Papers by Munyaradzi A Dzvimbo
Scientific African, Jul 1, 2023
Handbook of Climate Change Across the Food Supply Chain

Environment, Development and Sustainability
This review aims to explore factors that enhance the sustainability of agricultural extension sys... more This review aims to explore factors that enhance the sustainability of agricultural extension systems in the traditional institution bioecosystem to deliver educational information. The study was based on a purposive sampling criterion for research articles from journal websites. One hundred and eighty-seven articles from 2015 to 2023 were reviewed. One hundred and fifty-three were double-reviewed articles from journals, twenty reports from trusted government and private websites, and fourteen web-based articles were synthesized according to the listed keywords and the overall objective. From the analysis, this study demonstrates that the literature attested to the interconnected relationship between traditional institutions and other market players, although inevitable negative consequences do occur. The findings also show that sustainability, value addition, innovation, collaboration, cooperation, and partnerships are critical factors in the extension bioecosystems in traditional institutions. This review study concludes that traditional institutions can enhance agricultural extension to provide sustainable rural development as long as the service providers harmonize the relationship with the local community to increase buy-in. Win-win commercial relations trigger value addition, innovations, collaborations, and sustainability for policy markets, politicians, researchers, and farmers.
Handbook of Climate Change Across the Food Supply Chain
COVID-19 Manifestation, Ramifications and Future Prospects for Zimbabwe, 2021

Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies
This article seeks to explore the role of higher education institutions (HEIs) in climate change ... more This article seeks to explore the role of higher education institutions (HEIs) in climate change adaptation and disaster risk management (DRM). The study is based on the qualitative desk review, thematic and document analysis and uses the theory of change to facilitate a road map for HEIs in strengthening professional human development, policy consistency in dealing with climate-induced natural disasters (CINDs) research and policies. Academic journals covering the role of HEIs in climate and disaster management in Zimbabwe were selected on google scholar. Reviewed documents include universities’ curriculum documents, government disaster policy documents and other related disaster management policy protocols. The article’s findings reflect that HEIs in Zimbabwe have been engaged in climate change education and DRM as the country and the region are prone to threats posed by extreme weather events in the form of tropical cyclones and extreme droughts. The article concludes that HEIs c...
International Journal Of All Research Writings, May 6, 2020

International Journal Of All Research Writings, Jul 24, 2020
The study established a significant relationship between Employee Voice Behaviour (EVB) and Norma... more The study established a significant relationship between Employee Voice Behaviour (EVB) and Normative Commitment (NC). A total of 43 relevant studies; 18 EVB and 25 NC studies were systematically selected from Business Source Complete, Emerald Insight, Oxford Brookes University Library Search, and Google Scholar databases. NVivo computer software was used to arrange the material, and content analysis was conducted. Nine words emerged as the most used by both sets of researchers; EVB and NC researchers. The researchers established that EVB and NC are connected by 'employees', 'relationships', 'organisational', 'study', 'results', 'psychological', 'data', 'support' and 'job/role'. Despite these words being few and other limitations associated with vigorous selection of relevant studies, the findings of this study are important and should be considered by relevant scholars and practitioners. However, future researchers should consider primary studies to establish the outcome of this study.
Journal of Urban Systems and Innovations for Resilience in Zimbabwe -JUSIRZ, 2020

In an effort to analyse the uncertainty and future of School Development Committees (SDCs) in the... more In an effort to analyse the uncertainty and future of School Development Committees (SDCs) in the Zimbabwean education system this paper offers insights on bureaucracy, governance and current situation as it relate to funding. It also explores the evolving changes in the education system which is influenced by local and global trends and demands responsiveness from the government. Hence if the SDCs are to remain relevant in the discharge of their core duty of ensuring development in their schools, they need to be very effective and adhere to the principles of servitude, accountability and transparency. Qualitative research design was adopted in undertaking this study. Out of population of twenty schools, ten schools were purposively selected for convenience and structured questionnaires were administered to the respondents. Data gathered from the structured questionnaires were analysed based on themes that emerged from the responses given. The paper concludes that the SDC body is re...

Policymakers and Governments across the world are in search of ways of tapping into the diasporic... more Policymakers and Governments across the world are in search of ways of tapping into the diasporic economy and integrating it into the mainstay economy. This has propelled countries like Ethiopia and Philippines to intervene into diaspora engagement and welfare in various ways. However, existing scholarship acknowledges that the diaspora community is not a homogeneous grouping and hence an appreciation of their profiles is of paramount importance. Despite existence of a human development cycle, accounting cycle, grief cycle, there is a diaspora development cycle which needs to be understood in order to guide the sort of intervention that a government may render in mobilizing diaspora participation. This paper therefore, attempts to define and configure 3 types of diasporas of interest: diplomatic, student and economic and detail their profile and development cycles. More so, the paper interrogates government interventions in the Philippines, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe and proffer recommen...

Climate change is an unbearable reality because climate has changed, is changing and will continu... more Climate change is an unbearable reality because climate has changed, is changing and will continue to change. As of now, the global village is just beginning to understand the potential magnitude and severity of climate change impacts on food security, not just now but for future generations. Some of the symptoms of climate change include global warming, loss of crops due to over extensive periods of drought, unpredictable rainfall patterns, melting glaciers, displaced populations seeking refuge after floods, or entire villages devastated by the implacable force of cyclones and hurricanes. It is disheartening to note that the poorest, the most vulnerable countries of the world are the hardest hit. In Zimbabwe, just like any other sub-Saharan African country agriculture as the backbone of food security depends almost entirely on rainfall, a situation which may result in it being vulnerable to climate change. This study analyses the impact of climate change induced disasters on rura...

Development Southern Africa, 2019
The article explores the urban informality dilemma in Harare through the lens of a political econ... more The article explores the urban informality dilemma in Harare through the lens of a political economy theory. It examines the typologies of urban informality, the influence of political economy on urban informalities, and informs decision-making to address the urban informality dilemma. A qualitative approach was used where secondary data were collected through document analysis and primary data from interviews with 20 purposively selected key informants. Surveys and in-depth interviews were conducted with 585 individuals engaged in informal activities. It emerged that urban informality in Harare takes on different forms and aside from the economic crisis, politics played a role in the emergence and proliferation of urban informality. The article provides insight into, and raises awareness with regard to key areas of concern on how power influences decision-making relating to urban informality. Therefore, the article provides a basis for policy formulation and institutional reforms for effective measures to curb urban informality.

Asian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 2020
This exploratory study aimed to investigate the Employee Voice Behaviours (EVB) in the African co... more This exploratory study aimed to investigate the Employee Voice Behaviours (EVB) in the African context, and Zimbabwe was chosen as a case study. A sample of 30 volunteers was used in this study and data was collected via WhatsApp social media. The structured interviews were employed to collect data. Thus, the data was collected and placed into categories as a framework. The data analysis included descriptive statistics, multiple regression, correlation and framework. The results indicated that the majority of employees in Zimbabwe present constructive voices than destructive behaviours. The findings also established that Zimbabwean workforce remains disciplined in their organisations. The study again found that the majority of people working in organisations in Zimbabwe is neither married nor have children. Also, the majority go to church and do not consume alcohol/smoke. However, besides a small sample that could have affected the outcome, this study concludes that understanding of...

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal) : Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019
This paper examines the dynamics of gender-differentiated effects of economic resilience on rural... more This paper examines the dynamics of gender-differentiated effects of economic resilience on rural livelihoods and infrastructure improvements of the Tonga people who predominantly resides in North Western Zimbabwe. The paper interrogates men and women’s empowerment as well as their roles of transforming their lives through engaging in various economic activities and infrastructural development in Mola, Nyaminyami District, Zimbabwe. This study uses a qualitative research approach which is backed by both primary and secondary data collection methods which are underpinned by mixed methods approach involving observation, focus group discussions with community members and in-depth interviews with community leaders and key stakeholders. The study proffers that while economic resilience affects both men and women, it disproportionately affects the amount of work women have to do which has a profound bearing on their ability to innovate and transform their obsolete infrastructure at their ...

Case Studies in the Environment, 2019
The study of protected area downgrading and downsizing (PADD) in Africa has largely been confined... more The study of protected area downgrading and downsizing (PADD) in Africa has largely been confined to rustic and nature reserves outside urban boundaries. This study addresses the gap in research practice and puts a focus on urban public parks, a reference to Harare Gardens, located within central Harare. The case study of this important park engaged the political ecology lenses as a basis for understanding the significance of public parks in urban environments. Operationalization of the study involved interviews with various stakeholders including the city officials and experts in urban planning and conservation, as well as observations and examination of published documents. Several lessons and observations are made. First, downsizing is mainly a result of increasing demand for urban land in Harare, which seems to be exhausted. Second, downscaling was explained through eco-development where the City of Harare sought to maximize on land-use. Third, the rationale for the PADD of Hara...

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal) : Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019
Artisanal mining communities around the world are diverse, dynamic and distinct in nature they va... more Artisanal mining communities around the world are diverse, dynamic and distinct in nature they vary from culture-to-culture, region-to-region and mine-to-mine, and change over the course of time.Women within these communities are also heterogeneous and unique; however, they tend to be engaged in specific roles throughout the world.A qualitative approach in form of a descriptive survey research design was adopted, in which purposive systematic sampling was used and qualitative data was generated. Semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect data from predominantly mining towns Kadoma, Kwekwe and Shurugwi as well surrounding areas.The sample size was compelled by the different mining areas which are a considerable distance from each other with sparsely distributed population. The focus of data collection was on women’s responsibilities in mineral processing activities range from crushing, grinding, sieving, washing and panning, to amalgamation and amalgam decomposition in the c...

Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal, 2019
This article explores the importance of education and schooling precisely, as the catalyst for th... more This article explores the importance of education and schooling precisely, as the catalyst for the development and transformation of citizens within, the African context. Historically, intellectual and citizenship education has always been seen as a western concept within the African continent. Hence, this exacerbated the myopic view that intellectual education is new as its approach in schools is often western oriented. Drawing from post-colonial theory, this study opines that though education and learning in particular have played a pivotal role in the enhancement and transformation of citizens in Africa as a whole during the post-independence era, citizenship education is not a new concept. Further, I expound and interrogate the African governments’ efforts and initiatives in fostering citizenship through learning. More so, this study points out that if we do move beyond any labelling essentialities, intellectualism has always been part and parcel of the nucleus of education amon...
Papers by Munyaradzi A Dzvimbo