University of the Free State
An evaluation of various taxonomies of English Puritanism and an updated definition of it by the author.
Alexander Carson was an influential Particular Baptist from late eighteenth and early nineteenth century Ireland. This article is a basic survey of his life and thought.
A brief survey of the eighteenth-century Irish Baptist Alexander Carson's justly famous work "Baptist: It's Mode and Subjects."
An introductory description of the apologetic methodology known as presuppositionalism as developed by Cornelius Van Til. Highlights the key areas of antithesis, point of contact, ultimate commitment and transcendental argumentation. My... more
Many Christians get caught up in the end times timetable that they forget about the encouragement that Jesus' return engenders in us now. Paul didn't lose sight of this in 1 Thessalonians; this is what I explore in this article.
An essay comparing the historiography of A. G. Dickens, Eamon Duffy, and Diarmaid MacCulloch
A basic introduction to Jonathan Edwards. This is my first published piece, written as an undergraduate in 2003.
A survey of marriage in Baptist thought, focusing on the Second London Confession, Thomas Grantham, John Gill, and Samuel Pearce.
This article is a summary of the thesis on the same subject that I completed under the supervision of Michael A. G. Haykin at Toronto Baptist Seminary. I examine the role that patristic language plays on James Ussher's treatise "Immanuel."
Answers the question: "Where did Andrew Fuller stand on the issue of closed communion?"
Chapter co-written with Michael Haykin that looks at Canadian Baptist responses to World War I.
Explores how Alexander Carson of Tobermore, Northern Ireland, defended the inspiration of Scripture using and critiquing the methods of common sense philosophy. Also provides a biographical sketch of Carson. Essay begins on page 5.
Arnold Dallimore is well-known for his two-volume biography of evangelist George Whitefield. This essay explores Dallimore's own personal biography, his growing up in impoverished conditions in Depression-era Canada, his education at... more
Forum section of Southern Baptist Journal of Theology dedicated to the subject of "George Whitefield."
Part of Credo's celebration of the tercentenary of George Whitefield's birth. Examines Whitefield's emphasis on the new birth.
Draft of a chapter on New Hampshire Baptist Otis Robinson (1764-1835) for the series in American Baptist history entitled, "A Noble Company."
An article I published on 2012, after I interviewed Mrs. Dallimore about her late husband, Arnold Dallimore, the subject of my PhD thesis.
A review I wrote as I was just getting into theological writing. This is of Douglas Vickers' introduction to apologetics.