Rousiley Maia
Rousiley C. M. Maia is Professor of Political Communication at the Department of Communication at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and the leader of the Research Group on Media and Public Sphere (EME) in this institution. She obtained her M.A and Ph.D. in Politics at the University of Nottingham, UK. She is the author of Deliberation across Deeply Divided Societies (com J. Steiner, M.C. Jaramillo, S. Mameli, 2017)
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Books by Rousiley Maia
This book
Offers a multidimensional analytical framework to articulate micro and macro levels of deliberative theory
Interfaces between deliberation and the hybrid media environment
Explores the functioning of institutions and disturbances in the public sphere
“The mass media play a crucial role in shaping the public sphere, and so the prospects for deliberative democracy. Moving between sophisticated deployment of deliberative theory and compelling analysis of an intriguing set of cases, Rousiley Maia has written what should become recognized as the key work on deliberation and the media.”
—John Dryzek, Australian National University
“The author provides important insights into the complicated role of mass media for civic engagement in Brazil—an interesting comparison with the heavily studied cases of the United States and Western Europe.”
—William Gamson, Boston College
“Maia’s landmark book bridges the gap between normative theories of deliberation and empirical media research. Through a thoughtful review of the vast literature and a series of intriguing case studies she convincingly shows that the mass media do function as both a site and a resource for public deliberation. She thus puts mediated deliberation firmly on the agenda for readers in the fields of communication, political science, and political philosophy alike.”
—Harmut Wessler, University of Mannheim
A obra foi dividida em três partes. A Parte I do livro é denominada “Participação Política e Internet: Conceitos Fundamentais” A Parte II se chama “Sistema Político, Participação e Internet”. A Parte III, por sua vez, tem como título “Esfera Civil, Participação e Internet”.
A obra congrega os trabalhos que vêm sendo produzidos, nos últimos anos, pelos integrantes de dois grupos de pesquisa brasileiros empenhados em investigar fenômenos concernentes à democracia, à comunicação e à participação política: (1) o Grupo de Pesquisa em Mídia e Esfera Pública (EME/UFMG), coordenado pela Dra. Rousiley C. M. Maia (Professora Associada da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais); e (2) o Grupo de Pesquisa em Comunicação, Internet e Democracia (UFBA), coordenado pelo Dr. Wilson Gomes (Professor Titular da Faculdade de Comunicação da Universidade Federal da Bahia). Estas duas equipes mantêm estreita cooperação desde 2005, oficialmente apoiada pela CAPES através do Programa de Cooperação Acadêmica (PROCAD).
From the most exciting texts about the idea of public sphere to the relations between journalism, ICTs, rhetoric and public sphere, this book presents texts with a cross-disciplinary approach and a comparative methodology regarding different related issues and new tools of communication.
Public Sphere Reconsidered: theories and practices will be useful to students in media and communication studies, and European studies, as well as for those studying sociology and political science.
Contra a corrente do mal-estar midiático, este livro adota uma perspectiva positiva: sim, a comunicação de massa contribui para o fortalecimento e para o reforço da democracia.
Papers by Rousiley Maia
argumentativo como desprovido de afetos. Nossos resultados revelam que as características do ambiente digital interferem no provimento de razões, conforme esperado pela literatura. Contudo, o mesmo não ocorre em relação à expressão de emoções – sugerindo que as emoções sofrem menos variação em decorrência dos espaços interacionais. Este artigo, ao comparar a discussão online em plataformas distintas, contribui também para avançar análises empíricas sobre as especificidades do ambiente digital.
This book
Offers a multidimensional analytical framework to articulate micro and macro levels of deliberative theory
Interfaces between deliberation and the hybrid media environment
Explores the functioning of institutions and disturbances in the public sphere
“The mass media play a crucial role in shaping the public sphere, and so the prospects for deliberative democracy. Moving between sophisticated deployment of deliberative theory and compelling analysis of an intriguing set of cases, Rousiley Maia has written what should become recognized as the key work on deliberation and the media.”
—John Dryzek, Australian National University
“The author provides important insights into the complicated role of mass media for civic engagement in Brazil—an interesting comparison with the heavily studied cases of the United States and Western Europe.”
—William Gamson, Boston College
“Maia’s landmark book bridges the gap between normative theories of deliberation and empirical media research. Through a thoughtful review of the vast literature and a series of intriguing case studies she convincingly shows that the mass media do function as both a site and a resource for public deliberation. She thus puts mediated deliberation firmly on the agenda for readers in the fields of communication, political science, and political philosophy alike.”
—Harmut Wessler, University of Mannheim
A obra foi dividida em três partes. A Parte I do livro é denominada “Participação Política e Internet: Conceitos Fundamentais” A Parte II se chama “Sistema Político, Participação e Internet”. A Parte III, por sua vez, tem como título “Esfera Civil, Participação e Internet”.
A obra congrega os trabalhos que vêm sendo produzidos, nos últimos anos, pelos integrantes de dois grupos de pesquisa brasileiros empenhados em investigar fenômenos concernentes à democracia, à comunicação e à participação política: (1) o Grupo de Pesquisa em Mídia e Esfera Pública (EME/UFMG), coordenado pela Dra. Rousiley C. M. Maia (Professora Associada da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais); e (2) o Grupo de Pesquisa em Comunicação, Internet e Democracia (UFBA), coordenado pelo Dr. Wilson Gomes (Professor Titular da Faculdade de Comunicação da Universidade Federal da Bahia). Estas duas equipes mantêm estreita cooperação desde 2005, oficialmente apoiada pela CAPES através do Programa de Cooperação Acadêmica (PROCAD).
From the most exciting texts about the idea of public sphere to the relations between journalism, ICTs, rhetoric and public sphere, this book presents texts with a cross-disciplinary approach and a comparative methodology regarding different related issues and new tools of communication.
Public Sphere Reconsidered: theories and practices will be useful to students in media and communication studies, and European studies, as well as for those studying sociology and political science.
Contra a corrente do mal-estar midiático, este livro adota uma perspectiva positiva: sim, a comunicação de massa contribui para o fortalecimento e para o reforço da democracia.
argumentativo como desprovido de afetos. Nossos resultados revelam que as características do ambiente digital interferem no provimento de razões, conforme esperado pela literatura. Contudo, o mesmo não ocorre em relação à expressão de emoções – sugerindo que as emoções sofrem menos variação em decorrência dos espaços interacionais. Este artigo, ao comparar a discussão online em plataformas distintas, contribui também para avançar análises empíricas sobre as especificidades do ambiente digital.
dimension of deliberation is rarely analyzed. Drawing on Habermas’s “space of
reasons” account, we offer a novel analytical perspective on the variation in the stock
of reasons in a given discussion, and disentangle how it transforms throughout the process.
On the basis of data from face-to-face discussions involving two embattled groups
in Brazil (police officers and slum residents), the findings revealed an expansion and
diversification in the stock of reasons and, more importantly, a change in the nature of
reasons regarding a political perspective. The results suggest that deliberation in an
environment with competing considerations can yield epistemic gains beyond individuals’
behavior and competencies.
Abstract: This study analyzes the interactions of a group of quilombolas from Pará in WhatsApp about the Special Selective Process of the Federal University of Pará. It seeks to understand if and how such interactions allow collective learning about the PSE, and the importance of learning in their political actions. The analysis reveals, from data collected between 2015 and 2016, that WhatsApp, for its instantaneousness, informality and simplicity, enables conditions for collective
regarding legislative activities. This chapter analyses the effectiveness of citizens’ engagement in the edemocracy
initiative through the case study of the discussion of the Internet Civilian Landmark – a bill to regulate Internet use in Brazil. The authors analyse two types of participation: comments to the draft bill and suggestions. To measure the effectiveness of user-participation in such a case of collaborative lawmaking, the authors compare the content of the first draft, the final draft, and the suggestions made
through the wikilegis in order to assess whether the discussions maintained within the e-democracy platform were or were not taken into account. This procedure also reveals to what extent online discussion was able to reach political decision-makers and effectively change the Internet’s Bill of Rights
Clara Jaramillo, Rousiley C. M. Maia, Simona Mameli (Cambridge U.K.: Cambridge University Press,