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      GlobalizationAnthropology of FoodFood and Nutrition
Among the millions of Brazilians who currently live abroad, nearly 5 thousand play football at the world's top clubs. This article uses an anthropological perspective to analyze the migration of these Brazilian players with successful... more
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This is a study of the ethnic and racial representations found in contemporary Brazilian television, newspaper and magazine advertising. The paper focuses in particular on advertising associated with the World Cup Soccer championships of... more
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Resumo: Através da análise de imagens publicitárias das grandes cadeias de fastfood, reflete-se sobre as características das imagens contemporâneas interrogandose sobre a possibilidade de significados ocultos ou se, como querem alguns,... more
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This article addresses one of the great issues about which global media remains silent: the rape of Muslim women by U.S. soldiers in Iraq. Contemporary mediascape is prolix. But some silences remain, such as the issue of rape during war.... more
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      WarEstudos Feministas
Brazil has turned from being a country of immigrants into becoming another of emigrants. Soccer-players currently performing in countries overseas (such as Spain) can be so regarded. Admittedly, they belong in a separate category -that of... more
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    • Anthropology
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      Eastern EuropeUrban AnthropologyMigrationGentrification
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      GlobalizationFootball (soccer)Mobility/MobilitiesCelebrity Culture
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    • Gender and Science
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    • Media Studies
This article is about the relationship between football and religion. It focuses on the recent proliferation of neo-Pentecostalism among Brazilian football players living abroad and the importance of religion in their daily lives. Serving... more
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O artigo explora a relação entre alimentação, migrações e Interculturalidade, levando em conta o cenário atual. O objetivo é destacar a alimentação em sua dimensão simbólica, como um elemento-chave de identificação dos migrantes com sua... more
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O texto expõe uma situação ocorrida no ano de 2011 no Estuário da Lagoa dos Patos (RS) que impactou as comunidades pesqueiras da região. Na ocasião, por um entendimento errôneo do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego, o pagamento de seguro... more
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      Estudios de GéneroPesca Artesanal
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      GlobalizationAnthropology of Food
RESUMO: Com este texto pretendemos problematizar como se estabelecem relações que já estão colocadas, antes mesmo de um contato entre sujeitos que se reconhecem desiguais. O contexto do futebol profissional tornou exacerbadas relações de... more
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É com grande satisfação que a Associação Brasileira de Antropologia (ABA) e o Departamento de Antropologia da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) trazem ao público o presente volume, que condensa algumas das principais... more
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      AnthropologyAntropología Social
Resumé Cet article focalise, dans le contexte de la Reforme Psychiatrique brésilienne, l'articulation et les tensions entre politiques publiques et sociales par rapport à la santé mentale, dun côté, et les expériences sociales dans... more
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