Papers by Cadernos de Tradução
Displacements: studies in the dual field of translation and anthropology

Presence versus representation, so runs the current formula that sums up the complex of questions... more Presence versus representation, so runs the current formula that sums up the complex of questions that cluster around the themes of “event” and “aesthetics”, such discussed in the context of the so-called “performative turn” not only in dance and theater studies, but also in the transdisciplinary field of cultural studies, social sciences and other disciplines. This formula calls for other semantic oppositions and their discourses on the figure of the relationship (and this is a paradoxical relationship) between Aufführung and Aufzeichnung, production and preservation, event and documentation. In this article I seek to overcome such rigid oppositions and their hierarchical structure moving towards a “soft” configuration of the relationship between them, reflecting on the question of the “art of event” in its double theoretical and performative sense, that is to say: in the tension that arises between event as art and preservation as scholarship and criticism.

As an effort to organize scattered observations and as a result of a long experience of investiga... more As an effort to organize scattered observations and as a result of a long experience of investigation of Amerindian languages spoken in Brazil, this essay deals with some aspects of the work of translation that goes through the whole process of the linguistic and ethnographic research. Once translation is understood in its widest meaning, different interrelated topics are approached, taking as the case under scrutiny the translation between Kuikuro, a Karib language spoken in the Upper Xingu region, and Portuguese. The first topic is the transformation of speeches and verbal arts coming from an oral tradition into written texts, a step that precedes any formalized interlinguistic translation. The second topic concerns the written products and the translation induced by schooling and by the demands coming from the researcher. The third and unavoidable topic is the translation work induced by the contact with missionaries. There are connections between these transmutative operations from exotic to familiar, and vice-versa, and the ‘civilizing’ pretentions of missionaries, school´s agents, and researchers, a trap ready to even the most well-meaning translators, be they Amerindian or not.
This paper discusses different modalities of translating the Evangelical Christian message, focus... more This paper discusses different modalities of translating the Evangelical Christian message, focusing on experiences reported by several indigenous protagonists (with references to a yanomami leader, a Guarani from São Paulo and some Wajãpi) that contrast with procedures recommended by missionaries.

The objective of this work is to explore the discussions begun in the Vienna Circle with what was... more The objective of this work is to explore the discussions begun in the Vienna Circle with what was called the “linguistic turn” toward anthropological work. The study opens into two levels of inquiry about the place of translation, which can be summarized in two questions: based on the categories available in anthropology, how can ‘the other’ be described? Put differently, although the ‘other’ has a language, we need our own language to say anything about it - i.e., the process of description is itself already a translation process. The second level refers to the nature of the dialogue between anthropologists from different ethnographic contexts - i.e., how to translate between anthropologies that which is already a result, on the initial level, of translation into anthropology. In other words, following a general idea present in the work of Nelson Goodman (that the world is created in the description and that each new description creates a new version of the world), what are the norms of anthropological description? Is it a way to create versions of the world? Furthermore, if the people that anthropologists study create their own versions of the world in describing them to us, how is translation carried out between the other’s versions and our versions? Following Marilyn Strathern, what others can do represents the limit of a certain language - theirs; what we can do is what represents the limit of a different language – ours. And between them, according to W. O. Quine, lies only the indeterminacy of translation

This paper investigates the translation work of D. Pedro II. Throughout his life he showed great ... more This paper investigates the translation work of D. Pedro II. Throughout his life he showed great interest in languages. He spoke German, Italian, Spanish, French, Latin, Hebrew and Tupi-Guarani. He read Greek, Arabic, Sanskrit and “Provençal”. He translated from Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, French, German, Italian and English. The aim of this research is to delineate the creative process of the translator through the Genetics Critics and the Descriptive Studies of Translation, because both of them privilege the process in relation to the final product. The main documentary sources on which this research is based on are autograph manuscripts of direct translations from Arabic, Italian, Spanish, French and Sanskrit, the Emperor's diary, in addition to letters and books from his personal library. The paper intends to rebuild not only the translator profile of D. Pedro II, his ideas and attitudes towards the translation activity, but also the study of the unique network of contacts, readings and influences proceeding from many cultures, not only Europeans, that the Emperor was able to intertwined.

"Américanité," as a concept developed and refined by literary scholars to address a certain Québé... more "Américanité," as a concept developed and refined by literary scholars to address a certain Québécois interest in writing and film, is paralleled here by the Brazilian concept "americanidade." Both evoke the "americanness" of contemporary writing in the Americas, and imply a turning away from European models and requirements toward a hybridization and a focus on movement, inter-relations, trans-cultural contacts. Translation, by definition a transcultural activity, moves these "american" texts from one language to another. In this article we study the translation of an archetypical novel of Quebec "américanité", Jacques Godbout's Une histoire américaine (1986) into Brazilian Portuguese. We examine the concepts of américanité and americanidade and hypothesize that such shared americanness will aid in the translation, or at least be recognized as the text moves from French to Portuguese. We examine the outcome of the translation from this particular perspective, and conclude that Europe in fact still intervenes as the major reference.

J.M. Arguedas collected legends and myths from Inca culture and translated some of these texts fo... more J.M. Arguedas collected legends and myths from Inca culture and translated some of these texts for Spanish. Moreover, in his literary production inserted in various ways the information collected and resorted to some translation strategies in order to lead his reader with the knowledge of the worldview of a transculturated culture. I will verify some of his works and essays anthropological how that intersection occurs between anthropology, translation, oral and written literature as ways to approach the other's culture. The Peruvian author in his latest novel, El zorro de arriba y el zorro de abajo, says that when he found "tone of life" could "pass the word to the matter of things." This shows that the language used by Arguedas, is to translate the Indian legends or to write their literary texts, has an importance as a vehicle for expression of the worldview that emphasizes heterogeneous throughout his work culminating in the experience found in Chimbote.

The article presents a reflection on the Literary Studies field, but that can also be applied to ... more The article presents a reflection on the Literary Studies field, but that can also be applied to the humanities, that tries to emphasize how theory is created and circulates now a days. Departing from the idea that for all canon change it should also follow a shift at the theoretical basis, the text diagnostic is that, although the canon was expanded during the last decades, theory did not went through a significant change, and also the dynamics of theory production/consumption did not change as it should. We still produce and export more theory (software) from the central countries and, at the same time, we consume and translate those theories in the peripheral ones. Departing from Vilém Flusser, the article concludes pointing to the need to create new transnational circular and network dialog ways, that will be able to break with the domination of northèsouth discourse. Central discourse and its importation/translation have to be substituted by a genuinely horizontal dialog with theory translation in both directions.
From the composition process of La chute du ciel, the book by Davi Kopenawa and Bruce Albert, I s... more From the composition process of La chute du ciel, the book by Davi Kopenawa and Bruce Albert, I seek to circumscribe in the tasks of the translator and of the anthropologist the reach of a formula which, by adopting diverse figures, repeatedly converts the relation into a form of unity. Alternatively, taking into account other passages of the same text where the terms resist to its dissolution into a relation, I indicate through moments of disquietness and clamor towards an eventual logic of parts as a different mode of articulation. Last but not least, I present some notes regarding the potential political effect of this distinction.
This article defends that the discourse of the translator is the inverse of the discourse of the ... more This article defends that the discourse of the translator is the inverse of the discourse of the capitalist. We present the theory of discourses of the psychoanalist Jacques Lacan: the discourse of the master, of the university, of the hysteric and of the analyst, as well as the capitalist. We develop the characteristics of the translator and his ethics of the Real, and we formally present his discourse. We oppose the discourses of the translator and of the capitalist. We conclude that the translator can question the hegemonic discourse

The aim of this article is to rescue the anthropophagy in their paradigmatic relations with trans... more The aim of this article is to rescue the anthropophagy in their paradigmatic relations with translation, and historically intends construct a continuity with the Semana de Arte Moderna of 1922 and the Manifesto Antropófago of 1928. In these sense, it’s important to see anthropophagy as a critical movement based in terms of “devouring” /”digestion”/”transformation” because if art (as an object) is at the same time a critical-theorical process and a artistical-creative one, when we translate,this act can be defined in these terms. That implies also rescue a double relation of translation, located between the “act” of translation andthe “think this translation act” in a movement based on autoreflectivity that supports the paradigm constructed in Translation Studies. The consequence is put the translator in three sites of speech : translator, critical and poiesis. In this sense, translation is defined as creative process (subject/times/space), and as a critical-theorical one
This article discusses aspects related to the contributions of the Italian writer Italo Calvino (... more This article discusses aspects related to the contributions of the Italian writer Italo Calvino (1923-1985) to the Translation Studies, through the ideas about intersemiotic translation contained in his epistolary (Lettere 1940-1985 e I libri degli altri: Lettere 1947-1981).
From the essay "Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers" by Walter Benjamin, and its connection with the book... more From the essay "Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers" by Walter Benjamin, and its connection with the book Des tours de Babel by Jacques Derrida, we seek to address translations done by Maria Gabriela Llansol from the concepts of resignation and free giving. Surrending to a translation method within the melancholic/maniac tradition, Llansol’s translation task approaches a poetic practice, having love as its opening element

The aim of this article is to discuss the translation of Indian narratives in the bhashas, the ve... more The aim of this article is to discuss the translation of Indian narratives in the bhashas, the vernacular languages of the Indian subcontinent into English through a politics and poetics of translation that gives voice and visibility to cultures that, otherwise, would be restricted to a very close range of dissemination. In this way, not only the Indian literatures of the front yard, i.e., Indian narratives written in the English of the diaspora become visible, but also the narratives of the backyard of the Indian literary tradition written in the vernacular languages. In the process the term vernacular comes under erasure in the sense that what is actually vernacularized is the English language as it becomes a vehicle through which these bhasha literatures gain visibility. To illustrate this process, the article also brings a critical reading of the short story “Thayyaal”, written in Tamil, one of the languages from the South of India.

Jorge Amado (1912-2001) is the most translated Brazilian writer and the literary figure that has ... more Jorge Amado (1912-2001) is the most translated Brazilian writer and the literary figure that has shaped the reception of Brazilian literature in the world. He is credited with opening the international literary market to the post-dictatorship generation of Brazilian writers. Yet Amado is also a controversial figure. The debate around him is sparked by what some believe is sexual and ethnic stereotyping in his post-1958 works and the reinforcement of "paternalistic "racial views. His reception therefore is mixed. For his English-language readers, he is a fascinating source of exotic and titillating narratives about the vast, unknown country of Brazil, and for Brazilians he is either a "great ambassador of Brazilian culture around the world" or a faux populist who disguises sexist and racist attitudes behind charming prose. This paper will address Amado's literary career, his unique contributions to Brazilian letters, the challenges of translating his work, and his influence on the production of a new Brazilian literature for export
This paper tackles the references made to the translation of foreign books in Brazil and its conn... more This paper tackles the references made to the translation of foreign books in Brazil and its connection with the formation and the consolidation of the Brazilian literary system, especially when it comes to the activity of both emerging and established Brazilian authors as translators and its impact on their own writing. Brazilian writings on literary criticism and literary historiography were examined in order to observe the aforementioned connections.

This article "Translation teaching in Higher Education in Macau at the Polytechnic" aims to discu... more This article "Translation teaching in Higher Education in Macau at the Polytechnic" aims to discuss the issues around teaching and learning of Chinese / Portuguese Translation in Macau, and the role played by the Macau Polytechnic Institute in translators training. For more than four centuries, Macau has been a place of intercultural contact where the Portuguese and the Chinese, now the current official languages, have coexisted and implied constant translation efforts; today, Macau is seen as an important platform between the People's Republic of China and Portuguese Speaking Countries, which has stressed the importance of translation professionals. Despite several attempts, Macau’s public higher education was only established in 1991, as well as a translation degree program; until then, and for more than a century, the translators training was held by a government department. We will discuss several curricular structures implemented over the years in the Macao Polytechnic Institute for training translators who can intermediate between Chinese and Portuguese languages and cultures growingly expanding in Macau, given the significant increase in the demand for properly trained translators/interpreters
This study analyzes the development of academic research in the field of sign language interpreta... more This study analyzes the development of academic research in the field of sign language interpretation, from 1990 to 2010. We adopted a bibliometric analysis of publications that discuss the interpretation of sign language and educational interpreting. The main purpose of this research was the survey and description of publications in international scientific journals how articulate these studies abroad with research on educational interpretation - EI in Brazil. To this end, we seek to make a crossing of international articles with references present in masters and doctoral researches in Brazil. We note that a very small number of researches make references to these articles on international EI indicating little articulation and debate with the scientific nonlocal published in journals.
Papers by Cadernos de Tradução