Papers by Felipe Ribeiro
XXXVIII Encontro da ANPAD, 2014
RESUMO O objetivo deste ensaio é elaborar um método para transplantação acelerativa de tecnologia... more RESUMO O objetivo deste ensaio é elaborar um método para transplantação acelerativa de tecnologias gerenciais, baseado na redução sociológica da poética oswaldiana em seu desenvolvimento histórico. Esta pesquisa exploratória é resultado de quatro anos de pesquisa bibliográfica para suportar sua conversão dialética em novo conhecimento. Assim, a revelação das seis características do modelo de redução antropofágica, a saber, devoração crítica, equilíbrio, vanguardismo, retrocesso, revolução dos gerentes e matriarcado, culminaram na elaboração das cinco atividades do método da redução antropofágica. Conclui-se que o método se diferencia pela primazia da originalidade, inserido no movimento antropofágico por promover respostas estratégicas criadoras de pressões institucionais.

RESUMO O objetivo desse trabalho é o de categorizar diferentes perfis de empreendedores imigrante... more RESUMO O objetivo desse trabalho é o de categorizar diferentes perfis de empreendedores imigrantes que são ilustrados através do conceito de personas, inspiradas em evidências empíricas. Na proposta do modelo, destaca-se o efeito do ambiente, da situação legal na entrada do país, e das conexões dos imigrantes, conformado dentro ou fora das comunidades étnicas. Aborda-se também a influência da capacitação e das experiências de trabalho, conjugadas com suas aspirações, sendo elementos condutores de seu processo decisório. As evidências foram coletadas através do estudo de casos múltiplos de empreendedores imigrantes. As trajetórias de cada imigrante pesquisado, configuram-se como a unidade de análise dos casos. A pesquisa exploratória, de cunho qualitativo, baseou-se no discurso extraído das histórias de vidas dos entrevistados, e em evidências da literatura, para elaboração das diferentes personas. Dos dados que emergiram do campo através de diversas técnicas de coleta-entrevistas em profundidade, observação participante, análise documental e surveys-foram criadas pré-codificações que delinearam as personas. De acordo com sua similaridade e representatividade foram categorizados sete tipos: cidadão global, visionário, explorador, camaleão, malandro, aventureiro e serial. As evidências recolhidas sugerem que a diferenciação entre as personas está na capacidade de combinar a ação do ambiente com o conhecimento derivado de suas comunidades étnicas, não podendo ser explicado pelo comportamento individual do empreendedor. Palavras-chave: Empresário imigrante; Caminho empreendedor; Enclave étnico 1 Recebido em 15/01/2018.
Conference Presentations by Felipe Ribeiro

EIBA Congress, 2016
Based on an exploratory single case study of a high-tech start-up of a Brazilian Jewish
entrepren... more Based on an exploratory single case study of a high-tech start-up of a Brazilian Jewish
entrepreneur established in Israel, the authors discuss the implications of the combined effects
of a high-skilled immigrant entrepreneur established with an Israeli high-tech startup
ecosystem. The study’s relevance is the enlightening of certain aspects of the controversial
debate on immigration versus the impoverishment of immigrant sending nations. The
immigrant entrepreneur, through the exploitation of these high-tech clusters co-creates
opportunities in their countries of origin. This is due to the density of their networks
establishing ties that are able to foster the creation of international new ventures. They
explore an advantageous position brought about by its international connections and levels of
knowledge and professional experience. Moreover, this provides the combination and
learning embedded in international networks, not available for native entrepreneurs (Zolin &
Schlosser, 2013).This case study challenges a necessity-based stereotype of immigrant
entrepreneurs by identifying areas in which immigrant entrepreneurs have natural competitive
advantages over native entrepreneurs, such as ethnic markets and transnational firms that
present the need for Multilanguage or Multicultural skills. Ultimately, this paper could point
out to suggestions on how countries might optimally take advantage of their immigrant
human capital.
Papers by Felipe Ribeiro
Conference Presentations by Felipe Ribeiro
entrepreneur established in Israel, the authors discuss the implications of the combined effects
of a high-skilled immigrant entrepreneur established with an Israeli high-tech startup
ecosystem. The study’s relevance is the enlightening of certain aspects of the controversial
debate on immigration versus the impoverishment of immigrant sending nations. The
immigrant entrepreneur, through the exploitation of these high-tech clusters co-creates
opportunities in their countries of origin. This is due to the density of their networks
establishing ties that are able to foster the creation of international new ventures. They
explore an advantageous position brought about by its international connections and levels of
knowledge and professional experience. Moreover, this provides the combination and
learning embedded in international networks, not available for native entrepreneurs (Zolin &
Schlosser, 2013).This case study challenges a necessity-based stereotype of immigrant
entrepreneurs by identifying areas in which immigrant entrepreneurs have natural competitive
advantages over native entrepreneurs, such as ethnic markets and transnational firms that
present the need for Multilanguage or Multicultural skills. Ultimately, this paper could point
out to suggestions on how countries might optimally take advantage of their immigrant
human capital.
entrepreneur established in Israel, the authors discuss the implications of the combined effects
of a high-skilled immigrant entrepreneur established with an Israeli high-tech startup
ecosystem. The study’s relevance is the enlightening of certain aspects of the controversial
debate on immigration versus the impoverishment of immigrant sending nations. The
immigrant entrepreneur, through the exploitation of these high-tech clusters co-creates
opportunities in their countries of origin. This is due to the density of their networks
establishing ties that are able to foster the creation of international new ventures. They
explore an advantageous position brought about by its international connections and levels of
knowledge and professional experience. Moreover, this provides the combination and
learning embedded in international networks, not available for native entrepreneurs (Zolin &
Schlosser, 2013).This case study challenges a necessity-based stereotype of immigrant
entrepreneurs by identifying areas in which immigrant entrepreneurs have natural competitive
advantages over native entrepreneurs, such as ethnic markets and transnational firms that
present the need for Multilanguage or Multicultural skills. Ultimately, this paper could point
out to suggestions on how countries might optimally take advantage of their immigrant
human capital.