Talks by Matheus O Damião
Texto apresentado no Seminário de Filosofia Antiga do Rio de Janeiro- Polytropia, 2020.
Texto apresentado no XXII Congresso da SBEC- Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos.
Texto apresentado na Jornada de Iniciação Científica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro em... more Texto apresentado na Jornada de Iniciação Científica da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro em 2015.
Papers by Matheus O Damião
Anais de Filosofia Clássica, 2018
ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is to discuss two characterizations of διαστάσεις, which are found... more ABSTRACT: The aim of this work is to discuss two characterizations of διαστάσεις, which are found united in De caelo II 2, and propose, by the end, an interpretation about the principle relation that Aristotle establishes between them. For such, we will scrutinize secondary literature, which deals with such concept, mainly Lennox (2009) and Carbone (2011, 2016).
RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir as duas caracterizações de διαστάσεις que se encontram unidas em De caelo II 2, e propor, ao final, uma interpretação sobre a relação de princípio que Aristóteles estabelece entre elas. Para tanto recorremos à literatura secundária que aborda tal conceito, sobretudo Lennox (2009) e Carbone (2011, 2016).

Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal apresentar a exposição que Aristóteles faz das δ... more Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal apresentar a exposição que Aristóteles faz das διαστάσεις no De Incessu Animalium (IA). Nesse tratado, elas são descritas através do exercício das funções anímicas específicas de cada grupo de ser vivo, estabelecendo uma relação de dependência entre as dimensões e as potências da alma que determinado ser vivo possui. Trata-se, portanto, em âmbitos mais gerais, de compreender como a função da alma de um ser vivo subordina sua estrutura, ou, em outras palavras, como a atualização efetiva de um ser vivo traz à tona a manifestação dessas dimensões. Além disso, há uma correspondência exata entre as dimensões e essas funções no corpo humano, estabelecendo-o, assim, como modelo a partir do qual os outros corpos podem ser descritos. Desse modo, os limites das dimensões são manifestos através das potências da alma, cujas distinções se encontram sobretudo no homem. Abstract: This work has as its main aim to present the exposition of the διαστάσεις that Aristotle does in De Incessu Animalium (IA). At this treatise, they are described through the exercise of the soul's functions of each group of a living being, establishing a dependent relation between the dimensions and the powers of the soul held by a given living being. Therefore, it is about understanding, in a general view, how the function of soul of a living being subordinates its structure, or, in other words, how the effective actualization of a living being brings about the manifestation of these dimensions. Moreover, there is an exact correspondence between the dimensions and these functions in the human body, setting it, thus, as a model from which the other bodies may be described. In this manner, the limits of the dimensions are manifested through the functions of the soul whose distinctions are found, above all others, in man.

This paper aims to undertake an examination of the exposition made in the aristotelian... more This paper aims to undertake an examination of the exposition made in the aristotelian treatise De Incessu Animalium about the
directional orientations above and below, right and left, front and behind) mostly from its extra, inter and intratextual context. These directional orientations seem to be directly related to the principles of movement, perception and growing. The treatise starts from the points
of origin (archai) of these functions in the animals and, from these functions, distinguish them. Therefore, functionality is established as the first value, because it is the prism through which Aristotle perceives and think the right, above and front in the animals. On that account, it is corroborated the great importance of functionality in the aristotelian philosophy. Afterwards, it will be searched if (or how) the primacy of the trinominal formed by right, above and front is related to
aspects of the greek imaginary contemporaneous with the given text.
vol. 5, n. 2 (2017) by Matheus O Damião

Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal apresentar a exposição que Aristóteles faz das δ... more Resumo: Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal apresentar a exposição que Aristóteles faz das διαστάσεις no De Incessu Animalium (IA). Nesse tratado, elas são descritas através do exercício das funções anímicas específicas de cada grupo de ser vivo, estabelecendo uma relação de dependência entre as dimensões e as potências da alma que determinado ser vivo possui. Trata-se, portanto, em âmbitos mais gerais, de compreender como a função da alma de um ser vivo subordina sua estrutura, ou, em outras palavras, como a atualização efetiva de um ser vivo traz à tona a manifestação dessas dimensões. Além disso, há uma correspondência exata entre as dimensões e essas funções no corpo humano, estabelecendo-o, assim, como modelo a partir do qual os outros corpos podem ser descritos. Desse modo, os limites das dimensões são manifestos através das potências da alma, cujas distinções se encontram sobretudo no homem.
Abstract: This work has as its main aim to present the exposition of the διαστάσεις that Aristotle does in De Incessu Animalium (IA). At this treatise, they are described through the exercise of the soul's functions of each group of a living being, establishing a dependent relation between the dimensions and the powers of the soul held by a given living being. Therefore, it is about understanding, in a general view, how the function of soul of a living being subordinates its structure, or, in other words, how the effective actualization of a living being brings about the manifestation of these dimensions. Moreover, there is an exact correspondence between the dimensions and these functions in the human body, setting it, thus, as a model from which the other bodies may be described. In this manner, the limits of the dimensions are manifested through the functions of the soul whose distinctions are found, above all others, in man.
Thesis Chapters by Matheus O Damião

O presente trabalho tem por objetivo compreender o conceito de διαστάσεις no corpus aristotelicum... more O presente trabalho tem por objetivo compreender o conceito de διαστάσεις no corpus aristotelicum. Para tanto, toma-se como pontos de partida dois contextos que apresentam duas caracterizações diferentes do conceito: o primeiro capítulo de De caelo I e o tratado zoológico De incessu animalium. No De caelo I, as διαστάσεις são entendidas como as três dimensões que definem um corpo, a saber, o comprimento, a largura e a profundidade. No De incessu animalium, no entanto, as διαστάσεις estão associadas a três pares: o alto e o baixo, a frente e a traseira, e a direita e a esquerda. Além disso, nesse tratado, Aristóteles caracteriza os pares como princípios de três potências da alma: a nutrição e crescimento, a percepção, e o deslocamento, respectivamente. Apesar da relação entre os dois tipos de caracterização não ser explicitada em nenhum dos dois contextos, em De caelo II 2, Aristóteles os une, fazendo dos três pares princípios das três dimensões. Deste modo, após investigar os contextos específicos em que cada caracterização ocorre e a passagem em que o Estagirita os relaciona, será proposta uma hipótese interpretativa que visa explicar essa relação entre, de um lado, as dimensões do corpo e, de outro, as potências da alma.
The present work has as its aim to understand the concept of διαστάσεις in the corpus aristotelicum. Hence, it takes as its starting points two contexts that present two different characterizations of the concept: the first chapter of De caelo I and the zoological treatise De incessu animalium. In De caelo I the διατάσεις are understood as the three dimensions which define a body, i.e, length, breadth and depth. In De incessu animalium, however, the διαστάσεις are associated to three pairs: up and down, front and back, and right and left. Besides, in this treatise Aristotle characterizes these pairs as the sources of three powers of the soul: nourishment and growing, perception, and locomotion, respectively. Despite of the fact that a relation between these two kinds of characterization is not made explicit in neither of the two contexts, in De caelo II 2 Aristotle unite them by making the three pairs principles of the three dimensions. Thus, after investigating the specific contexts in which each characterization occurs and the passage in which the Stagirite relate them, it will be proposed an interpretive hypothesis in order to explain this relation between, on one hand, the dimensions, and, on the other hand, the powers of the soul.
Drafts by Matheus O Damião
Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma leitura do processo de desterritorialização indíg... more Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma leitura do processo de desterritorialização indígena no Brasil e exploração irrestrita da terra como um projeto de raiz colonial e que se reconfigurou através de políticas Estatais modernas de (re)abertura ao mercado internacional por meio de diferentes políticas neoliberais. Assim, o impulso globalista ocidental que surgiu, primeiramente, com a exploração colonialista, volta, agora, frente às pressões de um mercado globalizado, para remodelar o modo de exploração ocidentalizado do solo brasileiro.
Talks by Matheus O Damião
Papers by Matheus O Damião
RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir as duas caracterizações de διαστάσεις que se encontram unidas em De caelo II 2, e propor, ao final, uma interpretação sobre a relação de princípio que Aristóteles estabelece entre elas. Para tanto recorremos à literatura secundária que aborda tal conceito, sobretudo Lennox (2009) e Carbone (2011, 2016).
directional orientations above and below, right and left, front and behind) mostly from its extra, inter and intratextual context. These directional orientations seem to be directly related to the principles of movement, perception and growing. The treatise starts from the points
of origin (archai) of these functions in the animals and, from these functions, distinguish them. Therefore, functionality is established as the first value, because it is the prism through which Aristotle perceives and think the right, above and front in the animals. On that account, it is corroborated the great importance of functionality in the aristotelian philosophy. Afterwards, it will be searched if (or how) the primacy of the trinominal formed by right, above and front is related to
aspects of the greek imaginary contemporaneous with the given text.
vol. 5, n. 2 (2017) by Matheus O Damião
Abstract: This work has as its main aim to present the exposition of the διαστάσεις that Aristotle does in De Incessu Animalium (IA). At this treatise, they are described through the exercise of the soul's functions of each group of a living being, establishing a dependent relation between the dimensions and the powers of the soul held by a given living being. Therefore, it is about understanding, in a general view, how the function of soul of a living being subordinates its structure, or, in other words, how the effective actualization of a living being brings about the manifestation of these dimensions. Moreover, there is an exact correspondence between the dimensions and these functions in the human body, setting it, thus, as a model from which the other bodies may be described. In this manner, the limits of the dimensions are manifested through the functions of the soul whose distinctions are found, above all others, in man.
Thesis Chapters by Matheus O Damião
The present work has as its aim to understand the concept of διαστάσεις in the corpus aristotelicum. Hence, it takes as its starting points two contexts that present two different characterizations of the concept: the first chapter of De caelo I and the zoological treatise De incessu animalium. In De caelo I the διατάσεις are understood as the three dimensions which define a body, i.e, length, breadth and depth. In De incessu animalium, however, the διαστάσεις are associated to three pairs: up and down, front and back, and right and left. Besides, in this treatise Aristotle characterizes these pairs as the sources of three powers of the soul: nourishment and growing, perception, and locomotion, respectively. Despite of the fact that a relation between these two kinds of characterization is not made explicit in neither of the two contexts, in De caelo II 2 Aristotle unite them by making the three pairs principles of the three dimensions. Thus, after investigating the specific contexts in which each characterization occurs and the passage in which the Stagirite relate them, it will be proposed an interpretive hypothesis in order to explain this relation between, on one hand, the dimensions, and, on the other hand, the powers of the soul.
Drafts by Matheus O Damião
RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir as duas caracterizações de διαστάσεις que se encontram unidas em De caelo II 2, e propor, ao final, uma interpretação sobre a relação de princípio que Aristóteles estabelece entre elas. Para tanto recorremos à literatura secundária que aborda tal conceito, sobretudo Lennox (2009) e Carbone (2011, 2016).
directional orientations above and below, right and left, front and behind) mostly from its extra, inter and intratextual context. These directional orientations seem to be directly related to the principles of movement, perception and growing. The treatise starts from the points
of origin (archai) of these functions in the animals and, from these functions, distinguish them. Therefore, functionality is established as the first value, because it is the prism through which Aristotle perceives and think the right, above and front in the animals. On that account, it is corroborated the great importance of functionality in the aristotelian philosophy. Afterwards, it will be searched if (or how) the primacy of the trinominal formed by right, above and front is related to
aspects of the greek imaginary contemporaneous with the given text.
Abstract: This work has as its main aim to present the exposition of the διαστάσεις that Aristotle does in De Incessu Animalium (IA). At this treatise, they are described through the exercise of the soul's functions of each group of a living being, establishing a dependent relation between the dimensions and the powers of the soul held by a given living being. Therefore, it is about understanding, in a general view, how the function of soul of a living being subordinates its structure, or, in other words, how the effective actualization of a living being brings about the manifestation of these dimensions. Moreover, there is an exact correspondence between the dimensions and these functions in the human body, setting it, thus, as a model from which the other bodies may be described. In this manner, the limits of the dimensions are manifested through the functions of the soul whose distinctions are found, above all others, in man.
The present work has as its aim to understand the concept of διαστάσεις in the corpus aristotelicum. Hence, it takes as its starting points two contexts that present two different characterizations of the concept: the first chapter of De caelo I and the zoological treatise De incessu animalium. In De caelo I the διατάσεις are understood as the three dimensions which define a body, i.e, length, breadth and depth. In De incessu animalium, however, the διαστάσεις are associated to three pairs: up and down, front and back, and right and left. Besides, in this treatise Aristotle characterizes these pairs as the sources of three powers of the soul: nourishment and growing, perception, and locomotion, respectively. Despite of the fact that a relation between these two kinds of characterization is not made explicit in neither of the two contexts, in De caelo II 2 Aristotle unite them by making the three pairs principles of the three dimensions. Thus, after investigating the specific contexts in which each characterization occurs and the passage in which the Stagirite relate them, it will be proposed an interpretive hypothesis in order to explain this relation between, on one hand, the dimensions, and, on the other hand, the powers of the soul.