Papers by Juraci C . C . Nóbrega
Abstract— This work consists of research on S & T & I sponsored by CNPq, which concerns
the deve... more Abstract— This work consists of research on S & T & I sponsored by CNPq, which concerns
the development and technological innovation or social technology a vessel in ferrocement you
want to contribute to poor communities in the state of Pernambuco, living from fishing and
waste recycling Urban, as a source of income. This research involves from the design,
development, testing and implementation and testing and field testing of a Naval Engineering
design for small craft and use of alternative materials to more usual as wood and aluminium the
"Canoe concrete." To this end it was researched various combinations of materials that generate
various types of mortar through suitability tests on the use of these products, intensive contact
with water, its structural properties, and hull behaviour with respect to their behaviour when the
water in place.
This work consists of research on S & T & I sponsored by CNPq, which concerns the development and... more This work consists of research on S & T & I sponsored by CNPq, which concerns the development and technological innovation or social technology a vessel in ferrocement you want to contribute to poor communities in the state of Pernambuco, living from fishing and waste recycling Urban, as a source of income. This research involves from the design, development, testing and implementation and testing and field testing of a Naval Engineering design for small craft and use of alternative materials to more usual as wood and aluminium the "Canoe concrete." To this end it was researched various combinations of materials that generate various types of mortar through suitability tests on the use of these products, intensive contact with water, its structural properties, and hull behaviour with respect to their behaviour when the water in place .
This article shows a research work in development and technological innovation of a kayak project... more This article shows a research work in development and technological innovation of a kayak project. This work was developed at the Federal University of Pernambuco-UFPe, in Brazil, as a reference to research in innovation and Social Engineering for third world countries. The development of a simple calculation methodology, step by step, Stitch and Glue is shown here, taking into account the minimum manufacturing price, efficiency and effectiveness of the kayak, for this was considered: Architecture of the Kayak, Buoyancy, Maneuverability, Resistance to advance, Tightness, among other features. The kayak under study here is basically designed for training and local competitions.
In the present work a research boat or specifically geography boat was developed where the diamet... more In the present work a research boat or specifically geography boat was developed where the diameter the propeller is dimensioned, for the reason that advantages electric propulsion is used for this type of vessel. The analysis necessary to determine of power propulsion of the ship, shaft and propeller was necessary to take account the totally weight of the ship and her navigation velocity. In this work the weight of the every part of the ship were considerate, as: electric equipment, mechanic equipment, hull structure, and crane, etc. Then the preliminary design of the hydrographic boat was developed where a group of the three engineers was constituted for realize this work.
Renewable Energy and Power Quality, 2012
The present paper shown a work in research and development of a small solar boat design, this wor... more The present paper shown a work in research and development of a small solar boat design, this work has been developed in Anast/ULG-Belgium as reference for Postgraduate degree in Naval Architecture. The development of a methodology of simple calculation, step by step, for solar boat is shown here, taking in account the use of clean energy, minimum weight of the boat and minimum price of fabrication, for this has been considerate: boat weight; sheet specification; material utilized; appropriate propulsion; necessary quantity of solar panels; quantity of batteries; adequate engine; until to the final commercial price. The Nautilus is a solar powered pleasure boat and basically designed for day-and weekend-trips.
Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B, 2013
The stead-state analysis of wind energy conversion system, consisting on windmill, synchronous ge... more The stead-state analysis of wind energy conversion system, consisting on windmill, synchronous generator, transmission line and induction motor driving a centrifugal pump is developed. The performance of the system operating at variable speed with a flux control is examined using mathematical models and digital simulation. The control scheme is proposed and tested in a laboratory and test center to compare field results with simulation results.

O objetivo principal deste trabalho e o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta metodológica - o GIS-En... more O objetivo principal deste trabalho e o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta metodológica - o GIS-Energia, que envolve ferramentas tradicionais de planejamento energético e ferramentas sistêmicas de gerenciamento de informações geográficas, as quais consideram os fatores espaço e tempo de processamento. Considerou-se os municípios do estado da Paraíba como exemplo do estudo específico, procurando evidenciar potencialmente os elementos que compõem a matriz energética, assim como, os indicadores sócio-econômicos, que caracterizam tipologicamente cada município. Em primeiro lugar, descreve-se a metodologia de diagnostico energético de GIROD apropriada a utilização do SIG, que leva em consideração os indicadores de causa e efeito que atuam nos diversos sistemas ou no conjunto de sistemas: socioeconômicos e energéticos. Em segundo lugar, descreve-se o Sistema de Informação Geográfica - SIG. Em terceiro lugar, estuda-se os aspectos tipológicos da America Latina de Helio Jagauribe e sua adapt...
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal
In the present work a research boat or specifically for geography was developed where the electri... more In the present work a research boat or specifically for geography was developed where the electric propulsion was chosen, for the reason that advantages of electric propulsion in this type of vessel. The dimension the power necessary to propulsion the ship is necessary to account the wholly weight of the ship and her navigation velocity. In this work the weight of the every part of the ship were considerate, as: electric equipment, mechanic equipment, hull structure, and crane, etc. Then the preliminary design of the hydrographic boat was developed where a group of the three engineers was constituted for realize this work.
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal
The stead-state analysis of Wind Energy Conversion Systems, consisting on windmill, synchronous g... more The stead-state analysis of Wind Energy Conversion Systems, consisting on windmill, synchronous generator, transmission line and induction motor driving a centrifugal pump is developed. The performance of the system operating at variable speed with a flux control is examined using mathematical models and digital simulation. The control scheme is proposed and tested in laboratory and a test center to compare field results with simulation results.

Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería Mecánica Congresso Ibero-Americano de Engenharia Mecânica Cartagena, Colombia, 2019
Resumo E No presente trabalho de pesquisa, tratamos a respeito de um OWC, Oscilador de Coluna de ... more Resumo E No presente trabalho de pesquisa, tratamos a respeito de um OWC, Oscilador de Coluna de Água, para gear eletricidade, trabalho desenvolvido pelo grupo de pesquisa Enaval da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPe). O estudo aqui desenvolvido trata de uma inovação tecnológica em estruturas flutuantes em concreto armado especificamente direcionada a um Oscilador de Coluna D`água-OWC, que flutuará desenvolvendo um movimento harmônico de acordo com a frequência das ondas marítimas existentes na costa da cidade de Recife no Brasil. Assim tal pesquisa está delimitada pelo projeto arquitetônico do OWC, análise estrutural, análise da flutuabilidade, análise de sua estanqueidade, análise de seu movimento harmônico. A conversão de energia através da turbina que será instalada na torre do OWC, está sendo analisada, e, que, através de sua velocidade angular far-se-á o balanço de potência do eixo da turbina acoplada a um Gerador Elétrico de Corrente Contínua (DC) com excitação independente. Abstract E In the present research, we deal with an OWC, Water Column Oscillator, for gear electricity, work developed by the research group Enaval of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPe). The present study deals with a technological innovation in floating structures in reinforced concrete specifically directed to an OWC Column Oscillator, which will float by developing a harmonic motion according to the frequency of the sea waves existing on the coast of the city of Recife in the Brazil. Thus, this research is delimited by the architectural design of OWC, structural analysis, buoyancy analysis, analysis of its watertightness, and analysis of its harmonic motion. The energy conversion through the turbine that will be installed in the OWC tower is being analyzed, and that through its angular velocity the power balance of the turbine shaft coupled to an Electric Current Generator (DC) with independent excitation.
Thesis Chapters by Juraci C . C . Nóbrega
Design of a launch pad for a shipyard, 2012
Project of a launch pad for a shipyard, developed in the master's course in shipbuilding at ANAST... more Project of a launch pad for a shipyard, developed in the master's course in shipbuilding at ANAST/ULg
Project Composite, 2012
Work developed at ANASTE/ULg, in the master's course in shipbuilding

O presente trabalho tem como objetivo um estudo de eficiência energética aplicado a um barco pilo... more O presente trabalho tem como objetivo um estudo de eficiência energética aplicado a um barco piloto para navegação em lagos e rios da amazônia. Onde se busca a melhoria de rendimento, considerando os diversos parâmetros de projetos. Estes parâmetros, são as variáveis de entrada de um sistema computacional cujo nome é "Sistema de Propulsão Solar de um Barco Piloto-SPSBP". Este sistema é composto dos Subsistemas: Subsistema do Hélice-SSH; Subsistema Redutor de Velocidade-SSRV; Subsistema Motor Elétrico-SSME; Subsistema Banco de Baterias-SBB; Subsistema Painéis-Solar-SSES; Subsistema Casco-SSC. Assim, propõe-se aqui estudos individuais de cada um destes subsistemas com o objetivo de encontrar o ponto de operação ótima e que após tais análises, reunir-seá os diversos subsistemas em um único sistema o SPSBP. O SPSBP é o programa principal composto de subrotinas, e, onde são feitas leituras de dados de entrada e impressos os dados de saída. Assim, o SPSBP é definido como um simulador digital que foi desenvolvido neste trabalho de pós doutorado em Arquitetura Naval realizado na Universidade de Liège na Bélgica. Relevante é dizer que este trabalho está sendo financiado pela CAPES
UFPB, 1996
Tese de doutorado defendida na UFPb em 1996 com o tema Sistema de informação geográfica usada com... more Tese de doutorado defendida na UFPb em 1996 com o tema Sistema de informação geográfica usada como ferramenta de Planejamento.
Teaching Documents by Juraci C . C . Nóbrega

The present work presents a research in Social Technology and Technological Innovation, ... more Summary:
The present work presents a research in Social Technology and Technological Innovation, where the
reinforced concrete and its respective components such as cement, sand, iron and waterproofing
are analyzed, with regard to their proportions in the mixture that best suits the
vessel hull needs. Note that several specimens were taken to the
laboratory to check the specific weight and strain stress test to obtain your
tensile and compression strength. So the best mixture with respect to allowable stresses was the
In a second moment, a methodology for naval construction of artisanal hulls was tested,
which used to time the execution time of each activity with respect to the chain
production for the construction of a vessel, where such data were used for analysis
through the Pert&Cpm network, to verify the execution paths of the production chain, then
making changes to the workshop layout, and comparing the various forms of layout and checking what
better fits keeping the product standard and shorter lead time. The characteristic of
vessel under study consists of the capacity to carry two people plus cargo, and that
present low cost and reduced manufacturing time, in order to market it in
poor communities existing in the city of Recife and surroundings.
For this, a new construction method was developed based on a simple idea: choose
as the main construction material is reinforced concrete, which has a low cost compared to
to conventional materials. The researchers from the E_Naval/UFPE/CNPq Group, developed a
specific methodology to carry out the manufacture of this product using this material, and
achieved remarkable results in terms of reduced manufacturing time and total cost per
unit produced in relation to conventional processes. The pilot is 6.00 m long,
1.10 m wide, and 0.45 m draft. Considering these dimensions, its manufacturing cost in
aluminum is BRL 3,000.00, in wood it is BRL 2,500.00 and using reinforced concrete the cost of
manufacturing is R$600.00. This research work was carried out by students of courses in
Mechanical, Naval and Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Pernambuco and ENSTA Bretagne
University under the guidance of professors from the naval engineering department at UFPE.

In the this present work is shown the research development to build a Ferrocement [11] hull where... more In the this present work is shown the research development to build a Ferrocement [11] hull where the first one objective is find minor cost, taking in consideration easy construction form, minimum time to executing this hull. This final product have by objective take to the rivers communities a new method of the naval construction that come to be a cheap substitution for the woods hull and aluminum that exist. For this objective was developed a methodology specific about the production process where the first one step is the time table with all the steps that will be followed. Basically the methodology is the same find in Nóbrega [1], but in this case was used Maxsurf [8] and Hydromax [7] software to calculate all the Naval Structure, hydrostatic date as stability and trim, also all design of the hull as geometry of the ship is obtained from the MaxSurf [8]. The material and price was taken from the marketplace. The build was developed by Naval Engineering students from the Federal University and ENSTA Bretagne University over orientation of the Teachers from UFPE. Important is that this project is part of the CAPES program called BRAFITEC, where the UFPe and ENSTA Bretagne University worked together.
Papers by Juraci C . C . Nóbrega
the development and technological innovation or social technology a vessel in ferrocement you
want to contribute to poor communities in the state of Pernambuco, living from fishing and
waste recycling Urban, as a source of income. This research involves from the design,
development, testing and implementation and testing and field testing of a Naval Engineering
design for small craft and use of alternative materials to more usual as wood and aluminium the
"Canoe concrete." To this end it was researched various combinations of materials that generate
various types of mortar through suitability tests on the use of these products, intensive contact
with water, its structural properties, and hull behaviour with respect to their behaviour when the
water in place.
Thesis Chapters by Juraci C . C . Nóbrega
Teaching Documents by Juraci C . C . Nóbrega
The present work presents a research in Social Technology and Technological Innovation, where the
reinforced concrete and its respective components such as cement, sand, iron and waterproofing
are analyzed, with regard to their proportions in the mixture that best suits the
vessel hull needs. Note that several specimens were taken to the
laboratory to check the specific weight and strain stress test to obtain your
tensile and compression strength. So the best mixture with respect to allowable stresses was the
In a second moment, a methodology for naval construction of artisanal hulls was tested,
which used to time the execution time of each activity with respect to the chain
production for the construction of a vessel, where such data were used for analysis
through the Pert&Cpm network, to verify the execution paths of the production chain, then
making changes to the workshop layout, and comparing the various forms of layout and checking what
better fits keeping the product standard and shorter lead time. The characteristic of
vessel under study consists of the capacity to carry two people plus cargo, and that
present low cost and reduced manufacturing time, in order to market it in
poor communities existing in the city of Recife and surroundings.
For this, a new construction method was developed based on a simple idea: choose
as the main construction material is reinforced concrete, which has a low cost compared to
to conventional materials. The researchers from the E_Naval/UFPE/CNPq Group, developed a
specific methodology to carry out the manufacture of this product using this material, and
achieved remarkable results in terms of reduced manufacturing time and total cost per
unit produced in relation to conventional processes. The pilot is 6.00 m long,
1.10 m wide, and 0.45 m draft. Considering these dimensions, its manufacturing cost in
aluminum is BRL 3,000.00, in wood it is BRL 2,500.00 and using reinforced concrete the cost of
manufacturing is R$600.00. This research work was carried out by students of courses in
Mechanical, Naval and Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Pernambuco and ENSTA Bretagne
University under the guidance of professors from the naval engineering department at UFPE.
the development and technological innovation or social technology a vessel in ferrocement you
want to contribute to poor communities in the state of Pernambuco, living from fishing and
waste recycling Urban, as a source of income. This research involves from the design,
development, testing and implementation and testing and field testing of a Naval Engineering
design for small craft and use of alternative materials to more usual as wood and aluminium the
"Canoe concrete." To this end it was researched various combinations of materials that generate
various types of mortar through suitability tests on the use of these products, intensive contact
with water, its structural properties, and hull behaviour with respect to their behaviour when the
water in place.
The present work presents a research in Social Technology and Technological Innovation, where the
reinforced concrete and its respective components such as cement, sand, iron and waterproofing
are analyzed, with regard to their proportions in the mixture that best suits the
vessel hull needs. Note that several specimens were taken to the
laboratory to check the specific weight and strain stress test to obtain your
tensile and compression strength. So the best mixture with respect to allowable stresses was the
In a second moment, a methodology for naval construction of artisanal hulls was tested,
which used to time the execution time of each activity with respect to the chain
production for the construction of a vessel, where such data were used for analysis
through the Pert&Cpm network, to verify the execution paths of the production chain, then
making changes to the workshop layout, and comparing the various forms of layout and checking what
better fits keeping the product standard and shorter lead time. The characteristic of
vessel under study consists of the capacity to carry two people plus cargo, and that
present low cost and reduced manufacturing time, in order to market it in
poor communities existing in the city of Recife and surroundings.
For this, a new construction method was developed based on a simple idea: choose
as the main construction material is reinforced concrete, which has a low cost compared to
to conventional materials. The researchers from the E_Naval/UFPE/CNPq Group, developed a
specific methodology to carry out the manufacture of this product using this material, and
achieved remarkable results in terms of reduced manufacturing time and total cost per
unit produced in relation to conventional processes. The pilot is 6.00 m long,
1.10 m wide, and 0.45 m draft. Considering these dimensions, its manufacturing cost in
aluminum is BRL 3,000.00, in wood it is BRL 2,500.00 and using reinforced concrete the cost of
manufacturing is R$600.00. This research work was carried out by students of courses in
Mechanical, Naval and Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Pernambuco and ENSTA Bretagne
University under the guidance of professors from the naval engineering department at UFPE.