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Com o desenvolvimento da indústria de jogos digitais, e o aumento da complexidade dos projetos envolvidos, novos paradigmas passam a permear a sua produção. Surge então a necessidade de criar, cada vez mais, jogos melhores, que sejam... more
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      Game DesignInformation Design
The term Virtual Reality (VR) was coined by the artist and computer scientist Jaron Lanier, by which he succeeded in expressing the search for the merger between what is real and what is virtual in the 80s. Based on movies such as Tron,... more
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Este catálogo de metodologias de design é resultado de um trabalho iniciado em 2008 por Mateus Ximenes sob orientação do professor André Neves, durante um programa de iniciação científica — PIBIC — pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.... more
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In the area of the design and physiotherapy, the using of virtual technologies for immersion of users are spreading. And this affirmation extends to several areas of knowledge. In games, the quote is, resources are being used to work... more
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      ErgonomicsGame Design
in: Advances in Usability Evaluation Part 2. Francisco Rebelo; Marcelo M. Soares (eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, EUA, pp 276-285. 2013. ISBN: 9781466560543. ABSTRACT: The using of virtual technologies for immersion of users are spreading... more
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      DesignErgonomicsGame Design
Obesity is increasing alarmingly worldwide, especially in children's audience, due to the adoption of sedentary habits. The exergames are a new class of digital games that have arisen over the possible use of technology, low cost, to... more
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Sociedade Brasileira de Design da Informação -SBDI Recife | Brasil | 2013 ISBN Proceedings of the 6 th Information Design International Conference 5 th InfoDesign Brazil 6 th Congic Solange G. Coutinho, Monica Moura (orgs.) Sociedade... more
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Newsgames are a game format that use the news as a basis for constructing their narrative. Observations made between 2012 and 2014 indicated a gap in the observation of gameplay and usability of this kind of game, which has arisen as a... more
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      UsabilityGame DesignUsability and user experience
negotiating agents outperform others that use pure argumentation with no uncertainty consideration.
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      Distributed ComputingGame TheoryTheory of EvidenceBayesian methods
The uncertainty may be divides it into two major groups, " objective uncertainty " and " subjective uncertainty ". The objective uncertainty has already been extensively explored in works on classic probability, but this is not the case... more
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    • Subjective Uncertainty
Livro base da disciplina de Design Contemporâneo que ministro na UFPE, no curso de Design para os estudantes do primeiro período
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Chatterbots can facilitate the process of human computer interaction and are also able to explore and influence the user's behavior [1]. Recent studies have showed the importance of personality for improving the performance of... more
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O desenvolvimento de projetos em game design envolve entradas de informações vindas de diversas fontes. Essas entradas possuem informações imperfeitas, e, conseqüentemente, haverá um alto grau de incerteza subjetiva nas suas combinações.... more
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This article purpose to establish a parallel between the methodology of design of products of the real world and the process of development of artifacts on the virtual world, presenting how the methodology of design intermediated by... more
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We present a framework for the development of Virtual Co-operative Learning Environments in the Internet following the construtivim approach requirements, emphasizing the cooperative work. Our aim is to provide a tool for the construction... more
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O projeto FIACI tem por objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para a concepção de ferramentas de software que dão suporte à aprendizagem cooperativa via Internet. Essas ferramentas baseiam-se na tecnologia de Agentes Inteligentes e... more
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Resumo Este artigo apresenta como alguns métodos de avaliação de usabilidade podem ser aplicados durante o desenvolvimento de um jogo para garantir a qualidade deste. Os métodos podem variar de acordo com o tipo do projeto para focar nas... more
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    • Game Design
O avanço de hardwares e softwares tem proporcionado a criação de ambientes amplos e detalhados nos jogos digitais. O design de tais ambientes é uma tarefa complexa e envolve diversas áreas de conhecimento. Nosso objetivo é apresentar... more
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Since 1995, we have been watching the emergence of a new paradigm for the construction of chatterbots based on markup languages. The most prominent of these languages is AIML. Despite its success, XML chatterbots have drawbacks in what... more
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      Human Computer InteractionWeb EngineeringConversation Analysis
By using artistic mutations in its logotype, called doodles, Google has been commemorating important events and personalities. Google’s mutations started with still images, evolved to increasingly complex interactions, resulting in games.... more
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