Revista Gaia
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), History - Instituto de História, Laboratório de História Antiga da UFRJ
Revista associada ao Laboratório de História Antiga da UFRJ
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Papers by Revista Gaia
RESUMO: O presente artigo desenvolve uma análise comparada entre as práticas rituais mortuárias e os lamentos gregos antigos e modernos, procurando identificar pontos de contato e possíveis elementos de residualidade entre estes. Para tanto, partiu-se dos corpora de lamentos publicado por Katsanevaki (2014a/b) e Galvín (2014). Os pressupostos analíticos adotados no estudo são Lissarrague (1993), Boshnakova (2003) e Katsanevaki (2017), especialmente no emprego dos seguintes conceitos: figuração da mulher, música no mito e antropologia musical grega.
Palavras-chave: Homero; Odisseia; Comensalidade; Sacrifício; Morte; Alimentação
Abstract: The following paper aims to construct a brief analysis of the ancient Greek society, going through the VIII to V centuries BC, grounded on the hypothesis that food was used as a form of social discrimination between the community of living and the community of the dead in Greek rituals. Food and the ways it was consumed worked as an affirmation of the otherness between the two communities. This is easily precepted in the sacrifice for the dead Odysseus performs in the Odyssey. Hence, our paper investigates the binomial identity/otherness, seeking to unveil the levels of importance of food in the ancient Greek culture, presenting the notions of sacrifice and commensality.
Key-words: Homer; Odyssey; Commensality; Sacrifice; Death; Food.
Palavras-chave: mundo dos mortos – cultura visual – cerâmica ática – século V a.C. – lécitos de fundo branco.
ABSTRACT: The current paper presents a brief overview of the imagery, ideological and social construction of the world of the dead from Attic funerary pottery produced during the 5th century BC. It will be analyzed the transformations this imagery suffered considering the iconographical aspects and the modifications it produced by social and cultural agency. Charon is the main agent of this mythological-funerary iconography due to his symbolic character of host of the dead in their new world and who ensures the passage to the au-delà promoted by the funeral rites and mourning. The kingdom of the dead is represented throughout the fifth century BC through both mythological configurations and physical aspects of the coexistence between material elements of the world of the living and the world of the dead. The elaboration of a documentary corpus of these images makes possible its analysis from different approaches of the visual studies developed during the twentieth century that allow a structural and symbolic understanding and the insertion of the images in the social dynamics, considered as visual culture.
Keywords: the world of the dead – visual culture – attic pottery production – 5th century BC – white-ground lekythoi.
Abstract: This article discusses the mythological figure of the Greek hero Heracles, through representations of the death cycle and apotheosis in Attic pottery between the 6 th and 4 th centuries BC. It will be discussed the iconographic scenes of the search for the dog Cerberus in the underworld, and the introduction of the hero to Olympus led by the gods. The current research presents the main results of the description and iconographic analysis of the Greek pottery production, relating material culture interpretation with textual documentation. The main goal is to reflect on the connections between visual culture and conceptions of death and dying in ancient Greek religion, considering its Panhellenic aspect.
Abstract: In the Siluae 2.1, Statius writes about the journey to the roman's underworld trave-led by the shadow of Glaucias, a young libertus, until he reached the Elysium, where the shadows of the individuals blessed in life went. This narrative is part of the po-em's consolatory discourse, composed for the bereaved patron Atedius Melior, an aristocrat which nurtured affectivity for the deceased and organized his funeral. To understand the Siluae 2.1's discourse, we contextualized Statius' poetic related to his dialogue with the literary tradition, the characteristics of his poetry and the structure of consolations. With the author's context in perspective, the aim of this research is to analyze how underworld's deities, beings e scenarios are represented in the poem and what is the poet's consolatory intention in portraying such elements.
O presente artigo, fruto dos estudos referentes à disciplina de Cultura Clássica realizada no curso de Letras Português-Grego/UERJ tem por objetivo refletir acerca da importância da Ilíada no momento de sua produção, bem como a análise de suas mobilizações posteriores, ainda na Antiguidade, mas também para além desta. Buscamos, nesse sentido, demonstrar como a obra se fixou como um importante pilar do imaginário Ocidental, sendo fonte de inspiração tanto na arte, quanto na nossa própria forma de conceber a realidade e os papéis sociais.
Palavras-chave: Ilíada – cultura – memória – identidade
This article, the result of studies referring to the discipline of Classical Culture conducted in the course of Portuguese-Greek Letters / UERJ aims to reflect on the importance of the Iliad at the time of its production, as well as the analysis of its later mobilizations, still in antiquity. , but also beyond this. In this sense, we seek to demonstrate how the work established itself as an important pillar of the Western imagination, being a source of inspiration both in art and in our own way of conceiving reality and social roles.
Keywords: Iliad - culture - memory - identity
Abstract Child production has always been tied to power, submission, and domination of female. Therefore, being a mother is not something natural, innate in the nature of women. Historically constructed, motherhood has been ideologically shaped in different ways in different societies, considering social and cultural variations. The aim of this paper is to analyze the emphasis of motherhood in the Augustan Principate(27 BC-14 AD), besides his project of restructuring the mos maiorum, the tradition based on ancestral customs. For this, we will analyze how motherhood appeard in the architecture , literature and laws of the period.
Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão da bibliografia mais relevante sobre a figuração de cenas de rituais de sacrifício animal em vasos de cerâmica pintados da região ática do século V a.C. Há uma vasta contribuição multidisciplinar sobre o assunto, mas também uma inconsistência por parte da bibliografia especializada em relação à figuração de animais em cenas da fase chamada de "pré-sacrifício". Ao analisar a bibliografia, levando em conta os objetivos, especificidades e temática de cada obra, pude perceber que há diferentes abordagens que convergem e divergem entre si. Há múltiplos significados atribuídos aos animais figurados: ora são limitados apenas como vítimas do ritual; ora são atribuídos a eles outros significados estéticos e culturais.
Palavras-chave: Ritual de sacrifício animal; cerâmica pintada; cenas de sacrifício; figuração de animais; bibliografia.
This article aims to present a review of the most relevant bibliography on the figuration of scenes of animal sacrifice rituals in painted pottery vases in Attic region from the 5th century BC. There is a vast multidisciplinary contribution on the subject, but also an inconsistency on the part of the specialized bibliography regarding the figuration of animals in scenes of the phase called "pre-kill". Taking into account the objectives, specificities and themes of each work, I could see that there are different approaches that converge and diverge among themselves by analyzing the bibliography. There are multiple meanings attributed to the figured animals: sometimes they are limited only as victims of ritual; sometimes are attributed to them other aesthetic and cultural meanings.
Keywords: Animal sacrifice ritual; painted pottery; sacrifice scenes; figuration of animals; bibliography
Palavras-chave: Morte; Lamento; Poesia Popular Grega Moderna; Antropologia Musical; Estudos Femininos.
ABSTRACT: This article develops a comparative analysis between mortuary ritual practices and ancient and modern Greek laments, seeking to identify points of contact and possible residual elements between them. For that, it started from the corpora de lament published by Katsanevaki (2014a [1998], 2014b [1998]) and Galvín (2014). The analytical assumptions adopted in the study are Lissarrague (1993), Boshnakova (2003) and Katsanevaki (2017), especially in the use of the following concepts: figuration of women, music in myth and Greek musical anthropology.
Keywords: Death; Lament; Modern Greek Folk Poetry; Musical Anthropology; Women Studies.
Palavras-chave: Assíria, Guerra, Relevo, Ritualística, Religioso.
Abstract: This article intends to analyze the images of stone reliefs, referring to the campaigns of war implemented by the Assyrians during the first millennium BC. The stone reliefs found on the walls of the palaces were one of the most significant forms of narrative and historical expression among the Mesopotamian peoples. These reliefs are associated with a historical moment of formation of the great empire called Neo-assyrian empire. These images can legitimize the power of rulers and addirm a politics, religious and ritualistic identity. For the analysis of the images we will apply the methodological perspectives of Claude Bérard and Claude Calame, Which consists in observing the minimum formal units or representative signs of the investigated theme. The combination of signs forms minimal suscetible compounds and the combination of these an image with narrative content. It is intended to communicate something to us, a message. So nothing has been painted randomly. It has meaning.
Keywords: Assyrians; War; Relief; Ritualistc; Religious.
Abstract This article presents the concept of death within the Tibetan culture of the Buddhist school Mahayãna, presenting the processes described in the post-death by reading of the work "The Tibetan Book of the Dead", the Bardo Thodol. The main focus of the study is to present the process by which the dead is in the bardo and its process of transcendence. The death in Tibetan Buddhism also is an opportunity for the liberation of ignorance, whether in life be learning and meditate about the time of confrontation with death and its manifestations, it may have a more fluid and natural death.
Palavras-chave: estudos de recepção; estudos de gênero; masculinidade; mundo clássico.
Abstract: This paper is the result of an essay written to a class of the master in History, which was given by the PhD Ana Paula Vosne Martins. In this classes, we were supposed to write a paper in which we improved an aspect of our master’s research. In this paper, I aim, then, to theoretically deepen some questions of interest of my Master’s research, which is oriented by the PhD Renata Senna Garraffoni. In this academic stage, I am to analyze which are the relations made by the members of the Historical and Geographic Institute of Brazil about the Greco-romaine past. One hypothesis is that by bringing aspects of the classics to their presents, the intellectuals of the Institute built an image of what was human and what was an ideal man. Considering this idea, we believe that it is extremely important to be theoretically substantiated with the studies of reception of the ancient world, as well as the gender and masculinities studies. This article is structured to try to approach this themes, and in addition it has an analysis of my documents, the IHGB’s magazines.
Keywords: reception studies; gender studies; masculinity; classical world.
Palavras-Chave: Império Romano; Religião; Hibridismo; Sincretismo; Ísis; Apuleio.
Abstract: In recent years historians of the ancient Mediterranean have been increasingly debating the encounters (cultural, social, religious...) caused by the expansion of the Roman Empire. But not only the encounters, also the results of it. An example of the result of these encounters is present in the goddess Isis built by Apuleius of Madaura, in his work Metamorphoses or The Golden Ass, written in the second half of II d.C.. Thus, this article aims to analyze the representation constructed by Apuleius of the goddess Isis in his most famous work. The apuleian work chronicles the misadventures of Lucius, who, because of his curiosity about magic, ends up being metamorphosed into a donkey after an ill-fated magic practice. After going through a number of troublesome situations and crying out for divine intervention in his misfortune, Lucius is saved by the goddess Isis, who appears to him in a dream. Returning to human form, Lucius becomes a devotee of the saving goddess and is initiated into the Egyptian goddess’ mystery cult. Thus, from the constructed representation of the goddess Isis and the Isiac cults, in the book XI of the Metamorphoses, one sees a hybrid goddess, that is, able to gather in itself the functions of several other gods, showing great power. This demonstrates the complexity of the phenomenon of cultural encounter and the process of assimilation between cultures present in second century literature.
Keywords: Roman Empire; Religion; Hybridism; Syncretism; Isis; Apuleius.
RESUMO: O presente artigo desenvolve uma análise comparada entre as práticas rituais mortuárias e os lamentos gregos antigos e modernos, procurando identificar pontos de contato e possíveis elementos de residualidade entre estes. Para tanto, partiu-se dos corpora de lamentos publicado por Katsanevaki (2014a/b) e Galvín (2014). Os pressupostos analíticos adotados no estudo são Lissarrague (1993), Boshnakova (2003) e Katsanevaki (2017), especialmente no emprego dos seguintes conceitos: figuração da mulher, música no mito e antropologia musical grega.
Palavras-chave: Homero; Odisseia; Comensalidade; Sacrifício; Morte; Alimentação
Abstract: The following paper aims to construct a brief analysis of the ancient Greek society, going through the VIII to V centuries BC, grounded on the hypothesis that food was used as a form of social discrimination between the community of living and the community of the dead in Greek rituals. Food and the ways it was consumed worked as an affirmation of the otherness between the two communities. This is easily precepted in the sacrifice for the dead Odysseus performs in the Odyssey. Hence, our paper investigates the binomial identity/otherness, seeking to unveil the levels of importance of food in the ancient Greek culture, presenting the notions of sacrifice and commensality.
Key-words: Homer; Odyssey; Commensality; Sacrifice; Death; Food.
Palavras-chave: mundo dos mortos – cultura visual – cerâmica ática – século V a.C. – lécitos de fundo branco.
ABSTRACT: The current paper presents a brief overview of the imagery, ideological and social construction of the world of the dead from Attic funerary pottery produced during the 5th century BC. It will be analyzed the transformations this imagery suffered considering the iconographical aspects and the modifications it produced by social and cultural agency. Charon is the main agent of this mythological-funerary iconography due to his symbolic character of host of the dead in their new world and who ensures the passage to the au-delà promoted by the funeral rites and mourning. The kingdom of the dead is represented throughout the fifth century BC through both mythological configurations and physical aspects of the coexistence between material elements of the world of the living and the world of the dead. The elaboration of a documentary corpus of these images makes possible its analysis from different approaches of the visual studies developed during the twentieth century that allow a structural and symbolic understanding and the insertion of the images in the social dynamics, considered as visual culture.
Keywords: the world of the dead – visual culture – attic pottery production – 5th century BC – white-ground lekythoi.
Abstract: This article discusses the mythological figure of the Greek hero Heracles, through representations of the death cycle and apotheosis in Attic pottery between the 6 th and 4 th centuries BC. It will be discussed the iconographic scenes of the search for the dog Cerberus in the underworld, and the introduction of the hero to Olympus led by the gods. The current research presents the main results of the description and iconographic analysis of the Greek pottery production, relating material culture interpretation with textual documentation. The main goal is to reflect on the connections between visual culture and conceptions of death and dying in ancient Greek religion, considering its Panhellenic aspect.
Abstract: In the Siluae 2.1, Statius writes about the journey to the roman's underworld trave-led by the shadow of Glaucias, a young libertus, until he reached the Elysium, where the shadows of the individuals blessed in life went. This narrative is part of the po-em's consolatory discourse, composed for the bereaved patron Atedius Melior, an aristocrat which nurtured affectivity for the deceased and organized his funeral. To understand the Siluae 2.1's discourse, we contextualized Statius' poetic related to his dialogue with the literary tradition, the characteristics of his poetry and the structure of consolations. With the author's context in perspective, the aim of this research is to analyze how underworld's deities, beings e scenarios are represented in the poem and what is the poet's consolatory intention in portraying such elements.
O presente artigo, fruto dos estudos referentes à disciplina de Cultura Clássica realizada no curso de Letras Português-Grego/UERJ tem por objetivo refletir acerca da importância da Ilíada no momento de sua produção, bem como a análise de suas mobilizações posteriores, ainda na Antiguidade, mas também para além desta. Buscamos, nesse sentido, demonstrar como a obra se fixou como um importante pilar do imaginário Ocidental, sendo fonte de inspiração tanto na arte, quanto na nossa própria forma de conceber a realidade e os papéis sociais.
Palavras-chave: Ilíada – cultura – memória – identidade
This article, the result of studies referring to the discipline of Classical Culture conducted in the course of Portuguese-Greek Letters / UERJ aims to reflect on the importance of the Iliad at the time of its production, as well as the analysis of its later mobilizations, still in antiquity. , but also beyond this. In this sense, we seek to demonstrate how the work established itself as an important pillar of the Western imagination, being a source of inspiration both in art and in our own way of conceiving reality and social roles.
Keywords: Iliad - culture - memory - identity
Abstract Child production has always been tied to power, submission, and domination of female. Therefore, being a mother is not something natural, innate in the nature of women. Historically constructed, motherhood has been ideologically shaped in different ways in different societies, considering social and cultural variations. The aim of this paper is to analyze the emphasis of motherhood in the Augustan Principate(27 BC-14 AD), besides his project of restructuring the mos maiorum, the tradition based on ancestral customs. For this, we will analyze how motherhood appeard in the architecture , literature and laws of the period.
Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão da bibliografia mais relevante sobre a figuração de cenas de rituais de sacrifício animal em vasos de cerâmica pintados da região ática do século V a.C. Há uma vasta contribuição multidisciplinar sobre o assunto, mas também uma inconsistência por parte da bibliografia especializada em relação à figuração de animais em cenas da fase chamada de "pré-sacrifício". Ao analisar a bibliografia, levando em conta os objetivos, especificidades e temática de cada obra, pude perceber que há diferentes abordagens que convergem e divergem entre si. Há múltiplos significados atribuídos aos animais figurados: ora são limitados apenas como vítimas do ritual; ora são atribuídos a eles outros significados estéticos e culturais.
Palavras-chave: Ritual de sacrifício animal; cerâmica pintada; cenas de sacrifício; figuração de animais; bibliografia.
This article aims to present a review of the most relevant bibliography on the figuration of scenes of animal sacrifice rituals in painted pottery vases in Attic region from the 5th century BC. There is a vast multidisciplinary contribution on the subject, but also an inconsistency on the part of the specialized bibliography regarding the figuration of animals in scenes of the phase called "pre-kill". Taking into account the objectives, specificities and themes of each work, I could see that there are different approaches that converge and diverge among themselves by analyzing the bibliography. There are multiple meanings attributed to the figured animals: sometimes they are limited only as victims of ritual; sometimes are attributed to them other aesthetic and cultural meanings.
Keywords: Animal sacrifice ritual; painted pottery; sacrifice scenes; figuration of animals; bibliography
Palavras-chave: Morte; Lamento; Poesia Popular Grega Moderna; Antropologia Musical; Estudos Femininos.
ABSTRACT: This article develops a comparative analysis between mortuary ritual practices and ancient and modern Greek laments, seeking to identify points of contact and possible residual elements between them. For that, it started from the corpora de lament published by Katsanevaki (2014a [1998], 2014b [1998]) and Galvín (2014). The analytical assumptions adopted in the study are Lissarrague (1993), Boshnakova (2003) and Katsanevaki (2017), especially in the use of the following concepts: figuration of women, music in myth and Greek musical anthropology.
Keywords: Death; Lament; Modern Greek Folk Poetry; Musical Anthropology; Women Studies.
Palavras-chave: Assíria, Guerra, Relevo, Ritualística, Religioso.
Abstract: This article intends to analyze the images of stone reliefs, referring to the campaigns of war implemented by the Assyrians during the first millennium BC. The stone reliefs found on the walls of the palaces were one of the most significant forms of narrative and historical expression among the Mesopotamian peoples. These reliefs are associated with a historical moment of formation of the great empire called Neo-assyrian empire. These images can legitimize the power of rulers and addirm a politics, religious and ritualistic identity. For the analysis of the images we will apply the methodological perspectives of Claude Bérard and Claude Calame, Which consists in observing the minimum formal units or representative signs of the investigated theme. The combination of signs forms minimal suscetible compounds and the combination of these an image with narrative content. It is intended to communicate something to us, a message. So nothing has been painted randomly. It has meaning.
Keywords: Assyrians; War; Relief; Ritualistc; Religious.
Abstract This article presents the concept of death within the Tibetan culture of the Buddhist school Mahayãna, presenting the processes described in the post-death by reading of the work "The Tibetan Book of the Dead", the Bardo Thodol. The main focus of the study is to present the process by which the dead is in the bardo and its process of transcendence. The death in Tibetan Buddhism also is an opportunity for the liberation of ignorance, whether in life be learning and meditate about the time of confrontation with death and its manifestations, it may have a more fluid and natural death.
Palavras-chave: estudos de recepção; estudos de gênero; masculinidade; mundo clássico.
Abstract: This paper is the result of an essay written to a class of the master in History, which was given by the PhD Ana Paula Vosne Martins. In this classes, we were supposed to write a paper in which we improved an aspect of our master’s research. In this paper, I aim, then, to theoretically deepen some questions of interest of my Master’s research, which is oriented by the PhD Renata Senna Garraffoni. In this academic stage, I am to analyze which are the relations made by the members of the Historical and Geographic Institute of Brazil about the Greco-romaine past. One hypothesis is that by bringing aspects of the classics to their presents, the intellectuals of the Institute built an image of what was human and what was an ideal man. Considering this idea, we believe that it is extremely important to be theoretically substantiated with the studies of reception of the ancient world, as well as the gender and masculinities studies. This article is structured to try to approach this themes, and in addition it has an analysis of my documents, the IHGB’s magazines.
Keywords: reception studies; gender studies; masculinity; classical world.
Palavras-Chave: Império Romano; Religião; Hibridismo; Sincretismo; Ísis; Apuleio.
Abstract: In recent years historians of the ancient Mediterranean have been increasingly debating the encounters (cultural, social, religious...) caused by the expansion of the Roman Empire. But not only the encounters, also the results of it. An example of the result of these encounters is present in the goddess Isis built by Apuleius of Madaura, in his work Metamorphoses or The Golden Ass, written in the second half of II d.C.. Thus, this article aims to analyze the representation constructed by Apuleius of the goddess Isis in his most famous work. The apuleian work chronicles the misadventures of Lucius, who, because of his curiosity about magic, ends up being metamorphosed into a donkey after an ill-fated magic practice. After going through a number of troublesome situations and crying out for divine intervention in his misfortune, Lucius is saved by the goddess Isis, who appears to him in a dream. Returning to human form, Lucius becomes a devotee of the saving goddess and is initiated into the Egyptian goddess’ mystery cult. Thus, from the constructed representation of the goddess Isis and the Isiac cults, in the book XI of the Metamorphoses, one sees a hybrid goddess, that is, able to gather in itself the functions of several other gods, showing great power. This demonstrates the complexity of the phenomenon of cultural encounter and the process of assimilation between cultures present in second century literature.
Keywords: Roman Empire; Religion; Hybridism; Syncretism; Isis; Apuleius.