Papers by Gustavo Oliveira
História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, 2014
Chantal Mouffe, junto al teórico político argentino Ernesto Laclau (1935-2014), lanzó, en 1985, l... more Chantal Mouffe, junto al teórico político argentino Ernesto Laclau (1935-2014), lanzó, en 1985, las bases de la teoría del discurso. Luego, desarrolló su trabajo en el sentido de profundizar como influyen las formulaciones de la teoría del discurso en el análisis de las democracias contemporáneas. Abordando el conflicto como una producción del encuentro de la diferencia, Mouffe lo comprende como un aspecto indeleble en la constitución del social. En este encuentro con la autora, buscamos reflexionar algunos temas y problemáticas centrales de su trabajo, y las implicaciones de su teoría en el campo educacional contemporáneo.
Educação & Realidade, 2013
O artigo desenvolve uma discussão teórico-metodológica sobre as possibilidades e condições para a... more O artigo desenvolve uma discussão teórico-metodológica sobre as possibilidades e condições para a articulação de abordagens pós-estruturalistas, especialmente da Teoria do Discurso de Laclau e Mouffe, na realização de pesquisas empíricas em educação. Inicialmente, é delineada uma breve revisão conceitual sobre a ontologia pós-estruturalista e sobre suas consequências quanto à rejeição do positivismo e da epistemologia moderna. A seguir, são apresentadas e analisadas quatro proposições formuladas por Glynos e Howarth para a realização de pesquisas referenciadas na teoria do discurso. Por fim, é resgatado o debate sobre a exigência de rigor analítico e sobre o potencial crítico dessa teoria na realização de pesquisas no campo da Educação.
Didática(s) entre diálogos, insurgências e políticas: tensões e perspectivas na relação com currículo e avaliação, 2020

Two interviews were then granted by Prof. Glynos, one of them focusing on the Critical Fantasy St... more Two interviews were then granted by Prof. Glynos, one of them focusing on the Critical Fantasy Studies research programme he is developing and here the reader will find the second one, focused on Glynos's own intellectual trajectory, his engagement with discourse theory and psychoanalysis (expressed in his dialogue with Ernesto Laclau and Slavoj Žižek) and a discussion of methodological aspects of the logics framework developed by him and David Howarth (also from the University of Essex). Particular attention will be given to the relation between the logics of equivalence and difference, on the one hand, and the three meso-level logics put forward by Glynos and Howarth, as the social, political and fantasmatic logics. Glynos is also asked to ponder on how the latter relate to one another, especially in contexts of empirical work, around the question of problematization. The interview was conducted by Joanildo Burity and Gustavo Oliveira, at the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation. Joanildo Burity (JB): Maybe the obvious thing, Jason, would be to ask you to say a little bit about how you came to Discourse Theory and, you know, how did your thinking develop around the theoretical impact of discourse theory? Jason Glynos (JG): Well, my interest in discourse theory really emerged back in the early 90s. That was at a time when I was studying law and thinking specifically about the ideology of law and how judges and lawyers reasoned. Questions were being raised about identity: gender and sexual identities, minority identities -including Native American identities -and so on. It was a big thing in the early 90s. Perspectives in Law was a theme and a set of courses introduced at UBC [University of British Columbia] and other universities at the time, responding to a growing awareness and interest in social movements and associated demands. Many were increasingly aware of and registering certain difficulties in translating some of these progressive demands and perspectives into law and policy. And so, I -like many others -became increasingly interested in what it was that made things so difficult to change, why transformation appeared so 'inertial'. Maybe you could say that these issues were more obvious and visible in law, because law tends to be rather conservative in its operation and orientation, building as it does on precedent and incremental change. Nevertheless, it opened up a set of questions for me about the nature of judgment-making, the character of meaning and identity, and their conditions of transformation. And so it was in this period that I became exposed to ideas associated with postmodernism, deconstruction, critical legal studies, and proper names like Foucault, Derrida, Butler, and so on. It was at that time that I also became exposed to the post-marxist ideas of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, through their Hegemony and Socialist Strategy (HSS). (HSS, published in 1985, is considered to be one of the founding texts of their brand of discourse theory. Their work as a whole, alongside other scholarly outputs that their work has inspired, have served to 'found' the so-called Essex School in Discourse Theory.) I was introduced to this book by Joel Bakan -a professor at my Law School -and I was immediately struck by how this short, dense volume could make so much sense out of the developments unfolding before my eyes -in terms of identity, socialist strategy and radical democracy. And so, I became interested in pursuing these ideas more fully. And so -getting back to your question about discourse theory and how I became interested in it -well, in a nutshell, and in retrospect, it was about finding a vocabulary with which to make sense of the difficulties of transformation and the conditions of transformation -legal, economic, and political, transformation. And so I resolved to engage more systematically with discourse theory after attending UBC Law School. At the suggestion of Chantal -whom I had met at that time in Vancouver, while she was on one of her North American lecture tours -I left for the University of Essex to study under the supervision of Ernesto Laclau. That was, I would say, in broad brush strokes, how I became interested in discourse theory, and how I ended up in Essex. Now you teach at Essex. How do you see your own role in the development of political discourse theory and in the Essex School of Discourse Theory? JG: I would say that one of the key reference points for me, right from the outset, from when I first arrived at Essex had to do with questions around psychoanalysis: the role the psychoanalytic dimension in discourse theory played or could play. Actually, it was another professor at UBC who influenced me a great deal -Joseph Smith -who set me on this path. He was an expert in tort law, but he also ran some of the modules in the Perspectives in Law programme I mentioned earlier, and, crucially, introduced me to psychoanalytic jurisprudence, which I know is an ugly term. Basically, it JB: Yes, Freud's "Psychology of masses"... JG: Indeed. Exactly. And debates linked to Tarde, Le Bon, and so on. And there is also the idea of radical investment -which is also present beforehand, and which resonates with some ideas in psychoanalysis, for example, the idea of affect. And the important distinction he makes between ethical moment on the one hand and the 'normative-descriptive complex' on the other. JB: That's right. JG: These ideas reinforce the point about how psychoanalysis took on an increasingly significant role in the development of discourse theory over several decades. Yes, but then adding to that, what difference do you think you are making to this discussion? JG: It's very funny, because we had lots of conversations with Ernesto about this, especially with my fellow research student at the time and later close colleague, Yannis Stavrakakis, who -as you know

Currículo Sem Fronteira, 2022
A emergência do bolsonarismo trouxe para o centro da cena pública brasileira um processo de alian... more A emergência do bolsonarismo trouxe para o centro da cena pública brasileira um processo de aliança e articulação entre defensores do ideário neoliberal, grupos e discursos neoconservadores cristãos e setores alinhados a um projeto de fortalecimento do militarismo e de retorno ao autoritarismo político. A atuação de lideranças eclesiásticas, políticas e midiáticas evangélicas e católicas tornaram-se cruciais para construir uma gramática de sentidos própria e uma dinâmica de identificação subjetiva consistente para o movimento. O propósito deste artigo é contribuir com a investigação de como esse processo de articulação se desenvolveu no campo da educação, por meio de uma análise discursiva de ações, manifestações públicas e práticas sociais de agentes envolvidos nos conflitos e processos educacionais brasileiros entre 2012 e 2022. Problematizamos a realidade de que a maioria das igrejas e comunidades cristãs brasileiras ainda sustenta e é sustentada por modelos fortemente coloniais de fé cristã e vida religiosa e de que não há como aprofundar o debate sobre as contradições e limites dessas identificações e projetos políticos sem enfrentar o debate teológico-político como parte do debate público no campo da educação.
Educação Unisinos, 2018
Este é um artigo de acesso aberto, licenciado por Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (... more Este é um artigo de acesso aberto, licenciado por Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0), sendo permitidas reprodução, adaptação e distribuição desde que o autor e a fonte originais sejam creditados.
Série-Estudos - Periódico do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UCDB, 2019
Interview with Professor Jason Glynos, co-director of the Center for Ideology and Discourse Analy... more Interview with Professor Jason Glynos, co-director of the Center for Ideology and Discourse Analysis (CIDA) at the University of Essex, UK, conducted by professors Joanildo Burity (FUNDAJ) and Gustavo Gilson Oliveira (UFPE). The interview explores the contours, the conceptual framework and the analytic strategies being developed in relation to the so-called Critical Fantasy Studies’ field, associated with his recent work. It seeks to investigate, above all, how these concepts and strategies have contributed and may further contribute to broadening our understanding and deepening our analysis of the spread of neoliberal logics and the emergence of “new” conservative logics in the contemporary social and political scene, particularly in the field of education.

This paper proposes an analysis of the curriculum policies of gender and sexuality produced in Br... more This paper proposes an analysis of the curriculum policies of gender and sexuality produced in Brazil, aiming at revealing the hegemonic practices and the articulation of different logics, such as theoretical, moral and political, that made these practices possible. Curriculum policies are here conceived as dispute fields which establish and contest meanings about curricular texts, while unstable and polysemic codifications. The present work seeks to show how the emergence and dissemination of socio-juridical discursive logics in the field of sexuality, as opposed to biomedical logics, have influenced Brazilian curricular policies since the 2000s. However, it also indicates that these logics have been strongly opposed, in recent years, for the articulation and intensification of the action of neoconservative movements in the country. This article also proposes the appropriation, within the sphere of this debate, of concepts such as the discursive field, hegemony and identification –...

In September 2019, Jason Glynos, Professor of Political Theory at the Department of Government, U... more In September 2019, Jason Glynos, Professor of Political Theory at the Department of Government, University of Essex, UK, visited Recife, Brazil, while staying in the country for two months, for a series of academic activities held at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), co-convened by Profs. Gustavo Oliveira and Anna Luiza Oliveira (UFPE) and Joanildo Burity (Fundaj and UFPE). Two interviews were then granted by Prof. Glynos, one of them focusing on the Critical Fantasy Studies research programme he is developing and here the reader will find the second one, focused on Glynos’s own intellectual trajectory, his engagement with discourse theory and psychoanalysis (expressed in his dialogue with Ernesto Laclau and Slavoj Žižek) and a discussion of methodological aspects of the logics framework developed by him and David Howarth (also from the University of Essex). Particular attention will be given to the relation between the logics of equivalence and difference, on the one hand, and the three meso-level logics put forward by Glynos and Howarth, as the social, political and fantasmatic logics. Glynos is also asked to ponder on how the latter relate to one another, especially in contexts of empirical work, around the question of problematization. The interview was conducted by Joanildo Burity and Gustavo Oliveira, at the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation.

Interview with Professor Jason Glynos, co-director of the Center for Ideology and Discourse Analy... more Interview with Professor Jason Glynos, co-director of the Center for Ideology and Discourse Analysis (CIDA) at the University of Essex, UK, conducted by professors Joanildo Burity (FUNDAJ) and Gustavo Gilson Oliveira (UFPE). The interview explores the contours, the conceptual framework and the analytic strategies being developed in relation to the so-called Critical Fantasy Studies' field, associated with his recent work. It seeks to investigate, above all, how these concepts and strategies have contributed and may further contribute to broadening our understanding and deepening our analysis of the spread of neoliberal logics and the emergence of "new" conservative logics in the contemporary social and political scene, particularly in the field of education.
Resumo: Entrevista realizada com o Professor Jason Glynos, codiretor do Center for Ideology and Discourse Analysis (CIDA) da Universidade de Essex, Reino Unido, conduzida pelos professores Joanildo Burity (FUNDAJ) e Gustavo Gilson Oliveira (UFPE). A entrevista procura explorar os contornos, o quadro conceitual e as estratégias de análise que têm se constituído a partir da emergência do campo dos chamados Estudos Críticos da Fantasia, com o qual o autor tem buscado trabalhar. Procura investigar, sobretudo, como esses conceitos e estratégias têm contribuído e podem ainda contribuir para a ampliação e o aprofundamento das análises sobre a disseminação das lógicas neoliberais e a emergência de "novas" lógicas conservadoras nos cenários sociais e políticos contemporâneos, especialmente no campo da educação.
Palavras-chave: Estudos Críticos da Fantasia; Teoria do Discurso; pesquisa em educação.
Resumen: Entrevista realizada con el profesor Jason Glynos, codirector del Centro de Ideología y Análisis del Discurso (CIDA) de la Universidad de Essex, Reino Unido, realizada por los profesores Joanildo Burity (FUNDAJ) y Gustavo Gilson Oliveira (UFPE). La entrevista busca explorar los contornos, el marco conceptual y las estrategias de análisis que se han formado a partir del surgimiento del campo de los llamados Estudios Críticos de la Fantasía, con lo cual el autor se há dispuesto a trabajar. Busca investigar, sobre todo, cómo estos conceptos y estrategias han contribuido y pueden contribuir aún más a la ampliación y profundización del análisis de la difusión de las lógicas neoliberales y la aparición de "nuevas" lógicas conservadoras en los escenarios sociales y políticos contemporáneos, especialmente en el campo de la educación. Palabras clave: Estudios Críticos de la Fantasía; Teoría del Discurso; investigación en educación.

Walking together: Global anglican perspectives on reconciliation, 2019
The idea evoked in the popular imagination is that the Brazilian people would be a naturally harm... more The idea evoked in the popular imagination is that the Brazilian people would be a naturally harmonious, peaceful and orderly people and that social movements and policies would be responsible for fomenting disorder and conflict in society. The most pernicious aspect of this discourse is that, since those who question and seek to transform the established social order are labelled as "subversive" and "dangerous", hostility and even violence against this "other" becomes easily legitimized as a form of protection of the authentic "we." In the light of this scenario, it is possible to observe that the appropriation of the reflections on "reconciliation" which have been developed in the field of contemporary missiology, theology and political theory are complex, even if potentially productive, when conveyed into the Brazilian context. On the one hand, the perspective of reconciliation implies the recognition of a relationship of inequality, of rupture and, ultimately, in the perception of an imposed and suffered “damage.” In this sense, it becomes difficult to speak of reconciliation in a social context such as Brazil where difference, conflict and violence tend to be systematically denied, or repressed, in the name of an alleged natural harmony and fraternity. In the light of this debate, it is even more important to examine to what extent, and how, the missiological and missionary "model" of reconciliation can, in some way, contribute to the development of missionary actions in IEAB and to the confrontation of its main dilemmas and challenges. For this, however, it is still necessary to seek to articulate the elaborations which have been developed in recent years, in international debates, with a specific discussion about Brazilian cultural, social, political and religious reality.
A teoria do discurso na pesquisa em educação, 2018
Este capítulo busca propor e explorar as implicações e limites de algumas das vias de articulação... more Este capítulo busca propor e explorar as implicações e limites de algumas das vias de articulação entre o referencial ontológico da Teoria Política do Discurso e recursos conceituais e analíticos da Escola Francesa de Análise do Discurso. De modo especial, este texto busca observar até que ponto e como alguns dos conceitos e estratégias de pesquisa desenvolvidos nessa tradição de Análise do Discurso – sobretudo a partir dos trabalhos de Dominique Maingueneau (2015; 2008a) – podem ser apropriados para aprofundar a investigação das lógicas sociais, políticas e fantasmáticas, de acordo com a “abordagem das lógicas” na TPD proposta por Jason Glynos e David Howarth (2007).

Transnational Curriculum Inquiry., 2019
This article analyzes, from a poststructuralist matrix, the trajectory of curriculum policies of ... more This article analyzes, from a poststructuralist matrix, the trajectory of curriculum policies of gender and sexuality in Brazil. It conceives curriculum policies as disputes to constitute meanings about/in the curricular text (Lopes, 2018), discursive articulations
produced continuously from a negotiation with other existing discourses and that involves different instances as: multilateral agencies, media, ministries, secretariats, schools and social movements (Lopes & Macedo, 2011, Macedo, 2013). Producing meanings, in this sense, always involves a pedagogical dimension - which attributes to discourse an authority that is based on the pre-established and reiterated - and a performative dimension - that obliterates any previous or original presence. We discuss the curriculum policies of gender and sexuality produced in Brazil, trying to reveal their contingency, historicity, the structures and conditions that made them possible, especially the contexts of hegemonic dispute and processes of articulation of different logics and theoretical, moral and political practices. In accordance to Carrara (2015) we have been experiencing a transition from what Foucault (1988) postulated as the modern sexuality device, based on the articulation between an anatomo-politics of the human body and a biopolitics of the population, to a
new device or regime of articulated sexuality, specially, over the notions of human rights and sexual rights. At the same time that the principles of the modern device subordinated the legitimacy of sexual relations to their reproductive potential and the strengthening of affective bonds between reproductive couples, the new regime assumed sexuality from the criteria of pleasure and well-being of individuals and collectivities. This change in the field of morality would also correspond to a transformation in the fields of rationality and sexual politics.

Os gêneros da escola e o (im)possível silenciamento da diferença no currículo., 2018
Este capítulo parte da hipótese da emergência de um novo regime de sexualidade, apresentada por C... more Este capítulo parte da hipótese da emergência de um novo regime de sexualidade, apresentada por Carrara (2015), para propor uma ampliação dos elementos e estratégias de análise sobre a trajetória das políticas de gênero e sexualidade na educação brasileira ao longo das duas primeiras décadas do século XXI. O texto busca investigar, em primeiro lugar, até que ponto e como é possível observar no campo das políticas de educação esse referido deslocamento de uma hegemonia dos discursos centrados nos modelos biomédicos, higienistas e eugenistas de controle da sexualidade para um regime hegemônico de discursos articulados em torno das noções sociojurídicas de cidadania e direitos. A seguir, o texto busca evidenciar como a emergência e o fortalecimento dos discursos sociojurídicos no campo da sexualidade, que se tornaram centrais para as políticas de educação no Brasil no início dos anos 2000, passaram a ser fortemente contestados pela articulação de movimentos neoconservadores no campo da educação.

Resumo: A sociedade brasileira tem vivenciado um intenso embate hegemônico sobre as concepções de... more Resumo: A sociedade brasileira tem vivenciado um intenso embate hegemônico sobre as concepções de gênero e sexualidade articuladas nas políticas públicas de currículo e formação docente. Grupos políticos e religiosos conservadores têm desenvolvido um ataque agressivo ao que denominam “ideologia de gênero” na educação. A partir de uma análise dos processos de formação dos discursos pela igualdade de gênero e diversidade sexual nas políticas educacionais brasileiras ao longo das últimas décadas e da emergência de discursos reativos (neo)conservadores no contexto atual, o texto busca discutir as condições de (im)possibilidade desse confronto hegemônico. A análise é desenvolvida em diálogo com os debates pós-estruturalistas no campo da educação e, em especial, com a Teoria Política do Discurso
de Laclau e Mouffe. O trabalho aponta que ambos os polos discursivos engajados no conflito atual são construções históricas contingentes e que o debate no campo da educação tem sido predominantemente realizado a partir do parâmetro comum das políticas de acomodação e
gestão estratégicas das diferenças.
Palavras-chave: currículo, formação docente, gênero.
Abstract: Brazilian society has been experiencing an intense hegemonic clash over the conceptions of gender and sexuality articulated in the public policies of curriculum and teacher training. Conservative political and religious groups have settled an aggressive attack on what
they call “gender ideology” in education. Analyzing the constitution of discourses promoting gender equality and sexual diversity in Brazilian educational policies over the last decades and the emergence of reactive (neo)conservative discourses in the current scenario, the text
seeks to discuss the conditions of (im)possibility of this hegemonic confrontation. The analysis is developed in dialogue with post-structuralist education theories, and especially with Laclau
and Mouffe’s Political Theory of Discourse. The paper points out that both the discursive poles engaged in the current conflict are contingent historical constructs, and that the debate in the field of education has been predominantly carried out from the common parameter of the
policies of accommodation and strategic management of differences.
Keywords: curriculum, teachers training, gender.
A questão do ensino religioso no Brasil se constitui a partir dos debates entre as concepções lib... more A questão do ensino religioso no Brasil se constitui a partir dos debates entre as concepções liberais-laicistas de educação e as perspectivas do tradicionalismo católico e do humanismo cristão. Este trabalho propõe uma investigação preliminar sobre as condições históricas e discursivas que permitiram e permearam a formulação desses discursos. O trabalho indica que tanto os discursos laicistas quanto os religiosos/humanistas tendem a se manter dentro do mesmo referencial de imaginário religioso e que produzem o efeito estrutural de reafirmar e naturalizar esse modelo, o qual começa a ser desafiado pelas transformações recentes nos campos social, cultural e religioso brasileiro.
O artigo desenvolve uma discussão teórico-metodológica sobre as possibilidades e condições para a... more O artigo desenvolve uma discussão teórico-metodológica sobre as possibilidades e condições para a articulação de abordagens pós-estruturalistas, especialmente da Teoria do Discurso de Laclau e Mouffe, na realização de pesquisas empíricas em educação. Inicialmente, é delineada uma breve revisão conceitual sobre a ontologia pós-estruturalista e sobre suas consequências quanto à rejeição do positivismo e da epistemologia moderna. A seguir, são apresentadas e analisadas quatro proposições formuladas por Glynos e Howarth para a realização de pesquisas referenciadas na teoria do discurso. Por fim, é resgatado o debate sobre a exigência de rigor analítico e sobre o potencial crítico dessa teoria na realização de pesquisas no campo da Educação.
História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos, 2014
Chantal Mouffe, junto al teórico político argentino Ernesto Laclau (1935-2014), lanzó, en 1985, l... more Chantal Mouffe, junto al teórico político argentino Ernesto Laclau (1935-2014), lanzó, en 1985, las bases de la teoría del discurso. Luego, desarrolló su trabajo en el sentido de profundizar como influyen las formulaciones de la teoría del discurso en el análisis de las democracias contemporáneas. bordando el conflicto como una producción del encuentro de la diferencia, Mouffe lo comprende como un aspecto indeleble en la constitución del social. En este encuentro con la autora, buscamos reflexionar algunos temas y problemáticas centrales de su trabajo, y las implicaciones de su teoría en el campo educacional contemporáneo.
Palabras clave: Chantal Mouffe (1943- ); teoría del discurso; democracia pluralista; derechos humanos; cultura.
This interview was granted by Ernesto Laclau on his last visit to Brazil, in 2013. He talked to J... more This interview was granted by Ernesto Laclau on his last visit to Brazil, in 2013. He talked to Joanildo Burity, Gustavo Oliveira and Rui Mesquita on occasion of a visit to Recife by invitation from the Joaquim Nabuco Foundation and the Federal University of Pernambuco.

Revista de Teologia e Ciências da Religião da UNICAP, 2012
Resumo: As discussões sobre as relações entre religião, modernidade e crise da modernidade tornar... more Resumo: As discussões sobre as relações entre religião, modernidade e crise da modernidade tornaram-se recorrentes. As razões para esse interesse crescente dizem respeito tanto às transformações no próprio tecido social e no campo religioso quanto a uma mudança na percepção do religioso por parte de atores e analistas sociais contemporâneos. O artigo analisa cinco grandes tendências dentre as diversas interpretações e prognósticos traçados e conclui apresentando uma discussão sobre as principais características e implicações de uma abordagem pós-secularista dos fenômenos religiosos contemporâneos. Palavras-chave: religião; crise da modernidade; secularização; pós-secularismo; pós-estruturalismo.
Abstract: Discussions on the relationship between religion, modernity and the crisis of modernity have become frequent in present times. Reasons for this growing interest relate both to changes in the social fabric of present world and in the religious field as to a change in the perception of religion by contemporary actors and social analysts. The paper analyzes five major trends among the various interpretations and prognostics and concludes with a discussion of the main features and implications of a post-secularist approach to contemporary religious phenomena.
Papers by Gustavo Oliveira
Resumo: Entrevista realizada com o Professor Jason Glynos, codiretor do Center for Ideology and Discourse Analysis (CIDA) da Universidade de Essex, Reino Unido, conduzida pelos professores Joanildo Burity (FUNDAJ) e Gustavo Gilson Oliveira (UFPE). A entrevista procura explorar os contornos, o quadro conceitual e as estratégias de análise que têm se constituído a partir da emergência do campo dos chamados Estudos Críticos da Fantasia, com o qual o autor tem buscado trabalhar. Procura investigar, sobretudo, como esses conceitos e estratégias têm contribuído e podem ainda contribuir para a ampliação e o aprofundamento das análises sobre a disseminação das lógicas neoliberais e a emergência de "novas" lógicas conservadoras nos cenários sociais e políticos contemporâneos, especialmente no campo da educação.
Palavras-chave: Estudos Críticos da Fantasia; Teoria do Discurso; pesquisa em educação.
Resumen: Entrevista realizada con el profesor Jason Glynos, codirector del Centro de Ideología y Análisis del Discurso (CIDA) de la Universidad de Essex, Reino Unido, realizada por los profesores Joanildo Burity (FUNDAJ) y Gustavo Gilson Oliveira (UFPE). La entrevista busca explorar los contornos, el marco conceptual y las estrategias de análisis que se han formado a partir del surgimiento del campo de los llamados Estudios Críticos de la Fantasía, con lo cual el autor se há dispuesto a trabajar. Busca investigar, sobre todo, cómo estos conceptos y estrategias han contribuido y pueden contribuir aún más a la ampliación y profundización del análisis de la difusión de las lógicas neoliberales y la aparición de "nuevas" lógicas conservadoras en los escenarios sociales y políticos contemporáneos, especialmente en el campo de la educación. Palabras clave: Estudios Críticos de la Fantasía; Teoría del Discurso; investigación en educación.
produced continuously from a negotiation with other existing discourses and that involves different instances as: multilateral agencies, media, ministries, secretariats, schools and social movements (Lopes & Macedo, 2011, Macedo, 2013). Producing meanings, in this sense, always involves a pedagogical dimension - which attributes to discourse an authority that is based on the pre-established and reiterated - and a performative dimension - that obliterates any previous or original presence. We discuss the curriculum policies of gender and sexuality produced in Brazil, trying to reveal their contingency, historicity, the structures and conditions that made them possible, especially the contexts of hegemonic dispute and processes of articulation of different logics and theoretical, moral and political practices. In accordance to Carrara (2015) we have been experiencing a transition from what Foucault (1988) postulated as the modern sexuality device, based on the articulation between an anatomo-politics of the human body and a biopolitics of the population, to a
new device or regime of articulated sexuality, specially, over the notions of human rights and sexual rights. At the same time that the principles of the modern device subordinated the legitimacy of sexual relations to their reproductive potential and the strengthening of affective bonds between reproductive couples, the new regime assumed sexuality from the criteria of pleasure and well-being of individuals and collectivities. This change in the field of morality would also correspond to a transformation in the fields of rationality and sexual politics.
de Laclau e Mouffe. O trabalho aponta que ambos os polos discursivos engajados no conflito atual são construções históricas contingentes e que o debate no campo da educação tem sido predominantemente realizado a partir do parâmetro comum das políticas de acomodação e
gestão estratégicas das diferenças.
Palavras-chave: currículo, formação docente, gênero.
Abstract: Brazilian society has been experiencing an intense hegemonic clash over the conceptions of gender and sexuality articulated in the public policies of curriculum and teacher training. Conservative political and religious groups have settled an aggressive attack on what
they call “gender ideology” in education. Analyzing the constitution of discourses promoting gender equality and sexual diversity in Brazilian educational policies over the last decades and the emergence of reactive (neo)conservative discourses in the current scenario, the text
seeks to discuss the conditions of (im)possibility of this hegemonic confrontation. The analysis is developed in dialogue with post-structuralist education theories, and especially with Laclau
and Mouffe’s Political Theory of Discourse. The paper points out that both the discursive poles engaged in the current conflict are contingent historical constructs, and that the debate in the field of education has been predominantly carried out from the common parameter of the
policies of accommodation and strategic management of differences.
Keywords: curriculum, teachers training, gender.
Palabras clave: Chantal Mouffe (1943- ); teoría del discurso; democracia pluralista; derechos humanos; cultura.
Abstract: Discussions on the relationship between religion, modernity and the crisis of modernity have become frequent in present times. Reasons for this growing interest relate both to changes in the social fabric of present world and in the religious field as to a change in the perception of religion by contemporary actors and social analysts. The paper analyzes five major trends among the various interpretations and prognostics and concludes with a discussion of the main features and implications of a post-secularist approach to contemporary religious phenomena.
Resumo: Entrevista realizada com o Professor Jason Glynos, codiretor do Center for Ideology and Discourse Analysis (CIDA) da Universidade de Essex, Reino Unido, conduzida pelos professores Joanildo Burity (FUNDAJ) e Gustavo Gilson Oliveira (UFPE). A entrevista procura explorar os contornos, o quadro conceitual e as estratégias de análise que têm se constituído a partir da emergência do campo dos chamados Estudos Críticos da Fantasia, com o qual o autor tem buscado trabalhar. Procura investigar, sobretudo, como esses conceitos e estratégias têm contribuído e podem ainda contribuir para a ampliação e o aprofundamento das análises sobre a disseminação das lógicas neoliberais e a emergência de "novas" lógicas conservadoras nos cenários sociais e políticos contemporâneos, especialmente no campo da educação.
Palavras-chave: Estudos Críticos da Fantasia; Teoria do Discurso; pesquisa em educação.
Resumen: Entrevista realizada con el profesor Jason Glynos, codirector del Centro de Ideología y Análisis del Discurso (CIDA) de la Universidad de Essex, Reino Unido, realizada por los profesores Joanildo Burity (FUNDAJ) y Gustavo Gilson Oliveira (UFPE). La entrevista busca explorar los contornos, el marco conceptual y las estrategias de análisis que se han formado a partir del surgimiento del campo de los llamados Estudios Críticos de la Fantasía, con lo cual el autor se há dispuesto a trabajar. Busca investigar, sobre todo, cómo estos conceptos y estrategias han contribuido y pueden contribuir aún más a la ampliación y profundización del análisis de la difusión de las lógicas neoliberales y la aparición de "nuevas" lógicas conservadoras en los escenarios sociales y políticos contemporáneos, especialmente en el campo de la educación. Palabras clave: Estudios Críticos de la Fantasía; Teoría del Discurso; investigación en educación.
produced continuously from a negotiation with other existing discourses and that involves different instances as: multilateral agencies, media, ministries, secretariats, schools and social movements (Lopes & Macedo, 2011, Macedo, 2013). Producing meanings, in this sense, always involves a pedagogical dimension - which attributes to discourse an authority that is based on the pre-established and reiterated - and a performative dimension - that obliterates any previous or original presence. We discuss the curriculum policies of gender and sexuality produced in Brazil, trying to reveal their contingency, historicity, the structures and conditions that made them possible, especially the contexts of hegemonic dispute and processes of articulation of different logics and theoretical, moral and political practices. In accordance to Carrara (2015) we have been experiencing a transition from what Foucault (1988) postulated as the modern sexuality device, based on the articulation between an anatomo-politics of the human body and a biopolitics of the population, to a
new device or regime of articulated sexuality, specially, over the notions of human rights and sexual rights. At the same time that the principles of the modern device subordinated the legitimacy of sexual relations to their reproductive potential and the strengthening of affective bonds between reproductive couples, the new regime assumed sexuality from the criteria of pleasure and well-being of individuals and collectivities. This change in the field of morality would also correspond to a transformation in the fields of rationality and sexual politics.
de Laclau e Mouffe. O trabalho aponta que ambos os polos discursivos engajados no conflito atual são construções históricas contingentes e que o debate no campo da educação tem sido predominantemente realizado a partir do parâmetro comum das políticas de acomodação e
gestão estratégicas das diferenças.
Palavras-chave: currículo, formação docente, gênero.
Abstract: Brazilian society has been experiencing an intense hegemonic clash over the conceptions of gender and sexuality articulated in the public policies of curriculum and teacher training. Conservative political and religious groups have settled an aggressive attack on what
they call “gender ideology” in education. Analyzing the constitution of discourses promoting gender equality and sexual diversity in Brazilian educational policies over the last decades and the emergence of reactive (neo)conservative discourses in the current scenario, the text
seeks to discuss the conditions of (im)possibility of this hegemonic confrontation. The analysis is developed in dialogue with post-structuralist education theories, and especially with Laclau
and Mouffe’s Political Theory of Discourse. The paper points out that both the discursive poles engaged in the current conflict are contingent historical constructs, and that the debate in the field of education has been predominantly carried out from the common parameter of the
policies of accommodation and strategic management of differences.
Keywords: curriculum, teachers training, gender.
Palabras clave: Chantal Mouffe (1943- ); teoría del discurso; democracia pluralista; derechos humanos; cultura.
Abstract: Discussions on the relationship between religion, modernity and the crisis of modernity have become frequent in present times. Reasons for this growing interest relate both to changes in the social fabric of present world and in the religious field as to a change in the perception of religion by contemporary actors and social analysts. The paper analyzes five major trends among the various interpretations and prognostics and concludes with a discussion of the main features and implications of a post-secularist approach to contemporary religious phenomena.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Educação não escolar. Teoria do discurso. Pós-estruturalismo. Subjetividade. Fantasias sociais.
Abstract: This study aims to analyze how tensions and articulations between the discourses of school education, popular education and popular culture affect the (re) constitution processes of high school students' identities. Using the analytical instruments of Discourse Theory, we heard eleven young participants of out-of-school teaching institutions in the metropolitan region and the sertão of Pernambuco. We perceive that the various educational discourses are articulated, opposed and recreated in a permanent dynamics of subjectivities production. The agonic relation between these discourses is, in turn, in constant tension with the discourses of contemporary media culture, which also resists, articulates and opposes them. In this environment of hegemonic dispute, the subjects are configured in contingent positions, partially sutured and continually threatened by conflicts and contradictions. The fantasy of "being someone in life" is dominated by the liberal logic of choosing/deserving to be who you are. Substantiated by the repression and discipline of bodies, this logic is revealed in desires, fears and hope(lessness) for the future and reproduces/projects itself over new generations.
Palavras-chave: Currículo; Religião; Secularização; Pós-secularismo; Pluralismo Religioso.
Palavras-chave: Educação e Sexualidade, Diferença, Práticas discursivas.