Papers by Guilherme Nunes Pires
Ciências Sociais Unisinos, 2021
This paper aims to point out the limits of the historical determinism thesis in Mar... more This paper aims to point out the limits of the historical determinism thesis in Marx’s thought by analyzing his writings on the Russian issue and the possibility of a “Russian road” to socialism. The perspective of historical determinism implies that Marx’s thought is supported by a unilinear view of social evolution, i.e. history is understood as a succes-sion of modes of production and their internal relations inexorably leading to a classless society. We argue that in letters and drafts on the Russian issue, Marx opposes to any attempt associate his thought with a deterministic conception of history. It is pointed out that Marx’s contact with the Russian populists in the 1880s provides textual ele-ments allowing to impose limits on the idea of historical determinism and the unilinearperspective in the historical process.

Katálysis, 2021
In the last decade, we have seen the expansion of digital platforms and decentralized and freelan... more In the last decade, we have seen the expansion of digital platforms and decentralized and freelance labor relations in the global capitalist economy. This combination has been called Gig Economy and its specific labor relation Uberization. This process is directly link to the intensification of work, working day expansion, low remuneration, absence of labor rights and amplification of indirect control over the labor process. Although this phenomenon appears as something new, considering Marx’s analysis of piece-wage in Capital, it’s possible to see the very features and consequences of Uberization. The remuneration, be it by hour or piece/gigs, no alters the essential nature of labor relations in capitalism. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to identify that Marx’s Capital already anticipated this tendency of capitalist economy and traced the main consequences of Uberization of labor.
COVID-19: Aspectos Socioeconômicos da Crise, 2021
É inconteste que, no presente momento, a humanidade vem enfrentando uma dupla crise de gigantesca... more É inconteste que, no presente momento, a humanidade vem enfrentando uma dupla crise de gigantesca magnitude e incalculáveis consequências. Por um lado, a pandemia de COVID-19 ameaça a vida e a "normalidade" cotidiana da imensa maioria dos seres humanos do planeta, isto é, vivemos uma crise sanitária; por outro, a presente crise do capitalismo, cujas dimensões propiciam dizer que será a maior da história, afeta e violenta a mesma imensa maioria sob o ponto de vista econômico.

Argumentum, 2020
This article aims to understand the exponential growth of the "Uberization" of labor in Brazil by... more This article aims to understand the exponential growth of the "Uberization" of labor in Brazil by analyzing the economic crisis and the austerity program that started in 2014. The emergence of the gig economy and the "Uberization" of labor is a global trend, and Brazil has experienced the exponential growth of these types of labor relations in recent years. Millions of Brazilian workers now rely exclusively on digital platforms for their income, without any labor protections. We argue that Marx's Capital provides a rigorous starting point for understanding this process and its consequences for workers. However, it is only possible to understand the current rise of this process in light of Brazil's economic crisis and the austerity program that responded to it. The attacks on labor by capital in response to the profitability crisis penalized the working class and prompted the rapid growth of the "Uberization" of labor in Brazil, providing an alternative form of capital accumulation.
The aim of this paper is to point out the limits of 'radical change' thesis in Marx's thought. Ac... more The aim of this paper is to point out the limits of 'radical change' thesis in Marx's thought. According to this view, there would be a 'unilinear' and teleological conception of history in his period of youth. However, for some authors, at some point in his theoretical evolution from 1850's, Marx would break with this position and formulated a multilinear view of history. From a critical revision, it is intended to point the limits of this thesis from the analysis of Marx's theory of history that was already in consolidation in the 1840's. More precisely, in the texts The german ideology (1845-46) and Poverty of philosophy (1847), we can see that Marx's theoretical works of the mid-1840's is precisely against a philosophy of history, pointing limitations for the idea of 'radical change' in the theory of history. Marx e a história: os limites da tese da 'mudança radical'.
Revista Humanas e Sociais, 2018
O objetivo do presente artigo é indicar os limites do critério de demarcação para cientificidade ... more O objetivo do presente artigo é indicar os limites do critério de demarcação para cientificidade proposto por Karl Popper. O problema de demarcação tem sido objeto de preocupação em diferentes épocas da história. Entretanto, o século XX foi acom-panhado por intensos debates e pela elaboração de distintos critérios que pudessem demarcar conhecimento científico dos demais. Também é notório que o pensador que mais obteve significância foi Karl Popper e seu critério de falseabilidade. Contudo, o caráter puramente negativo do empreendimento científico, sob sua abordagem uni-criterial, compreende uma espécie de positivismo invertido, em que suas limitações apresentam ser um critério de demarcação não necessário e/ou suficiente para a cien-tificidade. Palavras-chave: Karl Popper, falseabilidade, critério de demarcação.
Papers by Guilherme Nunes Pires