Papers by Ricardo Oviedo Haito
Proceedings of the L Brasilian Congress of Engineering Education

Na construção civil dois agentes são os responsáveis pela materialização das obras. O primeiro de... more Na construção civil dois agentes são os responsáveis pela materialização das obras. O primeiro deles são as construtoras. Porém, a maior parte dos trabalhos nos canteiros de obras é delegada a empresas executoras de serviços de obras (EES), ou subempreiteiras, o segundo de tais agentes; em uma prática conhecida como subcontratação. Quando as EES possuem recursos e competências, ou ativos, que lhes permitem executar adequadamente os seus serviços, caracterizam um subconjunto de EES. Este subconjunto é denominado empresas de execução especializada de serviços de obras (EEE). Adicionalmente, no Brasil, a maioria das EES são micro e pequenas empresas, e muitas delas carecem dos ativos adequados para desempenhar os seus serviços. Para piorar esta situação, as EES são maiormente contratadas em condições desfavoráveis, tanto comerciais quanto na produção. Complementarmente, os resultados do setor da construção civil são produzidos por diferentes agentes que atuam nos sistemas de produção d...

As in the Industry 4.0, “servitization” and digitalization are associated with the concept of Con... more As in the Industry 4.0, “servitization” and digitalization are associated with the concept of Construction 4.0. The purpose of this paper is to discuss major challenges in the implementation of Construction 4.0 faced by the Brazilian Construction Management practices; grounded on literature review. As a result, challenges related to eleven categories were tabulated in front of four objectives: organizing construction, rationalizing construction, industrializing construction, and “servitizing” and digitalizing Construction Management. The greatest challenge lies in managing the coexistence of different stages of technologies and services, from traditional construction to smart buildings. The main contribution of this paper is the tabulation of different technologies of management, design, construction, maintenance, materials (products), etc. required to achieve Construction 4.0 performance levels.

As in the Industry 4.0, “servitization” and digitalization are associated with the concept of Con... more As in the Industry 4.0, “servitization” and digitalization are associated with the concept of Construction 4.0. The purpose of this paper is to discuss major challenges in the implementation of Construction 4.0 faced by the Brazilian Construction Management practices; grounded on literature review. As a result, challenges related to eleven categories were tabulated in front of four objectives: organizing construction, rationalizing construction, industrializing construction, and “servitizing” and digitalizing Construction Management. The greatest challenge lies in managing the coexistence of different stages of technologies and services, from traditional construction to smart buildings. The main contribution of this paper is the tabulation of different technologies of management, design, construction, maintenance, materials (products), etc. required to achieve Construction 4.0 performance levels.

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2014
This paper analyzes key issues facing subcontractors in the context of a severe economic crisis, ... more This paper analyzes key issues facing subcontractors in the context of a severe economic crisis, aiming to detect the factors that are critical for the survival of the subcontractors. While previous research efforts have analyzed factors related to subcontractor performance in regular financial conditions, there remains only sparse knowledge of how subcontractors are to survive when economic conditions become dire as they have in recent times in the Spanish construction market. In this research, in-depth interviews with managers of relevant Spanish subcontracting companies were carried out, resulting in the identification of eight factors for subcontractor survival: project delivery method, demand, financial capital, relationship assets, managerial assets, human assets, legal framework, and geographic scope. The project delivery method used by the owner and also by the main contractor is mainly based on price. As a result, the subcontractors' bids get lower, making them unsustainable in the long run. Furthermore, subcontractors do not get financial support from banks easily in order to cover their additional financial costs. These facts push subcontractors to get a guarantee of payment by the main contractor, while subcontracting companies may even ask for payments in advance. Subcontractors also seek long-term relationships with the contractor. These trusting relations are very often a prerequisite to qualify and bid for contracts. Subcontractors have to continuously improve, plan ahead and adapt quickly to the new environment. Therefore, subcontractors must remain flexible and maintain a lean hierarchical organization. Doing so makes it is easier for subcontractors to compete in both their native markets, as well as abroad. To this end, the most successful subcontractors have become international during the expansion phase of the economic cycle; many of them went abroad with the help of a contractor from their home country.

Dedico este trabalho a Deus, aos meus pais Ricardo e Nelly, aos meus irmãos Daphne e Carlos e a t... more Dedico este trabalho a Deus, aos meus pais Ricardo e Nelly, aos meus irmãos Daphne e Carlos e a todos meus familiares, em especial aos meus tios Juan e Meche (falecidos durante o processo do mestrado), e aos meus amigos, tanto àqueles que ganhei aqui quanto àqueles dos que a consecução deste sonho nos separou geograficamente, especialmente, ao Eng. Alberto Mindreau Merino. v AGRADECIMENTOS Com honra tenho a bem agradecer aos que colaboraram com este sucesso. Gostaria de expressar a minha gratidão com tantas pessoas que seria necessário mais um volume com tudo a dizer o qual, mesmo assim, seria pouco; entre eles, aos grandes amigos lá no Peru (em especial: Huguito Amable, Carlitos Arenas-meu melhor amigo-, Jano Lévano, Dante Enrique 'la furia' Quenaya, Juanchito Santana, Alfredo Pancorbo e Renato Mattos), aos meus professores desde o colegial, na faculdade, etc. Sem dúvida, nada teria conseguido sem a minha verdadeira formação como engenheiro, adquirida em Studio Arquitectos e Ingenieros SRL em Tacna-Peru (Eng. Alfredo, Fernando, Alberto e Jorge, Arq. Jorge, Yanetcita e Ximena), e nas experiências com os amigos do PET (em especial Alexander, Marcos, Andrey, Edwin e todos os 'camioneros' de obras e estúdios) e à sabedoria do Eng. Carlos Carhuavilca Mechato. Para aqueles envolvidos diretamente na elaboração desta pesquisa, gostaria de expressar a minha imensa gratidão ao Prof. Francisco Ferreira Cardoso. Qualquer qualificação é pouca para expressar a grande pessoa que Deus colocou como meu orientador, não só na experiência durante o processo de mestrado, senão pelos conselhos para a vida toda; sempre me alentando para usar toda a minha capacidade, mesmo com as dores de cabeça que isso lhe trouxe. Ao Msc. Eng. Maurício Bernardes, a quem deveria considerar como co-autor desta pesquisa. Todo um exemplo de pessoa desinteressada, quem mais me ajudou, principalmente como pessoa, durante todo o mestrado. À Profa. Mercia Maria Semesato Bottura de Barros, que sempre se preocupo por mim e me deu confiança quando mais a precisei; a minha "mãe" fora de casa. Ao Prof. Fernando Henrique Sabbatini, um grande homem, que me mostrou que devemos enxergar além do preestabelecido. Ao Prof. Silvio Burattino Melhado, quem sempre tem um sorriso a mostrar mesmo nos momentos difíceis. Ao Prof. Ubiraci Espinelli Lemes de Souza, determinante na minha formação acadêmica e pessoal. Á Profa. Márcia Terra da Silva, que cuidou cada palavra para me fazer melhor (me obrigando a passar anos desenvolvendo respostas adequada aos seus elevados questionamentos); ao Prof. Sergio Leal pelas recomendações para o processamento da base de dados. Ao Eng. Armando Salazar Ochoa, apesar da distância, sempre teve um tempo para debater e me aconselhar tanto no pessoal quanto no acadêmico, sem dúvidas, parte deste sucesso é seu. Ao Prof. vi Francisco Pérez Loayza, imensa gratidão. Também gostaria de agradecer ao Prof. Carlos Torres Formoso pelas valiosas observações e contribuições durante a defesa, cujo atendimento enriqueceu este trabalho e a competência deste pesquisador. À equipe do Projeto ABRAMAT de capacitação de mão-de-obra em 2007, com destaque para Daniel Ohnuma e Cristine de Castro, além dos Prof.

O trabalho manual, por muitas vezes aliado à falta de controle das atividades e o despreparo tant... more O trabalho manual, por muitas vezes aliado à falta de controle das atividades e o despreparo tanto de gestores quanto dos colaboradores, acaba por gerar um produto final que está muito aquém dos padrões de qualidade e desempenho. Esta situação é comum a diferentes serviços executados nas obras do Brasil e, sendo a digitalização dos serviços um dos caminhos de melhoria. Não obstante, para essa digitalização ser eficaz, precisa-se do conhecimento específico de como executar esses serviços de obra. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir com a sistematização do conhecimento para a produção de fachadas cortinas. Para tanto, um estudo de caso foi conduzido sobre a produção de uma fachada cortina em uma obra de Florianópolis (SC). Como resultado, um fluxograma e ficha de verificação de serviços para a execução para fachadas cortinas foram produzidos, englobando desde o recebimento das peças até a entrega do produto final. Tais resultados contribuem na sistematização do conhecimento na execução de fachadas cortina, viabilizando a digitalização de processos específicos vinculados com o comissionamento das fachadas cortinas.

Following a worldwide tendency of developing norms based on Performance, Brazil has begun a proce... more Following a worldwide tendency of developing norms based on Performance, Brazil has begun a process of adaptation of its building codes. In 2008, the committee of the Brazilian Standards (ABNT) approved the First Brazilian Performance Standard establishing minimum values for the Design Life of some subsystems, elements and components of five-storey buildings. The complexity of analyzing the values prescribed in the related Norm is acknowledged. Although there are some international directives on values for Service Life, it is fundamental to elaborate a detailed study considering the particular conditions of the Brazilian construction industry, realizing that Brazil counts on little information related to Service Life or Durability of building components. Due to the extension of this matter, the present work is restricted to arguing the minimum values established in the Norm for Service Life of Facade rendering, taking into account items such as: performance, weather conditions, components behavior, maintainability, life cycle costs and risks. The methodology used is an extensive literature review, analysis and proposal of minimum values for facade rendering Design Life. The results are presented in a table that shows three values for an equal number of levels for Design Life in facade rendering. The proposal presented here was widely debated by a group of specialists involved and was directed to the ABTN committee. As a result of the recommendations, such as the ones presented here, many of the draft points here discussed were modified in the final version of the norm. This work intended to demonstrate that the choice of one certain level of performance and Design Life is an option of technological investment of a society.

Sustainable energies generation, in which the photovoltaic energy generation is included, has bee... more Sustainable energies generation, in which the photovoltaic energy generation is included, has been growing expressively. This fact causes the number of construction companies that work in this area to increase, intensifying competition and forcing companies to find out solutions to get advantages over others. One area where advantages could be exploited is trench execution and cable plowing, since it is one of the longest phases in the construction of photovoltaic power plants. The goal of this study is to identify alternative methods for trench excavation and cable plowing in photovoltaic power plants in Brazil. An exploratory qualitative research was conducted. Data on executive methods were collected in the literature and in interviews. Two alternative methods were identified as advantageous over the conventional method. For example, the use of plowing method’s mechanized operations could lead to shorter schedules. It also requires less workers in the field, reducing risks of inj...

In civil construction there is a constant search for improvement. Among the ways to achieve it, t... more In civil construction there is a constant search for improvement. Among the ways to achieve it, the concept of constructability stands out. Constructability can be understood as a characteristic of a building or construction project to be easily performed. Since 1962, in Emmerson Report, this concept is growing and involving different areas of construction research. Notwithstanding, there is no consensus about the meaning of this concept, that can be associated to terms such as constructability, buildability, among others, with similar constructs but different scopes in construction life-cycle. The aim of this paper is to show the evolution of constructability knowledge in researches conducted in Brazil and other countries, specially USA, UK, Singapore and Hong Kong. To reach this aim, a bibliometric integrative review was carried out in international databases, including journals and event proceedings, and Brazilian thesis repositories. Three hundred forty-three researches mentione...
Papers by Ricardo Oviedo Haito