Frederic Vandenberghe
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Frederic Vandenberghe is a professor of sociology at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IFCS-UFRJ) in Brazil. He received his PhD in 1994 from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris.
Working at the intersection of philosophy and sociology, his main research interests are related to German social philosophy, Anglo-Saxon social theory and French sociological theory. Hailing originally from Flanders in Belgium, he has worked at many universities in Europe (University of Manchester, University of Humanist Studies in Utrecht, Brunel University in London, European University Institute in Florence, Ecole des Hautes en Sciences Sociales in Paris), the United States (UCLA and Yale University) and Brazil (Federal University of Brasília, Federal University of Pernambuco in Recife, State University of Rio de Janeiro).
He’s an active member of the Critical Realism Network, the Center for Cultural Sociology, the Anti-Utilitarian Movement in the Social Sciences (MAUSS) and the Convivialist International. He’s the editor in chief of MAUSS International.
He writes in French, English, Portuguese and Dutch and has published widely in the main journals of sociological theory. Among his most recent book and edited collections are What’s Critical about Critical Realism ? Essays in Reconstructive Social Theory (Routledge, 2014), As sociologias de Georg Simmel (Vozes, 2018), Póshumanismo ou a lógica cultural do neocapitalismo global (Annablume, 2018), with Margaret Archer Le réalisme critique. Une nouvelle ontologie pour la sociologie (Le Bord de l’eau, 2019), Second Manifeste convivialiste. Pour un monde post-néolibéral (Actes Sud, 2020), with Alain Caillé For A New Classic Sociology (Routledge, 2021) and with François Dépelteau : Sociologia relacional. Um DR teórica (Ateliê das humanidades, no prelo).
Frederic Vandenberghe is a professor of sociology at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IFCS-UFRJ) in Brazil. He received his PhD in 1994 from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris.
Working at the intersection of philosophy and sociology, his main research interests are related to German social philosophy, Anglo-Saxon social theory and French sociological theory. Hailing originally from Flanders in Belgium, he has worked at many universities in Europe (University of Manchester, University of Humanist Studies in Utrecht, Brunel University in London, European University Institute in Florence, Ecole des Hautes en Sciences Sociales in Paris), the United States (UCLA and Yale University) and Brazil (Federal University of Brasília, Federal University of Pernambuco in Recife, State University of Rio de Janeiro).
He’s an active member of the Critical Realism Network, the Center for Cultural Sociology, the Anti-Utilitarian Movement in the Social Sciences (MAUSS) and the Convivialist International. He’s the editor in chief of MAUSS International.
He writes in French, English, Portuguese and Dutch and has published widely in the main journals of sociological theory. Among his most recent book and edited collections are What’s Critical about Critical Realism ? Essays in Reconstructive Social Theory (Routledge, 2014), As sociologias de Georg Simmel (Vozes, 2018), Póshumanismo ou a lógica cultural do neocapitalismo global (Annablume, 2018), with Margaret Archer Le réalisme critique. Une nouvelle ontologie pour la sociologie (Le Bord de l’eau, 2019), Second Manifeste convivialiste. Pour un monde post-néolibéral (Actes Sud, 2020), with Alain Caillé For A New Classic Sociology (Routledge, 2021) and with François Dépelteau : Sociologia relacional. Um DR teórica (Ateliê das humanidades, no prelo).
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Papers by Frederic Vandenberghe