Papers by Eduardo Luis Isatto

A adoção da Building Information Modeling (BIM) tem promovido ganhos de eficiência e eficácia par... more A adoção da Building Information Modeling (BIM) tem promovido ganhos de eficiência e eficácia para o desenvolvimento de projetos de Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construção (AEC), facilitando a troca de informação e promovendo integração entre as partes. Assim, diversos países elaboraram estratégias visando promover tal tecnologia nos projetos do setor público. No Brasil, tais esforços vêm sendo coordenados a partir da Estratégia Nacional de Disseminação do BIM. Normas, regulamentos e diretrizes têm sido propostos visando a gestão da informação em projetos, incluindo os requisitos e características dos sistemas empregados na gestão de dados, denominado Ambiente Comum de Dados, ou Common Data Environment (CDE). Porém, tais documentos não tratam do contexto específico de projetos contratados por agentes públicos, que atuam em um cenário regulatório muito diverso daquele das empresas privadas. O presente estudo, de caráter exploratório, se propõe a identificar barreiras e oportunidades na implementação de CDE no cenário de obras públicas, associada com a promoção, realização e operação de um CDE no contexto do setor público. O método de pesquisa empregado consistiu em revisão bibliográfica qualitativa e um estudo de caso, desenvolvido em um órgão do governo estadual voltado ao suporte às secretarias quanto ao uso de BIM. As conclusões do trabalho confirmam a necessidade de estudos específicos com foco no setor público, visando determinar requisitos qualificadores e diferenciais dessas plataformas para o setor público em
Abordagem para avaliação de vulnerabilidades a riscos climáticos da infraestrutura rodoviária DOI... more Abordagem para avaliação de vulnerabilidades a riscos climáticos da infraestrutura rodoviária DOI: (a ser preenchido após o envio do código DOI da publicação)
Ambiente Construído/Ambiente construído, Dec 1, 2024

A troca de informações no contexto da gestão de facilities é de imprescindível importância para a... more A troca de informações no contexto da gestão de facilities é de imprescindível importância para a correta operação dos empreendimentos. Por envolver uma ampla série de serviços associados, com diferentes intervenientes, desde a etapa de projeto, passando pela fase de construção e finalizando na etapa de uso, gera-se considerável quantidade de informações. Faz-se necessário, portanto, que estes dados estejam armazenados de maneira apropriada, sendo de fácil e rápida consulta pelos gestores do empreendimento. Assim surge, dentro do contexto das representações digitais BIM, o COBie, considerada ferramenta eficaz para estas tarefas. Entretanto, embora o conceito associado ao COBie não seja novo, ele ainda não é plenamente aplicável na prática. Dessa maneira, este artigo visa, através de um mapeamento sistemático de literatura (MSL), identificar como o fluxo de informações ocorre neste contexto, quais são as dificuldades encontradas e quais as pesquisas mais recentes desenvolvidas. Como resultados, destaca-se a tentativa do uso de elementos visuais para a gestão de dados, o melhor gerenciamento das informações contidas nas planilhas de dados e, por fim, na melhoria do fluxo de informações entre os diferentes intervenientes.

Diante da crescente industrialização e personalização da construção civil, a utilização de sistem... more Diante da crescente industrialização e personalização da construção civil, a utilização de sistemas pré-fabricados do tipo Engineer-to-Order (ETO) é uma estratégia que tem sido cada vez mais utilizada. Não obstante os potenciais benefícios, o sistema produtivo de uma planta de pré-fabricados está frequentemente sujeito à elevada variabilidade de demanda e baixa sincronização entre os setores de projeto, produção e montagem. Essas características afetam os tempos de produção e oportunizam o surgimento de grandes estoques para absorver a incerteza. Dessa forma, o presente artigo possui como objetivo investigar a aplicação do Mapeamento do Fluxo de Valor (MFV) para diagnosticar um sistema préfabricado em concreto do tipo ETO e indicar ações de melhoria. A partir da análise do estado atual da produção de painéis de fechamento de concreto em uma fábrica por meio do MFV, foi proposto um estado futuro que incorpora melhorias nesse sistema produtivo, tais como: a utilização de planos de carga, definição de tamanho de lotes, criação de supermercados, sistemas Kanban e redução do lead time. Apesar dessas melhorias não terem sido efetivamente implementadas, o estudo contribui para o entendimento e desenvolvimento de soluções para sistemas de produção pré-fabricados do tipo ETO.
Australian journal of civil engineering, Jun 26, 2023

A construção civil é uma das indústrias com maior emissão de gases do efeito estufa e de consumo ... more A construção civil é uma das indústrias com maior emissão de gases do efeito estufa e de consumo de energia. Afim de mitigar esses impactos, grandes esforços para a contabilização de impactos ambientais vêm sido prestados. A combinação da ferramenta da Modelagem da Informação da Construção (BIM) e a Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) tem sido vista como uma oportunidade de aprimorar o processo de quantificação de impactos ambientais das edificações, visto que a primeira é responsável pela otimização do tempo e redução de erros em projetos e as duas têm como um dos objetivos auxiliar na tomada de decisão, dentre essas, por uma edificação mais responsável ambientalmente. O presente artigo apresenta estudo que teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial de utilização do BIM-através do software Archicad 23®-para a quantificação dos materiais empregados em uma edificação do programa governamental Minha Casa Minha Vida em relação com os quantitativos extraídos a partir do uso de software CAD e planilhas. Os resultados mostram que a quantificação praticamente se equivalem, e os principais benefícios se dão no ganho de velocidade no processo.
2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access Proceedings
He previously worked for a large general contractor in southern California specializing in Multi-... more He previously worked for a large general contractor in southern California specializing in Multi-Family and Commercial construction. He is a PhD student in Construction Science at Capitol Technology University. He teaches courses on Building Information Modeling, Jobsite Management, Commercial Construction, Fundamentals of Construction, and Advanced Scheduling.

Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Jul 3, 2019
Both the Last Planner System (LPS) and Scrum have been suggested as suitable planning and control... more Both the Last Planner System (LPS) and Scrum have been suggested as suitable planning and control methods for dealing with complex project environments. However, most previous studies have investigated the use of those methods for planning and control in single projects, in general managed separately from other projects. This paper reports the results of an investigation which aims to propose a planning and control model for managing construction projects in a multi-project environment. Using Design Science Research (DSR) as a methodological approach, an empirical study has been carried out in a fashion retailer company from Brazil. The model has been built by using a research strategy similar to Action Research. These are the main findings so far: (a) the nature of the project management activities demand a different planning and control approach, compared to what is normally found in relation to planning and control design or construction; and (b) there are challenges on the systematic use of performance measures to support learning and decision-making. These initial conclusions will serve as a basis for incorporating improvements in the model.

A integração entre os controles da produção e da qualidade é considerada como um meio de reduzir ... more A integração entre os controles da produção e da qualidade é considerada como um meio de reduzir a incidência de perdas causadas pela falta de terminalidade das tarefas. No entanto, para facilitar essa integração, é necessário o auxílio da tecnologia de informação, devido à quantidade de dados que devem ser coletados e processados. Assim, o uso de tablets é considerado uma solução para coletar e gerenciar informações no canteiro de obras de uma forma mais eficiente, tendo forte potencial para melhorar o nível de compartilhamento de dados e as práticas de comunicação na indústria da construção e fornecendo oportunidades para inovar os processos de gestão. O objetivo desse artigo é propor uma modelagem de dados para auxiliar no desenvolvimento de aplicações para o controle integrado da produção e da qualidade, e apresentar uma avaliação preliminar da implementação da modelagem proposta em um estudo de caso. O modelo é constituído por três módulos integrados: pacotes de trabalho, qualidade e making-do; sendo possível monitorar a porcentagem de pacotes concluídos, falta de terminalidade das tarefas, ocorrência de pacotes informais, perdas por making-do e indicadores de controle da qualidade. Também são apontadas possíveis integrações entre a modelagem de dados e os modelos BIM.
Ambiente Construído, Jun 1, 2015
Uso de modelagem 4D e Building Information Modeling na gestão de sistemas de produção em empreend... more Uso de modelagem 4D e Building Information Modeling na gestão de sistemas de produção em empreendimentos de construção The use of 4D modeling and Building Information Modeling for the management of production systems in construction projects
Production Planning & Control, Sep 15, 2016
Since the Last Planner System® (LPS) was devised in the early 90s, a number of studies have point... more Since the Last Planner System® (LPS) was devised in the early 90s, a number of studies have pointed out the need to understand the underlying theory in which it is based on. The Language-Action Perspective (LAP) has been suggested as a suitable approach to understand the management of commitments in the LPS. This paper aims to assess the contribution of LAP to understand construction planning and control systems based on LPS. Two case studies were carried out in different construction companies, both highly experienced on the use of LPS. The results reveal the role of LAP for creating explicit representations of commitment flows that can be used to explain the sources of complexity and failures in planning systems, as well as for describing the profile of planning and control meetings.

Journal of Management in Engineering, Jul 1, 2015
AbstractThe integration and coordination of make-to-order (MTO) supply chains is critical for suc... more AbstractThe integration and coordination of make-to-order (MTO) supply chains is critical for successful execution of construction projects. This study aims to investigate the potential of the language-action perspective (LAP) to analyze the way commitments are demanded, bound, and fulfilled by supply chain members, and how these affect the integration and coordination of construction MTO supply chains. Two case studies were carried out, including agents in the building elevator and cut-and-bent rebar supply chains. Multiple sources of evidence, such as exploratory and structured interviews, site visits, and document analysis, provided invaluable data to support the analysis. This evidence reveals that most of the information flow problems of MTO chains can be traced to the way that commitments among people and firms are managed along such chains. It also shows that the kinds of failure in managing those commitments can be associated with their incompleteness or the poor connectivity among them. The study...

Construction economics and building, Sep 21, 2011
The success of construction projects is highly dependent on the coordination of a fairly large nu... more The success of construction projects is highly dependent on the coordination of a fairly large number of stakeholders, such as client organizations, designers, general contractors, and subcontractors. Each of those stakeholders can both affect and be affected by the way a project is managed, and none of them usually has the power or the ability to coordinate project supply chains. However, there is no comprehensive theoretical foundation for describing or explaining the coordination of construction project supply chains. This paper discusses the role of three different theoretical perspectives for understanding the inter-firm coordination process of project supply chains in the construction industry: the Theory of Coordination, the Transaction Cost Theory and the Language-Action Perspective. Although the combined use of theoretical approaches has been suggested in the literature, an indepth discussion on how they complement each other, based on empirical data, seems to be necessary. The contribution of each theoretical approach is pointed out in the paper, and their complementary role is illustrated in a case study carried out in a petrochemical construction project in Brazil.

Different types of evaluation of suppliers have been used in the construction industry. In those ... more Different types of evaluation of suppliers have been used in the construction industry. In those evaluations it is important to consider the level of client-supplier relationships that exists. This is particular important for companies that establish long-term relationships with a few suppliers. Insufficient understanding of how to determine these levels can lead to problems such as considering the requirements for a long-term relationship when the requirements for a transactional relationship is enough. In the literature, very little exist on the criteria for establishing those levels and also on how to translate such criteria into operational dimensions. This paper proposes a method of suppliers' evaluation for construction companies, considering the need of customized this assessment based on the type of the supplier-firm relationship. The method intends to provide a better understanding of the construction firm needs as well as to translate them into operational dimensions. This method was tested in a case study conducted in a medium sized company which deals with complex projects. A framework containing operational dimensions that categorize suppliers was developed according to needs of the construction company. Finally, a set of guidelines for making the evaluation tools more useful is proposed.

Since the Last Planner System (LPS) was devised in the early Nineties, a number of studies have p... more Since the Last Planner System (LPS) was devised in the early Nineties, a number of studies have pointed out the need to understand the underlying theory in which it is based on. The Language-Action Perspective (LAP) has been suggested as a suitable approach to understand the management of commitments in the LPS. However, none of the previous studies have provided empirical evidence on the utility of LAP as a theoretical approach for explaining the LPS. This paper reports the results of a research project that aimed to investigate some benefit the utility of the LAP for evaluating the effectiveness of planning and control systems, emphasizing medium and short term planning. Two case studies were carried out in different construction companies, both of them highly experienced on the use of LPS. In each company, the production planning and control system of one project was assessed, based on the mapping of the network of commitments regarding the medium and short term planning levels. Besides, an in-depth analysis of planning meetings was made, describing how they were carried out, who effectively participated in decision-making, and how the commitments were managed. In both studies, it was possible to track down how the commitments were initiated, and in some cases to analyse the integrity of the workflow loops in the network of commitments, and the consequences of failures in those loops for the planning and control system.

22nd Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, 2014
The construction industry has faced major changes in the last few decades including a reduction i... more The construction industry has faced major changes in the last few decades including a reduction in profit margins, the government's requirements for quality management certification and an increasing level of quality demanded by consumers. Moreover, intense competition between companies has stimulated interest in developing innovations in managerial systems, seeking to improve product quality while reducing its cost. Recent studies have pointed out a category of waste, called makingdo, which occurs when a task starts before all inputs are available. There is evidence that this type of waste is closely related to the execution of informal packages, and that it is the root cause of other types of waste in construction, such as accidents, material waste and rework. Integration between production control and quality management has been pointed out as a means to reduce the incidence of informal packages and, hence, making-do. This type of integration needs the support of information technology, due to the amount of data that needs to be processed by the same person, and also the need to synchronize the application of some controls. Hence, this research study explores the use of information technology in production control systems. A control model was devised and tested in a Brazilian construction company involved in the development and construction of low-cost housing projects. The control model was implemented in one of the company's construction sites, where a set of quantitative and qualitative data were collected, including making-do events, the occurrence of informal work-packages, project completion and quality control indicators. The paper will present some production control data that were produced in the empirical study, as well as a preliminary assessment of the model that was devised.

The application of supply chain management to construction has been a challenging task. An import... more The application of supply chain management to construction has been a challenging task. An important reason for that is the difference between the industrial context where it was originated and the construction industry. Although the literature suggests that the use of multiple theoretical approaches can provide a comprehensive description and understanding of construction supply chains, so far no framework has been offered for their joint use in practical situations. This paper aims to provide a multi-theoretical approach that can be used to comprehensively describe inter-organizational coordination of construction project supply chains. The use of three theoretical approaches is discussed: the Theory of Coordination (TC), the Transaction Costs Theory (TCT) and the Language/Action Perspective (LAP). A case study is presented to illustrate the joint use of these three theoretical approaches in a practical situation. The study shows that the three theoretical approaches are highly complementary and that their joint use provides a comprehensive view of how such construction project supply chains arise, develop and finally disband.

Most causes of the inefficiency in construction supply chains are related to managerial issues, i... more Most causes of the inefficiency in construction supply chains are related to managerial issues, including the poor management of commitments among their members and the lack of integration of managerial processes along the chain. This paper discusses those problems in two case studies carried out in the building elevator and cut and bend rebar supply chains. As in many of construction supply chains, both configurations are characterized by their maketo-order nature, the delivery of customized products to their customers and by having their production based on final design specifications. Focusing on the flow of information along the supply chain, the objective of this paper is to assess how the integration of these make-toorder supply chains' processes is affected by the way commitments among chain members are coordinated. By undertaking a detailed description of both supply chains' processes and analyzing their existing problems, the study shows that a major part of them are related to the poor integration of the information flows. The Language Action Perspective (LAP) was used to provide an additional approach for analysis, emphasizing the commitments involved in the information sharing among supply chain agents. The LAP analysis revealed that the root cause of those problems relies mainly on the poor management of commitments among supply chain members. Moreover, many of the problems could be avoided by explicitly planning the flow of commitments that are made necessary by inter-organizational processes as well as by organization's internal processes. The adoption of the LAP and the focus on the flow of commitments may support the understanding of make-to-order supply chains integration problems as well as suggest actions towards the integration of their processes.

Failures on transferring Japanese production techniques to West countries point out the need for ... more Failures on transferring Japanese production techniques to West countries point out the need for a more in-depth comprehension of concepts and principles that support such techniques. In the construction industry, the abstraction and adaptation of those concepts and principles started in 1992 with the publication of the report "Application of the New Production Philosophy to Construction", by Lauri Koskela. However, since the publication of that study little further discussion has been made on other Japanese production models, such as the one proposed by Shigeo Shingo and adopted at the Toyota Motor Company. This paper intends to compare Koskela's and Shingo's production models and the possibilities of amalgamating them. It is also proposed an application of those models for establishing performance improvement priorities, considering a hierarchy of decisions (market level, product level, process level, and operation level).
Papers by Eduardo Luis Isatto