Papers by Carolina Paulsen
Estudos Kantianos, Jan 21, 2025
This essay analyzes the hospitality-hostility dichotomy in International Refugee Law in light of ... more This essay analyzes the hospitality-hostility dichotomy in International Refugee Law in light of Kantian philosophy. It argues that the 1951 Convention, while establishing hospitality as a principle, is often undermined by hostile State practices that prioritize national sovereignty. Through Kantian principles of hospitality and cosmopolitanism, the essay criticizes the reduction of the Convention’s normative force, emphasizing the need to revive Kantian ideals to effectively protect and welcome refugees. It concludes that the Convention, despite being based on humanitarian principles, requires reformulation to address contemporary challenges and ensure the dignity and rights of refugees.

Questões Ecológicas em Perspectiva Interdisciplinar Vol. 4, 2024
Este ensaio tem por objetivo considerar os deveres em relação à natureza na filosofia kantiana à ... more Este ensaio tem por objetivo considerar os deveres em relação à natureza na filosofia kantiana à luz da crítica de Val Plumwood (2002). O fio condutor dessa análise será a ideia de humanidade como fundamento do imperativo categórico e da visão teleológica da natureza. A filosofia kantiana, apesar de notadamente antropocêntrica, não é completamente infensa a certas prerrogativas dos animais e da natureza, preconizando um tratamento adequado do mundo natural. No entanto, os fundamentos dessa proteção divergem da crítica de Plumwood, pois, em Kant, o tratamento benevolente dos animais ou do meio natural é tributário da nossa humanidade, no sentido de que serve para estimulá-la e fomentar a perfeição moral dos seres humanos. Argumentaremos que o uso saudável da razão abrange uma conduta ética em relação ao ambiente natural e, por conseguinte, aos demais seres humanos que habitam o planeta. Por fim, adotando a proposta de Plumwood de repensar os usos da razão, buscaremos demonstrar que a filosofia kantiana é passível de fundamentar a razão como um meio de promoção da vida – e isso pode -e deve- incluir uma visão mais generosa para com a natureza na qual estamos inseridos.

Princípios, 2024
Resumo: o presente artigo busca expor, sucintamente, o direito cosmopolita kantiano como um princ... more Resumo: o presente artigo busca expor, sucintamente, o direito cosmopolita kantiano como um princípio aplicável à situação dos refugiados no mundo atual. Para isso, primeiro será exposto o conceito de direito cosmopolita na obra À Paz Perpétua (1795), de Kant. Em um segundo momento, será abordada a formação do pensamento cosmopolita kantiano, como uma ideia oposta ao egoísmo, na sua cidade natal de Königsberg. Por fim, apresentaremos uma história de refúgio do mundo atual e a cotejaremos com o princípio de hospitalidade exigido pelo direito
cosmopolita kantiano, para demonstrar que o tratamento dado aos refugiados, como regra geral, viola os princípios kantianos propostos na Paz Perpétua. A finalidade deste artigo é demonstrar que o direito cosmopolita, extraído da filosofia kantiana, pode e deve ser pensado como um princípio norteador para o tratamento dos refugiados no mundo atual, e que isso levaria a um tratamento digno e condizente
com a humanidade e dignidade dos buscadores de refúgio, os cidadãos do mundo no século XXI.
Abstract: this article seeks to succinctly expose Kant's cosmopolitan law as a principle applicable to the situation of refugees in today's world. To do this, first the concept of cosmopolitan law will be exposed, as delineated in Kant's To Perpetual Peace (1795). In a second moment, the formation of Kant's cosmopolitan thought will be addressed, as an idea opposed to selfishness, in his hometown of Königsberg. Finally, we will present a history of refuge from the current world and compare it with the principle of hospitality required by Kantian cosmopolitan law, to demonstrate that the treatment given to refugees, as a general rule, violates the Kantian principles proposed in Perpetual Peace. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that cosmopolitan law, extracted from Kantian philosophy, can and should be thought of as a guiding principle for the treatment of refugees in today's world, and that this would lead to a dignified treatment of the refugee, consistent with their humanity and dignity. Refuge seekers are the citizens of the world in the 21st century.

Sapere Aude, 2023
This essay addresses the problem of the refugee in light of the concepts of natality and hospital... more This essay addresses the problem of the refugee in light of the concepts of natality and hospitality, as exposed by Hannah Arendt and Immanuel Kant, respectively. It will seek to demonstrate the correlation between the human condition of birth, which entails speech and action as attributes of the human existence and how these atributes relate to human rights, in the sense that the loss of the capacity for action in a political community means, in actuality, the bereavement of all human rights. The principle of hospitality, as set out by Kant in Perpetual Peace, emerges as a means of guaranteeing the maintenance of human dignity in situations of loss of nationality or citizenship. As a consequence of natality, the concepts of political responsibility and enlarged mentality emerge. Political responsibility demands the use of action and speech to prepare the planet for future generations, ensuring that everyone can exist on Earth. Finally, we will try to argue that the institution of a supranational guarantee of the principle of hospitality is necessary to avoid the loss of rights analyzed by Arendt in The Origins of Totalitarianism, a loss that affects refugees to this day.
KEYWORDS: natality; speech; action; hospitality; refugees.
Conexões: o direito através de lentes filosóficas, 2023
Rosimarizy Linaris Montanhano Astolphi-Bibliotecária CRB/9-1610 O teor da publicação é de respons... more Rosimarizy Linaris Montanhano Astolphi-Bibliotecária CRB/9-1610 O teor da publicação é de responsabilidade exclusiva de seus respectivos autores. Conexões: o direito através de lentes filosóficas.

Veritas, 2023
Abstract: The primary objective of this essay is to critically examine and compare the core conce... more Abstract: The primary objective of this essay is to critically examine and compare the core concepts of international justice as articulated by Kant and Rawls. Specifically, the focus centers on Kant's cosmopolitan law (Weltbürgerrecht) and Rawls' law of peoples. This analysis delves into the international dimensions of these theories, exploring key aspects such as the philosophers' perspectives on war, immigration, and the moral imperative to provide refuge for those in need. Throughout the article, a parallel examination of these theories will be conducted alongside contemporary developments in international law and the safeguarding of individual rights, particularly within the realms of human rights and refugee law. The aim is to elucidate how the authors grappled with the practicality of their theories, revealing them to be “realistic utopias” that aspire to transformative change while acknowledging the challenges of implementation. These themes were chosen due to their inherent connection to the discourse surrounding international justice and the pressing challenges faced by this discipline in the present era. By analyzing the theories put forth by two prominent political philosophers, we seek to provide a comprehensive framework for reflecting upon the complex issue of refugees in the modern world. Moreover, our intention is to demonstrate that Kant's theory, by embracing the inherent dignity and autonomy of individuals while emphasizing humanitarian and cosmopolitan duties, presents a more suitable approach for addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by refugees in our contemporary global landscape.
Keywords: cosmopolitan right; cosmopolitism; law of peoples; global justice.

Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, 2022
The purpose of this study is to analyze the sense of openness of
the sovereign State to internati... more The purpose of this study is to analyze the sense of openness of
the sovereign State to international regulation. In this sense, the change
of paradigm from the classical conception of international relations -when
the State was completely sovereign- to the current State configuration -
still sovereign, but relativized by regulations that allow the
communication between internal and International Law- was stressed. In
order to simplify the analysis, the decisions of international courts and
the Inter-American Court on Human Rights were taken as examples. The deductive method was used to perform the proposed analysis, as it went
from the general to the particular, from law to fact. As referential
contributions, bibliographical and documental research were performed.
The bibliographical contribution provided the framework against which
the case law of international courts was compared with the theoretical
Keywords: Constitution; Internal Law; International Law; State;
Comentários às obras de Kant: À Paz Perpétua, 2022
O presente artigo procura analisar e elucidar o conceito de providência na filosofia kantiana, co... more O presente artigo procura analisar e elucidar o conceito de providência na filosofia kantiana, comparando-o com o conceito de natureza e correlacionando-o com a ideia de liberdade. Por fim, este estudo buscará analisar se é possível conciliar a ideia de providência com o ideal de liberdade e o papel do indivíduo no desenvolvimento da história.
This article seeks to analyze and to clarify the concept of providence in Kantian philosophy, comparing it with the concept of nature and conjugating it with the idea of liberty. Lastly, this study will analyze how to conciliate the idea of providence with the ideal of liberty and the role of the individual in history.
SNU Human Rights Journal, 2012
This essay seeks to examine some relevant aspects of the general theory of human rights: (i) its ... more This essay seeks to examine some relevant aspects of the general theory of human rights: (i) its status in the law of the State, and (ii) the axiological foundation of these rights and its juridical relevance in a system of rules. For this, a historical perspective will be drawn. Then, a contextualization of the moral and legal foundations of human rights norms will be taken into account. The final aim of this study is to demonstrate that the advent of International Human Rights Law is incompatible with the positivist theory of Law.
DEHUIDELA Revista de Derechos Humanos, 2008
The scope of this essay is to study the human rights discourse, especially the human rights treat... more The scope of this essay is to study the human rights discourse, especially the human rights treaties and their effectiveness, considering that the human rights discourse is essential for the development of human capabilities. In other words: what is the relationship between speech and reality when it comes to human rights? What are the main challenges to the promotion of these rights in the world today?
Keywords: tutelage, speech, human dignity, international system.

Educação de Qualidade e Desenvolvimento na Lusofonia, 2019
Abstract: The scope of the study is to evaluate the impact of the edition of Law number 12.711/12... more Abstract: The scope of the study is to evaluate the impact of the edition of Law number 12.711/12 on the promotion of equality, in the context of the Brazilian educational law and the national human rights protection system. The Law instituted affirmative actions in Brazilian Federal Universities, in the proportion of 50% in relation to the vacancies destined to the wide competition. In this sense, the first step is a historical and legal overview of the institute of affirmative action. The second step is to delineate the potential effects of this policy. Data on the presence of blacks in Brazilian Universities are presented and analyzed, comparing the years prior to and after the publication of the Law. Finally, we will seek to evaluate the potential of this Law to promote the social ascension of historically marginalized groups and its impact on the Brazilian educational project.
Key-words: affirmative action; equality; inclusion; education; university
A proteção internacional dos direitos humanos apresenta sérias dicotomias no que tange à proteção... more A proteção internacional dos direitos humanos apresenta sérias dicotomias no que tange à proteção dos direitos civis e políticos e dos direitos econômicos, sociais e culturais. A análise dos documentos normativos consagrados à tutela de ambas as categorias de direitos no âmbito das Nações Unidas demonstra de forma inexorável a problemática existente, tema de capital importância nas sociedades modernas, onde o Estado abarca a transformação da realidade como um de seus objetivos primaciais. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho privilegia a concepção contemporânea de direitos humanos, que aponta para a unidade e indivisibilidade desses direitos, como parâmetro assecuratório da conjugação desses direitos nas sociedades modernas. Palavras-chave: direitos humanos; direitos sociais; direitos civis e políticos; dicotomia; indivisibilidade; absenteísmo.
O presente artigo busca analisar as relações entre os tratados internacionais de direitos humanos... more O presente artigo busca analisar as relações entre os tratados internacionais de direitos humanos e as suas constantes violações. Nesse sentido, pretende-se demonstrar a existência de normas internacionais de tutela e salvaguarda desses direitos, bem como a possibilidade da configuração da responsabilidade do Estado no plano internacional por desrespeito aos direitos garantidos na ordem internacional.
Papers by Carolina Paulsen
cosmopolita kantiano, para demonstrar que o tratamento dado aos refugiados, como regra geral, viola os princípios kantianos propostos na Paz Perpétua. A finalidade deste artigo é demonstrar que o direito cosmopolita, extraído da filosofia kantiana, pode e deve ser pensado como um princípio norteador para o tratamento dos refugiados no mundo atual, e que isso levaria a um tratamento digno e condizente
com a humanidade e dignidade dos buscadores de refúgio, os cidadãos do mundo no século XXI.
Abstract: this article seeks to succinctly expose Kant's cosmopolitan law as a principle applicable to the situation of refugees in today's world. To do this, first the concept of cosmopolitan law will be exposed, as delineated in Kant's To Perpetual Peace (1795). In a second moment, the formation of Kant's cosmopolitan thought will be addressed, as an idea opposed to selfishness, in his hometown of Königsberg. Finally, we will present a history of refuge from the current world and compare it with the principle of hospitality required by Kantian cosmopolitan law, to demonstrate that the treatment given to refugees, as a general rule, violates the Kantian principles proposed in Perpetual Peace. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that cosmopolitan law, extracted from Kantian philosophy, can and should be thought of as a guiding principle for the treatment of refugees in today's world, and that this would lead to a dignified treatment of the refugee, consistent with their humanity and dignity. Refuge seekers are the citizens of the world in the 21st century.
KEYWORDS: natality; speech; action; hospitality; refugees.
Keywords: cosmopolitan right; cosmopolitism; law of peoples; global justice.
the sovereign State to international regulation. In this sense, the change
of paradigm from the classical conception of international relations -when
the State was completely sovereign- to the current State configuration -
still sovereign, but relativized by regulations that allow the
communication between internal and International Law- was stressed. In
order to simplify the analysis, the decisions of international courts and
the Inter-American Court on Human Rights were taken as examples. The deductive method was used to perform the proposed analysis, as it went
from the general to the particular, from law to fact. As referential
contributions, bibliographical and documental research were performed.
The bibliographical contribution provided the framework against which
the case law of international courts was compared with the theoretical
Keywords: Constitution; Internal Law; International Law; State;
This article seeks to analyze and to clarify the concept of providence in Kantian philosophy, comparing it with the concept of nature and conjugating it with the idea of liberty. Lastly, this study will analyze how to conciliate the idea of providence with the ideal of liberty and the role of the individual in history.
Keywords: tutelage, speech, human dignity, international system.
Key-words: affirmative action; equality; inclusion; education; university
cosmopolita kantiano, para demonstrar que o tratamento dado aos refugiados, como regra geral, viola os princípios kantianos propostos na Paz Perpétua. A finalidade deste artigo é demonstrar que o direito cosmopolita, extraído da filosofia kantiana, pode e deve ser pensado como um princípio norteador para o tratamento dos refugiados no mundo atual, e que isso levaria a um tratamento digno e condizente
com a humanidade e dignidade dos buscadores de refúgio, os cidadãos do mundo no século XXI.
Abstract: this article seeks to succinctly expose Kant's cosmopolitan law as a principle applicable to the situation of refugees in today's world. To do this, first the concept of cosmopolitan law will be exposed, as delineated in Kant's To Perpetual Peace (1795). In a second moment, the formation of Kant's cosmopolitan thought will be addressed, as an idea opposed to selfishness, in his hometown of Königsberg. Finally, we will present a history of refuge from the current world and compare it with the principle of hospitality required by Kantian cosmopolitan law, to demonstrate that the treatment given to refugees, as a general rule, violates the Kantian principles proposed in Perpetual Peace. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that cosmopolitan law, extracted from Kantian philosophy, can and should be thought of as a guiding principle for the treatment of refugees in today's world, and that this would lead to a dignified treatment of the refugee, consistent with their humanity and dignity. Refuge seekers are the citizens of the world in the 21st century.
KEYWORDS: natality; speech; action; hospitality; refugees.
Keywords: cosmopolitan right; cosmopolitism; law of peoples; global justice.
the sovereign State to international regulation. In this sense, the change
of paradigm from the classical conception of international relations -when
the State was completely sovereign- to the current State configuration -
still sovereign, but relativized by regulations that allow the
communication between internal and International Law- was stressed. In
order to simplify the analysis, the decisions of international courts and
the Inter-American Court on Human Rights were taken as examples. The deductive method was used to perform the proposed analysis, as it went
from the general to the particular, from law to fact. As referential
contributions, bibliographical and documental research were performed.
The bibliographical contribution provided the framework against which
the case law of international courts was compared with the theoretical
Keywords: Constitution; Internal Law; International Law; State;
This article seeks to analyze and to clarify the concept of providence in Kantian philosophy, comparing it with the concept of nature and conjugating it with the idea of liberty. Lastly, this study will analyze how to conciliate the idea of providence with the ideal of liberty and the role of the individual in history.
Keywords: tutelage, speech, human dignity, international system.
Key-words: affirmative action; equality; inclusion; education; university