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Brachycerine (1), an unusual alkaloid from the leaves of Psychotria brachyceras, was characterized through spectroscopic data interpretation and its stereochemistry established by NOE difference techniques. Brachycerine (1) was found to... more
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      High Pressure Liquid ChromatographyPlant Leaves
Psychollatine is an unusual indole alkaloid produced by Psychotria umbellata Vell, an Atlantic Forest understorey tree. Leaves, young inflorescences and fruit pulp displayed high amounts of psychollatine (from 2.5 to 4.5% dry wt). Seeds... more
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      TechnologyAtlantic ForestBiochemical Systematics
Some species of Psychotria (Rubiaceae) are important in herbal medicine, where their extracts are used internally for infections of the female reproductive system, bronchitis, gastrointestinal disturbances, skin irritations, tumors,... more
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      Allium CepaMitotic Index
From leaves of Psychotria leiocarpa, an indole alkaloid was isolated to which the structure N,b-d-glucopyranosyl vincosamide (1) was assigned. This represents the first report of an N-glycosylated monoterpenoid indole alkaloid. In... more
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Psychotria umbellata Vell. (Rubiaceae), a Brazilian coastal woody species, produces umbellatine (also known as psychollatine), an analgesic indole alkaloid. An in vitro embryogenic regeneration protocol capable of yielding... more
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      Plant BiologyEcologyTree PhysiologyForestry Sciences
Species of the genus Psychotria are used for multiple purposes in Brazilian folk medicine, either as water infusions, baths or poultices. This study was aimed to evaluate the genotoxic and antiproliferative effects of infusions of... more
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      BiochemistryPlant Stem CellsBiochemistry and cell biology
O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar isolados de Trichoderma spp. visando à sobrevivência de mudas de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cv. carioca na presença de Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) De Bary, bem como a promoção de... more
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RESUMO Estudou-se a indução de calos a partir de embriões maturos de arroz (Oryza sativa L.), cultivar BR-IRGA 414, cultivados em meio MS completo com diferentes concentrações de ANA e 2,4-D (0,5; 1,0; 5,0 e 10,0mg/l), acrescida ou não de... more
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Germinação in vitro de sementes e parâmetros morfofi siológicos de microestacas de Tabernaemontana catharinensis A. DC.
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      BotanyPlant BiologyBiology
O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a riqueza, abundância e diversidade das espécies de Scarabaeidae em duas itoisionomias (campo e loresta) e veriicar se a variação sazonal ao longo do ano está relacionada com variáveis climáticas. O... more
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    • Ecology
Ries ACR, Silva VC, da Silva PG, Blochtein B, Thyssen PJ. 2016. Record of Ataenius picinus Harold, 1868 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) associated with exposed carcasses in Southern Brazil. Entomotropica 31(6): 48-53. Ataenius... more
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Polynoncus vazdemelloi Huchet & Costa-Silva new species (Coleoptera: Trogidae) from Brazil is described and illustrated with data about the natural history and geographic distribution. Comparative data between P. vazdemelloi, P. juglans... more
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      EntomologyInsect TaxonomySystematic Entomology
New advances of remote sensing techniques, allied to knowledge of algal taxonomy and their photosynthetic pigments add an important contribution to the monitoring of cyanobacterial blooms in reservoirs, with the advantage of obtaining... more
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Aim: A series of dams along the course of a river forms a complex cascading reservoir system. The interconnectivity of the dams is perceived with the reduction of turbidity and phosphorus and the increase of specific richness throughout... more
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    • Environmental Science
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      BiologyEcologyMedicineIntroduced species
1Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM Centro Regional Sul de Pesquisas Espaciais – CRS/INPE Laboratório de Geotecnologias/Departamento de Geociências 97.105-900 – Santa Maria – RS, Brasil {waterloopf; daniwbarbieri} more
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Rose: both Al-sensitive clones; and SMIC148-A and Solanum microdontum: both Al-tolerantclones), grown in a nutrient solution (pH 4.00) with 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200mg Al L -1 . Root Zn and Fe concentrations decreased linearly with the... more
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The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the oxidative stress caused by aluminum (Al) toxicity is an early symptom that can trigger root growth inhibition in Macaca (Al-sensitive) and SMIC148-A (Al-tolerant) potato clones.... more
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In order to evaluate the effect of cadmium (Cd 2þ ) toxicity on mineral nutrient accumulation in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), two cultivars named Asterix and Macaca were cultivated both in vitro and in hydroponic experiments under... more
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      Plant BiologySoil sciencesPlant Physiology and Biochemistry
In vitro growth of potato plantlets in different doses of cadmium -NOTA -RESUMO Devido, principalmente, às ações antropogênicas, tais como industrialização e uso de insumos na agricultura, os níveis de cádmio têm aumentado em muitos solos... more
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