Revista de Direito Sociais e Políticas Públicas., 2017
Resumo: O artigo discute a importância do investimento em educação como um dos pilares do desenvo... more Resumo: O artigo discute a importância do investimento em educação como um dos pilares do desenvolvimento, conforme a abordagem teórica de Amartya Sen, que destaca a importância da realização pessoal dos indivíduos e da sua felicidade nesse processo, devendo as fontes de privação da liberdade serem removidas. A pesquisa é bibliográfica e conclui que a educação possui relevância central para o desenvolvimento humano, dado seu papel transformador das capacidades, para o exercício da autonomia e da liberdade, devendo o Estado fortalecer e proteger políticas públicas que assegurem o direito à educação. Palavras-Chave: Educação; Desenvolvimento humano; Amartya Sen; Estado; Liberdade. AMARTYA SEN AND RIGHT TO EDUCATION FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Abstract: This paper discusses the importance of investing in education for development, according to Amartya Sen's theory, which emphasizes the importance of the personal fulfillment of individuals and their happiness in this process. The sources of deprivation of liberty must be removed. This research is bibliographical and concludes that education has central relevance for human development, given its transforming role of capacities, for the exercise of autonomy and freedom, so the State should strengthen and protect public policies that ensure the education's right.

Revista de Direito, Globalização e Responsabilidade nas Relações de Consumo, 2017
RESUMO O artigo objetiva discutir a vulnerabilidade do consumidor de crédito imobiliário oportuni... more RESUMO O artigo objetiva discutir a vulnerabilidade do consumidor de crédito imobiliário oportunizada pela inclusão financeira, pela grande liquidez desse mercado e pela política habitacional brasileira recente. Efetua-se uma análise jurídico-econômica, de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, e constata-se que a vulnerabilidade do consumidor, aliada ao sonho da casa própria, ao assédio de consumo e a sagacidade do mercado, facilita a prática de inúmeros ilícitos de consumo por parte de alguns fornecedores de crédito, o que não pode ser admitido nesta quadra da história. O crédito tomado precisa ter qualidade, ter transparência, uma dimensão fundamental da cidadania financeira. Palavras-chave: Crédito Imobiliário; Inclusão Financeira; Defesa do Consumidor; Vulnerabilidade. ABSTRACT This paper discusses the consumer vulnerability of real estate credit linked to financial inclusion, market liquidity and the recent Brazilian housing policy. It's a legal-economic analysis that uses qualitative and quantitative approach and concludes that consumer vulnerability, in association with the dream of home, consumption seat and market wit, facilitates the practice of many consumer illicit acts by some credit providers, which can not be actually admitted. Credit must have quality, transparency, a fundamental dimension of financial

Revista de Direito, Economia e Desenvolvimento Sustentável. , 2017
RESUMO: Esse estudo objetiva analisar as contribuições teóricas de Hayek e Keynes acerca da inter... more RESUMO: Esse estudo objetiva analisar as contribuições teóricas de Hayek e Keynes acerca da intervenção do Estado no domínio econômico e sua influência sobre a ordem constitucional brasileira de 1988. Tais autores trazem importantes e significativas referências para a formulação de fundamentos macroeconômicos e compreensão das ações, motivações e estrutura do sistema capitalista. O texto apresenta uma metodologia de abordagem qualitativa, baseada em uma revisão bibliográfica do tema. Conclui-se que a ideologia constitucionalmente adotada pelo ordenamento jurídico brasileiro foi neoliberal, porém de cunho intervencionista e subsidiário, evidenciando maior influência da teoria keynesiana em seu texto. ABSTRACT: This paper analyzes the theoretical contributions of Hayek and Keynes about the State's intervention in the economic domain and its influence on the Brazilian constitutional order of 1988. These authors are important references for the formulation of macroeconomic foundations and understanding of actions, motivations and structure of the capitalist system. The text presents a methodology of qualitative approach, based on a bibliographical revision of the theme. It is concluded that the ideology constitutionally adopted by the Brazilian legal system was neoliberal, but of an interventionist and subsidiary nature, evidencing a greater influence of the Keynesian theory in its text.

Revista Direito e Desenvolvimento, 2019
ABSTRACT: The construction of public policies is influenced by several factors, which implies the... more ABSTRACT: The construction of public policies is influenced by several factors, which implies the importance of the State to carry out a planning, taking into account the financial aspects materialized by the budget. Participatory budgeting is a strategy that values direct democracy in the process of planning public actions, but suffers from a lack of legitimacy in the face of lobbying. In this context, the objective of the article is to discuss the importance of popular participation in the public planning process, especially in the scope of participatory budgeting, highlighting the use of technology as a means of increasing citizens’ performance in this process. Based on an exploratory method, using the bibliographic procedural technique, the positive potential of the use of such instruments is concluded, but it is necessary to associate it with digital inclusion strategies.
RESUMO: A construção de políticas públicas é influenciada por diversos fatores, os quais implicam a importância de Estado efetuar um planejamento, tendo em conta os aspectos financeiros materializados pelo orçamento. O orçamento participativo é uma estratégia que valoriza a democracia direta no processo de planejamento das ações públicas, sofrendo, porém, déficit de legitimidade, diante da ação de grupos de pressão. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do artigo é discutir a importância da participação popular no processo de planejamento público, em especial, no âmbito do orçamento participativo, destacando a utilização da tecnologia como meio de incrementar a atuação dos cidadãos nesse processo. Baseado em método exploratório, utilizando a técnica procedimental bibliográfica, conclui-se pela potencialidade positiva do uso de tal instrumental, sendo necessário, porém, associá-lo a estratégias de inclusão digital.

Revista Direito Culturais, 2019
Resumo: O trabalho discute a importância de políticas públicas para a proteção de refugiados no B... more Resumo: O trabalho discute a importância de políticas públicas para a proteção de refugiados no Brasil, dando efetividade aos Direitos Humanos consubstanciados na Constituição Federal de 1988 e no Estatuto dos Refugiados de 1951. A pesquisa é exploratória e qualitativa, baseada em fontes bibliográficas, e argumenta em favor da necessidade de instrumentalização das políticas públicas para a efetivação de Direitos Humanos dos grupos vulneráveis, em especial dos refugiados. Procura-se desconstruir a percepção de que o Brasil é um país aberto aos imigrantes, mostrando-se que o mesmo possui uma legislação tendente à exclusão do estrangeiro e à submissão. Apresenta-se uma análise crítica das políticas públicas no país e conclui-se que as mesmas precisam ser reformuladas para garantir o combate à exploração econômica.
Abstract: The paper discusses the importance of public policies for the protection of refugees in Brazil, giving effect to Human Rights embodied in the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Refugee Statute of 1951, worrying that they are people with potential to be subjected to situations of economic exploitation. The research is exploratory and qualitative, based on bibliographical sources, and argues in favor of the need to implement public policies for the realization of human rights of vulnerable groups, especially refugees. It seeks to deconstruct the perception that Brazil is a country open to immigrants, showing that it has legislation tending to the exclusion of foreigners and submission. A critical analysis of the public policies in the country is presented and it is concluded that they need to be reformulated to guarantee the fight against economic exploitation.
Revista de Direito Sociais e Políticas Públicas, 2019
The paper discussesthe importance of strengthening the child and adolescent care network and publ... more The paper discussesthe importance of strengthening the child and adolescent care network and public policies. The study has a qualitative approachand is a case study about Chaves, in Marajó (Pará), and uses bibliographical and documentary research. The rights protected by the Brazilian Constitution and by the Statute of the Child and Adolescent are discussed, in the light of Amartya Sen's theory. As a result, the fragility of the care network for public policies directed at children and adolescents in situations of in the municipality under analysis
Anais do XXVII Congresso Nacional do CONPEDI, 2018
O artigo discute a importância das instituições para o desenvolvimento, analisando a política de ... more O artigo discute a importância das instituições para o desenvolvimento, analisando a política de metas do Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ) e alguns indicadores da gestão judiciária brasileira. Tem-se como base teorias que defendem a relação entre Economia e Direito. A
pesquisa é exploratória, de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Como procedimentos, usou-se o levantamento bibliográfico e a consulta a documentos como os Relatórios “Metas Nacionais do Poder Judiciário” e o “Justiça em Números”. As análises mostram que a gestão judiciária evoluiu positivamente, mas ainda pouco quanto ao sentido constitucional da
atuação do Poder Judiciário.

Brazilian Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 2018
The paper studies the efficiency of the Regional Labor Courts in Brazil (TRTs), discussing its i... more The paper studies the efficiency of the Regional Labor Courts in Brazil (TRTs), discussing its importance in the provision of judicial protection proposed by Constitutional Amendments No. 19/1998 and No. 45/2004, as well as the model of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) to calculate this efficiency. The Council’s assessments involve the use of indicators, such as the IPC-Jus (Comparative Productivity Index of Justice), built on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). According to these evaluations, Labor Court has been identified as the most efficient, in comparison with other Brazilian justices. Still, it has been harshly criticized, even going so far as to propose its extinction. Being the most efficient of the Brazilian justices, is there a contradiction, or could it not be evaluated in this way? The research is applied, of quantitative and qualitative approach, having as main sources of information the Justice in Numbers and the database of the System of Statistics of the Judiciary Power. Some criticisms are presented regarding the specifications adopted in the DEA model of CNJ and an alternative model is proposed. The results show that, as in the Council reviews, TRTs have high efficiency ratios. They also indicate the need for new data from the courts, enabling efficiency studies that consider aspects related to the attainment of the constitutional objectives of the judiciary.

This paper discusses the microcredit importance as a mechanism for financial inclusion and
develo... more This paper discusses the microcredit importance as a mechanism for financial inclusion and
development of the family farmers in the acai berry value chain, studying Amazônia Florescer Program,
from Banco da Amazônia. Access to fair credit is part of fundamental rights, and human dignity has to
be observed by economic activity. State must promote it in all its dimensions, according to Amartya Sen
(2010). Methodologically, the research uses qualitative approach, also providing quantitative data on the
financing and production of acai berry, a fruit which has great cultural, social and economic importance
in the Amazon. Among the results, it is worth noting that, despite the promising prospects of the product
in the national and international markets and the growth of Program’s investments in this activity, family
farmers capture a very low portion of the income generated. To include family farmers in the gains of acai
berry economy, it is necessary to overcome the selectivity of credit and remove the obstacles to achieve it,
and Amazônia Florescer Program has an important role in this process.

The Law 13,467/2017 admits the direct negotiation between workers and employers about many aspect... more The Law 13,467/2017 admits the direct negotiation between workers and employers about many aspects related to working conditions. Concerned about its possible effects, this article aims to discuss this flexibilization of rights, considering the high social inequality in Brazil and the issue of equality in this negotiation. It is questioned, as a research problem, whether formal equality, presupposed by the current norm, is a proper interpretation to promote the development and consistent with the fundamental objectives of the Republic, expressed in the Constitution of 1988. The paper uses the analysis of Thomas Piketty (2014) and the theory of Amartya Sen (2000), for whom development is a process of expansion of the freedoms that people enjoy, not restricted to economic growth, as references. The research is exploratory, with a qualitative approach, having as procedures the bibliographic and documentary survey, with consultation to the new labor legislation and official texts of the speeches that accompanied its elaboration. The study concludes that the negotiation of some rights can generate occupations that do not contemplate the idea of decent work, since material equality is not being guaranteed, and there may be an increase in social inequality in the country.

Revista Brasileira de Políticas Públicas, 2018
The objective of this study is to discuss the use of behavioral science
in the design and impleme... more The objective of this study is to discuss the use of behavioral science
in the design and implementation of public policies, thus contributing to
the realization of social rights such as education and health. To do so, it
presents a methodology for assessing the impact of public policies. The
research is exploratory, with a qualitative approach, having as a procedurethe bibliographic review. It discusses, initially, the main analytical models, then exposing the recent behavioral and cognitive advances, the introductory concepts about the judgment and the decision making. It also approaches the architecture of choices as a public policy design technique capable of encouraging better results, as well as the randomized controlled experiment (EAC) method as a tool to measure the impacts of governmental actions. At the end, it exposes international examples of behavioral insights used in public policies of health and education. With the growing scarcity of public resources, it is essential that managers become aware of the need to develop efficient actions that can produce significant results in people’s lives, in the materialization of the social rights defined in the 1988 Constitution. better-formatted choices, considering cognitive-behavioral perceptions, may produce more efficient and effective public policies and,
consequently, a greater realization of social rights.

Revista COGNITIO JURIS, 2018
This paper aims to analyze the labor reform in Brazil, Law n.
13.467/2017, discussing its possibl... more This paper aims to analyze the labor reform in Brazil, Law n.
13.467/2017, discussing its possible impacts on social inequality and
economic growth, taking as example th e Spanish case. The text argues that the considerable changes in labor relations resulting from this law have the potential to negatively impact on social inequality in Brazil. There is a comparison with the effects of the Spanish Royal Decree Law 3/2012, which promoted several changes labor legislation and, as announced by the Brazilian authorities, inspired the modifications made in the country.
However, the article shows that its results are troubling. The analyzes have as theoretical reference in Thomas Piketty (2014) studies, that tries to understand the capitalist dynamics in century XXI and the evolution of the distribution of the income and the wealth in the long term. The author is worried about high levels of inequality in Brazil and, understanding that this is not a natural or spontaneous process, but rather a consequence of legally institutionalized choices, guides the discussions presented in this text. The research is exploratory and uses bibliographic and documentary sources. The approach is qu alitative and quantitative. The paper shows that the reform distances the country to achieve one of the main objectives of the Republic: reduce social inequalities.
Keywords: Labor reform. Inequality. Economic growth. Job market. Spanish legislation.
RESUMO: A construção de políticas públicas é influenciada por diversos fatores, os quais implicam a importância de Estado efetuar um planejamento, tendo em conta os aspectos financeiros materializados pelo orçamento. O orçamento participativo é uma estratégia que valoriza a democracia direta no processo de planejamento das ações públicas, sofrendo, porém, déficit de legitimidade, diante da ação de grupos de pressão. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do artigo é discutir a importância da participação popular no processo de planejamento público, em especial, no âmbito do orçamento participativo, destacando a utilização da tecnologia como meio de incrementar a atuação dos cidadãos nesse processo. Baseado em método exploratório, utilizando a técnica procedimental bibliográfica, conclui-se pela potencialidade positiva do uso de tal instrumental, sendo necessário, porém, associá-lo a estratégias de inclusão digital.
Abstract: The paper discusses the importance of public policies for the protection of refugees in Brazil, giving effect to Human Rights embodied in the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Refugee Statute of 1951, worrying that they are people with potential to be subjected to situations of economic exploitation. The research is exploratory and qualitative, based on bibliographical sources, and argues in favor of the need to implement public policies for the realization of human rights of vulnerable groups, especially refugees. It seeks to deconstruct the perception that Brazil is a country open to immigrants, showing that it has legislation tending to the exclusion of foreigners and submission. A critical analysis of the public policies in the country is presented and it is concluded that they need to be reformulated to guarantee the fight against economic exploitation.
pesquisa é exploratória, de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Como procedimentos, usou-se o levantamento bibliográfico e a consulta a documentos como os Relatórios “Metas Nacionais do Poder Judiciário” e o “Justiça em Números”. As análises mostram que a gestão judiciária evoluiu positivamente, mas ainda pouco quanto ao sentido constitucional da
atuação do Poder Judiciário.
development of the family farmers in the acai berry value chain, studying Amazônia Florescer Program,
from Banco da Amazônia. Access to fair credit is part of fundamental rights, and human dignity has to
be observed by economic activity. State must promote it in all its dimensions, according to Amartya Sen
(2010). Methodologically, the research uses qualitative approach, also providing quantitative data on the
financing and production of acai berry, a fruit which has great cultural, social and economic importance
in the Amazon. Among the results, it is worth noting that, despite the promising prospects of the product
in the national and international markets and the growth of Program’s investments in this activity, family
farmers capture a very low portion of the income generated. To include family farmers in the gains of acai
berry economy, it is necessary to overcome the selectivity of credit and remove the obstacles to achieve it,
and Amazônia Florescer Program has an important role in this process.
in the design and implementation of public policies, thus contributing to
the realization of social rights such as education and health. To do so, it
presents a methodology for assessing the impact of public policies. The
research is exploratory, with a qualitative approach, having as a procedurethe bibliographic review. It discusses, initially, the main analytical models, then exposing the recent behavioral and cognitive advances, the introductory concepts about the judgment and the decision making. It also approaches the architecture of choices as a public policy design technique capable of encouraging better results, as well as the randomized controlled experiment (EAC) method as a tool to measure the impacts of governmental actions. At the end, it exposes international examples of behavioral insights used in public policies of health and education. With the growing scarcity of public resources, it is essential that managers become aware of the need to develop efficient actions that can produce significant results in people’s lives, in the materialization of the social rights defined in the 1988 Constitution. better-formatted choices, considering cognitive-behavioral perceptions, may produce more efficient and effective public policies and,
consequently, a greater realization of social rights.
13.467/2017, discussing its possible impacts on social inequality and
economic growth, taking as example th e Spanish case. The text argues that the considerable changes in labor relations resulting from this law have the potential to negatively impact on social inequality in Brazil. There is a comparison with the effects of the Spanish Royal Decree Law 3/2012, which promoted several changes labor legislation and, as announced by the Brazilian authorities, inspired the modifications made in the country.
However, the article shows that its results are troubling. The analyzes have as theoretical reference in Thomas Piketty (2014) studies, that tries to understand the capitalist dynamics in century XXI and the evolution of the distribution of the income and the wealth in the long term. The author is worried about high levels of inequality in Brazil and, understanding that this is not a natural or spontaneous process, but rather a consequence of legally institutionalized choices, guides the discussions presented in this text. The research is exploratory and uses bibliographic and documentary sources. The approach is qu alitative and quantitative. The paper shows that the reform distances the country to achieve one of the main objectives of the Republic: reduce social inequalities.
Keywords: Labor reform. Inequality. Economic growth. Job market. Spanish legislation.
RESUMO: A construção de políticas públicas é influenciada por diversos fatores, os quais implicam a importância de Estado efetuar um planejamento, tendo em conta os aspectos financeiros materializados pelo orçamento. O orçamento participativo é uma estratégia que valoriza a democracia direta no processo de planejamento das ações públicas, sofrendo, porém, déficit de legitimidade, diante da ação de grupos de pressão. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do artigo é discutir a importância da participação popular no processo de planejamento público, em especial, no âmbito do orçamento participativo, destacando a utilização da tecnologia como meio de incrementar a atuação dos cidadãos nesse processo. Baseado em método exploratório, utilizando a técnica procedimental bibliográfica, conclui-se pela potencialidade positiva do uso de tal instrumental, sendo necessário, porém, associá-lo a estratégias de inclusão digital.
Abstract: The paper discusses the importance of public policies for the protection of refugees in Brazil, giving effect to Human Rights embodied in the Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Refugee Statute of 1951, worrying that they are people with potential to be subjected to situations of economic exploitation. The research is exploratory and qualitative, based on bibliographical sources, and argues in favor of the need to implement public policies for the realization of human rights of vulnerable groups, especially refugees. It seeks to deconstruct the perception that Brazil is a country open to immigrants, showing that it has legislation tending to the exclusion of foreigners and submission. A critical analysis of the public policies in the country is presented and it is concluded that they need to be reformulated to guarantee the fight against economic exploitation.
pesquisa é exploratória, de abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Como procedimentos, usou-se o levantamento bibliográfico e a consulta a documentos como os Relatórios “Metas Nacionais do Poder Judiciário” e o “Justiça em Números”. As análises mostram que a gestão judiciária evoluiu positivamente, mas ainda pouco quanto ao sentido constitucional da
atuação do Poder Judiciário.
development of the family farmers in the acai berry value chain, studying Amazônia Florescer Program,
from Banco da Amazônia. Access to fair credit is part of fundamental rights, and human dignity has to
be observed by economic activity. State must promote it in all its dimensions, according to Amartya Sen
(2010). Methodologically, the research uses qualitative approach, also providing quantitative data on the
financing and production of acai berry, a fruit which has great cultural, social and economic importance
in the Amazon. Among the results, it is worth noting that, despite the promising prospects of the product
in the national and international markets and the growth of Program’s investments in this activity, family
farmers capture a very low portion of the income generated. To include family farmers in the gains of acai
berry economy, it is necessary to overcome the selectivity of credit and remove the obstacles to achieve it,
and Amazônia Florescer Program has an important role in this process.
in the design and implementation of public policies, thus contributing to
the realization of social rights such as education and health. To do so, it
presents a methodology for assessing the impact of public policies. The
research is exploratory, with a qualitative approach, having as a procedurethe bibliographic review. It discusses, initially, the main analytical models, then exposing the recent behavioral and cognitive advances, the introductory concepts about the judgment and the decision making. It also approaches the architecture of choices as a public policy design technique capable of encouraging better results, as well as the randomized controlled experiment (EAC) method as a tool to measure the impacts of governmental actions. At the end, it exposes international examples of behavioral insights used in public policies of health and education. With the growing scarcity of public resources, it is essential that managers become aware of the need to develop efficient actions that can produce significant results in people’s lives, in the materialization of the social rights defined in the 1988 Constitution. better-formatted choices, considering cognitive-behavioral perceptions, may produce more efficient and effective public policies and,
consequently, a greater realization of social rights.
13.467/2017, discussing its possible impacts on social inequality and
economic growth, taking as example th e Spanish case. The text argues that the considerable changes in labor relations resulting from this law have the potential to negatively impact on social inequality in Brazil. There is a comparison with the effects of the Spanish Royal Decree Law 3/2012, which promoted several changes labor legislation and, as announced by the Brazilian authorities, inspired the modifications made in the country.
However, the article shows that its results are troubling. The analyzes have as theoretical reference in Thomas Piketty (2014) studies, that tries to understand the capitalist dynamics in century XXI and the evolution of the distribution of the income and the wealth in the long term. The author is worried about high levels of inequality in Brazil and, understanding that this is not a natural or spontaneous process, but rather a consequence of legally institutionalized choices, guides the discussions presented in this text. The research is exploratory and uses bibliographic and documentary sources. The approach is qu alitative and quantitative. The paper shows that the reform distances the country to achieve one of the main objectives of the Republic: reduce social inequalities.
Keywords: Labor reform. Inequality. Economic growth. Job market. Spanish legislation.