Papers by Ademario Tavares

Virtual reality, Mar 28, 2024
Identifying users' experience when using products is one of the major challenges for design. Anal... more Identifying users' experience when using products is one of the major challenges for design. Analyzing users' psychophysiological reactions to an experience using biofeedback can produce more reliable results than using subjective evaluations, such as structured interviews and questionnaires. Two case studies were conducted to identify emotions users actually felt and to check whether there is some correspondence with what they reported after using two computational systems. The first system investigated users' emotions during training on a vehicle driving simulator, and the second analyzed the emotions experienced during a car racing game, both in a virtual reality environment. User's opinions about their emotional state were obtained using self-report techniques (using the Geneva Emotions Wheel-GEW and Positive and Negative Affective Schedule-PANAS questionnaires) and applying EEG (brain activity with Frontal Alpha Asymmetry Index-FAAI) and infrared thermography (facial thermograms). The training experiment presented the greater concordance between the psychophysiological and the self-report responses. Results evidenced the importance of undertaking multimodal studies in design research to determine users' emotional experiences in a virtual reality context.

Identifying users' experience when using products is one of the major challenges for design. Anal... more Identifying users' experience when using products is one of the major challenges for design. Analyzing users' psychophysiological reactions to an experience using biofeedback can be more reliable than using subjective evaluations, such as structured interviews and questionnaires. Two case studies were conducted to identify emotions users actually felt and to correlate these to what they reported after using two computational systems. The rst system investigated users' emotions during training on a vehicle driving simulator and the second analyzed the emotions experienced during a car racing game, both in a Virtual Reality environment. Their opinions about their emotional state were obtained using selfreport techniques (using the Geneva Emotions Wheel-GEW and Positive, and Negative Affective Schedule-PANAS questionnaires) and applying EEG (brain activity with Frontal Alpha Asymmetry Index-FAAI) and infrared thermography (facial thermograms). The training experiment presented the greater correlation between the psychophysiological and the self-report responses. Results evidenced the importance of undertaking multimodal studies in design research to determine users' emotional experiences in a virtual reality context.

Design, User Experience, and Usability. Practice and Case Studies, 2019
Internet shopping has been around for a number of years, changing the way companies deal with the... more Internet shopping has been around for a number of years, changing the way companies deal with their customers and technologies have followed that process through new tools and experiences. The fashion industry has followed these changes and has modernized itself to the point where consumers can get clothes without leaving their homes through the use of virtual tasters. From the simplest models that use few anthropometric measures to the most advanced ones with Augmented Reality, avatars and body movements, virtual testers have become allies for both business profits and user experiences. This paper portrays the experience of using a virtual fashion taster by a group of Fashion Design students at a university in Brazil. After evaluating this tool and answering a questionnaire about usability, some questions about ergonomic factors were discussed and proposals were generated for future designs.

Blucher Design Proceedings, 2017
Ergonomia, Design de interiores, Ensino A Ergonomia é uma disciplina científica que se insere nas... more Ergonomia, Design de interiores, Ensino A Ergonomia é uma disciplina científica que se insere nas mais diversas áreas do conhecimento, dentre elas, as profissões relacionadas com o ambiente construído e com a docência. Constituída por normas técnicas e metodologias sistemáticas, o ensino da Ergonomia aplicada ao ambiente desenvolveu um corpo teórico e epistemológico de grande importância. No entanto, o ensino da ergonomia muitas vezes negligencia a necessidade da empatia e da experiência in loco dos discentes em situações relacionadas à interação entre o humano e o ambiente. Neste sentido, torna-se fundamental para os docentes a aplicação de exercícios práticos e simulados. O objetivo destas experiências reais e participativas é proporcionar uma nova visão dos problemas que surgem no dia a dia, tornando o aluno um ser mais perceptível, compreensível e crítico das condições de acessibilidade de um ambiente. Um estudo de caso evidenciou os aspectos positivos dessas experiências.
Blucher Engineering Proceedings, 2016
A acessibilidade é condição fundamental para vida de qualquer ser humano. No caso dos idosos, pod... more A acessibilidade é condição fundamental para vida de qualquer ser humano. No caso dos idosos, pode representar mais do que a possibilidade de ir e vir; visa a promoção de uma melhor qualidade de vida, quer seja no ambiente residencial ou institucional. Este artigo tem o objetivo de evidenciar as características da infraestrutura de seis instituições de longa permanência para idosos com sistemas administrativos diferentes. Através da metodologia ergonômica MEAC e do método de acessibilidade MEA foram encontrados diversos problemas de não conformidade com a NBR 9050, evidenciando a falta da aplicação de preceitos ergonômicos em ambientes para idosos.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2016
Although there are usability techniques that evaluate the user experience through the process of ... more Although there are usability techniques that evaluate the user experience through the process of design and evaluation of consumer products, not always the researcher has the knowledge if the experience reported by the user at time of search matches fully with the actual experience felt by user. This study conducted a usability evaluation of a sample of users during manual handling of soda PET packaging by comparing the user-reported experience and the actual experience felt measured through usability analysis techniques and thermography. Thermography aimed to capture images from the volunteers radiated heat body parts to associate them with any emotional excitement while handling the product. Also proved that thermography has proven to be effective to measure users’ satisfaction (felt experience) in handling consumer products.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016
Studies related to measuring user satisfaction with soft drinks PET packaging are still scarce, e... more Studies related to measuring user satisfaction with soft drinks PET packaging are still scarce, especially when related to users’ actual performance in the act of opening screw caps. Although there are usability techniques that evaluate a user’s experience by using the process for conceptualizing and evaluating consumer products, the researcher does not always have factual knowledge about whether or not the experience reported by the user at the time of the research fully matches what the user actually experienced. This study conducted a usability evaluation of how a sample of users manually handled PET bottles for soft drinks by making a comparison between the experience as reported by the user and the real experience that the user underwent by using three techniques to measure them, namely usability analysis, eye tracking and electroencephalography (EEG).
Procedia Manufacturing, 2015
Bus stops are a very important element in urban mobility, linking the user to the public transpor... more Bus stops are a very important element in urban mobility, linking the user to the public transport. It is essential that the infrastructure be adequate to accommodate the user with comfort and safety, providing correct information about the city and the transport system. Therefore, this article presents a small theoretical framework and performs a comparison between information panels at bus stops in five cities around the world. The aim is to analyze whether these panels have clear and objective information related to the urban transport system. It was concluded that the bus stops in Brazilian cities had a very poor performance compared with those of other countries.
INGEPRO-Inovação, Gestão e Produção, 2010
Page 1. INGEPRO Inovação, Gestão e Produção Junho de 2010, vol. 02, no. 06 ISSN 1984-6193 www.i... more Page 1. INGEPRO Inovação, Gestão e Produção Junho de 2010, vol. 02, no. 06 ISSN 1984-6193 [email protected] Green Marketing: estratégia de comunicação e marketing como extensão do projeto de produto ...

Internet shopping has been around for a number of years, changing the way companies deal with the... more Internet shopping has been around for a number of years, changing the way companies deal with their customers and technologies have followed that process through new tools and experiences. The fashion industry has followed these changes and has modernized itself to the point where consumers can get clothes without leaving their homes through the use of virtual tasters. From the simplest models that use few anthropometric measures to the most advanced ones with Augmented Reality, avatars and body movements, virtual testers have become allies for both business profits and user experiences. This paper portrays the experience of using a virtual fashion taster by a group of Fashion Design students at a university in Brazil. After evaluating this tool and answering a questionnaire about usability, some questions about ergonomic factors were discussed and proposals were generated for future designs.
Procedia Manufacturing, 2015
Work at heights in the construction industry is responsible for a large number of occupational ac... more Work at heights in the construction industry is responsible for a large number of occupational accidents. In Brazil, despite the relevant security-related legislation, it is possible to find situations of neglect and improvisation in various construction sites. The aim is to promote the debate about labor safety at construction sites. This article discusses the similarities between the labor safety laws of Brazil and Uruguay. After visits to construction sites in the cities of Recife (Brazil) and Montevideo (Uruguay) it was possible to observe both ergonomic and labor safety problems. After analyzing the perception of risk, improvement suggestions were generated.
Blucher Engineering Proceedings, 2016
Anais do VI Encontro Nacional de Ergonomia do Ambiente Construído & VII Seminário Brasileiro de Acessibilidade Integral, 2016

The process of product development is one of the most important and complex stages for the indust... more The process of product development is one of the most important and complex stages for the industry. For a new product to get into the hands of the consumer, a lot of research and testing is performed. Although the intention is to generate a product that makes the difference the market, catches the attention of the consumer and can increase sales of the company, another issue is considered important: the production process. The integration between various areas of knowledge can provide solutions that meet diverse industrial needs that go beyond usability needs of users. This article will deal with a multidisciplinary team during the development of a new medical product. How can segments of knowledge apparently distant from each other work together and provide improvements to the employees of a company? This article shows how teamwork between professionals of Ergonomics, Industrial Design, Engineering, Medical, Production and Sales allowed the optimization of the production process, ...
RESUMO: Este trabalho evidencia a inadequação no uso das normas técnicas em mobiliário urbano, es... more RESUMO: Este trabalho evidencia a inadequação no uso das normas técnicas em mobiliário urbano, especificamente, em banheiros públicos. Um estudo de caso, realizado em Campina Grande-PB, constatou que o termo "acessível" é utilizado inadequadamente em equipamentos para deficientes físicos. O resultado chama atenção para uma situação que pode apresentar-se em várias cidades brasileiras. Keywords: urban design, urban equipment, accessibility This article produces evidence of the lack of correct use of technical standards in urban equipment, in particular, for public restrooms. A case study conducted in Campina Grande city, in Paraíba, Brazil, found that the term "accessible" is used inappropriately in equipment for people with Disabilities. The result draws attention to a situation that may be in several brazilian cities.
Work (Reading, Mass.), 2012
Street furniture is an important element to the social and democratic life in the cities. In this... more Street furniture is an important element to the social and democratic life in the cities. In this case, public restrooms must be available to practically all kinds of citizens that inhabit the city. However disabled people have many difficulties in using the existing models, particularly public chemical toilets. Through a design project, a new proposition for a public chemical toilet addressed to wheelchair users was conceived. In this way, the main aspect of this work refers to the actual participation of the disabled expressing their opinion through interviews and usability analysis as well as the observation on technical recommendations for accessibility.
O presente trabalho analisa estratégias implementadas por empresas que têm na comunicação de mark... more O presente trabalho analisa estratégias implementadas por empresas que têm na comunicação de marketing uma extensão de seus projetos, visando de maneira estratégica e mercadológica a preservação do meio ambiente. Como estudo de caso, analisou-se a empresa Natura e os recursos utilizados no projeto dos seus produtos para a promoção do " marketing verde".
Anais do 11º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design, 2014
Work (Reading, Mass.), 2012
Industrial Design encompasses both product development and optimization of production process. In... more Industrial Design encompasses both product development and optimization of production process. In this sense, Ergonomics plays a fundamental role, because its principles, methods and techniques can help operators to carry out their tasks most successfully. A case study carried out in an industry shows that the interaction among Design, Production Engineering and Materials Engineering departments may improve some aspects concerned security, comfort, efficiency and performance. In this process, Ergonomics had shown to be of essential importance to strategic decision making to the improvement of production section.
Anais do 15º ERGODESIGN USIHC, 2015
Papers by Ademario Tavares