UFS Short-Range Weather App Users Guide
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Quick Start Guide
- 3. Container-Based Quick Start Guide
- 4. Building and Running the SRW App
- 4.1. Install the HPC-Stack
- 4.2. Download the UFS SRW Application Code
- 4.3. Check Out External Components
- 4.4. Set Up the Environment and Build the Executables
- 4.5. Download and Stage the Data
- 4.6. Grid Configuration
- 4.7. Generate the Forecast Experiment
- 4.8. Run the Workflow Using Rocoto
- 4.9. Plot the Output
- 5. SRW Application Components
- 6. Install and Build the HPC-Stack
- 6.1. Install and Build the HPC-Stack in a Singularity Container
- 6.2. Non-Container HPC-Stack Installation and Build (General/Linux)
- 6.3. Install and Build HPC-Stack on MacOS
- 6.4. Installation of the HPC-Stack Prerequisites
- 6.5. Build Parameters
- 6.6. HPC-Stack Components
- 6.7. HPC-Stack Additional Notes
- 7. Input and Output Files
- 7.1. Input Files
- 7.2. Output Files
- 7.3. Downloading and Staging Input Data
- 7.3.1. Static Files
- 7.3.2. Initial Condition/Lateral Boundary Condition File Formats and Source
- 7.3.3. Initial and Lateral Boundary Condition Organization
- 7.3.4. Default Initial and Lateral Boundary Conditions
- 7.3.5. Running the App for Different Dates
- 7.3.6. Staging Initial Conditions Manually
- 7.3.7. Coexistence of Multiple Files for the Same Date
- 7.3.8. Best Practices for Conserving Disk Space and Keeping Files Safe
- 8. Limited Area Model (LAM) Grids: Predefined and User-Generated Options
- 9. Workflow Parameters: Configuring the Workflow in
- 9.1. Platform Environment
- 9.2. Parameters for Running Without a Workflow Manager
- 9.3. Cron-Associated Parameters
- 9.4. Directory Parameters
- 9.5. NCO Mode Parameters
- 9.6. Pre-Processing File Separator Parameters
- 9.7. File Name Parameters
- 9.8. Forecast Parameters
- 9.9. Model Configuration Parameters
- 9.10. METplus Parameters
- 9.11. Initial and Lateral Boundary Condition Generation Parameters
- 9.12. Base Directories for External Model Files
- 9.13. User-Staged External Model Directory and File Parameters
- 9.14. NOMADS Parameters
- 9.15. CCPP Parameter
- 9.16. Stochastic Physics Parameters
- 9.17. Predefined Grid Parameters
- 9.18. Grid Generation Parameters
- 9.19. Computational Forecast Parameters
- 9.20. Write-Component (Quilting) Parameters
- 9.21. Pre-existing Directory Parameter
- 9.22. Verbose Parameter
- 9.23. Debug Parameter
- 9.24. Rocoto Workflow Tasks
- 9.25. Workflow Task Parameters
- 9.26. Pre-Processing Parameters
- 9.27. Aerosol Climatology Parameter
- 9.28. Surface Climatology Parameter
- 9.29. Fixed File Parameters
- 9.30. Subhourly Forecast Parameters
- 9.31. Customized Post Configuration Parameters
- 9.32. Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) Parameters
- 9.33. Ensemble Model Parameters
- 9.34. Halo Blend Parameter
- 9.35. FVCOM Parameter
- 9.36. Thread Affinity Interface
- 10. Rocoto Introductory Information
- 11. Workflow End-to-End (WE2E) Tests
- 12. Graphics Generation
- 13. SRW App Contributor’s Guide
- 14. FAQ
- 15. Glossary