Fabricio Mota
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Papers by Fabricio Mota
The use of new technologies in classroom, includ in foreign language learning is becoming more and more frequent. The researches already show investigations with the use of emails, chats, blogs, hypertexts, orkut in foreign language classroom especially to develop the students' written ability. However, there is still a lack of studies concerning educational blogs in foreign language as a digital genre. This work aims characterizing educational blog as a genre under Bakhtinian perspective regarding to style. To achieve this objective, the methodology used is characterized as exploratory-descriptive with quali-quantitative base whose collected data consist in analysis of seven educational blogs. The data analysis was done using the theoretical assumptions about textual genres under Bakhtinian perspective. The main results indicate that the analyzed blogs have style that are characteristical as digital genres.
ABSTRACT: The use of new technologies in classroom, including in foreign language learning, is becoming more and more frequent. The researches already show investigations with the use of emails, chats, blogs, hypertexts, facebook in foreign language classroom especially to develop the students' written ability. However, there is still a lack of studies concerning educational blogs in foreign language as a digital genre. This work aim characterizing educational blog as a genre under Bakhtinian perspective. To achieve these objectives, the methodology used is characterized as exploratory-descriptive with qualiquantitative base whose collected data consist in analysis of seven educational blogs. The data analysis was done using the theoretical assumptions about textual genres under Bakhtinian perspective. The main results indicate that the analyzed blogs have thematic content, composition and style that are characteristical as digital genres. In conclusion of this work, suggestions are made for future researches into the use of blogs in the foreign language classroom.
destaque, apontando para novas identidades fragmentadas e múltiplas. Neste
contexto, está Boa Vista/Roraima, cenário de intensas transformações
sociais, culturais e linguísticas. Fundamentamo-nos em Hall (2006),
Woodward (2000) e Silva (2000) para tratar das relações de identidade. O
objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a relação entre linguagem e identidade,
tendo como material de análise uma reportagem veiculada em um jornal
roraimense sobre o lançamento de um CD indígena. Analisando a matéria,
notamos que, embora exista uma tendência à homogeneidade
cultural/linguística indígena, não podemos esquecer que as identidades são
fragmentadas e multifacetas.
The use of new technologies in classroom, includ in foreign language learning is becoming more and more frequent. The researches already show investigations with the use of emails, chats, blogs, hypertexts, orkut in foreign language classroom especially to develop the students' written ability. However, there is still a lack of studies concerning educational blogs in foreign language as a digital genre. This work aims characterizing educational blog as a genre under Bakhtinian perspective regarding to style. To achieve this objective, the methodology used is characterized as exploratory-descriptive with quali-quantitative base whose collected data consist in analysis of seven educational blogs. The data analysis was done using the theoretical assumptions about textual genres under Bakhtinian perspective. The main results indicate that the analyzed blogs have style that are characteristical as digital genres.
ABSTRACT: The use of new technologies in classroom, including in foreign language learning, is becoming more and more frequent. The researches already show investigations with the use of emails, chats, blogs, hypertexts, facebook in foreign language classroom especially to develop the students' written ability. However, there is still a lack of studies concerning educational blogs in foreign language as a digital genre. This work aim characterizing educational blog as a genre under Bakhtinian perspective. To achieve these objectives, the methodology used is characterized as exploratory-descriptive with qualiquantitative base whose collected data consist in analysis of seven educational blogs. The data analysis was done using the theoretical assumptions about textual genres under Bakhtinian perspective. The main results indicate that the analyzed blogs have thematic content, composition and style that are characteristical as digital genres. In conclusion of this work, suggestions are made for future researches into the use of blogs in the foreign language classroom.
destaque, apontando para novas identidades fragmentadas e múltiplas. Neste
contexto, está Boa Vista/Roraima, cenário de intensas transformações
sociais, culturais e linguísticas. Fundamentamo-nos em Hall (2006),
Woodward (2000) e Silva (2000) para tratar das relações de identidade. O
objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a relação entre linguagem e identidade,
tendo como material de análise uma reportagem veiculada em um jornal
roraimense sobre o lançamento de um CD indígena. Analisando a matéria,
notamos que, embora exista uma tendência à homogeneidade
cultural/linguística indígena, não podemos esquecer que as identidades são
fragmentadas e multifacetas.