Papers by Fernando Z Vaz-de-Mello

A região da Chapada dos Guimarães abriga duas unidades de conservação importantes para a biodiver... more A região da Chapada dos Guimarães abriga duas unidades de conservação importantes para a biodiversidade do Bioma Cerrado (o PARNA e a APA), sendo a realização de uma análise panbiogeográfica necessária para conhecer os componentes bióticos envolvidos. Foram registradas 80 espécies (três endêmicas, duas a serem descritas), com base em inventário realizado no período de 1997 a 2004, em 23 pontos no PNCG, na APA e no seu entorno. Dessas, 55 são epífitas, 19 terrícolas e duas espécies exclusivamente rupícolas. Situada na Província do Pantanal, subregião Amazônica da Região Neotropical, essa área funcionou como importante corredor para o fluxo de espécies, propiciando a ligação entre as regiões andina e subandina até a região atlântica, atuando como refúgio (abrigando espécies amazônicas, andinas e chaquenhas) e como centro de endemismos e especiações. Configura-se como um nó panbiogeográfico de relevância para a conservação da biodiversidade regional.
Species included in the genus Chalcocopris Burmeister, 1846 are reviewed, including the descripti... more Species included in the genus Chalcocopris Burmeister, 1846 are reviewed, including the description of a new species (Chalcocopris inexpectatus sp. nov.) from Central Brazil, and the designation of a neotype for Copris hesperus Olivier, 1789. Pictures, diagnostic characters and an identification key are provided.
After examining syntypes of Onthophagus cervicornis Kirby, 1825, previously considered to be a sy... more After examining syntypes of Onthophagus cervicornis Kirby, 1825, previously considered to be a synonym of the North American Onthophagus striatulus (Palisot de Beauvois, 1809), we confirm the true identity and new synonymy under South Asian Onthophagus dama (Fabricius, 1798).
This paper deals with taxonomic issues of the Dichotomius (Luederwaldtinia) batesi (Harold) speci... more This paper deals with taxonomic issues of the Dichotomius (Luederwaldtinia) batesi (Harold) species-group. We describe Dichotomius benesi n. sp. from Panama, and redescribe and designate a lectotype for Dichotomius ocellatopunctatus (Fel-sche) from Venezuela, both hemi-brachypterous species. We also do brief comments on the taxonomy of this species-group. Dichotomius joelus, previously assigned to this group, is here considered to be a new synonym of D. opacipennis and then to belong to Dichotomius geminatus species-group.

Five species groups of Dichotomius (Selenocopris) are defined and separated in an illustrated key... more Five species groups of Dichotomius (Selenocopris) are defined and separated in an illustrated key in the first effective attempt of systematization of the subgenus. Four new brachypterous species of Selenocopris are described and the also brac-hypterous Dichotomius ingens (Luederwaldt) is redescribed. These species are diagnosed, illustrated and assigned to the quadraticeps species group. Taxonomic issues on the subgenus are discussed. Resumo Cinco grupos de espécies de Dichotomius (Selenocopris) são definidos e separados em uma chave taxômica ilustrada na primeira tentativa efetiva de sistematização do subgênero. Quatro novas espécies braquípteras de Selenocopris são descri-tas e a também espécie braquíptera Dichotomius ingens (Luederwaldt) é redescrita. Essas espécies são diagnosticadas, ilustradas e posicionadas no grupo quadraticeps. Alguns aspectos da taxonomia do subgênero são discutidos.

Nous avons étudié la composition de la faune des Scarabaeinae coprophages d’îles
fluviales sur la... more Nous avons étudié la composition de la faune des Scarabaeinae coprophages d’îles
fluviales sur la rivière Juruena, en Amazonie brésilienne méridionale, d’un point de vue d’une analyse taxinomique. Nnous
avons effectué des prélèvements sur sept îles et deux localités témoins situées sur les berges continentales du fleuves. Nous
avons récoltées 41 espèces. Toutes ces espèces sont largement distribués dans la forêt amazonienne. Neuf d’entre elles n’ont
été rencontrées que sur les îles, 24 ne l’ont été que sur le continent et seulement huit sont communes aux deux entités. La
faune des Scarabaeinae coprophages insulaires est composée principalement d’éléments de forêt várzea ou de lisière, sans
représentant du genre Eurysternus, et d’éléments de forêt primaire amazonienne. Ces résultats suggèrent que trois
paramètres modèlent la composition de la faune des bousiers en milieu insulaire fluvial: inondations et perturbations
associées, compétition pour les ressources (liée à la présence de primates) et potentiel de dispersion des différentes espèces.
En fonction du contexte et de l’âge de la formation des îles, ces trois paramètres revêtent une importance relative différente
selon les espèces. L’analyse plus en profondeur de ces paramètres nécessite la description précise de la communauté étudiée
d’un point de vue taxinomique.
We evaluated the taxonomic composition of Scarabaeinae dung beetles inhabiting fluvial islands in Juruena River,
southern Brazilian Amazon.We sampled seven islands and two localities on each side of the mainland.We collected 41 species,
all of which are widely distributed in the Amazon rainforest. Nine of these were exclusive to the islands, 24 were exclusively
found on the mainland while eight species were found in both the islands and the mainland. The insular dung beetle fauna is
mainly composed of typical species of várzea forest or edge forest/gap with the absence of Eurysternus and elements of primary
forest in the Amazon. This result suggests that three main processes are shaping these communities: flooding and associated
disturbance events, resource competition (presence of primates) and differential dispersal power among species. Depending on
the context and age of island formation all these processes could have different levels of importance. Specific questions regarding
these processes requires a previous knowledge of the taxonomic composition of these communities.

Our aim was to characterize the Scarabaeinae fauna from a rupestrian field formation at APA de Ca... more Our aim was to characterize the Scarabaeinae fauna from a rupestrian field formation at APA de Cafuringa, DF, Brazil. We made seven samples between 2007 and 2009 using baited pitfall traps. We collected 602 individuals belonging to 27 species and 13 genera, of which 17 were identified at species level. The majority of species caught has wide geographical distribution in Brazil and South America and do not seem to be specialized in 'campo rupestre' formation. Two species, Canthidium marseuli and Canthon lamproderes have restricted geographical distribution, being present in the central Brazilian highlands. C. marseuli and C. lamproderes are probably restricted to rupestrian fields since they have been registered only for this formation in Brazil, which indicates that these species need attention in relation to the conservation of theirs populations and habitats. NUNES, R.V., FRIZZAS, M.R. & VAZ-DE-MELLO, F.Z. Scarabaeinae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) de um campo rupestre na Área de Proteção Ambiental de Cafuringa, Distrito Federal, Brasil: lista comentada de espécies e distribuição geográfica. Biota Neotrop. 12(4): abstract?article+bn02912042012 Resumo: Nosso objetivo foi caracterizar a fauna de Scarabaeinae de um campo rupestre na APA de Cafuringa, DF, Brasil. Nós realizamos sete amostragens entre os anos de 2007 e 2009 utilizando armadilhas tipo pitfall com isca. Coletamos 602 indivíduos pertencentes a 27 espécies, 13 gêneros, das quais 17 delas estão identificadas até nível específico. A maioria das espécies coletadas apresenta ampla distribuição geográfica no Brasil e América do Sul e não parece ser especializada em formações do tipo campo rupestre. Duas espécies, Canthidium marseuli e Canthon lamproderes tem distribuição geográfica restrita aos campos de altitude do centro-sul do Brasil. C. marseuli e C. lamproderes são provavelmente habitantes restritas dos campos rupestres, visto que foram registradas apenas nesse tipo de formação no Brasil, o que indica que essas espécies necessitam de atenção em relação à conservação das suas populações e dos seus habitats.

Comparative analyses that link information on species' traits, environmental change, and organism... more Comparative analyses that link information on species' traits, environmental change, and organism response have rarely identified unambiguous trait correlates of vulnerability. We tested if species' traits could predict local-scale changes in dung beetle population response to three levels of forest conversion intensity within and across two biogeographic regions (the Neotropics and Afro-Eurasian tropics). We combined biodiversity surveys, a global molecular phylogeny, and information on three species' traits hypothesized to influence vulnerability to forest conversion to examine (1) the consistency of beetle population response across regions, (2) if species' traits could predict this response, and (3) the cross-regional consistency of trait-response relationships. Most beetle populations declined following any degree of forest conversion; these declines were strongest for Neotropical species. The relationship between traits and population trend was greatly influenced by local and biogeographic context. We discuss the ability of species' traits to explain population trends and suggest several ways to strengthen trait-response models.

RESUMO: Foram avaliados os efeitos da degradação e substituição da vegetação de restinga sobre a ... more RESUMO: Foram avaliados os efeitos da degradação e substituição da vegetação de restinga sobre a estrutura da comunidade de Scarabaeidae da ilha de Guriri -ES, na primavera de 1996. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em 16 locais da ilha, quatro de mata de restinga, quatro de formação clusia, quatro de restinga degradada e quatro de pastagens implantadas. Em cada área foram instaladas 8 armadilhas tipo "pitfall" com isca. Foram capturados indivíduos de um total de 12 espécies. As áreas apresentaram número similar de espécies e distribuição de abundância estatisticamente igual pelo teste de KOLMOGOROV SMIRNOV. O principal efeito da degradação e substituição da vegetação de restinga foi notado na abundância das espécies. Dichotomius sericeus e D. schiffleri são restritas a áreas preservadas de restinga e sua abundância decresce abruptamente com a degradação e substituição. D. geminatus ocorreu em maior número nas áreas degradadas e pastagens, e aparentemente não invade áreas preservadas por competir com D. sericeus e D. schiffleri. Ateuchus squalidus foi abundante nas áreas preservadas e nas áreas degradadas e de pastagem, mas nesta última incrementa seu número de indivíduos, possivelmente por um mecanismo de compensação por densidade. TERMOS PARA INDEXAÇÃO: Scarabaeidae detritívoro, abundância, degradação 1 Prof. Dr.,
Papers by Fernando Z Vaz-de-Mello
fluviales sur la rivière Juruena, en Amazonie brésilienne méridionale, d’un point de vue d’une analyse taxinomique. Nnous
avons effectué des prélèvements sur sept îles et deux localités témoins situées sur les berges continentales du fleuves. Nous
avons récoltées 41 espèces. Toutes ces espèces sont largement distribués dans la forêt amazonienne. Neuf d’entre elles n’ont
été rencontrées que sur les îles, 24 ne l’ont été que sur le continent et seulement huit sont communes aux deux entités. La
faune des Scarabaeinae coprophages insulaires est composée principalement d’éléments de forêt várzea ou de lisière, sans
représentant du genre Eurysternus, et d’éléments de forêt primaire amazonienne. Ces résultats suggèrent que trois
paramètres modèlent la composition de la faune des bousiers en milieu insulaire fluvial: inondations et perturbations
associées, compétition pour les ressources (liée à la présence de primates) et potentiel de dispersion des différentes espèces.
En fonction du contexte et de l’âge de la formation des îles, ces trois paramètres revêtent une importance relative différente
selon les espèces. L’analyse plus en profondeur de ces paramètres nécessite la description précise de la communauté étudiée
d’un point de vue taxinomique.
We evaluated the taxonomic composition of Scarabaeinae dung beetles inhabiting fluvial islands in Juruena River,
southern Brazilian Amazon.We sampled seven islands and two localities on each side of the mainland.We collected 41 species,
all of which are widely distributed in the Amazon rainforest. Nine of these were exclusive to the islands, 24 were exclusively
found on the mainland while eight species were found in both the islands and the mainland. The insular dung beetle fauna is
mainly composed of typical species of várzea forest or edge forest/gap with the absence of Eurysternus and elements of primary
forest in the Amazon. This result suggests that three main processes are shaping these communities: flooding and associated
disturbance events, resource competition (presence of primates) and differential dispersal power among species. Depending on
the context and age of island formation all these processes could have different levels of importance. Specific questions regarding
these processes requires a previous knowledge of the taxonomic composition of these communities.
fluviales sur la rivière Juruena, en Amazonie brésilienne méridionale, d’un point de vue d’une analyse taxinomique. Nnous
avons effectué des prélèvements sur sept îles et deux localités témoins situées sur les berges continentales du fleuves. Nous
avons récoltées 41 espèces. Toutes ces espèces sont largement distribués dans la forêt amazonienne. Neuf d’entre elles n’ont
été rencontrées que sur les îles, 24 ne l’ont été que sur le continent et seulement huit sont communes aux deux entités. La
faune des Scarabaeinae coprophages insulaires est composée principalement d’éléments de forêt várzea ou de lisière, sans
représentant du genre Eurysternus, et d’éléments de forêt primaire amazonienne. Ces résultats suggèrent que trois
paramètres modèlent la composition de la faune des bousiers en milieu insulaire fluvial: inondations et perturbations
associées, compétition pour les ressources (liée à la présence de primates) et potentiel de dispersion des différentes espèces.
En fonction du contexte et de l’âge de la formation des îles, ces trois paramètres revêtent une importance relative différente
selon les espèces. L’analyse plus en profondeur de ces paramètres nécessite la description précise de la communauté étudiée
d’un point de vue taxinomique.
We evaluated the taxonomic composition of Scarabaeinae dung beetles inhabiting fluvial islands in Juruena River,
southern Brazilian Amazon.We sampled seven islands and two localities on each side of the mainland.We collected 41 species,
all of which are widely distributed in the Amazon rainforest. Nine of these were exclusive to the islands, 24 were exclusively
found on the mainland while eight species were found in both the islands and the mainland. The insular dung beetle fauna is
mainly composed of typical species of várzea forest or edge forest/gap with the absence of Eurysternus and elements of primary
forest in the Amazon. This result suggests that three main processes are shaping these communities: flooding and associated
disturbance events, resource competition (presence of primates) and differential dispersal power among species. Depending on
the context and age of island formation all these processes could have different levels of importance. Specific questions regarding
these processes requires a previous knowledge of the taxonomic composition of these communities.