustration
The oeuvre of Daniel Schultz (1615–83), who was one of the principal painters of his time, highly regarded among the Polish nobility and patricians of his native city of Gdańsk, has not so far been the subject of a comprehensive... more
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      Art History17th Century Netherlandish Art
Artykuł poświęcony jest działalności artystycznej Jeremiasa Falcka (1609–1677) uważanego za najwybitniejszego nowożytnego grafika działającego na terenach związanych z Rzeczpospolitą. Tworzył on jednak w różnych metropoliach europejskich... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtHistory of Printmaking
Baltic amber’s popularity and its role in various cultures, from the prehistoric to the contemporary, is a very broad and complex subject. Therefore in this text I present an overview of selected cultural links and ways of using amber in... more
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      MythologyArt HistoryFolk legendsEarly Modern Italy
Carl Borromäus Ruthart (Gdańsk 1630–L’Aquila, after 1703), also known as Karl Ruthard, Carlo Ruttardo and Fra Andrea di Danzica is as fascinating as little known. He was most likely born in Gdańsk where he first learned to draw and paint,... more
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      Early Modern Italy17th Century Netherlandish ArtPrints and DrawingsLions in art
The text concerns early modern sacral art in the space of St. Mary's Church in Gdansk. It discusses Protestant, mainly Lutheran, painted epitaphs founded in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, but also such works as the Alms Table of... more
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      Art HistoryChristian IconographyCain & AbelLast Judgment
In this abstract I try to verify the iconography interpretation of one of the most significant works in the history of amber art and propose a new way of reading the mythological themes depicted in the casket from the collections of the... more
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    • Baltic amber