Universidade Federal de Sergipe
História; Turismo; Museologia; Arqueologia
The article presents the need for historical archaeology in Brazil, when turning its look to the contexts of modern and contemporary times, to act in identifying, inventorying and safeguarding of cultural heritage. We will try to... more
The article presents a critical analysis of expography integrating the Holocaust Museum in Buenos Aires, this being divided into three parts: “Eichmann. Él vivió entre nosotros” ; “Imágenes de la Shoá, el Holocausto y sus resonancias en... more
The Veritas Mouseion is an Electronic Dictionary of terms museum organized from interviews with professional museological institutions for the definition, etymology and homogenization of the entries in a cloud computing environment,... more
The computational tools are evolving rapidly and continuously challenging the professionals involved in these technologies, which brings one to gain unmatched productivity and response, capable of reaching all strata of society. Today... more
Cultural cradle of Sergipe, the city of Laranjeiras known as the “Athens of Sergipe”, where they maintain a strong culture of immaterial and material, faces the challenges of the current times. The installation of a campus of UFS,... more
The article aims to share the experience of the program “Information systems, cyber culture and digitization of heritage in Sergipe: museology on the web” from the elaboration and maintenance of a web site with a digital file with oral... more
Alagoas opens its historical narrative about itself from the silence on events clashing with the vision of "harmonious society" and “without economic or social contradictions" that wants to sign for posterity. Contradicting that image,... more
The teaching of portuguese in addition to the normative Grammar is meaningful when participating in their daily life, rescues when the modes of speaking and writing of informality articulating them in a respectful and dynamic conceptions... more
relações históricas entre Brasil e França. Janaina Cardoso de Mello 1 VIDAL, Laurent; LUCA, Tania Regina de (Orgs.) Franceses no Brasil. Séculos XIX-XX. São Paulo: Editora da UNESP, 2009. 487p. O Ano da França no Brasil celebrado até... more
The work aims to develop a comparative analysis of political discourse in early nineteenth century journals, namely the Gazeta do Rio de Janeiro, the Correio Braziliense and Gazeta Idade D'Ouro do Brazil. The newspapers of the early years... more
The completion of the extension project entitled “Education, gender and sexuality: new experiences in everyday relationships between teachers and students in the State School Costa Rêgo – Arapiraca/Alagoas,” funded by PROEXT / MEC and... more
Much of the activity of the slave workers in the provinces of Pernambuco and Alagoas was focused from the colonial period to the economy of sugar, consisting of intensive metier directly related to the cultivation of land and the... more
With approximately 60 boxes containing ceramic fragments and bone splinters, quartz porcelain and faience of the 19th and 20th centuries, the archaeological collection of the Museu do Homem Sergipano (MUHSE) remains overshadowed by the... more
The musealisation in situ during the archaeological excavations search inflict the least damage to the environment, conserving cultural heritage in its original location, under the observation and participation of the population whose... more
In the first half of the nineteenth century Portugal was immersed in civil war between D. Pedro and D. Miguel by dynastic succession. In this context emerges José Joaquim Sousa Reis, Remexido, and during the civil war an important... more
The research presented in this article chose the Santa Isabel cemetery, founded in 1865, in Aracaju (SE) and Recoleta in Buenos Aires (AR), opened in 1822, as objects of comparative study of Archeology and history while interdisciplinary... more