P. H. Lesciuk Pereira
Student of International Relations at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Currently working on my undergraduate thesis, that arguments that economic interdependence is more likely to cause conflict than cooperation between States.
The central argument of the thesis will be developed by putting an idealistic vision of international politics, such as the one proposed by Keohane and Nye, against a material problem: Water scarcity. The proposed scenario would be one of global water scarcity, to the point that it's value and power giving capabilities are comparable or the same as oil already has nowadays. The major problem for interdependence theory in the proposed scenario would be exemplified in the complex interdepence between Brazil, China and the USA.
Brazil has the largest amount of fresh water in the world, so in a scenario of water scarcity, both the USA and China would like to form an interdependence with Brazil in exchange for the supply of water. Since the brazilian government, from 2008 and beyond, has been sitting on the fence in relation to the power struggle between China and the USA, due to it's heavy economic ties with the first, and historical alliance with the latter, both superpowers would expect Brazil's exclusive support, in impaiment with the other.
Here would be where the theory of interdependence crumbles: faced with a material dilemma, States will always their survival as it's fist priority, and that would be an even stronger presumption to put forward in the case of water scarcity, since in contrast to as Keohane and Nye argue in their book Power and Interdependece, this paper argues strongly that there is hierarchy among issues in foreign affair agendas. This is easily proven by the undeniability of the instrisecal need for water that all human beings and societies have, without water a indusrrial society can't function.
Supervisors: Júlio César Cossio Rodriguez P.H.D
Phone: 5555996205878
Address: Floriano Peixoto, 1572, 502.
Santa Maria
Rio Grande Do Sul
The central argument of the thesis will be developed by putting an idealistic vision of international politics, such as the one proposed by Keohane and Nye, against a material problem: Water scarcity. The proposed scenario would be one of global water scarcity, to the point that it's value and power giving capabilities are comparable or the same as oil already has nowadays. The major problem for interdependence theory in the proposed scenario would be exemplified in the complex interdepence between Brazil, China and the USA.
Brazil has the largest amount of fresh water in the world, so in a scenario of water scarcity, both the USA and China would like to form an interdependence with Brazil in exchange for the supply of water. Since the brazilian government, from 2008 and beyond, has been sitting on the fence in relation to the power struggle between China and the USA, due to it's heavy economic ties with the first, and historical alliance with the latter, both superpowers would expect Brazil's exclusive support, in impaiment with the other.
Here would be where the theory of interdependence crumbles: faced with a material dilemma, States will always their survival as it's fist priority, and that would be an even stronger presumption to put forward in the case of water scarcity, since in contrast to as Keohane and Nye argue in their book Power and Interdependece, this paper argues strongly that there is hierarchy among issues in foreign affair agendas. This is easily proven by the undeniability of the instrisecal need for water that all human beings and societies have, without water a indusrrial society can't function.
Supervisors: Júlio César Cossio Rodriguez P.H.D
Phone: 5555996205878
Address: Floriano Peixoto, 1572, 502.
Santa Maria
Rio Grande Do Sul
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