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University of Zagreb
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Uppsala University
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University of East London
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University of Leicester
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University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Gabriel Gutierrez-Alonso
University of Salamanca
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Macquarie University
Eros Carvalho
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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Swansea University
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University of Copenhagen
decrease the loss of plant diversity, reduce poverty and contribute to sustainable development. To achieve this
overarching goal, the GSPC has established a series of targets, one of which is to ensure that plant diversity is
well understood, so that it can be effectively conserved and used in a sustainable manner. Brazil hosts more
than 46,000 species of plants, algae and fungi, representing one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth, and
playing a key role in the GSPC. To meet the GSPC goals of Target 1 and facilitate access to plant diversity,
Brazil committed to preparing the List of Species of the Brazilian Flora (2008–2015) and the Brazilian Flora
2020 (2016–present). Managing all the information associated with such great biodiversity has proven to be an
extremely challenging task. Here, we synthesize the history of these projects, focusing on the multidisciplinary
and collaborative approach adopted to develop and manage the inclusion of all the knowledge generated though
digital information systems. We further describe the methods used, challenges faced, and strategies adopted, as
well as summarize advances to date and prospects for completing the Brazilian flora in 2020.
do Sul state, Brazil. Field expeditions were conducted from August 2014 to September 2015. A total of 106 species
were recorded, with 6 listed in the endangered species list of the state of Rio Grande do Sul: Moquiniastrum mollissimum(Malme) G. Sancho, Trixis pallidaLess, Calea clematideaBaker, Aldama megapotamica(Malme) Magenta &
Pirani, Chromolaena angusticeps(Malme) RM King & H. Rob., and Isostigma peucedanifolium(Spreng.) Less. This
paper presents a list of recorded species from this site
sections of Briza s.l. (Briza L., Calotheca Desv., Chascolytrum Desv., Lombardochloa Roseng. & B. R. Arrill., Microbriza Parodi ex
Nicora & R´ugolo, and Poidium Nees) as well as other related genera (Brizochloa V. Jir´asek & Chrtek, Erianthecium Parodi,
Gymnachne Parodi, and Rhombolytrum Link). As a result of the morphological analysis presented here, confirmed by other studies
with molecular data, Briza is accepted with three Eurasian species, Brizochloa is accepted with one species, and a new
circumscription for the genus Chascolytrum is proposed. This new circumscription includes all the accepted South American
species that were previously assigned to the other genera cited above. Descriptions and illustrations of three species and one variety
of Briza, one species of Brizochloa, and 22 species and two varieties of Chascolytrum are provided, as well as IUCN conservation
status for most species. A new status is proposed for Briza media f. caucasica Marcow.: Briza media var. caucasica (Marcow.) Essi,
Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies. The following name is newly transferred: Chascolytrum rufum var.sparsipilosum (Roseng., B. R. Arrill.
& Izag.) Essi, Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies [[ Briza rufa var. sparsipilosa Roseng., B. R. Arrill. & Izag.]. Keys for genera and species
are also provided. Lectotypifications are provided for Briza neesii D¨oll and Briza triloba Nees.
importance to species characterization and genus taxonomy
fim de contribuir para o conhecimento da flora da região central do estado. Tal estudo se faz necessário devido à singularidade fitogeográfica da região de Santa Maria, que se encontra em uma região de tensão ecológica entre os biomas Pampa e Mata Atlântica. Por meio de coletas quinzenais, no período de agosto de 2014 a maio de 2016, foram confirmadas 27 espécies e 17 gêneros, sendo 20 espécies pertencentes à subfamília Faboideae Rudd e sete à Mimosoideae DC. Os gêneros com maior número de espécies são Mimosa L. (seis)
e Desmodium Desv. (cinco). Além da lista de espécies, este trabalho fornece dados fenológicos, fotografias e chaves analíticas para identificação dos táxons.
decrease the loss of plant diversity, reduce poverty and contribute to sustainable development. To achieve this
overarching goal, the GSPC has established a series of targets, one of which is to ensure that plant diversity is
well understood, so that it can be effectively conserved and used in a sustainable manner. Brazil hosts more
than 46,000 species of plants, algae and fungi, representing one of the most biodiverse countries on Earth, and
playing a key role in the GSPC. To meet the GSPC goals of Target 1 and facilitate access to plant diversity,
Brazil committed to preparing the List of Species of the Brazilian Flora (2008–2015) and the Brazilian Flora
2020 (2016–present). Managing all the information associated with such great biodiversity has proven to be an
extremely challenging task. Here, we synthesize the history of these projects, focusing on the multidisciplinary
and collaborative approach adopted to develop and manage the inclusion of all the knowledge generated though
digital information systems. We further describe the methods used, challenges faced, and strategies adopted, as
well as summarize advances to date and prospects for completing the Brazilian flora in 2020.
do Sul state, Brazil. Field expeditions were conducted from August 2014 to September 2015. A total of 106 species
were recorded, with 6 listed in the endangered species list of the state of Rio Grande do Sul: Moquiniastrum mollissimum(Malme) G. Sancho, Trixis pallidaLess, Calea clematideaBaker, Aldama megapotamica(Malme) Magenta &
Pirani, Chromolaena angusticeps(Malme) RM King & H. Rob., and Isostigma peucedanifolium(Spreng.) Less. This
paper presents a list of recorded species from this site
sections of Briza s.l. (Briza L., Calotheca Desv., Chascolytrum Desv., Lombardochloa Roseng. & B. R. Arrill., Microbriza Parodi ex
Nicora & R´ugolo, and Poidium Nees) as well as other related genera (Brizochloa V. Jir´asek & Chrtek, Erianthecium Parodi,
Gymnachne Parodi, and Rhombolytrum Link). As a result of the morphological analysis presented here, confirmed by other studies
with molecular data, Briza is accepted with three Eurasian species, Brizochloa is accepted with one species, and a new
circumscription for the genus Chascolytrum is proposed. This new circumscription includes all the accepted South American
species that were previously assigned to the other genera cited above. Descriptions and illustrations of three species and one variety
of Briza, one species of Brizochloa, and 22 species and two varieties of Chascolytrum are provided, as well as IUCN conservation
status for most species. A new status is proposed for Briza media f. caucasica Marcow.: Briza media var. caucasica (Marcow.) Essi,
Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies. The following name is newly transferred: Chascolytrum rufum var.sparsipilosum (Roseng., B. R. Arrill.
& Izag.) Essi, Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies [[ Briza rufa var. sparsipilosa Roseng., B. R. Arrill. & Izag.]. Keys for genera and species
are also provided. Lectotypifications are provided for Briza neesii D¨oll and Briza triloba Nees.
importance to species characterization and genus taxonomy
fim de contribuir para o conhecimento da flora da região central do estado. Tal estudo se faz necessário devido à singularidade fitogeográfica da região de Santa Maria, que se encontra em uma região de tensão ecológica entre os biomas Pampa e Mata Atlântica. Por meio de coletas quinzenais, no período de agosto de 2014 a maio de 2016, foram confirmadas 27 espécies e 17 gêneros, sendo 20 espécies pertencentes à subfamília Faboideae Rudd e sete à Mimosoideae DC. Os gêneros com maior número de espécies são Mimosa L. (seis)
e Desmodium Desv. (cinco). Além da lista de espécies, este trabalho fornece dados fenológicos, fotografias e chaves analíticas para identificação dos táxons.