Sergio Gomes
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Papers by Sergio Gomes
São também investigadas as inovações teórico-clínicas de Ferenczi, fundamentadas na descrição da linguagem dos gestos e dos corpos em sua relação com a técnica ativa,
elasticidade da técnica, relaxamento, neocatarse e o tato do analista. Considera-se que Ferenczi foi o primeiro autor a tentar problematizar o silêncio na psicanálise, compreendendo-o como uma linguagem e uma comunicação, além de manejá-lo tendo por referência os afetos vividos na dupla analítica.
ABSTRACT: This study aims at analyzing silence in the psychoanalytic practice as far as the contributions of the main theoretical heir to Freud, Sándor Ferenczi, are concerned. To this purpose, the author examines the referents of silence, in the metapsychological considerations of the Hungarian
psychoanalyst, such as: resistance, censorship, repression and transference/countertransference. In addition, the author investigates Ferenczi’s theoretical and clinical innovations regarding the description of the language of gestures and bodies as it relates to the active technique, elasticity technique, relaxation, neocatharsis and the analyst’s tact. Ferenczi is considered to be the first author who tried to problematize silence in psychoanalysis, assuming it as language and communication, as well as managing it from the perspective of the affections experienced by analyst and patient.
For this, I briefly reviewed the literature and I did a critical analysis of the concepts of equality and tolerance starting from the approach of Norberto Bobbio. Then I suggested that the solidarity concept is a guiding principle of the doctrine of Human Rights, starting from Richard Rorty’s assumptions.
limbs”, took most studies of Indian neurologist V. S.
Ramachandran. His work, through psychophysical
tests and functional imaging studies in patients with
“phantom limbs”, demonstrated the “neural plasticity”
or “cortical plasticity” in the adult human brain. This
paper aims to examine the construction of body image,
the inner life and the “self” from the Ramachandran
neurological approaches on the phenomenon of
“phantom limbs.” We supports the idea that although
the author presents new subjective and narrative
descriptions of mind, the subjective experience and the
construction of body image should also be explained
in terms of the body-environment or body-world
relationship, in which the role language and selfnarratives
stand out.
three major systems of thoughts. The first one, called medicalbiological
model, is pointed out from three different perspectives,
namely: the organic, the neurosensitive and the singular
perspective. All of them is based on the doctrine of vitalism. In
vitalism perspective, there is a strength or inherent to life and vital
impulse acting directly on organized matter which force or vital
impulse would result in life itself in relation to humans or animals
. The second one, the religious model, is founded on the idea of
sacredness of life and unworthy of life and are based on JudeoChristian
precepts. Finally, the third model, the legal and political,
legitimate actions preservation of life and penalty of death,
operating fractures in the two previous models. Life and death
in this model are understood from the device of law and legal
system. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the issue of euthanasia
and finitude, discussing them from a theoretical and philosophical
view, trying to show the place of negativity in human subjectivity.
It then presents some current data on euthanasia in Brazil and in
the world to finally analyze the issue through the paradigm shift
from biopolitics to tanatopolitic in Giorgio Agamben approuch.
We conclude that the advancement of medical technology has
forced more and more legal and political system to convert the
policy on the life (biopolitics) in a policy on death (tanatopolitic),
bringing as a result the need to think about: a) the management of
palliative care (orthotanasia); b) psychological support to patients
and their families; c) the institutionalization of organ donation and
e) the policy to legalize euthanasia and orthotanasia.
science to our essential identity through the body modifications in our culture. To do so, it
uses the “skin-ego “ psychoanalytical theory (Anzieu) and concludes that in current times the
subject is transforming his contemporary way of relating with oneself, the world around
him and with his own self through theexcessive use of body as an art object, as identificatory
and narcissistic models dictated by culture of the sensations and by new bioidentities
São também investigadas as inovações teórico-clínicas de Ferenczi, fundamentadas na descrição da linguagem dos gestos e dos corpos em sua relação com a técnica ativa,
elasticidade da técnica, relaxamento, neocatarse e o tato do analista. Considera-se que Ferenczi foi o primeiro autor a tentar problematizar o silêncio na psicanálise, compreendendo-o como uma linguagem e uma comunicação, além de manejá-lo tendo por referência os afetos vividos na dupla analítica.
ABSTRACT: This study aims at analyzing silence in the psychoanalytic practice as far as the contributions of the main theoretical heir to Freud, Sándor Ferenczi, are concerned. To this purpose, the author examines the referents of silence, in the metapsychological considerations of the Hungarian
psychoanalyst, such as: resistance, censorship, repression and transference/countertransference. In addition, the author investigates Ferenczi’s theoretical and clinical innovations regarding the description of the language of gestures and bodies as it relates to the active technique, elasticity technique, relaxation, neocatharsis and the analyst’s tact. Ferenczi is considered to be the first author who tried to problematize silence in psychoanalysis, assuming it as language and communication, as well as managing it from the perspective of the affections experienced by analyst and patient.
For this, I briefly reviewed the literature and I did a critical analysis of the concepts of equality and tolerance starting from the approach of Norberto Bobbio. Then I suggested that the solidarity concept is a guiding principle of the doctrine of Human Rights, starting from Richard Rorty’s assumptions.
limbs”, took most studies of Indian neurologist V. S.
Ramachandran. His work, through psychophysical
tests and functional imaging studies in patients with
“phantom limbs”, demonstrated the “neural plasticity”
or “cortical plasticity” in the adult human brain. This
paper aims to examine the construction of body image,
the inner life and the “self” from the Ramachandran
neurological approaches on the phenomenon of
“phantom limbs.” We supports the idea that although
the author presents new subjective and narrative
descriptions of mind, the subjective experience and the
construction of body image should also be explained
in terms of the body-environment or body-world
relationship, in which the role language and selfnarratives
stand out.
three major systems of thoughts. The first one, called medicalbiological
model, is pointed out from three different perspectives,
namely: the organic, the neurosensitive and the singular
perspective. All of them is based on the doctrine of vitalism. In
vitalism perspective, there is a strength or inherent to life and vital
impulse acting directly on organized matter which force or vital
impulse would result in life itself in relation to humans or animals
. The second one, the religious model, is founded on the idea of
sacredness of life and unworthy of life and are based on JudeoChristian
precepts. Finally, the third model, the legal and political,
legitimate actions preservation of life and penalty of death,
operating fractures in the two previous models. Life and death
in this model are understood from the device of law and legal
system. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the issue of euthanasia
and finitude, discussing them from a theoretical and philosophical
view, trying to show the place of negativity in human subjectivity.
It then presents some current data on euthanasia in Brazil and in
the world to finally analyze the issue through the paradigm shift
from biopolitics to tanatopolitic in Giorgio Agamben approuch.
We conclude that the advancement of medical technology has
forced more and more legal and political system to convert the
policy on the life (biopolitics) in a policy on death (tanatopolitic),
bringing as a result the need to think about: a) the management of
palliative care (orthotanasia); b) psychological support to patients
and their families; c) the institutionalization of organ donation and
e) the policy to legalize euthanasia and orthotanasia.
science to our essential identity through the body modifications in our culture. To do so, it
uses the “skin-ego “ psychoanalytical theory (Anzieu) and concludes that in current times the
subject is transforming his contemporary way of relating with oneself, the world around
him and with his own self through theexcessive use of body as an art object, as identificatory
and narcissistic models dictated by culture of the sensations and by new bioidentities