Papers by Tommaso Giarrizzo
Importance of Mangroves for Fish. Bases for the conservation and sustainable
To examine the temporal patterns in the occurrence of a tropical ichthyofauna, fisheries-independ... more To examine the temporal patterns in the occurrence of a tropical ichthyofauna, fisheries-independent samples were collected between September 2003 and July 2004 from intertidal mangrove creeks in the Curuçá estuary, Pará, north Brazil. Juveniles occurred year-round with the most intense occurrence during the wet/dry transition season (Anchovia clupeoides, Cetengraulis edentulus, Rhinosardinia amazonica, Mugil sp.). The occurrence of Colomesus psittacus and Anchoa hepsetus was continuous. Sciades herzbergii displayed two peaks (wet and dry season) while Cathorops sp. peaked only in the wet season. The continuous presence of juveniles in the tropical mangroves suggested that the fisheries management should be based on large no-take areas rather than closed seasons.
Biota Neotropica, 2017
Fifty-nine length-weight (LWR) and length-length (LLR) relationships were estimated for 18 fish s... more Fifty-nine length-weight (LWR) and length-length (LLR) relationships were estimated for 18 fish species, belonging to 10 families. The fish specimens were captured in rockpools of 21 sites along a stretch of 4,900 km of the Brazilian coast, between latitudes 00° and 22°S, in 2012. This study represents the first reference available for five fish species (Gobiesox barbatulus, Bathygobius geminatus, Labrisomus nuchipinnis, Malacoctenus delalandii, Lutjanus alexandrei) in LLR and six (Gobiesox barbatulus, Bathygobius geminatus, Hypleurochilus fissicornis, Omobranchus punctatus, Entomacrodus vomerinus, Diplodus argenteus) in LWR.

Aquatic mammals play an important role in community structure. The present study applied stable i... more Aquatic mammals play an important role in community structure. The present study applied stable isotope analysis (SIA) to evidence trophic relationships and resource partitioning among aquatic mammals inhabiting different environments in the Amazon estuarine complex and adjacent coastal zone (AE) and Northeastern coast (NC) of Brazil. In addition, isotopic niche partitioning among Sotalia guianensis, Inia spp. and Trichechus inunguis within the AE was also evaluated, and ecological S. guianensis stocks were characterized. Among marine delphinids, the carbon isotopic composition in offshore species mirrored that of nearshore species, contradicting the pattern of decreasing δ13C values characteristic of many areas around the world including areas in Southeastern and Southern Brazil. Isotopic niches were highly distinct, with no overlap among the assessed species inhabiting the AE. Inia spp. and T. inunguis occupied significantly larger isotopic niche spaces, suggesting high habitat pl...

Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021
Niche-related processes (e.g., density or niche-breadth compensation and competition) are fundame... more Niche-related processes (e.g., density or niche-breadth compensation and competition) are fundamental to a broad understanding of community ecology and ecosystem functioning. Most evidences of competition are from controlled indoor trials with few species, and it remains a challenge to estimate competition among multiple species in the field. Here, we analyze stable isotopes and distributional data from 51 fish taxa in six locations in the southwestern Atlantic to predict intraspecific trophic pressure (ITP) and the potential competitive strength among species in a trophic-based framework. We used two proxies built upon 2-dimensional isotopic space (δ 13 C vs. δ 15 N), its predicted overlap, and fish density to calculate winner and loser taxa in potential paired interspecific competitive interactions. The intraspecific proxy indicated that cryptobenthic fishes are under high among-individual trophic pressure (high densities and small niche sizes). Also, cryptobenthic behavior togeth...

Journal of Natural History
Dozens of marine fih species are known to form spawning aggregations, a behaviour that often incr... more Dozens of marine fih species are known to form spawning aggregations, a behaviour that often increases the species vulnerability to fiheries. Therefore, it is widely recommended for aggregation sites to be considered a conservation priority, and implementation of management measures on those sites is essential. Here, we report for the fist time the reproductive behaviour of the marbled grouper Dermatolepis inermis, observed at a lower mesophotic coral ecosystem of Fernando de Noronha, an oceanic tropical archipelago in the southwestern Atlantic. The event was characterised by an aggregation of six adult fih, displaying courtship behaviour and reproductive colouration. We also recorded an aggregation of about 20 dog snappers Lutjanus jocu at the same site, but no reproductive behaviour was observed. Finally, another aggregation was observed in the island’s upper mesophotic reefs, with 25 terminal phase individuals of the Brazilian endemic parrotfih Sparisoma amplum. Our report reinforces the biological importance of mesophotic coral ecosystems, and highlights the urgent need of governmental policies for studying, monitoring, and protecting those reefs.
Journal of Fish Biology
Here we present records of sharks obtained using baited remote underwater stereovideo systems (st... more Here we present records of sharks obtained using baited remote underwater stereovideo systems (stereo-BRUVS) at two Brazilian oceanic islands. Fourteen of the 60 deployments recorded 19 sharks in Trindade Island. In Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago (SPSPA), two pelagic and two demersal deployments recorded two and one shark, respectively, including the locally extinct Galapagos shark Carcharhinus galapagensis. Stereo-BRUVS should be considered as adjuncts to other non-invasive methods to monitor shark populations.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Scientific Reports
Deltas are dynamic and productive systems of enormous ecological significance, encompassing uniqu... more Deltas are dynamic and productive systems of enormous ecological significance, encompassing unique and biologically diverse wetland habitats. Here, we present the first data on the molecular diversity of the fish fauna of the Parnaíba Delta, the largest deltaic formation of the Americas. Partial sequences (626 bp) of the mitochondrial COI gene (Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) were used to barcode 402 individuals, representing 128 species, belonging to 98 genera, 57 families, 17 orders and two classes. The most abundant orders were the Perciformes, Siluriformes, Gobiiformes, and Pleuronectiformes. The Neighbor-Joining (NJ), Bayesian Inference (BI), and BIN analyses produced 103 molecular clusters, while the Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery (ABGD) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) approaches revealed 102 clusters. The mean conspecific, congeneric and confamilial genetic distances were 0.33%, 14.37%, and 18.60%, respectively. Intraspecific divergence ranged from 0.0% to 1.4%, and all species presented barcode gaps, with the exception of two clusters of Cathorops spixii (OTU 96 and OTU 103), which were separated by a low interspecific distance (1.2%), which overlaps the maximum intraspecific genetic distance (1.4%). The barcode data provide new insights into the fish diversity of the Parnaíba Delta, which will be important for the development of further research on this fauna. River deltas are dynamic and productive systems that have attracted human civilizations around the world for millennia 1. In most cases, they support high population densities, and are important centers of food production, industry, and economic development. The confluence of fresh and salt waters is also of considerable ecological significance, supporting wetlands with a rich and unique biological diversity 1-4. The Parnaíba River Delta (PRD) in northeastern Brazil is considered the largest deltaic formation in the Americas and is the third largest in the world, after the Nile delta in Africa and the Mekong delta in Asia. The Parnaíba Delta encompasses 85 islands within an area of 2,700 km 2 , which includes a variety of ecosystems, such as mangroves, salt marshes, and sandy beaches, that support a rich, but still poorly-known biota 5,6. Recent research in the Parnaíba Delta has focused on holocenic geomorphological processes 7 , the bioaccumulation of heavy metals 8 , and morphodynamics and climatic change 9,10. Over the past 45 years, however, there has been scant research on the morphometric and meristic characters of the local fish assemblage 5,6,11-13. The fish assemblage of the Parnaíba Delta is composed of freshwater, estuarine and marine species, which face constant fluctuations in conditions, with salinity ranging from freshwater to hypersaline oceanic waters 5,8,9,14. The inner portion of the Parnaíba Delta, characterized by low salinity levels, is dominated by freshwater species of families

In the Amazon Basin, several species of herbivorous serrasalmid fishes inhabit rapids, but it is ... more In the Amazon Basin, several species of herbivorous serrasalmid fishes inhabit rapids, but it is unknown if they partition food resources during the annual low-water period when fish densities are high within greatly reduced volume of aquatic habitat. We investigated the trophic ecology of juveniles and adults of three species, Myleus setiger, Ossubtus xinguense, and Tometes kranponhah, common in rapids of the Xingu River during the low-water period. Diets, stable isotope ratios of muscle tissue, and functional traits were analyzed for 59 specimens of M. setiger, 175 of O. xinguense and 215 of T. kranponhah. The three species overlapped in dietary and isotopic space, with adult O. xinguense being most divergent. Juvenile and adult T. kranponhah and juvenile O. xinguense, two groups with broad diets, had lowest trophic positions estimated from isotopic data. Adult O. xinguense had the highest trophic position despite having large amounts of Podostemaceae in the diet. High trophic overlap during the low-water period suggests that either food resources are not limiting, or niches are partitioned by other means. Differences in functional traits of the three serrasalmids could be associated with differential efficiencies of swimming and feeding within microhabitats that vary according to water velocity and/or structural complexity.

Marine Pollution Bulletin
This study investigated occurrence of microplastic particles in digestive tracts of fishes from t... more This study investigated occurrence of microplastic particles in digestive tracts of fishes from the Amazon River estuary. A total of 189 fish specimens representing 46 species from 22 families was sampled from bycatch of the shrimp fishery. Microplastic particles removed from fish gastrointestinal tracts were identified using Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR). In total, 228 microplastic particles were removed from gastrointestinal tracts of 26 specimens representing 14 species (30% of those examined). Microplastic particles were categorized as pellets (97.4%), sheets (1.3%), fragments (0.4%) and threads (0.9%), with size ranging from 0.38 to 4.16 mm. There was a positive correlation between fish standard length and number of particles found in gastrointestinal tracts. The main polymers identified by ATR-FTIR were polyamide, rayon and polyethylene. These findings provide the first evidence of microplastic contamination of biota from the Amazon estuary and northern coast of Brazil.

Marine Pollution Bulletin
Marine debris is widespread in oceans worldwide, including the most remote locations. Here, for t... more Marine debris is widespread in oceans worldwide, including the most remote locations. Here, for the first time, we report macro-debris accumulation on beaches of Trindade Island, a remote island 1160 km from mainland Brazil. High debris density was recorded on windward, east-coast beaches, which are exposed to wind-driven currents. Small-sized plastic fragments were the most abundant debris. Polyethylene (67%), polypropylene (30%) and polyamide (3%) were the most prevalent polymeric materials identified by ATR-FTIR. Identified debris show that interaction with Trindade fauna, mainly with seabirds and endangered terrestrial crabs, exists and already has some impact. This study provides baseline information on Trindade macro-debris demonstrating that the island, located on the edge of the South Atlantic Gyre, acts as a sink for gyre debris, exposing the island fauna to the threats related to plastic contamination.

Scientific reports, Jan 17, 2018
Intertidal reef environments are facing a global crisis as climate changes are causing sea-level ... more Intertidal reef environments are facing a global crisis as climate changes are causing sea-level rise. Synergistically, other human-induced impacts (e.g., sewage, habitat loss) caused by concentration of human populations near the coast increase the natural vulnerability of intertidal ecosystems. However, the effect of these threats have long been neglected due, in part, to a limited knowledge of some aspects of intertidal fish ecology. We tested what are the main differences and drivers in fish assemblages structure between tidepools in three oceanic and three continental shelf (coastal) sites of the tropical southwestern Atlantic (Brazilian Province) using standardized sampling methods. Oceanic and coastal fish assemblages were distinctly structured at the trophic and composition levels. The noteworthy endemism species rate (38-44%) and high densities in oceanic sites are supported by resident species restricted to mid and high-shore tidepools where herbivores were the major troph...

PloS one, 2018
The mimetic juveniles of a number of carangid fish species resemble plant parts floating near the... more The mimetic juveniles of a number of carangid fish species resemble plant parts floating near the water surface, such as leaves, seeds and other plant debris. The present study is the first to verify the morphological similarities and ecomorphological relationships between three carangids (Oligoplites saurus, Oligoplites palometa and Trachinotus falcatus) and their associated plant models. Behavioral observations were conducted in the estuary of Curuçá River, in northeastern Pará (Brazil) between August 2015 and July 2016. Individual fishes and associated floating objects (models) were sampled for comparative analysis using both geometric and morphometric approaches. While the mimetic fish and their models retain their own distinct, intrinsic morphological features, a high degree of morphological similarity was found between each fish species and its model. The morphometric analyses revealed a general tendency of isometric development in all three fish species, probably related to t...

Scientific reports, Jan 20, 2018
Here, we report trading of endangered shark species in a world hotspot for elasmobranch conservat... more Here, we report trading of endangered shark species in a world hotspot for elasmobranch conservation in Brazil. Data on shark fisheries are scarce in Brazil, although the northern and northeastern regions have the highest indices of shark bycatch. Harvest is made primarily with processed carcasses lacking head and fins, which hampers reliable species identification and law enforcement on illegal catches. We used partial sequences of two mitochondrial genes (COI and/or NADH2) to identify 17 shark species from 427 samples being harvested and marketed on the northern coast of Brazil. Nine species (53%) are listed under some extinction threat category according to Brazilian law and international authorities (IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature; CITES - Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). The number increases to 13 (76%) if we also consider the Near Threatened category. Hammerhead sharks are under threat worldwide, and compo...
Stranding survey as a framework to investigate rare cetacean records of the north and northeaster... more Stranding survey as a framework to investigate rare cetacean records of the north and northeastern Brazilian coasts.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology
A sexually mature albino specimen of the Gillbacker Sea Catfish species Sciades parkeri (Silurifo... more A sexually mature albino specimen of the Gillbacker Sea Catfish species Sciades parkeri (Siluriformes, Ariidae), a vulnerable species, was captured in northern Amazon estuary, State of Pará, Brazil. Herein we present the first record of albinism phenomenon for this species, including the morphometric description of the albino, and a nonabnormal coloring specimen.

Cadernos Saúde Coletiva, 2016
Core subject To quantify the Hg content of sediment and fish collected along the Purus River (Acr... more Core subject To quantify the Hg content of sediment and fish collected along the Purus River (Acre State, Amazon) in order to identify if those samples could be a potential route of Hg exposure to the population of Manoel Urbano (a riverside community). Methods The total mercury (THg) was quantified using the Cold Vapor Atomic Absorption technique. Results We collected 06 samples of sediment and 264 samples of fish. The Hg in sediments ranged between 0.038 and 0.065 µg.g–1.The results indicate that sediment is in agreement with “uncontaminated” Amazonian rivers. The carnivorous species presented the highest level of Hg on muscle (mean 0.927 μg/g–1), followed by piscivorous (mean 0.873 μg.g–1), planktophagus (mean 0.566 μg.g–1), omnivorous (mean 0.533 μg.g–1) and detritivorous (mean 0.176 μg/g–1). Fourty four percent (44%) of the total species collected presented mean levels of THg on muscle, a percentage greater than the threshold recommended by WHO. Conclusion Some species may be a...
PloS one
The monotypic species Ossubtus xinguense was originally described based on scarce material putati... more The monotypic species Ossubtus xinguense was originally described based on scarce material putatively divided into juveniles and adults. Ossubtus xinguense has a restricted distribution and was previously known only from a few rapids downstream of the city of Altamira, in the Volta Grande stretch of the Middle Xingu River. Until recently, the species was rare in museums because its habitat (large rapids) is difficult to sample. Large-scale collecting efforts targeting rapids throughout the Xingu River basin have yielded an abundance of new material. Based on an analysis of the type series and freshly preserved specimens, we redescribe O. xinguense and provide detailed osteological descriptions along with comments about its relationships within Serrasalmidae. Furthermore, we expand the geographical distribution of the species and discuss its conservation status.
Papers by Tommaso Giarrizzo