Kátia Mello
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Papers by Kátia Mello
Regarding the way the guardas municipais work on the streets relating to the camelôs, its actions have been oriented to reinforce authority. As a result, it nurtures feelings of fear and insecurity among people who share the same place with them. Besides, this sort of action does not reduce criminal incidence.
Therefore, we agree that the procedure taken by the Guarda Municipal in Niterói within the conflicts with camelôs has not been the maintenance of public order through mediation. Instead, it is similar to a wrestling where the guarda does not act as a mediator, but as another element involved in the conflict.
Regarding the way the guardas municipais work on the streets relating to the camelôs, its actions have been oriented to reinforce authority. As a result, it nurtures feelings of fear and insecurity among people who share the same place with them. Besides, this sort of action does not reduce criminal incidence.
Therefore, we agree that the procedure taken by the Guarda Municipal in Niterói within the conflicts with camelôs has not been the maintenance of public order through mediation. Instead, it is similar to a wrestling where the guarda does not act as a mediator, but as another element involved in the conflict.
que, a partir de uma perspectiva empírica e comparada, apresentam
reflexões acerca de temas relacionados à mediação de conflitos, Justiça Restaurativa, Mediação Penal e administração de conflitos nos
Juizados Especiais Criminais. O livro apresenta pesquisas de caráter interdisciplinar, envolvendo projetos distintos, acolhidos em programas de pós-graduação stricto sensu do Brasil e da Argentina, nas áreas das Ciências Humanas, Sociais e do Direito, permitindo uma articulação bastante inovadora sobre o papel de pesquisas de caráter etnográfico na compreensão de fenômenos jurídicos.
In spite of the full awareness of the complexity of the dynamics of criminal subjection that affect the subjects incarcerated in their entirety, we deal with the reflection on some mechanisms of subjection employed in the course of criminal execution, be it provisional or definitive, on women. Among the wide range of subjection mechanisms that can be identified within the scope of the sentence, two are particularly significant due to their substantive and normative nature, which significantly modulate the rates of female incarceration in the country. The first refers to the provision 44 of Law 11.343 / 0621, which prohibits the granting of provisional freedom22 for crimes of drug trafficking and the like.
The second subjection mechanism that will be problematized refers to the application or not of the new wording of art. 318, of the Criminal Procedure Code25 conferred by Federal Law No. 13,257, March 8, 2016, which provided for public policies for early childhood, provided for the right to substitute preventive prison for house arrest when pregnant (item IV), or a woman with a child of less than 12 years old (item V).
ISBN (Coleção) 978-85-7108-434-6
ISBN 978-85-7108-440-7
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