Papers by Mônica Ferreira da Silva

Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Nov 1, 2022
This work presents the results of a case study to identify the main risk factors in the software ... more This work presents the results of a case study to identify the main risk factors in the software deployment phase involving two government Brazilian companies. The case study was developed through several on-site visits to monitor the deployment of the system adopted by companies and conduct interviews with team managers. The data were acquired mainly through questionnaires applied to the technical team (analysts and developers) involved with the software implementation. After acquiring the data, an empirical analysis was carried out, where the Risk Factors (RF) and the Containment Strategies (CS) identified in the literature were compared with the RF and CS found in the software deployment phase of the two companies. As a result, this work presents 11 risk factors and 14 Containment strategies found in the literature, in addition to a total of 9 RF and 9 CS recorded in the implementation of the software in companies A and B, which had not yet been cataloged in the literature.

Journal on Interactive Systems
Factors impacting technology adoption encompass technical, organizational, and human issues. This... more Factors impacting technology adoption encompass technical, organizational, and human issues. This paper shows two projects that aim to develop students’ digital aptitude by promoting a culture change from a game prejudiced environment into a habitat of technology-prone users. The first project, Ti-Games Maricá, took place three years ago, encompassing 50 schools in Maricá, in the State of Rio de Janeiro, and consisted of a school versus school game tournament, a series of workshops, talks, and other activities involving games. The research’s main goal was to observe the impact of games in schools on increasing students’ self-esteem and professional perspectives in technological fields. Another goal was to improve the use of technology in schools beyond administrative tools, attending to one of BNCC’s recommendations. Based on the massive popularity of electronic games as a hobby for young Brazilians perceived in this previous project, the EducaTech-RJ project, on the other hand, con...
O solo é um recurso insubstituível para a vida na Terra e constitui-se de um componente vital em ... more O solo é um recurso insubstituível para a vida na Terra e constitui-se de um componente vital em diversos sistema ecológicos. Computacionalmente, compreende-se solo como um todo organizado, constituído de um grande conjunto de sistemas e dados interdependentes que perduram no tempo e que requererem abordagens modernas e inovadoras para apoiar pesquisadores, gestores e produtores. A presente pesquisa faz parte de um trabalho mais amplo, tendo como sua principal contribuição a ampliação da qualidade, da reutilização e do compartilhamento dos dados de solos, gerando transparência e confiança no processo. A proposta visa criar um repositório blockchain com aderência aos princípios FAIR que comporte os dados e metadados de solos
Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 2018
Progress in software engineering requires (1) more empirical studies of quality, (2) increased fo... more Progress in software engineering requires (1) more empirical studies of quality, (2) increased focus on synthesizing evidence, (3) more theories to be built and tested, and (4) the validity of the experiment is directly related with the level of confidence in the process of experimental investigation. This paper presents the results of a qualitative and quantitative classification of the threats to the validity of software engineering experiments comprising a total of 92 articles published in the period 2001-2015, dealing with software testing of Web applications. Our results show that 29.4% of the analyzed articles do not mention any threats to validity, 44.2% do it briefly, and 14% do it judiciously; that leaves a question: these studies have scientific value?
2019 IEEE Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering (AIKE)
Startup ecosystem is a creative environment that aims to promote entrepreneurship and innovative ... more Startup ecosystem is a creative environment that aims to promote entrepreneurship and innovative business. In this complex social network, the activities derive from the ties of interdependence and co-evolution between actors with different purposes, who share resources to achieve common goals. A smarter startup ecosystem demands an understanding of the interests and capabilities of each participant as a way to identify convergences and possible partnerships that can help in the development of new business. This paper presents the Coral framework, an approach based on big social data to assist in the analysis of existing relationships in startup ecosystems. We show the partial results of the research and future works.
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education

Anais Estendidos do XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Games e Entretenimento Digital (SBGames Estendido 2021)
Brazil is one of the largest video game markets in the world, however, its own game industry is a... more Brazil is one of the largest video game markets in the world, however, its own game industry is almost nonexistent. Although at first unrelated, Brazil’s public schools focus little on technology use beyond day-to-day affairs, even though Brazil’s National Curriculum guiding document - BNCC, recommends the use of technology in significant ways that stimulate student’s critical thinking. The city of Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, decided to legitimize games in schools via a yearlong project, to stimulate local game industry and comply with the National Curriculum guidance. This research was based on results regarding the yearlong experiment with students held during the aforementioned project, called Ti- Games. This initiative involved all fifty schools of the city and is an attempt to answer whether games in schools can or cannot help stimulate student’s confidence in relation to game industry professions. Answers were drawn from 88 students who managed to reach semi-finals and wer...
Active learning is one of Brazil’s goals for education, and it encourages and develops students n... more Active learning is one of Brazil’s goals for education, and it encourages and develops students new skills and competencies for a more complete and meaningful education. The didactic sequence that we carried out promoted the articulation of statistical knowledge with the use of techniques of data collection and systematic analysis through a technological device. According to the itinerary proposed by this study, the students built the research in groups, collected the data with Google Forms among their peers, using their smartphones, and then analyzed the data obtained using an Applet developed in Geogebra. Thus, in this paper, when we present the activity, its elaboration process, its execution, and its results, we aim to collaborate with teachers and future teachers who want to adopt technology in their classrooms, especially if they want to build empirical

A startup ecosystem is a creative environment aiming to promote entrepreneurship and innovation. ... more A startup ecosystem is a creative environment aiming to promote entrepreneurship and innovation. Startups interact with other entities, building a complex social network. Those connections arise from the interdependence and co-evolution ties between different actors, who share resources to achieve common goals. A smart startup ecosystem demands an understanding of the interests and capabilities of each participant. It could allow identifying convergences and possible partnerships that can help in the new business growth. The Coral platform is a social network analysis based approach to assist in evaluating existing relationships in communities. This paper applies the Coral platform to support incubators’ activities in the local community improvements. Our case study investigated the members’ social and technological aspects in a small entrepreneurial group according to the essential indicators defined by managers: experts, reputation, and professional profile.

Present Information Technology Strategic Management tools and illustrate fundamental concepts thr... more Present Information Technology Strategic Management tools and illustrate fundamental concepts through a collection of various essays. These compositions were authored by a group of undergraduate students at UFRJ during the second semester of 2017 while taking the course "Introduction to IT Strategic Management". The strategic management concepts presented are: Business definition (mission, vision and values of the organization), SWOT analysis, Porter's Five Forces, Delta Model, Mintzberg’s 5 P’s of Strategy, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and IT Strategic Alignment. This report presents the visions of different business segments and their respective adaptions of the before mentioned concepts. The following cases were analyzed: Starbucks, Nubank, Responde Aí, Cabify and Banco Digital Maré.Apresenta algumas ferramentas de Gestão Estratégica de Tecnologia da Informação (TI) e exemplificar conceitos por meio da compilação dos trabalhos elaborados pelos alunos do curso de graduaç...

DevOps is an approach based on lean and agile principles in which business, development, operatio... more DevOps is an approach based on lean and agile principles in which business, development, operations, and quality teams cooperate to deliver software continuously aiming at reducing time to market, and receiving constant feedback from customers. However, implementing DevOps can be a complex and challenging mission due it requires significant paradigm shift. Consequently, many failures and misconceptions can occur about DevOps adoption by organizations, despite its numerous benefits. This work identifies, describes, and compares different perspectives related to DevOps adoption in academy and industry. The perspectives can be understood as factors or variables that influence or help to understand the DevOps journey. We employed a sequential multi-method research approach, including Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and Case Study. As a result, eight perspectives were found: concepts, models, principles, practices, difficulties, challenges, benefits, and strategies. More specifically,...
In order for games to be perceived as more than sheer entertainment, opening up its educational p... more In order for games to be perceived as more than sheer entertainment, opening up its educational potential as well as new professional possibilities for students, schools must first recognize and embrace this universe. With this in mind, this work will attempt to demonstrate teacher’s perception of games in high schools of Brazil, using the city of Maricá, in Rio de Janeiro state as an example. For this, the following research was done over the period of a year and followed a City wide School versus School tournament, called Ti-Games Maricá, which included a series of game based activities done in every single school of said city. This article will focus solely on the impacts regarding activities for teachers and how it affected their perception of games.

Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017
This paper presents the quali-quantitative results of a study on the identification of bottleneck... more This paper presents the quali-quantitative results of a study on the identification of bottlenecks in the software development process. The research was developed in an environment learning of Software Engineering and had the collaboration of students of the Department of Computer Science (DCC) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). The main objective of the research is to verify the existence of productive bottlenecks in Software Development Process (SDP), typify them and if possible to promote treatments to solve the impacts in the process and in the software product. For this, three experimental rounds were carried out and three different domains were applied. Each round had deferential teams working in the same domain. The experiments also involved the Unified Process (UP) to guiding the SDP and the Theory of Constraints (TOC) to identify and treat the restrictive elements found in the productive process. As results, the work presents a set of qualitative constraint...
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological condition that appears durin... more Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological condition that appears during an individual’s childhood and may follow her/him for life. Even though it is not a new disorder, ADHD treatment is limited to the use of drugs and behavioral therapy, even for children. The objective of this research was to investigate the technological possibilities of mobile devices and web-based information systems, as well as other computer technologies, to support the ADHD treatment phase. Results show the potential of these approaches as alternatives for long-term treatment, as well as the difficulties and limitations that persist today. Besides, the research also highlighted that the use of computer technology could provide persistent long-term
iSys, 2017
Este artigo e resultado de observacoes etnologicas em experimentos academicos aplicados ao Proces... more Este artigo e resultado de observacoes etnologicas em experimentos academicos aplicados ao Processo de Desenvolvimento de Software (PDS). Foram estudados e envolvidos no experimento dois fenomenos comumente aplicados em gestao de projetos: (1) a Sindrome do Estudante e (2) a Lei de Parkinson. A pesquisa foi realizada em ambiente de ensino de engenharia de software com alunos de ciencia da computacao. As caracteristicas do ambiente e suas variaveis evidenciou um terceiro fenomeno, o qual foi denominado de “Sindrome do Deadline”. Os experimentos envolveram ainda o Processo Unificado para guiar o PDS e a Teoria das Restricoes para identificar e tratar os elementos restricoes encontradas no processo produtivo.

Apresenta algumas ferramentas de gestao estrategica de tecnologia da informacao e exemplificar co... more Apresenta algumas ferramentas de gestao estrategica de tecnologia da informacao e exemplificar conceitos por meio da compilacao dos trabalhos elaborados pelos alunos do curso de graduacao da UFRJ, disciplina de “Introducao a Gestao Estrategica de TI – Turma 2015.2”. Dentre os conceitos apresentados, temos os referenciais estrategicos mais utilizados, ou seja, a definicao do negocio, missao, visao e valores da organizacao. Em seguida, sao apontadas algumas ferramentas de analise estrategica: analise SWOT, cinco forcas de Porter, modelo Delta, analise estrategica de Mintzberg, Balanced Scorecard (BSC), concluindo com o alinhamento estrategico de TI, mostrando a interacao entre o plano estrategico de TI com o plano estrategico de negocio. Os trabalhos apresentados neste relatorio trazem a visao de distintos segmentos de negocio e suas consideracoes referentes aos conceitos apresentados. A primeira analise apresentada e referente ao segmento de entretenimento, no ramo de producao de gam...

Socioemotional development in the classroom has gained spotlight in Brazil in recent years. It st... more Socioemotional development in the classroom has gained spotlight in Brazil in recent years. It started to be recognized as a right of learning by brazilian pedagogical regulatory bodies that included socioemotional competences in the Common National Curricular Base. With the objective of mapping digital technological solutions to support socioemotional development in the classroom, solutions so important due to the social isolation scenario that the world faces, as a consequence of the pandemic. The present work presents a multivocal literature review, where the authors look for inputs from gray literature to collect initiatives from both the traditional literature as well as from organizations public information. This work depicted 13 initiatives and 9 digital solutions. The results show opportunities of technology adoption to improve socioemotional development, and highlight types of digital technologies that are being used in social pedagogical initiatives in Brazil.
Papers by Mônica Ferreira da Silva