INTERESSES by Maria Luisa Jimenez Jimenez
![Research paper thumbnail of Reactivity of rhodium(III) complexes containing chelating pentachlorophenyl ligands. Molecular structures of fac-[Rh(C 6Cl 5) 3(py)] and mer-[Rh(C 6Cl 5) 3( t BuNC) 3]](
Inorg Chim Acta, 2000
The reactions of the octahedral rhodium(III) complexes [Rh(C6Cl5)3] and [Rh(C6Cl5)3Cl]− with neut... more The reactions of the octahedral rhodium(III) complexes [Rh(C6Cl5)3] and [Rh(C6Cl5)3Cl]− with neutral monodentate ligands have been studied. With pyridine, triethylphosphine or pyrazole, one of the rhodiumo-chloro bonds of the starting materials is broken and complexes of formula [Rh(C6Cl5)3L] and [Rh(C6Cl5)3ClL]− are obtained. Carbonylation of [Rh(C6Cl5)3] produces the insertion of CO molecules in two of the RhCaryl bonds giving the diacyl complex [Rh{C(O)C6Cl5}2(C6Cl5)(CO)], while the reaction of [Rh(C6Cl5)3] or [Rh(C6Cl5)3Cl]− with the strong σ-donor ligand tBuNC breaks all the rhodiumo-chloro interactions producing the compound mer-[Rh(C6Cl5)3(tBuNC)3]. All the complexes are stable to the air and moisture in the solid state and moderately stable in deoxygenated solutions. The compounds have been studied and characterised by IR, NMR and MS. The crystal structures of fac-[Rh(C6Cl5)3(py)] and mer-[Rh(C6Cl5)3(tBuNC)3] have been determined by X-ray diffraction methods. They display distorted octahedral metal environments but, while the pyridine complex shows two C6Cl5 groups acting as chelate ligands bonded through the ipso-C atom and one of the o-Cl atoms, the isocyanide complex exhibits all the coordinated ligands acting as monodentate groups.

Cell and Tissue Banking, 2015
Careful donor selection and implementation of tests of appropriate sensitivity and specificity ar... more Careful donor selection and implementation of tests of appropriate sensitivity and specificity are of paramount importance for minimizing the risk of transmitting infectious diseases from donors to corneal allograft recipients. Reported cases of viral transmission with corneal grafts are very unusual. Nevertheless potential virus transmission through the engraftment cannot be ruled out. According to European Guideline 2006/17/EC, screening for antibodies for Hepatitis B core antigen (anti HBc) is mandatory, and when this test is positive, some criteria must be established before using corneas. Despite the continuous progress in screening tests, donors carrying an occult hepatitis B infection (OBI) can cause transplant-transmitted hepatitis B. To date, Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT) is not an obligatory assay in corneal tissue setting neither in our country nor in the rest of European countries. Herein, we report three cornea donors that were rejected with the diagnosis of OBI through the testing of sensitive NAT and the serological profile of Hepatitis B virus. The aim of this report is to emphasize the need to include NAT in new reviews of EU Tissues and Cells Directives in order to increase level of security in tissue donation as well as not to reject a high number of donors with isolated profile of anti HBc in geographical areas with high prevalence of Hepatitis B, that could be rejected without a true criterion of Hepatitis B infection.
Organometallics, 1993
Tesis de Investigación previa a la obtención del Título de Magister en Pedagogía AUTORA MARÍA VER... more Tesis de Investigación previa a la obtención del Título de Magister en Pedagogía AUTORA MARÍA VERÓNICA JIMÉNEZ JIMÉNEZ DIRECTORA DE TESIS MGS. MARINA DEL ROCIO RAMIREZ CENTRO UNIVERSITARIO CUENCA 2011 I CERTIFICACIÓN Mgs., Marina del Roció Ramírez DIRECTORA DE TESIS CERTIFICA Haber revisado el presente informe de investigación que se ajusta a las normas establecida por el postgrado en Pedagogía para el desarrollo de la tesis de maestría, de la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, en tal razón autorizo su presentación para los fines legales pertinentes. Mgs. Marina del Rocío Ramírez DIRECTORA DE TESIS Cuenca, 7 de julio de 2011 II
Revista Mexicana De Biodiversidad Vol 78 No 001, Sep 23, 2011
Acta Zoologica Mexicana, 2008

Bollettino Di Geofisica Teorica Ed Applicata, 2008
Seismic hazard in Jordan and neighbouring areas was assessed following the standard probabilistic... more Seismic hazard in Jordan and neighbouring areas was assessed following the standard probabilistic approach. Eighteen seismic sources have been identified and characterized using appropriate seismic parameters. Two ground motion models, were used and their results were compared to explore the hazard sensitivity. The hazard results are given in the form of maps of PGA and SA (at 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 s), for a 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years for rock sites. Maximum PGA values within Jordanian territory range between 0.25 and 0.30 g. Maximum SA values at 0.2 s and 1.0 s range between 0.6-0.7 g and 0.15-0.20 g, respectively. A comparison of PGA values for two cities in Jordan (Amman and Aqaba) shows that the influence of the ground motion model is negligible for the probability levels of engineering interest. Results of the seismic hazard analysis were used to develop a new macrozonation map for Jordan as well as an associated suite of elastic response spectra applicable for the different seismic zones. In this map, Jordan is divided into three seismic zones with values of the seismic zone factor ranging between 0.06 and 0.15.
Transfusion, Jan 23, 2015
Treatment of anemia is one of the four pillars of patient blood management programs. Preoperative... more Treatment of anemia is one of the four pillars of patient blood management programs. Preoperative anemia is common and associated with increased perioperative morbidity after surgery and increased rates of blood transfusion. Effective treatment of preoperative anemia, however, requires advanced screening, diagnosis, and initiation of therapy weeks before elective surgery. Here we describe the development and implementation of a preoperative anemia screening and treatment program at Duke University Hospital.
... Eduardo Pezo 1 , Henry Montes, MPH 2 , Fernanda T. Bianchi, PhD 3 , Olivia Carter-Pokras, PhD... more ... Eduardo Pezo 1 , Henry Montes, MPH 2 , Fernanda T. Bianchi, PhD 3 , Olivia Carter-Pokras, PhD 4 , Maria Jimenez 1 , Elisa Jaramillo 1 , Cesar Palacios 1 , Sonia Mora, MPH 5 , Graciela Jaschek 5 , Carmen Saenz 5 , and Paola Fernan-Zegarra 5 . (1) Community Advocate ...

European journal of nutrition, Jan 14, 2015
To determine the effects of a diet containing fish oil (FD) during pregnancy and lactation in rat... more To determine the effects of a diet containing fish oil (FD) during pregnancy and lactation in rats on the metabolic adaptations made by the offspring during early extrauterine life and to compare it to an olive oil diet (OD). Rats were mated and randomly allocated to OD or FD containing 10 % of the corresponding oil. During lactation, litters were adjusted to eight pups per dam. Fetuses of 20 days and pups of 0, 1, 10, 20 and 30 days of age were studied. Body weight and length were lower in pups of the FD group from birth. The diet, milk, pups' plasma and liver of FD group had higher proportions of n-3 LCPUFA, but the content of arachidonic acid (ARA) was lower. Plasma glucose was higher, but unesterified fatty acids, triacylglycerols (TAG), 3-hydroxybutyrate and liver TAG in 1-day-old pups were lower in the FD group, and differences in some of these variables were also found in pups up to 30 days old. Liver lipoprotein lipase activity and mRNA expression, and the expression of ...

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2015
1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethylcyclopenta-[ɣ]-2-benzopyrane (HHCB, galaxolide, CAS n... more 1,3,4,6,7,8-hexahydro-4,6,6,7,8,8-hexamethylcyclopenta-[ɣ]-2-benzopyrane (HHCB, galaxolide, CAS number 1222-05-5) is a synthetic musk used extensively as a fragrance in many consumer products and classified as an emerging pollutant. The ecotoxicological information available for HHCB addresses exposure via water, but this compound is frequently adsorbed into particulate matter. The goal of this study was to assess the effects of dietary exposure to several environmentally relevant HHCB concentrations adsorbed in food during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis. The study sought to determine if such exposure to this synthetic musk resulted in histological changes in the thyroid gland in conjunction with changes in development (staging, timing to metamorphosis), body weight and length. Developmental acceleration on day 14, together with hypertrophy of the thyroid follicular epithelium in tadpoles, suggested a possible agonistic effect of HHCB, which would have been compensated after metamorphosis by regulatory mechanisms to maintain homeostasis. Further research into the potential thyroid-related mechanisms of action of HHCB should be conducted. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
El embarazo está considerado socialmente como una situación de riesgo, por lo que las mujeres deb... more El embarazo está considerado socialmente como una situación de riesgo, por lo que las mujeres deben someterse a diferentes técnicas, con la finalidad de su detección precoz. En este trabajo analizamos dos de ellas: la ecografía y la amniocentesis con el objetivo de conocer sus usos y las representaciones que de ellas se desprenden. El análisis se realiza a partir del relato de la experiencia de doce mujeres embarazadas y dos médicos ecografistas. Encontramos que con la práctica de estas técnicas se refuerza el poder médico aumentando la dependencia de las mujeres respecto a él, la desconfianza en sus propios procesos reproductivos y trasmiten la ideología del rol de la mujer-madre. Además, encierran ideologías e intereses sociales de los que se hace responsables a las mujeres.
Resumen. Se presenta una técnica para la generación automática de casos de prueba de JUnit para S... more Resumen. Se presenta una técnica para la generación automática de casos de prueba de JUnit para Sistemas Orientados a Objetos (SOO). A partir del conjunto de clases del Sistema Orientado a Objetos, se aplican una serie de algoritmos para obtener secuencias de prueba para cada una de las clases que forman el sistema, formadas dichas secuencias por un constructor y un conjunto de métodos de la clase. Se utilizan los diagramas de estado de las clases para conseguir reducir el conjunto de secuencias de prueba obtenido. Se asignan valores a los parámetros de cada uno de los métodos y al constructor que forman cada una de las secuencias, obteniendo de este modo los casos de prueba. Las clases y sus operaciones pueden anotarse con restricciones que usaremos para generar un formato válido de casos de prueba para JUnit.
INTERESSES by Maria Luisa Jimenez Jimenez
país relacionadas com o consumo alimentar na narrativa da novela Avenida Brasil e compreender a
apropriação do gosto de classe pelo público através do apoderamento das receitas culinárias. Para tanto,
analisamos algumas cenas que foram apresentadas as comidas e observamos como o público se
manifestou através dos comentários sobre as receitas. A culinária que foi apresentada pela ficção, de
alguma maneira, acaba se tornando a protagonista do enredo, recebendo um destaque que antes quase não
se percebia nas dramaturgias brasileiras coincidindo com a tendência de valorização da gastronomia e
seus artistas, como se pode ver pela quantidade grande e crescente de programas culinários que não mais
se dirigem às solitárias donas de casa no meio da tarde. Apesar do caráter normativo cumprido pela
telenovela no que se refere ao universo alimentar, verificamos uma adaptação e criação nos métodos e nas
maneiras de fazer das comidas apresentadas pela rede televisiva pelas telespectadoras. O universo
feminino tem um papel fundamental neste consumo, pois na maioria das vezes são elas que decidem o
que vai para a mesa da família e que buscam receitas pela internet. O que nos foi revelado nessas análises
é um potencial criativo do público ao qual o enredo foi dirigido e aprovado.