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Allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts of Crinum americanum L.). In this paper we investigated the action of the allelopathic properties of aqueous extracts of Crinum americanum L. on the percentage and average time of germination and... more
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The competitive abilities of a given species are inversely proportional to its tolerance to environmental stress. Thus, in estuaries, vegetation is generally controlled by salinity and flooding in their lower limits, and by biotic drivers... more
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Identification of species with allelopathic potential has been a target of researches aiming to use them to control crop weeds. Ipomoea cairica is considered a weed with allelopathic potential, which has already been reported. The goal of... more
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    • Plant Biology
Potencial alelopático de macrófi tas aquáticas de um estuário cego 1 RESUMO (Potencial alelopático de macrófi tas aquáticas de um estuário cego). Macrófi tas aquáticas representam uma das comunidades mais produtivas e através de sua... more
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    • Plant Biology
Potencial alelopático de macrófi tas aquáticas de um estuário cego 1 RESUMO (Potencial alelopático de macrófi tas aquáticas de um estuário cego). Macrófi tas aquáticas representam uma das comunidades mais produtivas e através de sua... more
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    • Plant Biology
Resumo -O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar uma população de leveduras do filoplano de lírio de um sistema convencional de cultivo com outra de sistema integrado, além de avaliar o antagonismo da levedura Sporidiobolus pararoseus a... more
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Allelopathic substances can be used to develop weed control alternatives based on natural products. The objective of this study was to compare the phytotoxic activity of aqueous leaf extracts of Rapanea umbellata with the toxicity of a... more
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Recebido em 03.IX.2013. Aceito em 26.V.2014
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Tithonia diversifolia (Mexican sunflower) is a dominant plant of the Asteraceae family, which suggests it produces allelochemicals that interfere with the development of surrounding plants. The study described herein was conducted to... more
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Tithonia diversifolia (Mexican sunflower) is a dominant plant of the Asteraceae family, which suggests it produces allelochemicals that interfere with the development of surrounding plants. The study described herein was conducted to... more
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      ChemistryMedicinePlant LeavesMedical and Health Sciences
Allelopathic substances can be used to develop weed control alternatives based on natural products. The objective of this study was to compare the phytotoxic activity of aqueous leaf extracts of Rapanea umbellata with the toxicity of a... more
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    • Plant Anatomy
RESUMO-Este trabalho avaliou o potencial alelopático de extratos foliares e radiculares de Lafoensia glyptocarpa Koehne sobre a germinação de sementes e o crescimento de plântulas e de células do metaxilema de gergelim (Sesamum indicum... more
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    • Biology