Com o desenvolvimento da indústria de jogos digitais, e o aumento da complexidade dos projetos envolvidos, novos paradigmas passam a permear a sua produção. Surge então a necessidade de criar, cada vez mais, jogos melhores, que sejam... more
Com o desenvolvimento da indústria de jogos digitais, e o aumento da complexidade dos projetos envolvidos, novos paradigmas passam a permear a sua produção. Surge então a necessidade de criar, cada vez mais, jogos melhores, que sejam intuitivos na sua interação, através de uma interface amigável, proporcionando assim a experiência adequada. Desta forma, é importante perceber que o fluxo de informações está em evidência a cada momento, já que os jogos digitais, com todos os seus elementos, também podem ser classificados como sistemas de informação. Assim, o design da informação se encontra como um dos principais elementos na estrutura dos jogos digitais, devendo ser levado em consideração como forma de se elaborar um melhor projeto, que facilite o desenvolvimento de produtos com o devido entendimento e legibilidade nas suas informações. Esta pesquisa se refere à análise da relação entre os jogos digitais e o design da informação, considerando que entre estes existem vários outros fatores, interligados por aspectos como experiência do usuário, interação e interface. Como resultado da análise, percebe-se uma forte influência da forma como a informação se relaciona com os jogos digitais e a experiência do usuário, através de canais estabelecidos pelo design de interação e de interface.
- by Valeska F Martins and +2
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- Game Design, Information Design
The term Virtual Reality (VR) was coined by the artist and computer scientist Jaron Lanier, by which he succeeded in expressing the search for the merger between what is real and what is virtual in the 80s. Based on movies such as Tron,... more
The term Virtual Reality (VR) was coined by the artist and computer scientist Jaron Lanier, by which he succeeded in expressing the search for the merger between what is real and what is virtual in the 80s. Based on movies such as Tron, by Steven Lisberger, the concept became known worldwide as a technology for digital games the aim of which was to prompt the user into greater interaction with, immersion in and engagement with the environment and the projected narrative. This study sets out a review the state of the art on the concept of VR used in the universe of digital games, whether in the context of research or entertainment, starting with a re-reading of scientific articles, books and online publications on the subject. In the context of digital games, in the past there was a major difficulty about using equipment such as a helmet with goggles, for ergonomic reasons. Currently, new devices are being enhanced to make their usability better for the user, and there are new applications such as using serious games in support of the fields of education and health and in the future, there will be nanotechnology projects applied to virtualizing reality and overcoming the limitations of the human body within the virtual world.
- by Breno Carvalho and +3
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Este catálogo de metodologias de design é resultado de um trabalho iniciado em 2008 por Mateus Ximenes sob orientação do professor André Neves, durante um programa de iniciação científica — PIBIC — pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.... more
Este catálogo de metodologias de design é resultado de um trabalho iniciado em 2008 por Mateus Ximenes sob orientação do professor André Neves, durante um programa de iniciação científica — PIBIC — pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Ainda em 2008, o projeto teve continuidade dada por Luis Arthur Vasconcelos, autor deste catálogo, com a importante colaboração de Vania Teofilo, membros do GDRlab — Laboratório de Pesquisa em Game Design. Após o fim do projeto, em 2009, o autor ampliou a pesquisa e retrabalhou os conceitos anteriormente estabelecidos, dando origem a um documento teórico intitulado de “Uma Investigação em Metodologias de Design” e, por fim, a este catálogo, que registra vinte e seis metodologias de design desenvolvidas desde a década de sessenta.
- by Luis Arthur Vasconcelos and +1
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In the area of the design and physiotherapy, the using of virtual technologies for immersion of users are spreading. And this affirmation extends to several areas of knowledge. In games, the quote is, resources are being used to work... more
In the area of the design and physiotherapy, the using of virtual technologies for immersion of users are spreading.
And this affirmation extends to several areas of knowledge. In games, the quote is, resources are being used to work cognitive
skills, attention, memory, among other factors beside the children. Currently, at the expense of usability, low cost, virtual
technologies of perception and interaction, as Nintendo Wii, X-Box 360, among others, arises therefore a new class of games
called Exergames, which is the union of physical activity the game. This fact gives users the development of sensory and
motor skills through virtual reality mechanisms suitable for certain needs. This literature review aimed to provide an overview
of the current context of Exergames, especially in use for controlling childhood obesity, which is growing alarmingly, with
some features, applications and possibilities for use at the design and other areas such as physiotherapy.
And this affirmation extends to several areas of knowledge. In games, the quote is, resources are being used to work cognitive
skills, attention, memory, among other factors beside the children. Currently, at the expense of usability, low cost, virtual
technologies of perception and interaction, as Nintendo Wii, X-Box 360, among others, arises therefore a new class of games
called Exergames, which is the union of physical activity the game. This fact gives users the development of sensory and
motor skills through virtual reality mechanisms suitable for certain needs. This literature review aimed to provide an overview
of the current context of Exergames, especially in use for controlling childhood obesity, which is growing alarmingly, with
some features, applications and possibilities for use at the design and other areas such as physiotherapy.
- by Marcelo M Soares and +1
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- Ergonomics, Game Design
in: Advances in Usability Evaluation Part 2. Francisco Rebelo; Marcelo M. Soares (eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, EUA, pp 276-285. 2013. ISBN: 9781466560543. ABSTRACT: The using of virtual technologies for immersion of users are spreading... more
in: Advances in Usability Evaluation Part 2. Francisco Rebelo; Marcelo M. Soares (eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, EUA, pp 276-285. 2013. ISBN: 9781466560543. ABSTRACT: The using of virtual technologies for immersion of users are spreading in several areas of knowledge. In games, the quote is, resources are being used to work cognitive skills, attention, memory, among other factors beside the children. Currently, at the expense of usability, low cost, virtual technologies of perception and interaction, as Nintendo Wii, X-Box 360, among others, arises therefore a new class of games called Exergames, which is the union of physical activity the game. This fact gives users the development of sensory and motor skills through virtual reality mechanisms suitable for certain needs. This paper aimed to provide an overview of the current context of Exergames, especially in use for controlling childhood obesity, with some features, applications and possibilities for use.
- by Marcelo M Soares and +2
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- Design, Ergonomics, Game Design
Obesity is increasing alarmingly worldwide, especially in children's audience, due to the adoption of sedentary habits. The exergames are a new class of digital games that have arisen over the possible use of technology, low cost, to... more
Obesity is increasing alarmingly worldwide, especially in children's audience, due to the adoption of sedentary habits. The exergames are a new class of digital games that have arisen over the possible use of technology, low cost, to unite physical activity to video games such as Nintendo Wii, X-Box 360, among others. And these have been gaining ground due to immersion of users, working their cognitive skills, attention and memory. This study presents a new game, the PEGGO developed by Federal University of Pernambuco, with data supporting the use for this type of game in order to contribute to help control childhood obesity.
- by Fábio Campos and +3
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Sociedade Brasileira de Design da Informação -SBDI Recife | Brasil | 2013 ISBN Proceedings of the 6 th Information Design International Conference 5 th InfoDesign Brazil 6 th Congic Solange G. Coutinho, Monica Moura (orgs.) Sociedade... more
Sociedade Brasileira de Design da Informação -SBDI Recife | Brasil | 2013 ISBN Proceedings of the 6 th Information Design International Conference 5 th InfoDesign Brazil 6 th Congic Solange G. Coutinho, Monica Moura (orgs.) Sociedade Brasileira de Design da Informação -SBDI Recife | Brazil | 2013 ISBN Design da informação nos jogos digitais Information design in digital games André Neves, Fábio Campos, Ian V. Benicio, Marisardo Filho, Solange G. Coutinho, Valeska F. Martins jogos digitais; design da informação; design da interação; interface; user experience
- by andre neves and +4
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Newsgames are a game format that use the news as a basis for constructing their narrative. Observations made between 2012 and 2014 indicated a gap in the observation of gameplay and usability of this kind of game, which has arisen as a... more
Newsgames are a game format that use the news as a basis for constructing their narrative. Observations made between 2012 and 2014 indicated a gap in the observation of gameplay and usability of this kind of game, which has arisen as a different format of publishing information. The objective of this study was to analyze the usability and playability of newsgames produced since 2000, for which three simulation newsgames were chosen: Iced - I can end deportation, Heartsaver and The Candidate. The analysis was based on studies by Niesen and Preece and Rogers, who observed users interacting with newgames. From the results obtained we intend to investigate other genres of newsgames, with a view to improving the game experience.
negotiating agents outperform others that use pure argumentation with no uncertainty consideration.
The uncertainty may be divides it into two major groups, " objective uncertainty " and " subjective uncertainty ". The objective uncertainty has already been extensively explored in works on classic probability, but this is not the case... more
The uncertainty may be divides it into two major groups, " objective uncertainty " and " subjective uncertainty ". The objective uncertainty has already been extensively explored in works on classic probability, but this is not the case with subjective uncertainty, a field of knowledge where there is not even a well established epistemology. In this work we show a first step towards an epistemology of the subjective uncertainty, its premises, and also a way to model them. If a system fails to model all the premises it will not be able to generically model the subjective uncertainty. This is what happens, for example, with the rules of combination until now used within the Dempster-Shafer Theory, one of the formal models that deals with subjective uncertainty. The Dempster-Shafer Theory provides a method for combining evidence from different sources without prior knowledge of their distributions, however, it has some pitfalls caused by an incomplete modeling of the premises. In this paper we present a method that models the three subjective uncertainty premises (the explicit lack of knowledge, the conflict among the evidence, and the non-uniqueness of the assignment of belief and relative division of the belief among the hypotheses chosen), extending the Dempster-Shafer Theory, correcting its counter-intuitive behavior, and allowing its use in a broad range of situations.
- by Fábio Campos and +3
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- Subjective Uncertainty
Livro base da disciplina de Design Contemporâneo que ministro na UFPE, no curso de Design para os estudantes do primeiro período
- by andre neves
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Chatterbots can facilitate the process of human computer interaction and are also able to explore and influence the user's behavior [1]. Recent studies have showed the importance of personality for improving the performance of... more
Chatterbots can facilitate the process of human computer interaction and are also able to explore and influence the user's behavior [1]. Recent studies have showed the importance of personality for improving the performance of computer systems [2]. Hence, it is of great interest the ...
- by andre neves and +1
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O desenvolvimento de projetos em game design envolve entradas de informações vindas de diversas fontes. Essas entradas possuem informações imperfeitas, e, conseqüentemente, haverá um alto grau de incerteza subjetiva nas suas combinações.... more
O desenvolvimento de projetos em game design envolve entradas de informações vindas de diversas fontes. Essas entradas possuem informações imperfeitas, e, conseqüentemente, haverá um alto grau de incerteza subjetiva nas suas combinações. Este artigo mostra uma nova proposta de metodologia que modela as diferentes fontes de incerteza subjetiva, auxiliando na escolha de alternativas de projetos em game design.
- by andre neves and +1
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This article purpose to establish a parallel between the methodology of design of products of the real world and the process of development of artifacts on the virtual world, presenting how the methodology of design intermediated by... more
This article purpose to establish a parallel between the methodology of design of products of the real world and the process of development of artifacts on the virtual world, presenting how the methodology of design intermediated by prototypes can contribute to make more interactive and efficient the process of design of virtual artifacts for games.
- by andre neves
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We present a framework for the development of Virtual Co-operative Learning Environments in the Internet following the construtivim approach requirements, emphasizing the cooperative work. Our aim is to provide a tool for the construction... more
We present a framework for the development of Virtual Co-operative Learning Environments in the Internet following the construtivim approach requirements, emphasizing the cooperative work. Our aim is to provide a tool for the construction of learning environments which can be used as a complement to ordinary classes, as well as in distance learning. This framework was built under the paradigm of Intelligent Agents, suitable for the construction of environments which allow for co-operation. The initial prototype has been used to build a few co-operative learning environments within the VIRTUS project. The achievements with the use of such environments by students and teachers are very promising, indicating that we are in the right direction. At the moment we are working in the completion of this framework.
- by andre neves
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O projeto FIACI tem por objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para a concepção de ferramentas de software que dão suporte à aprendizagem cooperativa via Internet. Essas ferramentas baseiam-se na tecnologia de Agentes Inteligentes e... more
O projeto FIACI tem por objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para a concepção de ferramentas de software que dão suporte à aprendizagem cooperativa via Internet. Essas ferramentas baseiam-se na tecnologia de Agentes Inteligentes e objetos, e estão sendo aplicadas na criação de ambientes educacionais baseados na Web para cursos de qualquer nível de escolaridade. Os ambientes criados podem ser utilizados tanto como auxílio a cursos presenciais como para o ensino a distância. Apresentamos aqui uma descrição geral do projeto, bem como os avanços conseguidos até o momento.
- by andre neves and +2
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Resumo Este artigo apresenta como alguns métodos de avaliação de usabilidade podem ser aplicados durante o desenvolvimento de um jogo para garantir a qualidade deste. Os métodos podem variar de acordo com o tipo do projeto para focar nas... more
Resumo Este artigo apresenta como alguns métodos de avaliação de usabilidade podem ser aplicados durante o desenvolvimento de um jogo para garantir a qualidade deste. Os métodos podem variar de acordo com o tipo do projeto para focar nas questões críticas ...
O avanço de hardwares e softwares tem proporcionado a criação de ambientes amplos e detalhados nos jogos digitais. O design de tais ambientes é uma tarefa complexa e envolve diversas áreas de conhecimento. Nosso objetivo é apresentar... more
O avanço de hardwares e softwares tem proporcionado a criação de ambientes amplos e detalhados nos jogos digitais. O design de tais ambientes é uma tarefa complexa e envolve diversas áreas de conhecimento. Nosso objetivo é apresentar conceitos da arquitetura convencional e explorar algumas implicações dessa teoria para o design de ambientes em jogos. Esse estudo mostrou-se proveitoso para o desenvolvimento de ambientes mais significativos, consistentes e estimulantes.
- by andre neves
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Since 1995, we have been watching the emergence of a new paradigm for the construction of chatterbots based on markup languages. The most prominent of these languages is AIML. Despite its success, XML chatterbots have drawbacks in what... more
Since 1995, we have been watching the emergence of a new paradigm for the construction of chatterbots based on markup languages. The most prominent of these languages is AIML. Despite its success, XML chatterbots have drawbacks in what concerns the level of fluency in dialogues. We present here XbotML, a new language for the construction of chatterbots based on principles of the Conversational Analysis theory. Following this theory, XbotML structures dialogues between user and chatterbot in adjacency pairs, each pair bearing one associated intention. As proof of concept, we constructed a chatterbot that has reached fluency level around 75% in dialogues with people. This is an original work that contributes to raise the fluency level of XML chatterbots by: providing a linguistically grounded model for chatterbots' markup languages bases; providing a modular model for these bases; and allowing the extension of existing bases to different domains and applications.
By using artistic mutations in its logotype, called doodles, Google has been commemorating important events and personalities. Google’s mutations started with still images, evolved to increasingly complex interactions, resulting in games.... more
By using artistic mutations in its logotype, called doodles, Google has been commemorating important events and personalities. Google’s mutations started with still images, evolved to increasingly complex interactions, resulting in games. Thus, the native of the digital world has now introduced an approach for interaction with your brand in cyberspace, from the experiences with the user. The article aims to analyze the doodle commemorating Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary, the British TV broadcaster BBC’s series, considering principles of interaction design and usability. The path analysis is substantiated by authors such as Preece, Rogers and Sharp, and Nielsen (interaction design and usability); Frutiger, Strunck and Gobé (visual identity), the prospect of watching the changing of the Google brand from interactions with users.
- by Carla Teixeira and +2
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