Papers by marcelo gotardi

O presente trabalho busca apresentar a recepção de um monumento dedicado ao Marechal Antônio Mari... more O presente trabalho busca apresentar a recepção de um monumento dedicado ao Marechal Antônio Maria Coelho na região central de Corumbá, MS, bem como, a memória que foi construída em torno do “herói” da retomada de Corumbá durante a Guerra da Tríplice Aliança. Para tanto valemo-nos da bibliografia da época e teórica sobre monumento, recepção, construção da memória e da nação. Verificamos que o contexto dos eventos em que o Marechal esteve envolvido favoreceu a construção do “herói”, relacionado à formação da nacionalidade brasileira na virada do XIX para o XX e a instauração da República. A imagem construída em torno dele foi tão marcante que atualmente continuam existindo festividades que fazem menção à sua figura.
This study aims to present the receiption of a monument dedicated to Marshal Antonio Maria Coelho in the central region of Corumbá, MS, as well as the memory that was built around the "hero" of the recovery of Corumbá during the Triple Alliance War. For this we make use of literature of the time and on theoretical monument, reception, memory and nation building. We found that the context of the events that the Marshal was involved favored the construction of the "hero", related to the formation of Brazilian nationality in the late nineteenth to the twentieth century and establishment of the Republic. The image built around it was so striking that still exist today festivities that make mention of his figure.
Papers by marcelo gotardi
This study aims to present the receiption of a monument dedicated to Marshal Antonio Maria Coelho in the central region of Corumbá, MS, as well as the memory that was built around the "hero" of the recovery of Corumbá during the Triple Alliance War. For this we make use of literature of the time and on theoretical monument, reception, memory and nation building. We found that the context of the events that the Marshal was involved favored the construction of the "hero", related to the formation of Brazilian nationality in the late nineteenth to the twentieth century and establishment of the Republic. The image built around it was so striking that still exist today festivities that make mention of his figure.
This study aims to present the receiption of a monument dedicated to Marshal Antonio Maria Coelho in the central region of Corumbá, MS, as well as the memory that was built around the "hero" of the recovery of Corumbá during the Triple Alliance War. For this we make use of literature of the time and on theoretical monument, reception, memory and nation building. We found that the context of the events that the Marshal was involved favored the construction of the "hero", related to the formation of Brazilian nationality in the late nineteenth to the twentieth century and establishment of the Republic. The image built around it was so striking that still exist today festivities that make mention of his figure.