Papers by Telma Garcia
Revista de Enfermagem UFPE on line, 2009
Objective: to build up a databank of technical words used in the surgical clinic unit of a public... more Objective: to build up a databank of technical words used in the surgical clinic unit of a public hospital. Method: a survey of the type exploratory-descriptive was conducted by following some methodological vocabulary-building strategies, such as: identification and evaluation of ...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Process and results of the development of an ICNP® Catalogue for Cancer Pain]](
Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P, 2013
This was a methodological study conducted to describe the process and results of the development ... more This was a methodological study conducted to describe the process and results of the development of an International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) Catalogue for Cancer Pain. According to the International Council of Nurses (ICN), this catalogue contains a subset of nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions to document the implementation of the nursing process in cancer patients. This catalogue was developed in several steps according to the guidelines recommended by the ICN. As a result, 68 statements on nursing diagnoses/outcomes were obtained, which were classified according to the theoretical model for nursing care related to cancer pain into physical (28), psychological (29), and sociocultural and spiritual (11) aspects. A total of 116 corresponding nursing interventions were obtained. The proposed ICNP® Catalogue for Cancer Pain aims to provide safe and systematic orientation to nurses who work in this field, thus improving the quality of patient care and facilitating the performance of the nursing process.
Revista brasileira de enfermagem
The International Classification for Nursing Practice - ICNP is an official program of the Intern... more The International Classification for Nursing Practice - ICNP is an official program of the International Council of Nurses - ICN. In 2003, the ICN began to develop and to test the idea of creation of ICNP Research and Development Centres, considered important elements to concentrate and disseminate new thinking and discussions that promote the advance of ICNP. In this work we focus on the meaning, possible organization forms, advantages and obligations of the ICNP Research and Development Centres; and describe the ICNP Centre of the Post-Graduate Program in Nursing of the Federal University of Paraíba, accredited by ICN in July of 2007.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Validation of the meaning of terms identified in the CIPESC project for the axis focus of nursing practice of ICNP]](
Revista brasileira de enfermagem
This work aims at continuing the contribution of Brazilian nursing in the elaboration of ICNPâ, w... more This work aims at continuing the contribution of Brazilian nursing in the elaboration of ICNPâ, which is being constructed by the coordination of ICN. It has two main objectives which are: 1) the definition of the terms identified in the CIPESC project and classified in the axis focus of nursing practice of the Nursing Phenomena Classification of ICNPâ-Beta Version; 2) the validation of these definitions within a group of judges composed of professionals who were previously involved in the execution of the CIPESC project, or who were teachers or nurse assistants in the area of community health nursing. The process was carried out in two phases, considering that the definitions that had a 0.80 rate of Agreement (RA) within the group of judges were validated. Ninety-nine definitions of the terms were validated: 26 attained a RA equal to 1.00; 56 attained a RA between 0.90-0.99 and, 17 attained a RA between 0.80 an 0.89. The definition of one term was not validated.

Breast intercurrences related to lactation: a study involving recent mothers in a public maternit... more Breast intercurrences related to lactation: a study involving recent mothers in a public maternity de João Pessoa, PB Intercurrencias mamarias relacionadas con la lactancia: un estudio de madres recientes en una Maternidad pública de João Pessoa, PB ReSuMo: Este estudo survey descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, objetivou averiguar quais as intercorrências mamárias relacionadas à lactação, destas quais apresentam maior incidência e quais os possíveis fatores para o seu desencadeamento nas puérperas de uma maternidade pública do município de João Pessoa -PB. Foi realizado na enfermaria do Hospital cândida Vargas com puérperas que se encontravam internas. A amostra foi constituída de 145 puérperas. Para a coleta de dados foi utilizado um instrumento semi-estruturado na forma de entrevista. Os dados coletados foram analisados estatisticamente e descritivamente, e a apresentação dos resultados deuse através de apresentação tabular e gráfica, com utilização do programa SPSS. Entre as intercorrências mamárias as que incidiram com maior freqüência na amostra de puérperas foram ingurgitamento mamário (28,3%), fissura mamilar (7,6%), e mastite (2,8%). Os possíveis fatores contribuintes para o desencadeamento das complicações foram baixo grau de escolaridade (53,1%), primiparidade (46,2%), ausência de experiências anteriores com amamentação (54,5%). Este estudo fornece subsídios para práticas de enfermagem mais direcionadas ao preparo da gestante desde o período gravídico, momento que antecede a prática da amamentação, favorecendo o nível de conhecimento e de conscientização sobre a prevenção e enfrentamento dos problemas que poderão surgir e contribuir para o bem estar geral das puérperas durante a amamentação. PalavRaS-chave: Aleitamento materno. Mamas. Saúde da mulher -pós-parto. ABSTRACT: This descriptive survey, with a quantitative approach, aimed at identifying breast intercurrences related to lactation, which of these present a greater incidence and which the possible factors are for triggering it in recent mothers in a public maternity of the city of João Pessoa -PB. Subjects were recent mothers in the infirmary of Hospital Cândida Vargas. The sample was composed by 145 recent mothers. For data collection a semi-structured interview form was used. The collected data had been analyzed statistically and descriptively, and the presentation of results used both a tabular and a graphical presentation using program SPSS. Among the most frequent breast intercurrencies were breast hardening (28.3%), mammilla fissures (7.6%), and mastitis (2.8%). The possible contributing factors for triggering the complications were low degree of schooling (53.1%), being mother for the first time (46.2%), and absence of previous experiences with breast-feeding (54.5%). This study offers subsidies for nursing practices aiming to prepare pregnant women from the beginning of pregnancy, a moment that comes before breast-feeding, enhancing the level of knowledge and awareness regarding prevention of possible problems and contributing to the general well-being of recent mothers during breast-feeding. KeywoRdS: Breastfeeding. Breast. Women health after childbirth. ReSUMeN: Este estudio descriptivo, con un acercamiento cuantitativo, busca identificar las intercurrencias mamarias relacionadas con la lactancia, cual de ellas presenta una mayor incidencia y cuales son los factores posibles que las provoca en madres recientes en una maternidad pública de la ciudad de João Pessoa -PB. Los sujetos fueran madres recientes en la enfermería del hospital Cândida Vargas. La muestra fue compuesta por 145 madres recientes. Para la colecta de datos, se utilizo un formulario semi-estructurada de entrevista. Los datos recogidos han sido analizados estadísticamente y descriptivamente, y se hizo una presentación de resultados tabular y gráfica utilizando el programa SPSS. Entre las más frecuentes intercurrencias estaban el endurecimiento del pecho (28.3%), las grietas de mamilla (7.6%) y la mastitis (2.8%). Los factores que contribuían para accionar las complicaciones eran grado bajo de escolaridad (53.1%), ser madre por primera vez (46.2%) y ausencia de experiencias anteriores con el amamantamiento (54.5%). Este estudio ofrece subsidios para prácticas de enfermería que buscan preparar a mujeres embarazadas desde el principio del embarazo, un momento que precede el amamantamiento, como para aumentar el nivel de conocimiento y de conciencia respecto a la prevención de problemas y contribuir al bienestar general de madres recientes durante el amamantamiento. PAlABRAS llAve: Amamantamiento. Mama. Salud de las mujeres después del parto.
… Latino-Americana de …
Estudo exploratório descritivo realizado com o objetivo de identificar a produção científica das ... more Estudo exploratório descritivo realizado com o objetivo de identificar a produção científica das enfermeiras da Região Nordeste no período de 1988 a 1992, verificando o tipo de trabalho elaborado, as áreas temáticas predominantes e as formas de divulgação utilizadas. ...
… de Salud Pública, 1998
As queimaduras são um problema de saúde significativo no Brasil. Contudo, até hoje, existem pouco... more As queimaduras são um problema de saúde significativo no Brasil. Contudo, até hoje, existem poucos dados disponíveis para orientar programas de tratamento e prevenção. Com o intuito de preencher esta lacuna, o presente estudo examina os tipos de acidentes e as ...
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem, 2009
This study had as objective investigate the determinatives of the tension of the dependent elderl... more This study had as objective investigate the determinatives of the tension of the dependent elderly's family caregiver. Its accomplish happened in the domestic scenery, involving thirty principal caregivers. The data were collected by a recorded and estructured interview. The analyses of the objective data was made by means of a quantitative approach. The discursive data, for being collected through a structured instrument, dispensed analytic procedure, being distribute between questions that referee in the way of amply your comprehension. The results appoint that the investigated phenomenon starts from determinatives related to the caregiver, to the elderly's deficits, to the interection elderly/caregiver, to the environment, and related to the care demands.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem, 1996
The authors utilized Rickelmall's Bio-Psycho-Social Linguistics Interaction Model and Laing's lnt... more The authors utilized Rickelmall's Bio-Psycho-Social Linguistics Interaction Model and Laing's lnterpersonal Perception Theory categories to classify and describe an interaction situation, supposing that these theoretical frameworks were compatible. They concluded that, in despite of some identified convergent theoretic aspects, their practical application evidenced substantive differences, derived from philosophical basis, that raised difficulties or objections to their concomitant use.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem, 2009
This study had as objective investigate the determinatives of the tension of the dependent elderl... more This study had as objective investigate the determinatives of the tension of the dependent elderly's family caregiver. Its accomplish happened in the domestic scenery, involving thirty principal caregivers. The data were collected by a recorded and estructured interview. The analyses of the objective data was made by means of a quantitative approach. The discursive data, for being collected through a structured instrument, dispensed analytic procedure, being distribute between questions that referee in the way of amply your comprehension. The results appoint that the investigated phenomenon starts from determinatives related to the caregiver, to the elderly's deficits, to the interection elderly/caregiver, to the environment, and related to the care demands.
Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem, 2008
The International Classification for Nursing Practice - ICNP® is an official program of the Inter... more The International Classification for Nursing Practice - ICNP® is an official program of the International Council of Nurses - ICN. In 2003, the ICN began to develop and to test the idea of creation of ICNP® Research and Development Centres, considered important elements to concentrate and disseminate new thinking and discussions that promote the advance of ICNP®. In this work we focus on the meaning, possible organization forms, advantages and obligations of the ICNP® Research and Development Centres; and describe the ICNP® Centre of the Post-Graduate Program in Nursing of the Federal University of Paraíba, accredited by ICN in July of 2007.

International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications, 2002
To construct and validate a preliminary version of a scale for use in routine screening of body i... more To construct and validate a preliminary version of a scale for use in routine screening of body image disturbances in nursing practice. A five-stage procedure consisting of item construction, analysis of content validity, analysis of reliability, analysis of construct validity, and analysis of the discriminant validity of the scale. At the end of the current stage of development, the preliminary version of the scale consisted of 23 items, demonstrating stability, adequate internal consistency, and discriminant validity between subjects in the upper and lower groups of scores. Although the psychometric properties of the scale have been delineated, the scale needs further psychometric evaluation and testing in different settings/samples so its clinical validity and reliability can be confirmed. The preliminary version of the body image rating scale has the potential to provide the nurse with reliable and valid information about a person's mental image of his/her own body. Using it can help nurses to identify possible body image disturbances and to plan individual nursing interventions.

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp, 2009
Este estudo objetivou averiguar teórica e empiricamente os atributos da tensão do cuidador famili... more Este estudo objetivou averiguar teórica e empiricamente os atributos da tensão do cuidador familiar de idosos dependentes. Na fase teórica, analisamos 52 trabalhos que versavam sobre a temática. Essa análise demonstrou que o fenômeno é evidenciado pelo cuidador por meio de alterações físicas, alterações emocionais, desequilíbrio entre atividade e repouso, e enfrentamento individual comprometido. Na fase de campo, investigamos trinta mulheres que expressavam evidências de tensão proveniente do papel de cuidadora durante consultas de enfermagem. A coleta de dados ocorreu no domicílio mediante entrevista gravada, utilizando um roteiro estruturado fundamentado pelos achados teóricos. As informações objetivas foram analisadas quantitativamente. Sempre que adequado, acrescentamos trechos de discursos das cuidadoras para ampliar o entendimento das questões abordadas. Por fim, confirmamos empiricamente os atributos da tensão do cuidador apontados na análise teórica.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem, 1996
In this study we aimed at training a nurse to apply communication techniques in order to become m... more In this study we aimed at training a nurse to apply communication techniques in order to become more therapeutic in her successive interpersonal relations. Along the research we found categorization problems that were considered and analyzed.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem, 2000
... Diante do dilema entre moralidade prescrita pela norma social vigente, realidade concreta de ... more ... Diante do dilema entre moralidade prescrita pela norma social vigente, realidade concreta de existência e qualidade de vida a oferecer à criança que estavam gerando, elas tentaram conciliar suas convicções e ... 06. GARCIA, TR Cuidando de adolescentes grávidas solteiras. ...
Conference Presentations by Telma Garcia
Number: 1731 Objective: To analyze the role of nurses in antiParkinsonian pharmacotherapy based o... more Number: 1731 Objective: To analyze the role of nurses in antiParkinsonian pharmacotherapy based on the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®). Background: Although it is considered an incurable disease, the medical area has been trying, for many years, the pharmacotherapy as the main strategy for improving the quality of life of patients with Parkinson's disease. But the non-adherence to anti-Parkinsonian therapy has been much discussed by the researchers of this theme. Thus, the assumption of this research was that the studies that focus on strategies for patient adherence to drug treatment, based on standardized language diagnostics and nursing interventions, can support the role of nurses in this caring area.
Papers by Telma Garcia
Conference Presentations by Telma Garcia