Papers by Ernani Clarete da Silva

Revista Caatinga, 2021
The lack of knowledge of the genetic parameters and the type of gene action results in difficulti... more The lack of knowledge of the genetic parameters and the type of gene action results in difficulties to obtain varieties that combine agronomic and functional characteristics. The objective of this study was to determine the type of gene action associated with the contents of chlorophyll and agronomic characteristics in lettuce populations. The research was conducted at the Experimental Station of Vegetables, Monte Carmelo, Brazil. To perform the crosses and obtain the generations P1, P2, F1, F2, Bc1 and Bc2 the genotypes UFU-Albina#2, UFU-Albina#3, UFU-Lisa124#2#1, UFU-Crespa199#1#1 and UFU-Lisa217#5#2 were used as parents. The generations were evaluated for three characteristics: number of leaves, plant diameter and chlorophyll content. The parameters: genetic, phenotypic, environmental and additive variance, the dominance in F2, heritability in the broad and narrow-sense, the average degree of dominance based on averages, number of genes, the measure of the dominance deviations, a...

Ciência e Agrotecnologia
Understanding genetics and the gene interactions involved in the expression of certain characteri... more Understanding genetics and the gene interactions involved in the expression of certain characteristics becomes a determining factor for better exploration of its use. The development of breeding programs that combine one or more desirable trait into a single cultivar is directly impacted by this lack of knowledge of the genetic bases involved. The objective of the present study was to estimate the genetic parameters involved in pigment expression and agronomic characteristics in lettuce. Parental evaluations of lettuce, P1 (green) and P2 (purple) parental generations, the segregating generations F1 and F2, and the backcrosses Bc1 and Bc2 originating from the UFU-Crespa199#1#1 x UFU-Albina#2 crossing were evaluated. The chlorophyll and anthocyanin contents, number of leaves and plant diameter were evaluated. The study was conducted by testing all generations and the estimates obtained by averages and variances. Indications of polygenic or oligogenic inheritance were verified by the c...
Horticultura Brasileira, 2009
'Anita': a new summer lettuce cultivar suitable for protected cultivation in soil and hydroponics... more 'Anita': a new summer lettuce cultivar suitable for protected cultivation in soil and hydroponics systems 'Anita' is a lettuce cultivar (Lactuca sativa L.) of the loose-leaf group whose leaves are of intense green color. This cv. was developed in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, since 1994. "Anita" was selected by the pedigree method through crossings between commercial cultivars Vitória and Brasil 303. After evaluations done during four seasons, there were detected a head mean diameter around 55 cm, average fresh plant weight of 700 g and 55 leaves in average. Plants present resistance to Lettuce Mosaic Virus (LMV) and high resistance to bolting in the summer. In both cultivation systems, protected environment or hydroponics, plants present leaves of great size, soft and sweet.

Research, Society and Development
This work aimed to evaluate the influence of dry and wet heat processing on the antioxidant profi... more This work aimed to evaluate the influence of dry and wet heat processing on the antioxidant profile and antioxidant activity in ora-pro-nobis leaves. The leaves were collected, washed, and separated into three groups for the treatments: application of moist heat (hydrothermal cooking at 100 ºC / 4 minutes), application of dry heat (70 ºC / 8 hours), and control (raw material). The characteristics were evaluated: total soluble solids (SST), total solids (ST), pH, phenolic compounds (CPT), flavonoids (FT), anthocyanins (AT), antioxidant activity (AA). To identify the chemical profile and the chemical profile, fingerprints were obtained using PS / MS paper spray. The content of SST and ST decreased with moist heat. The CFT content increased with wet heat (12.43 ± 0.98) and decreased with dry heat (4.25 ± 0.93 g EAG 100 g-1). There was a decrease in the FT and AT content in the leaves processed with dry heat (132.67 ± 20.28 mg 100 g-1 and 19.70 ± 3.34 mg CG 100 g-1, respectively). AA de...

Blend de maracujá e capuchinha: efeito do processamento térmico sobre compostos bioativos e carac... more Blend de maracujá e capuchinha: efeito do processamento térmico sobre compostos bioativos e características sensoriais Blends elaborados com frutas e hortaliças não convencionais, como a capuchinha são alternativas de bebidas com aceitação sensorial, boas características nutricionais, além de ser opção para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Para aumentar o tempo de prateleira deste tipo de bebida são necessários processamentos térmicos, que podem causar alterações indesejáveis. Este estudo objetivou desenvolver e avaliar o efeito dos processamentos térmicos na retenção de compostos bioativos, aceitação sensorial e características físico-químicas, de blends de polpa de maracujá e flor de capuchinha. Constatou-se que os conteúdos de carotenoides variaram de 544,35 (µg/100g), para o blend in natura, até 779,92 (µg/100g) para o produto pasteurizado. O teor de fenólicos totais, não diferiu significativamente entre os tratamentos, enquanto as antocianinas foram significativamente degradadas pelo processamento térmico. Em relação às características físico-químicas, o parâmetro a* do blend pasteurizado diferiu dos demais, sendo este de maior intensidade na coloração vermelha. Os SST do blend pasteurizado (12,78°Brix) e esterilizado (12,81°Brix) foram superiores ao do blend in natura. A ATT (% ácido cítrico) foi menor no blend esterilizado, já entre os blends in natura e pasteurizado, não houve diferença significativa. O ratio diferiu em todos os tratamentos. O pH e a matéria seca não diferiram entre os tratamentos. Em relação à aceitação sensorial, o blend pasteurizado obteve as maiores médias e o esterilizado as menores. De forma geral, o blend elaborado é uma boa alternativa para desenvolvimento de novos produtos, pois possui boa aceitação e é fonte de compostos bioativos mesmo após o processamento térmico.
Papers by Ernani Clarete da Silva