Papers by Boris Rios-Uzeda
The mountain paca (Cuniculus taczanowskii, Rodentia, Cuniculidae): A new mammal record for Bolivi... more The mountain paca (Cuniculus taczanowskii, Rodentia, Cuniculidae): A new mammal record for Bolivia. In October 2002 we collected a specimen of the mountain paca (Cuniculus taczanowskii). This collection represents the first record of this species for Bolivia. In this note we describe the morphological characteristics that differentiate C. taczanowskii from C. paca, a more common species from the lowland forests
Revista Boliviana De Ecologia Y Conservacion Ambiental, Aug 7, 2013

Revista Latinoamericana De Conservacion Latin American Journal of Conservation, Dec 1, 2012
Los perros domésticos (Canis familiaris) tienen una distribución cosmopolita y han acompañado al ... more Los perros domésticos (Canis familiaris) tienen una distribución cosmopolita y han acompañado al hombre por más de 15.000 años, y si bien dependen de los humanos, la falta de control o cuidado a estos animales en áreas periurbanas y rurales los han transformado en animales asilvestrados. Son numerosos los reportes negativos de estos animales hacia la vida silvestre nativa, por ejemplo, la transmisión de enfermedades o la depredación sobre especies nativas pequeñas. En este trabajo se presentan algunas observaciones sobre las interacciones de perros domésticos con el cóndor y el zorro andino y adicionalmente se reportan conflictos ocasionados por los perros domésticos entre depredadores nativos (zorro y puma) y la gente local. Palabras clave: Andes, áreas protegidas, conflictos, depredación, interacción entre carnívoros.

Oryx, 2012
Aerial surveys have been used successfully to estimate vertebrate populations in open habitats. T... more Aerial surveys have been used successfully to estimate vertebrate populations in open habitats. The marsh deer Blastocerus dichotomus, categorized as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, lives in such habitats and is suitable for aerial counting because it is conspicuous. This species, the largest South American deer, is native to Argentina, Boliva, Brazil, Paraguay and Peru but no reliable information has previously been available on its populations in Bolivia. From May to August 2007 we conducted aerial transects to survey marsh deer in three large areas of savannah. We used a modified mark-recapture method to improve the accuracy of the counts and estimated density and abundance. The corrected, estimated density of the marsh deer was 0.24 km −2 in the northern La Paz Department, 0.12 km −2 in Mamoré and 0.15 km −2 in Iténez. These densities are similar to the mean density of the species on other South American savannahs. This is the first largescale survey of the marsh deer in Bolivia and the first to provide information about the density of the species in the Amazon. We recommend the creation of protected areas in these savannahs, and wildlife and domestic health programmes to conserve the marsh deer of this region.
Ursus, 2007
Andean (spectacled) bears (Tremarctos ornatus) are threatened across most of their range in the A... more Andean (spectacled) bears (Tremarctos ornatus) are threatened across most of their range in the Andes. To date no field-based density estimations are available for this species. We present a preliminary estimate of the density of this species in the Greater Madidi Landscape using standard camera-trapping methods and capture-recapture analysis. We photographed 3 individually recognizable Andean bears in a 17.6 km 2 study area spanning 4 adjacent high elevation humid Andean valleys during August-September 2004. Capture-recapture statistics estimated an abundance of 3 bears; plausible geographic buffers yielded density estimates of 4.4 or 6 bears/100 km 2 . We recommend that future camera-trapping studies on this species sample larger areas over longer periods and use 3 camera trap units at each station.
Mastozoología …, 2003
... 2003 Luis F. Pacheco / J. Fernando Guerra / Boris Ríos-Uzeda EFICIENCIA DE ATRAYENTES PARA CA... more ... 2003 Luis F. Pacheco / J. Fernando Guerra / Boris Ríos-Uzeda EFICIENCIA DE ATRAYENTES PARA CARNÍVOROS EN BOSQUES YUNGUEÑOS Y PRADERAS ALTOANDINAS EN BOLIVIA Mastozoología Neotropical, enero-junio, año/vol. ...
Journal of Zoology, 2007
... In Madidi, the highest record came from the upper montane Yungas forest (2790 m) in Chuncani ... more ... In Madidi, the highest record came from the upper montane Yungas forest (2790 m) in Chuncani (#22); others came from lower montane forest (22002300 m) in Sarayo (#21) and Santa Cruz del Valle Ameno (#20), while lowest ... Copyright © 1999-2010 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ...
Journal of Field Ornithology, 2007
Population estimates of Andean Condors (Vultur gryphus) are urgently needed across their range to... more Population estimates of Andean Condors (Vultur gryphus) are urgently needed across their range to more accurately assess their conservation status and design appropriate conservation measures. From July to September 2005, six feeding stations in the Apolobamba mountain range of Bolivia were monitored for 3 days each and all visiting condors were digitally photographed and video-taped. Using distinctive marks, the size and shape of crests, and plumage patterns, we were able to individually recognize 23 adult male Andean Condors, or 30% of all observed condors. By extrapolation, we estimated a minimum population size for Apolobamba during the sampling period of 78 condors. Considering that the current estimate of the total population of
Biodiversity and Conservation, 2011
Page 1. ORIGINAL PAPER Spatial patterns of biological diversity in a neotropical lowland savanna ... more Page 1. ORIGINAL PAPER Spatial patterns of biological diversity in a neotropical lowland savanna of northeastern Bolivia Daniel M. Larrea-Alcázar Dirk Embert Luis F. Aguirre Boris Rıos-Uzeda Marlene Quintanilla Aideé Vargas ...
Journal of Zoology, 2006
... Many of these taxa begin to disappear in middle montane humid forests and are entirely absent... more ... Many of these taxa begin to disappear in middle montane humid forests and are entirely absent from the highest elevation forest types (Ríos, 2001; Ríos et al., 2001), leaving the Andean bear as the main ... The habitat requirements of the rufus treecreeper (Climateris rufa). ...
mammalia, 2000
... Guilherme Mourao helped with the data analysis. Courtney Thomason, Carla Barriga, Tamara McG... more ... Guilherme Mourao helped with the data analysis. Courtney Thomason, Carla Barriga, Tamara McGuire, Jon Martinez and two anonymous referees helped improve earlier versions of the manuscript. References Anderson, S. 1997. ...
Papers by Boris Rios-Uzeda