Papers by R. Marie Santini

Observatorio (OBS*)
In the cultural market, the operation of which depends on the creation of intersubjective values ... more In the cultural market, the operation of which depends on the creation of intersubjective values to generate the production of consumers, the market strategies to adjust supply and demand have been historically characterised by mechanisms of social recommendation; a phenomenon that has intensified and changed on the Internet. The aim of this paper is to discuss the social conditions for the production of belief in symbolic goods and their applications in online markets. Pierre Bourdieu’s theory on the field of cultural production provides the conceptual grounding for the proposal of a theoretical study that compares traditional instances of symbolic goods recommendation and today’s online recommender systems. This analysis diagnoses the transformation of social processes of influence on online cultural consumption through collaborative filtering and identifies relevant topics for future research in the domain of cultural goods e-commerce.
Brazil, 2017
Abstract This chapter examines possible relationships between use of social media in online mobil... more Abstract This chapter examines possible relationships between use of social media in online mobilization and mainstream print media coverage during the June 2013 protests in Brazil, a series of demonstrations which happened throughout the country initially around bus ticket prices. In order to develop the research, we compared news from leading Brazilian newspapers (O Globo, Folha de S. Paulo, Estadao, and O Dia) with the activities of most influential Twitter users in the dissemination of messages about these events in the country during the period from June 01 to 30, 2013. The results show trends in the emerging dynamics of social organization that may indicate the role of old and new media in today’s Brazilian politics. The research analyzed the extent to which the events occurring on the streets shaped and/or reflected user-generated social media content.

This article analyzes social relations among the most influential people in the contemporary art ... more This article analyzes social relations among the most influential people in the contemporary art field. It tests the hypothesis of whether commercial connections can be an index of the relations of influence and legitimacy in the visual art world and whether these relations affect the cultural capital they possess and the position they occupy in the field. The Power 100 ranking – a guide to the most influential figures in contemporary art – and the commercial relations among the people listed were used to design six ego networks. Data regarding the social connections was collected from the Artsy online platform. The article identifies the mechanisms of social legitimation and artistic influence, as well as the cultural and social implications of social networks in the contemporary artistic field, now perceived in digital environments. A ESTRUTURA DO CAPITAL SOCIAL NO CAMPO ARTÍSTICO CONTEMPORÂNEO: AS LÓGICAS DE LEGITIMAÇÃO E PRESTÍGIO NAS REDES EGO DA POWER 100 Resumo Este artigo a...

Muito vem se discutindo sobre igualdade de gênero e garantia de direitos para as mulheres em todo... more Muito vem se discutindo sobre igualdade de gênero e garantia de direitos para as mulheres em todo o mundo, mas o ano de 2015 foi decisivo para a construção de uma nova narrativa sobre os movimentos feministas na mídia, especialmente no Brasil. Esse ano é marcado por dois fatos sociais importantes. Por um lado, destaca-se a divulgação do “Mapa da Violência” de 2012 a 2015, que revelou dados atuais e inéditos sobre a realidade do feminicídio no nosso país. Por outro, iniciativas online questionaram tabus femininos que há décadas são pouco debatidos publicamente no Brasil pelos cidadãos e cidadãs comuns. Diante desse cenário, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a nova dinâmica dos movimentos sociais na chamada sociedade em rede a partir da mobilização das mulheres brasileiras nas redes sociais, onde o alcance das mensagens extrapola os domínios da vida social e cotidiana dos indivíduos diretamente envolvidos para infinitas redes de informação online. Para tal, foi realizado o estu...

OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives, 2011
PurposeThis paper aims to discuss how collaborative classification works in online music informat... more PurposeThis paper aims to discuss how collaborative classification works in online music information retrieval systems and its impacts on the construction, fixation and orientation of the social uses of popular music on the internet.Design/methodology/approachUsing a comparative method, the paper examines the logic behind music classification in Recommender Systems by studying the case of, one of the most popular web sites of this type on the web. Data collected about users' ritual classifications are compared with the classification used by the music industry, represented by the AllMusic web site.FindingsThe paper identifies the differences between the criteria used for the collaborative classification of popular music, which is defined by users, and the traditional standards of commercial classification, used by the cultural industries, and discusses why commercial and non‐commercial classification methods vary.Practical implicationsCollaborative ritual classification ...

Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 2019
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic literature review of empirical studi... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic literature review of empirical studies into online platforms for political participation. The objective was to diagnose the relationship between different types of digital participatory platforms, the real possibilities of participation generated by those initiatives and the impact of such participation on the decision-making process of governmental representatives. Design/methodology/approach A systematic literature review was conducted using pre-defined terms, expressions and criteria. A total of 434 articles from 1995 to 2015 were gathered from the Web of Science database. And, 32 studies were selected from those articles for meta-synthesis, and the cases investigated were evaluated according to the e-participation ladder model (Smyth, 2001). Findings The results indicated that online political participation worldwide remains timid both in quantity and quality. We have witnessed the growth of a kind of “rhetorical parti...

Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics In Society, 2019
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic literature review of empirical studi... more Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to present a systematic literature review of empirical studies into online platforms for political participation. The objective was to diagnose the relationship between different types of digital participatory platforms, the real possibilities of participation generated by those initiatives and the impact of such participation on the decision-making process of governmental representatives. Design/methodology/approach-A systematic literature review was conducted using pre-defined terms, expressions and criteria. A total of 434 articles from 1995 to 2015 were gathered from the Web of Science database. And, 32 studies were selected from those articles for meta-synthesis, and the cases investigated were evaluated according to the e-participation ladder model (Smyth, 2001). Findings-The results indicated that online political participation worldwide remains timid both in quantity and quality. We have witnessed the growth of a kind of "rhetorical participation" promoted by policy-makers and the rise of a "participatory despotism", in which only the privileged partake, while the majority remains silent. Practical implications-The solutions found to promote increased participation and ensure its effectiveness ranged from shaping the platform design in accordance with citizens' capacities and interests to a need for profound political-administrative change, which includes the world's public agencies adopting a more transparent, inclusive and collaborative approach to decision-making. Originality/value-This paper proposes a systematic review, mapping the studies on online platforms for political participation, analysing the questions, methods and conclusions found by the authors and evaluating each case study with a participation ladder.
Transinformação, 2013

Este libro aborda la infl uencia de Internet en la televisión. La cadena de valor tradicional ha ... more Este libro aborda la infl uencia de Internet en la televisión. La cadena de valor tradicional ha "saltado por los aires", de manera que comienzan a emerger nuevas formas de televisión que implican, por primera vez, la colaboración de los usuarios. La soñada interactividad de décadas pasadas se transforma en participación. Los "nativos digitales" quieren votar, participar, intercambiar, colaborar, mezclar y distribuir, etc., pero también quieren etiquetar (tag-etizar) programas y películas. La televisión puede convertirse en una maraña de programas que viajan por la red de acuerdo a las etiquetas de unos usuarios que ayudan a otros a encontrar lo que quieren. El aforismo the tag is the medium puede ser una realidad en la próxima década, pero plantea importantes interrogantes en el presente. No es probable que la televisión de masas acabe siendo una televisión a la carta. La web 2.0 ha derribado el concepto de "mi televisión", propio de la "", para sustituirlo por el de "nuestra televisión". Esa transformación presenta importantes problemas. La industria ve el peligro de "canibalización" de sus ingresos actuales, pues los modelos de negocio que surgen en la red no son rentables. Este libro analiza los factores que están infl uyendo en ese cambio, poniendo en evidencia las contradicciones de la "cyberutopía" que considera la red un entorno horizontal de libertad donde no existe la propiedad y que es neutral respecto a los contenidos que circulan, de manera que es posible otro tipo de ocio y comunicación de acceso gratuito e intercambio libre, ajeno a los intereses de las empresas tradicionales. Las implicaciones sociales y económicas de esa mutación conforman el hilo discursivo de este libro, que solo pretende añadir un punto de vista crítico sobre las "nuevas televisiones" o formas de ocio audiovisual que se están desarrollando en la actualidad con la misión de aportar argumentos para el debate sobre cómo será la televisión del futuro. El sector audiovisual lo necesita. La televisión etiquetada: nuevas audiencias, nuevos negocios José María Álvarez Monzoncillo La teLevisión etiQUetaDa. nUevas aUDienCias, nUevOs neGOCiOs ColeCCión Fundación Telefónica La teLevisión etiQUetaDa. nUevas aUDienCias, nUevOs neGOCiOs Coordinador:
As dimensões sociais dos gêneros musicais: porque os sistemas de classificação comercial e não co... more As dimensões sociais dos gêneros musicais: porque os sistemas de classificação comercial e não comercial variam

Resumo: Muito vem se discutindo sobre igualdade de gênero e garantia de direitos para as mulhere... more Resumo: Muito vem se discutindo sobre igualdade de gênero e garantia de direitos para as mulheres em todo o mundo, mas o ano de 2015 foi decisivo para a construção de uma nova narrativa sobre os movimentos feministas na mídia, especialmente no Brasil. Esse ano é marcado por dois fatos sociais importantes. Por um lado, destaca-se a divulgação do " Mapa da Violência " de 2012 a 2015, que revelou dados atuais e inéditos sobre a realidade do feminicídio no nosso país. Por outro, iniciativas online questionaram tabus femininos que há décadas são pouco debatidos publicamente no Brasil pelos cidadãos e cidadãs comuns. Diante desse cenário, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a nova dinâmica dos movimentos sociais na chamada sociedade em rede a partir da mobilização das mulheres brasileiras nas redes sociais, onde o alcance das mensagens extrapola os domínios da vida social e cotidiana dos indivíduos diretamente envolvidos para infinitas redes de informação online. Para tal, foi realizado o estudo de caso da hashtag #primeiroassedio através dos dados extraídos da rede social Twitter relacionados à campanha online ocorrida no Brasil em 2015, que foram interpretados e discutidos à luz da literatura sobre Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS ou SNA-Social Network Analysis). Os resultados encontrados indicam que a nova dinâmica dos movimentos sociais em redes online permite que um perfil com pouca ou nenhuma visibilidade midiática aparente, como o @thinkolga, pode criar uma campanha de ação política e obter grande repercussão entre os usuários destas redes. Este novo fenômeno social pode apontar para uma possível atualização da tradicional teoria da espiral do silêncio na medida em que considera o efeito mútuo dos meios de comunicação de massa e das mídias sociais na formação da opinião pública. Palavras-chave Movimentos sociais. Feminismo 2.0. Redes sociais online. #primeiroassedio. Twitter. Abstract Much has been discussed on gender equality and guarantee of rights for women around the world, but the year 2015 was decisive for the construction of a new narrative about the feminist movement thought the media, especially in Brazil. This year is marked by two important social facts. First, we would like to stress the publication of "Map of Violence" from 2012 to 2015 that revealed current and new data on the reality of

The use of Information and Communication Technologies can be seen as an important factor for soci... more The use of Information and Communication Technologies can be seen as an important factor for social inclusion in its different aspects -economic, social, relational and informational, among others. Inclusion potentiality is even more relevant for groups of people who face limiting life conditions which determine social barriers. This study investigated the social support offered to people with disabilities based on the social network analysis method. The research objective was to make the online support dynamics for low vision people, friends and relatives evident, having as case study the Facebook Low Vision group. The social network modelling and quantitative analysis were performed from user data collection, posts, comments and likes. Contents were classified according to the type of support (Emotional or Instrumental) and according to its intention (Offered or Requested), represented in graphs as indicators for analysis. Results pointed towards a larger use rate of Instrumental and Offered support although a more intense and comprehensive exchange of Emotional and Requested support was found. Data collection limitations indicate the need for more empirical studies on the social use of socio-technical networks for different types of social support. This theme points to a research agenda about the role of information and communication technologies as a possible condition for inclusion, life quality and well-being of people with disabilities.

This article analyzes social relations among the most influential people in the contemporary art ... more This article analyzes social relations among the most influential people in the contemporary art field. It tests the hypothesis of whether commercial connections can be an index of the relations of influence and legitimacy in the visual art world and whether these relations affect the cultural capital they possess and the position they occupy in the field. The Power 100 ranking – a guide to the most influential figures in contemporary art – and the commercial relations among the people listed were used to design six ego networks. Data regarding the social connections was collected from the Artsy online platform. The article identifies the mechanisms of social legitimation and artistic influence, as well as the cultural and social implications of social networks in the contemporary artistic field, now perceived in digital environments. Resumo Este artigo analisa as relações sociais entre as pessoas mais influentes no campo da arte contemporânea. Ele testa a hipótese de as ligações comerciais poderem ser um índice das relações de influência e legitimidade no mundo das artes visuais, e se essas relações afetam o capital cultural que essas pessoas possuem e a posição que ocupam no campo. O ranking Power 100 – um guia das figuras mais influentes na arte contemporânea – e as relações comerciais entre as pessoas listadas foram usados para criar seis redes ego. Dados relativos às conexões sociais foram coletados na plataforma on-line Artsy. O artigo identifica os mecanismos de legitimação social e influência artística, bem como as implicações culturais e sociais das redes sociais no campo artístico contemporâneo, agora percebidos em ambientes digitais.

Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir a construção social dos corpos enquanto esquemas de... more Resumo Este artigo tem como objetivo discutir a construção social dos corpos enquanto esquemas de percepção, de pensamento e de ação à custa da acentuação de certas diferenças e do obscurecimento de certas semelhanças entre homens e mulheres. A questão que per-meia este artigo é, primeiramente, diagnosticar os discursos que consolidam uma sexualidade e uma subjetividade dominantes entre homens e mulheres a partir de uma construção social falologocêntrica dos corpos à luz da teoria social do poder simbólico de Pierre Bourdieu. Em seguida, propomos pensar como a fi losofi a de Deleuze & Guattari pode tomar parte no interior desta discussão na medida em que propõe a noção de devir-mulher como chave para o aniquilamento do pensamento dualista e a transformação do que somos, enquanto devir-revolucionário, e para a criação de novos modos de existência. Palavras-chave: Corpo. Sexualidade. Devir-Mulher. Pierre Bourdieu. Gilles Deleuze. Felix Guattari. Abstract This article aims to discuss the social construction of bodies as schemes of perception, thought and action at the expense of the ac-centuation of certain differences and obfuscation certain similarities between men and women. The question that permeates this work is to fi rst diagnose the discourses that consolidate a sexuality and a dominant subjectivity of men and women from a falologocentric social construction of bodies in the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu' social theory of symbolic power. Then we propose to think in which way the philosophy of Deleuze & Guattari can take part within this discussion, so far as they propose the notion of becoming woman as a key to the annihilation of dualistic thinking and to the transformation of who we are, while becoming-revolutionary, and the creation of new modes of existence.

Resumo: Este artigo discute o processo de " produção de valor simbólico " de obras e artistas atr... more Resumo: Este artigo discute o processo de " produção de valor simbólico " de obras e artistas através da recomendação. São consideradas as contradições do mercado artístico, instauradas nos limites da relação entre a " economia " e o público, para uma análise comparativa sobre a função social dos meios de comunicação tradicionais e dos atuais Sistemas de Recomendação na Internet, que apontam para novas formas de lidar com a arte e a cultura. Palavras-chave: Mediação cultural. Recomendação de bens simbólicos. Sistemas de Recomendação. Resumen: Este artículo discute el proceso de " producción de valor simbólico " de obras y artistas a través de la recomendación. Son consideradas las contradicciones del mercado artístico, instauradas en los límites de la relación entre la " economía " y el público, para un análisis comparativo sobre la función social desempeñada por los medios de comunicación tradicionales y por los actuales Sistemas de Recomendación (SR) en Internet, que apuntan para nuevas formas de tratar y comprender el arte y la cultura. Palabras-clave: Mediación cultural. Recomendación de bienes simbólicos. Sistemas de Recomendación. Abstract: This article discusses the process of " production of symbolic value " of works and artists through the recommendation. The contradictions of the artistic market are considered, established in the limits of the relationship between the " economy " and the public, to make a comparative analysis on the social function carried out by the traditional media and for the current Recommender Systems (RS) on the Internet, that points out for new forms of treating and understanding the art and the culture.

Purpose – This paper aims to discuss how collaborative classification works in online music infor... more Purpose – This paper aims to discuss how collaborative classification works in online music information retrieval systems and its impacts on the construction, fixation and orientation of the social uses of popular music on the internet. Design/methodology/approach – Using a comparative method, the paper examines the logic behind music classification in Recommender Systems by studying the case of, one of the most popular web sites of this type on the web. Data collected about users' ritual classifications are compared with the classification used by the music industry, represented by the AllMusic web site. Findings – The paper identifies the differences between the criteria used for the collaborative classification of popular music, which is defined by users, and the traditional standards of commercial classification, used by the cultural industries, and discusses why commercial and non-commercial classification methods vary. Practical implications – Collaborative ritual classification reveals a shift in the demand for cultural information that may affect the way in which this demand is organized, as well as the classification criteria for works on the digital music market. Social implications – Collective creation of a music classification in recommender systems represents a new model of cultural mediation that might change the way of building new uses, tastes and patterns of musical consumption in online environments. Originality/value – The paper highlights the way in which the classification process might influence the behavior of the users of music information retrieval systems, and vice versa. Introduction The aim of this paper is to study the type of relationship that can be established between the collaborative construction of an artistic classification system (in this case, music) and patterns of social organization that cause new social uses of culture to emerge; different uses to those hitherto made known and oriented by the cultural industries. The conceptual issue underlying the hypothesis addressed in this research is the existence of a dual movement. On the one side there are the construction, stabilization and orientation of the social uses of music by means of its classification. On the other, simultaneously, there is the collaborative ritual classification as a way to reveal the uses and values that music acquires in a dynamic and transitory way in the social field.
Papers by R. Marie Santini