Papers by Nastassja Pugliese

Nuntius Antiquus, Jan 31, 2018
Este artigo é uma análise da influência dos paradoxos na história da filosofia e, mais especifica... more Este artigo é uma análise da influência dos paradoxos na história da filosofia e, mais especificamente, sobre como certo conjunto de paradoxos orientam as discussões metafísicas do começo da modernidade. O objetivo é mostrar que a metafísica do século XVII é marcada por três paradoxos que estão interligados. A hipótese aqui é a de que eles são versões do mesmo problema metafísico, o problema do um e do múltiplo, mas construídos segundo diferentes formulações: a teológica, a científica e a matemática. Para esse fim, essas formulações do paradoxo serão reconstruídas de acordo com o modo como estão presentes na metafísica de Spinoza, Descartes e Leibniz. Esta análise sugere que os paradoxos cumprem um papel fundamental não apenas na exposição dos problemas filosóficos da história da filosofia mas também nas investigações filosóficas. A vantagem de se apresentar os problemas filosóficos na forma de paradoxos é que eles capturam mais facilmente o intelecto, estimulando a mente a deter-se sobre eles. Palavras-chave: paradoxos; filosofia moderna; metafísica.

This Element presents the philosophical contributions of Nísia Floresta, a feminist philosopher o... more This Element presents the philosophical contributions of Nísia Floresta, a feminist philosopher of education from the 19th century in early post-colonial Brazil, who defended abolition and indigenous rights. Focusing on five central works (Direitos, Lágrima, Opúsculo, Páginas, and Woman), it shows them connected by a critique of colonialism grounded on feminist principles. Influenced by the practical Cartesianism of Poulain de la Barre through the pamphlets of Sophia, Floresta applies to the social structures the feminist principle that reason has no gender, arguing that a nation's civilizational level depends on whether natural equality is expressed in terms of social rights. Describing the suffering experienced by women, indigenous people, and the black enslaved population, she defends education as a strategy against colonialism. As such, education should aim towards physical and intellectual emancipation, restoring the lost dignity of individuals. Floresta's works thus fo...
Routledge eBooks, Mar 28, 2023
Women in the History of Philosophy and Sciences
Archai: The Origins of Western Thought, 2019
Although the works of the authors of the Golden Age of Latin Literature play an important formati... more Although the works of the authors of the Golden Age of Latin Literature play an important formative role for Early Modern philosophers, their influence in Early Modern thought is, nowadays, rarely studied. Trying to bring this topic to light once again and
We offer a critical analysis of the current role that formal logic has in the philosophy textbook... more We offer a critical analysis of the current role that formal logic has in the philosophy textbooks for Brazilian public schools. The goal is to diagnose how logic is being understood and taught,
Filosofia Unisinos, Dec 13, 2017
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.... more This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), which permits reproduction, adaptation, and distribution provided the original author and source are credited.
Revista Archai, 2018
Although the works of the authors of the Golden Age of Latin Literature play an important formati... more Although the works of the authors of the Golden Age of Latin Literature play an important formative role for Early Modern philosophers, their influence in Early Modern thought is, nowadays, rarely studied. Trying to bring this topic to light once again and
British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 2019
In chapter IX of the Principles, Anne Conway claims that her metaphysics is diametrically opposed... more In chapter IX of the Principles, Anne Conway claims that her metaphysics is diametrically opposed to those of Descartes and Spinoza. Scholars have analyzed her rejection of Cartesianism, but not her critique of Spinoza. This paper proposes that two central points of Conway's metaphysics can be understood as direct responses to Spinoza: (1) the relation between God, Christ, and the creatures in the tripartite division of being, and (2) the individuation of beings in the lowest species. I will argue that Conway, in criticizing Spinoza's identification between God and nature, defends a paradoxical monism, and that her concept of individuation is a reductio ad absurdum of Spinoza's criterion of identity in the individuation of finite modes.
Conatus Filosofia De Spinoza, 2009

Perspectiva Filosófica
O papel da lógica na filosofia é fundamentalmente metodológico já que é fazendo uso das diferente... more O papel da lógica na filosofia é fundamentalmente metodológico já que é fazendo uso das diferentes estruturas de demonstração que teses filosóficas são estabelecidas. Por isso, no contexto da prática filosófica, a lógica deve ser tomada seu sentido mais largo, abarcando tanto a lógica formal quanto a informal. Dada a variação das formas de demonstração na filosofia e dado, portanto, o uso metodológico que a filosofia faz da lógica, argumento que, neste sentido, há uma continuidade entre os métodos formais e informais de demonstração. Para mostrar esta continuidade, partirei da noção fundamental de inferência lógica para estabelecer os critérios de diferenciação entre o formal e o informal, e reconstruirei brevemente a história filosófica da lógica para mostrar suas transformações e seu distanciamento progressivo do lugar metodológico na filosofia.Finalmente, considerando a literatura recente sobre lógica formal e informal, aponto os problemas relativos à suas diferenças e, partindo ...
Imagination is characterized by Spinoza as the first kind of knowledge, and, as such, imagination... more Imagination is characterized by Spinoza as the first kind of knowledge, and, as such, imagination is a mode of thought. However, in a further mapping of the concept in the Ethics, we see that it is an activity that involves both the mind and the extended body. The standard and idealist interpretation of imagination does not account for its corporeal or extended dimension, leaving aside an important aspect of the activity. Based on the thesis of causal independency of attributes, I will argue against the traditional interpretation and demonstrate that there is an imagination of the body in Spinoza.
O que nos faz pensar, Dec 30, 2019
Partindo de duas compreensões distintas sobre a história da filosofia (Smith 2013), procurarei mo... more Partindo de duas compreensões distintas sobre a história da filosofia (Smith 2013), procurarei mostrar os benefícios pedagógicos de se indagar sobre sua natureza e função, bem como sobre os métodos a partir dos quais abordamos as obras tradicionais no contexto do ensino da filosofia para o nível superior.
ethic@ - An international Journal for Moral Philosophy
No mês de Novembro de 2017, em ocasião do Dia Mundial da Filosofia da UNESCO, a Cátedra UNESCO Ar... more No mês de Novembro de 2017, em ocasião do Dia Mundial da Filosofia da UNESCO, a Cátedra UNESCO Archai, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Metafísica da Universidade de Brasilia, organizou um hangout Unesco sobre o tema Filosofia, gênero e feminismo, do qual participaram diversxs colegas brasileirxs, especialistas do tema, acima assinadxs. A gravação integral do hangout está disponível aqui: Segue abaixo uma transcrição, revista e adaptada pelxs autorxs.

Perspectiva Filosófica , 2020
RESUMO O papel da lógica na filosofia é fundamentalmente metodológico já que é fa-zendo uso das d... more RESUMO O papel da lógica na filosofia é fundamentalmente metodológico já que é fa-zendo uso das diferentes estruturas de demonstração que teses filosóficas são estabelecidas. Dada a variedade dos modos de apresentação dos textos filosó-ficos, entendo que para que a tese do papel da lógica na filosofia-em sentido amplo-possa ser defendida, a lógica deve ser tomada sua concepção mais larga, abarcando tanto a lógica formal quanto a informal. Argumento que, mesmo considerando as várias formas de demonstração filosóficas e as diver-sas relações possíveis entre lógica e filosofia, há uma continuidade entre os métodos formais e informais de demonstração. Para mostrar esta continuida-de, partirei da noção fundamental de inferência lógica para estabelecer os critérios de diferenciação entre o formal e o informal, e reconstruirei breve-mente a história filosófica da lógica para mostrar suas transformações e seu distanciamento progressivo do lugar metodológico na filosofia. Finalmente, considerando a literatura recente sobre lógica formal e informal, aponto os problemas relativos às suas diferenças e, partindo do reconhecimento de que lógica cumpre um papel metodológico na filosofia, argumento que a lógica formal e informal são práticas que estão em continuidade e se beneficiam mutuamente. No que diz respeito ao modo como a lógica informal se benefi-cia da lógica formal, o artigo investigará as vantagens e limitações em se to-mar os sistemas de dedução natural como instrumento de análise de demons-trações em linguagem natural. No que diz respeito aos modos como a lógica formal pode se beneficiar da lógica informal, procuraremos mostrar que avanços na lógica formal decorrem, além dos esforços de formalização de provas informais, de uma análise informal das estratégias de cálculo e dos princípios segundos os quais uma certa linguagem lógica opera.
ABSTRACT The role of logic in philosophy is fundamentally methodological since it is through the usage of different demonstrative structures that philosophical theses are established. Given the variety of modes of presentation of philosophical texts, I understand that for the thesis of the methodological role of logic in philosophy - in an encompassing sense - to be defended, logic has to be taken in its most general conception, involving both formal and informal logic. I argue that, even considering the various forms of philosophical de- monstration and the various possible relationships between logic and philo- sophy, there is a continuity between formal and informal methods of de- monstration. In order to show this continuity, I will start from the fundamen- tal notion of logical inference to establish criteria for distinguishing between the formal and the informal, and I will briefly reconstruct the philosophical history of logic to show its transformations and its progressive distancing of its methodological role in philosophy. Finally, considering the recent literatu- re on formal and informal logic, I will point out problems with respect to their differences and, from the recognition that logic plays a methodological role in philosophy, I will argue that formal and informal logic are practices that are in continuity and are mutually beneficial. With respect to the way in which informal logic benefits from formal logic, the article will investigate the advantages and the limitations in taking systems of natural deduction as instruments of analysis of demonstrations in natural language. With respect to how formal logic benefits from informal logic, I will show that advances in formal logic depend upon not only efforts for formalising informal proofs, but also from an informal analysis of calculi strategies and from the princi- ples according to which a logical language operates.

PHILIA, 2020
Neste artigo-ensaio, eu mostro que a pesquisa sobre as obras escritas por mulheres na filosofia t... more Neste artigo-ensaio, eu mostro que a pesquisa sobre as obras escritas por mulheres na filosofia tem implicações práticas que interferem no nosso modo de ensinar filosofia e de vivenciar a prática filosófica acadêmica. Elaborando sobre experiências de aula recentes, pretendo mostrar que o projeto de resgate tem um cunho pedagógico na medida em que deixa explícitos viés de interpretação histórica e fenômenos sexistas da cultura acadêmica como o afunilamento e a ausência de obras escritas por mulheres em programas de cursos. Finalmente, mostro que o projeto de resgate ensina que a história tem conexões profundas com o presente e que, por isso, o espaço de criação de conteúdo da sala de aula e temas de filosofia da educação tornam-se fundamentais para o projeto de ampliação do cânone filosófico.
In this essay paper, I show that the research on the philosophical works written by women has practical implication that interfere in our way of teaching philosophy and experiencing Philosophy's academic practice. Building from recent classroom experiences, I try to show that the retrieval project has a pedagogical aspect in so far as it explicitates historical interpretation bias and sexist phenomena of the academic culture such as the leaky pipeline problem and the absence of women philosophers in course syllabi. Finally, I show that the retrieval project also shows that history has deep connections with the present and, for this reason, the space for content creation in philosophy classrooms and topics in philosophy of education become key for the project of expansion of the philosophical canon.
Papers by Nastassja Pugliese
ABSTRACT The role of logic in philosophy is fundamentally methodological since it is through the usage of different demonstrative structures that philosophical theses are established. Given the variety of modes of presentation of philosophical texts, I understand that for the thesis of the methodological role of logic in philosophy - in an encompassing sense - to be defended, logic has to be taken in its most general conception, involving both formal and informal logic. I argue that, even considering the various forms of philosophical de- monstration and the various possible relationships between logic and philo- sophy, there is a continuity between formal and informal methods of de- monstration. In order to show this continuity, I will start from the fundamen- tal notion of logical inference to establish criteria for distinguishing between the formal and the informal, and I will briefly reconstruct the philosophical history of logic to show its transformations and its progressive distancing of its methodological role in philosophy. Finally, considering the recent literatu- re on formal and informal logic, I will point out problems with respect to their differences and, from the recognition that logic plays a methodological role in philosophy, I will argue that formal and informal logic are practices that are in continuity and are mutually beneficial. With respect to the way in which informal logic benefits from formal logic, the article will investigate the advantages and the limitations in taking systems of natural deduction as instruments of analysis of demonstrations in natural language. With respect to how formal logic benefits from informal logic, I will show that advances in formal logic depend upon not only efforts for formalising informal proofs, but also from an informal analysis of calculi strategies and from the princi- ples according to which a logical language operates.
In this essay paper, I show that the research on the philosophical works written by women has practical implication that interfere in our way of teaching philosophy and experiencing Philosophy's academic practice. Building from recent classroom experiences, I try to show that the retrieval project has a pedagogical aspect in so far as it explicitates historical interpretation bias and sexist phenomena of the academic culture such as the leaky pipeline problem and the absence of women philosophers in course syllabi. Finally, I show that the retrieval project also shows that history has deep connections with the present and, for this reason, the space for content creation in philosophy classrooms and topics in philosophy of education become key for the project of expansion of the philosophical canon.
ABSTRACT The role of logic in philosophy is fundamentally methodological since it is through the usage of different demonstrative structures that philosophical theses are established. Given the variety of modes of presentation of philosophical texts, I understand that for the thesis of the methodological role of logic in philosophy - in an encompassing sense - to be defended, logic has to be taken in its most general conception, involving both formal and informal logic. I argue that, even considering the various forms of philosophical de- monstration and the various possible relationships between logic and philo- sophy, there is a continuity between formal and informal methods of de- monstration. In order to show this continuity, I will start from the fundamen- tal notion of logical inference to establish criteria for distinguishing between the formal and the informal, and I will briefly reconstruct the philosophical history of logic to show its transformations and its progressive distancing of its methodological role in philosophy. Finally, considering the recent literatu- re on formal and informal logic, I will point out problems with respect to their differences and, from the recognition that logic plays a methodological role in philosophy, I will argue that formal and informal logic are practices that are in continuity and are mutually beneficial. With respect to the way in which informal logic benefits from formal logic, the article will investigate the advantages and the limitations in taking systems of natural deduction as instruments of analysis of demonstrations in natural language. With respect to how formal logic benefits from informal logic, I will show that advances in formal logic depend upon not only efforts for formalising informal proofs, but also from an informal analysis of calculi strategies and from the princi- ples according to which a logical language operates.
In this essay paper, I show that the research on the philosophical works written by women has practical implication that interfere in our way of teaching philosophy and experiencing Philosophy's academic practice. Building from recent classroom experiences, I try to show that the retrieval project has a pedagogical aspect in so far as it explicitates historical interpretation bias and sexist phenomena of the academic culture such as the leaky pipeline problem and the absence of women philosophers in course syllabi. Finally, I show that the retrieval project also shows that history has deep connections with the present and, for this reason, the space for content creation in philosophy classrooms and topics in philosophy of education become key for the project of expansion of the philosophical canon.
based upon error and confusion even if we fortify it with Lewis’s Counterpart Theory (CT). This
is so because the thesis leads to the alleged “genuinely paradoxical” result that the property of
being identical to oneself, unlike the property of self identity, is not essential to an individual.
Plantinga is amused with the idea that he would not have existed had things been in even the
slightest way different: “Had I had an extra cornflake for breakfast I should not now exist.”
According to him, TWI implies that each individual has each of its properties essentially; a
difficulty that one cannot overcome unless TWI is rejected in toto.
Este livro apresenta-se como o resultado da contribuição de professores e pesquisadores de diversos campos da filosofia e de diferentes universidades brasileiras durante a ocasião do I Encontro “Vozes femininas na Filosofia”, ocorrido em junho de 2017, na UFRGS, em Porto Alegre, RS.
Nossa motivação parte da constatação que a área de filosofia nas universidades brasileiras sofre de uma evidente crise de representatividade: tanto nos cursos de graduação como nos programas de pós-graduação em filosofia, nos quais menos de 30 % são mulheres, entre docentes e discentes. Procura-se, por meio dos textos organizados neste volume, entender a produção e a contribuição de filósofas cujas presenças se mostram diminuídas – senão totalmente esquecidas – na história da filosofia e na atualidade. Pretende-se apreciar a importância de suas atuações em diversos ramos da área, como teoria do conhecimento, metafísica, filosofia política e teoria feminista. Busca-se, ainda, entender as dificuldades que marcam a trajetória acadêmica das mulheres: seus obstáculos institucionais, sociais e mesmo simbólicos.