Rosana Pimenta
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Papers by Rosana Pimenta
Palavras-chave: Arte, Dança, Educação, Ensino Superior, Formação Docente.
The research aims to investigate the conceptions of Art, Culture and Education present in the curriculum of training course for teaching in Dance at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). With a view to carrying out a case study, the empirical field of work is based in all documents relating to educational projects of the Graduation of Dance at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). We introduce as premise the potential of Art for the transformation of the individual and society, and the importance of their knowledge to development of human beings, for autonomy and critical citizenship. In this sense, it is inferred the need for collaborative joint among the concepts of Art, Culture and Education in order to build and cultivate core values for social training of those involved.
Keywords: Art, Dance, Education, Higher Education, Teacher Training.
Palavras-chave: Arte, Dança, Educação, Ensino Superior, Formação Docente.
The research aims to investigate the conceptions of Art, Culture and Education present in the curriculum of training course for teaching in Dance at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). With a view to carrying out a case study, the empirical field of work is based in all documents relating to educational projects of the Graduation of Dance at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). We introduce as premise the potential of Art for the transformation of the individual and society, and the importance of their knowledge to development of human beings, for autonomy and critical citizenship. In this sense, it is inferred the need for collaborative joint among the concepts of Art, Culture and Education in order to build and cultivate core values for social training of those involved.
Keywords: Art, Dance, Education, Higher Education, Teacher Training.