Papers by Tania Alves Amador

graduação em Bioquimica, ICBS, UFRGS). Psychotridina é um dos alcalóides pirrolidinoindolínicos, ... more graduação em Bioquimica, ICBS, UFRGS). Psychotridina é um dos alcalóides pirrolidinoindolínicos, isolados de folhas e flores de Psychotria colorata. Foi analisado em testes de avaliação da atividade analgésica, com objetivo de esclarecer seu mecanismo de ação e no teste de rota rod, para verificar efeito neurotóxico. Em todos os testes foram utilizados camundongos machos SR1, pesando 25-35g, água e comida ad libitum. O alcalóide foi analisado em modelos com estímulo algogênico térmico (tail flick) e químico (capsaícina, 1,6 g/pata). Em tail flick, psychotridina apresentou atividade significativa na dose de 20mg/kg (i.p.), apresentando 87% do efeito máximo possível (%EMP), vinte minutos após a administração; no entanto, não apresenta atividade dose dependente. No teste de capsaícina, o alcalóide foi testado nas doses de 0,5, 2,5 e 5mg/kg (s.c.), apresentando curva dose-efeito e a maior dose com 98% de inibição no tempo dispendido em lamber a pata. O efeito de psychotridina não foi revertido pelo antagonista opióide naloxona. No teste de rota rod, o alcalóide na maior dose efetiva como analgésica não alterou o desempenho dos animais. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente por ANOVA/DMS, com diferenças significativas em relação aos controles (p<0,05 e p<0,01). Os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho indicam que o efeito de psychotridina não envolve a ativação do sistema opióide, como outros alcalóides presentes em P. colorata. Indicam ainda a possibilidade de psychotridina interferir na algesia neurogênica, visto que inibe dose-dependentemente a nocicepção induzida por capsaícina, modelo usado para investigação de funções de fibras C aferentes primárias. Pelo fato da dor neurogênica ser mediada através da liberação de substância P e amino ácidos excitatórios, estamos analisando a possível interação entre antagonista NMDA (MK-801) e psychotridina. (Apoio: CAPES, CNPq)
Revista De Ciencias Farmaceuticas Basica E Aplicada, Nov 13, 2013
High-performance liquid chromatography paired with UV photodiode array, electrospray MS–MS and th... more High-performance liquid chromatography paired with UV photodiode array, electrospray MS–MS and thermospray MS detectors was investigated as a method for the analysis of alkaloids in different parts of Psychotria spp. collected in the Amazon. Nine products have been isolated from the vegetable material and their structures elucidated by spectroscopic means. These constituents indicate pyrrolidinoindoline and quinoline alkaloid classes. Minor components were also assigned through MS fragmentations. Place and period of collections of the plant materials are responsible for both qualitative and quantitative variations with respect to pyrrolidinoindoline and quinoline type alkaloids.

Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 2015
The aim of this systematic review was to identify and characterize articles in indexed scientific... more The aim of this systematic review was to identify and characterize articles in indexed scientific journals with quantitative data surveys on administrative or legal proceedings for access to medicines. The SciELO, LILACS, MEDLINE via PubMed, Embase, and Scopus databases were used. We identified 45 articles, of which 17 were selected. The larger studies, each covering between 2,000 and 2,927 lawsuits, were done in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Santa Catarina, Brazil. Eleven studies specified the type of legal representation, of which six examined cases with public attorneys and five with private attorneys. Only two studies reported whether the lawsuit was individual or class action, and in both the claims were individual. Since the majority of the medicines requested in the lawsuits were medium to high-cost, the review indicates that lawsuits contributed to the incorporation of these drugs into current pharmaceutical care in Brazil.
Planta Medica, 2000
To further understand the mechanism of analgesic activity and structural requirements of pyrrolid... more To further understand the mechanism of analgesic activity and structural requirements of pyrrolidinoindoline alkaloids identified in Psychotria colorata, we here report the analgesic activity of the trimer hodgkinsine on thermal and chemical models of analgesia. Results show that hodgkinsine produces a dose-dependent naloxone reversible analgesic effect in thermal models of nociception, suggesting that activation of opioid receptors participates in hodgkinsine&amp;amp;#39;s mode of action. Hodgkinsine shows a potent dose-dependent analgesic activity against capsaicin-induced pain, indicating the participation of NMDA receptors in hodgkinsine-induced analgesia. Such a dual mechanism of action may be of interest for developing innovative analgesics.
Journal of Natural Products, 1998
Fractionation of an alkaloid extract of Psychotria colorata flowers led to the isolation of six a... more Fractionation of an alkaloid extract of Psychotria colorata flowers led to the isolation of six alkaloids, identified by UV, 1D and 2D NMR, and MS as (-)-calycanthine, isocalycanthine, (+)-chimonanthine, hodgkinsine, quadrigemine C, and a new alkaloid (1), whose structure was deduced by X-ray analysis to be (8-8a),(8′-8′a)-tetradehydroisocalycanthine 3a(R), 3′a(R).
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 1995
An ethnopharmacological survey showed that home remedies prepared with flowers, fruits and roots ... more An ethnopharmacological survey showed that home remedies prepared with flowers, fruits and roots of Psychotria colorata (Wild. ex R. &amp;amp;amp; S.) Muell. Arg. (RUBIACEAE) are used by Amazonian caboclos as pain killers. These data led to the evaluation of analgesic activity of extracts of P. colorata, using the formalin, writhing and tail-flick methods. This paper reports the Naloxone reversible opioid-like analgesic activity of alkaloids present in leafs and flowers of P. colorata.

Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM, Jan 30, 2011
High-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection-electrospray ionization multi-stage ... more High-performance liquid chromatography-diode array detection-electrospray ionization multi-stage mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS(n)) is considered to be a very valuable tool for the characterization of compounds found in trace amounts in natural matrices, as their previous isolation and clean-up steps can be avoided. Micro-scale separation increases the potential of this analytical technique, allowing the determination of compounds in reduced samples. Spodoptera littoralis represents a major challenge to Solanaceae plants, as it is one of the most deleterious pests. The S. littoralis/Lycopersicon esculentum system was studied for the first time concerning glycoalkaloids and phenolics. Using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS(n) we were able to characterize 15 phenolic compounds in L. esculentum leaves. Nine of them are reported for the first time. Some differences were found between leaves of cerasiforme and 'Bull's heart' varieties. However, in the materials of S. littoralis (larvae...
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2002
Hodgkinsine, a trimeric pyrrolidinoindoline type alkaloid, present as a major constituent of Psyc... more Hodgkinsine, a trimeric pyrrolidinoindoline type alkaloid, present as a major constituent of Psychotria spp. (Rubiaceae), has shown to produce dose-dependent, naloxone reversible, analgesic effect in thermal models of nociception and in the capsaicin-induced pain. SAR studies have been initiated by synthesizing the three diastereomeric dimers (chimonanthines) (11–13) which were evaluated in vitro and in vivo along with the synthetic intermediates.
Rieck, Elisa Brust; Leffa, Fabiane Mattos; Heineck, Isabela; Gonçalves, Maria de Lourdes Quevedo;... more Rieck, Elisa Brust; Leffa, Fabiane Mattos; Heineck, Isabela; Gonçalves, Maria de Lourdes Quevedo; Silva, Marta Schneider; Borges, Paulo Eduardo M; Petrovick, Pedro Ros; Spalding, Silvia Maria; Amador, Tania Alves. ... Assistencia farmacêutica: contribuiçoes ...

Saúde e Sociedade, Jan 1, 2008
Since the establishment of Brazil's National Health System (SUS), focus has been given to basic a... more Since the establishment of Brazil's National Health System (SUS), focus has been given to basic and family healthcare. One of the programs in progress has been the Family Health Project, performed by teams of professionals including Community Health Workers. Among the various problems faced by the family healthcare teams is the irrational use of medicines. This paper aims to examine the role of medicines in the workers' routine, establishing how they perceive the pharmacy service in a Basic Healthcare Unit, and identifying information needs about medicines, all these with the purpose of training design. To do so, a session using the nominal group technique was held, in which eight out of eleven healthcare workers participated, answering 4 questions. Medicines were considered important, and preventive actions were highly valued. Their perception regarding the pharmacy service was positive as well. Workers report population's questions on medicines as being frequent, and this reflects gaps in the medical visit and in obtaining the medicines. The healthcare agent is seen by the population as the professional who can help them use the medicines and thus, he/she may have an essential role in promoting their rational use.

Latin American Journal of …, Jan 1, 2007
A tomada de decisão para o uso de plantas medicinais pode advir de uma somatória de fatores como ... more A tomada de decisão para o uso de plantas medicinais pode advir de uma somatória de fatores como circunstâncias históricas e culturais, socioeconômicas e da percepção de segurança de produtos naturais. Esta prática pode ter influência na aplicação de outros recursos terapêuticos da medicina convencional. O objetivo desse estudo é descrever o perfil de consumo de plantas medicinais e medicamentos na população de um município da região Sul do Brasil. A pesquisa seguiu um modelo transversal descritivo, utilizando um questionário semi-estruturado na coleta de dados. Foram realizadas e analisadas 196 entrevistas domiciliares. Dentre os entrevistados, 87,2% eram do sexo feminino, com idade média de 44,4 ± 13,86 anos. O uso de plantas medicinais foi relatado por 92,9% dos entrevistados, com média de 4,8 ± 3,7 plantas por pessoa. Para a maioria dos respondentes (74,8%) a informação sobre o uso das plantas medicinais está baseada no conhecimento tradicional, sendo usadas principalmente para tratar sintomas de condições relacionadas ao trato gastrintestinal, condições relacionadas ao sistema respiratório ou simplesmente como bebida. Quanto à utilização de medicamentos, 37,8% dos entrevistados relataram que utilizam medicamentos sempre, 31,1% quando não se sentem bem e 8,7% somente quando consultam o médico. Os resultados iniciais reforçam a necessidade de pesquisas com critérios que levem em consideração o padrão de uso entre grupos específicos de pacientes, como portadores de doenças crônicas, relatos de reações adversas, efeitos em longo prazo, ou que avaliem os riscos e benefícios da utilização das plantas medicinais pela população e estratégias para a promoção do uso racional destes recursos terapêuticos. SUMMARY. "Study of Medicinal Plants and Medicines Use in the South of Brazil". Decision-making to the use of medicinal plants may come from a sommatory of factors as cultural and historical circumstances, social and economic aspects and also the perception of the safety of natural products. This practice can influence the application of other therapeutic recourses of conventional medicine. The aim of this study is to describe the profile of consumption of medicinal plants and medicines in a population in the South region district. The research followed a cross-seccional descriptive pattern, using a semi-structured questionary to collect the data. Were analysed 196 domiciliar interviews. Among the interviewers, 87.2% were female, on avarage age 44,4 ± 13.86 years old. The use of the medicinal plants was reported by 92,9% interviewers, on avarage of 4.8 ± 3.7 plants per person. For the most of them (74.8%), the information about the use of medicinal plants is based on traditional knowledge, being used mainly to treat symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract, conditions related to the respiratory system or simply as beverage. In relation to the use of medicines, 37.8% of the interviewers related that always use the medicines, 31,1% use them, when they do not feel well, and 8.7% only when see the doctor. The initial results reinforce the research necessity in criterions which consider the standard use among specific groups of patients, as chronic disease porters, adverse reactions references, long therm effects, or that evaluate the risks and the benefits of medicinal plants used by the population and strategies to promote the rational use of these therapeutic recourses.
…, Jan 1, 2008
ABSTRACT ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance t... more ABSTRACT ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 200 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a “Full Text” option. The original article is trackable via the “References” option.

Brazilian Journal of …, Jan 1, 2010
The objective of this study was to verify the index of quality of life of elderly individuals bel... more The objective of this study was to verify the index of quality of life of elderly individuals belonging to groups, from different socioeconomic strata in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State. The research adopted a transversal model, used to collect data from the SF-36 questionnaire. The sampling is the intentional type and comprised: 61 elderly people in Class A, 80 in Class C, and 84 in Class E. The research was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research/UFRGS. In relation to the quality of life, Class A presented higher scores than did Classes C and E on the pain, vitality, social aspect and mental health areas. The results also showed a significant difference in quality of life among university educated individuals versus the other schooling groups, on the pain, vitality, mental health and social aspect fields. Quality of life is a complex concept to study, but essential to improve the perception of health and welfare by the elderly.
Lat. Am. J. Pharm, Jan 1, 2008
Porto Alegre/RS. O modelo da pesquisa foi um estudo transversal; utilizou como instrumento de col... more Porto Alegre/RS. O modelo da pesquisa foi um estudo transversal; utilizou como instrumento de coleta de dados um questionário estruturado, amostragem intencional, sendo aprovado pelo CEP/UFRGS. A amostra foi composta por: 61 na classe A, 80 na classe C e de 84 na classe E. A maioria era do sexo feminino, com idade média de 70 anos. O número médio de medicamentos citados foi: na classe A = 5,34; C = 4,07; E = 4,28. Não se observou associação entre número médio de medicamentos e sexo dos entrevistados.

Saúde Soc, Jan 1, 2008
Desde o estabelecimento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), busca-se enfatizar a atenção básica e a ... more Desde o estabelecimento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), busca-se enfatizar a atenção básica e a saúde familiar. Uma das estratégias que vem sendo utilizada é o Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF) constituído por equipes de profissionais que incluem os agentes comunitários de saúde. Entre os diversos problemas enfrentados pelas equipes de saúde da família está o uso irracional dos medicamentos. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de examinar o papel do medicamento na rotina dos agentes, estabelecer sua percepção em relação aos serviços da farmácia de uma unidade básica de saúde e identificar as necessidades de informação sobre medicamentos para elaboração de treinamento. Para tanto, foi realizada uma sessão utilizando-se a técnica grupo nominal, em que oito de onze agentes de saúde participaram respondendo a quatro perguntas. O medicamento foi considerado importante, com valorização das ações preventivas. A percepção em relação aos serviços da farmácia foi positiva. Segundo os agentes, as dúvidas sobre medicamentos, freqüentemente relatadas pela população, refletem falhas na consulta e na aquisição dos medicamentos. O agente de saúde é reconhecido pela população como o profissional que pode auxiliá-la no uso de medicamentos, promovendo o seu uso racional. Palavras-chave: SUS; Agentes comunitários de saúde; Informações sobre medicamentos; Uso racional de medicamentos.
Papers by Tania Alves Amador