ABSTRACT: Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), caused by an Alphaherpesvirus (Gallid herpesvirus-1... more ABSTRACT: Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), caused by an Alphaherpesvirus (Gallid herpesvirus-1; GaHV-1), has been noticed in the region of the Terras Altas da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais. From 2010 to 2018, the “Serviço Veterinário Oficial” (SVO) of the “Instituto Mineiro Agropecuário” (IMA), implemented measures to prevent spread of the virus to other regions and control the disease in the area. Due to the close proximity and consequent epidemiological link among farms, the region was considered a unique epidemiological unit. To check the efficiency of the ILT control measures, we carried out: (1) a seroepidemiological survey, (2) questionnaires for evaluating biosecurity measures; and (3) an evaluation of the influence of farm population density on the occurrence of ILT. In 2016, 2017, and 2018, ILT was investigated using epidemiological and clinicopathological methods, along with GaHV-1 molecular detection. Serological survey was carried out on 24 farms in the quarantined region...
ABSTRACT: Icterus (jaundice) is a yellowish pigmentation resulting from the depositing of bilirub... more ABSTRACT: Icterus (jaundice) is a yellowish pigmentation resulting from the depositing of bilirubin in tissues due to its high plasmatic concentration. The pathogenesis of icterus includes metabolic changes or obstructed bilirubin excretion and it is classified as pre-hepatic, hepatic and post-hepatic. This study aimed to evaluate and classify different causes of icterus in dogs during post mortem examination. These dogs were examined from 2014 to 2017, using macroscopic and histologic exams as well as ancillary tests. Eighty-three dogs were examined macroscopically and microscopically. They were separated into groups of icterus types: 24 (28.9%) dogs had pre-hepatic icterus, 45 (54.2%) had hepatic, 13 (15.7%) pre-hepatic and hepatic and one (1.2%) had post-hepatic icterus. Many factors were identified as a cause of icterus, including infectious agents (51/83), neoplasms (13/83), hepatic degeneration (11/83), chronic hepatic diseases (6/83), and obstructive causes (1/87). Among the ...
A twelve-day-old foal was admitted to the Veterinar y School of UFMG with profuse diarrhea. The a... more A twelve-day-old foal was admitted to the Veterinar y School of UFMG with profuse diarrhea. The animal was treated with several medications, including antibio tics. Despite the clinical care, the clinical condi tion did not improve. Due to poor prognosis, the foal was euthanized. Gross a nd histopathological examinations, showed pseudomembranous and/or membranous glossitis, esophagitis and gastritis wit h intense amount of pseudohyphae and blastoconidia compatible with Candida spp Also, fibrinous and necrotizing typhlocolitis was observed. Clostridium difficile was isolated from intestinal contents which were also positive for toxins A/B by ELISA. Using a multiplex-PCR assay, genes encoding toxin A (tcdA) and toxin B (tcdB) were detected. The severe lesion s caused by Candida in this foal probably occurred due to changes in t he microbiota induced by the treatment with antibiotic s. However, the possibility of an acquired immunode ficiency cannot be excluded because information abou...
This paper describes an outbreak of chlamydiosis in psittacines recovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil... more This paper describes an outbreak of chlamydiosis in psittacines recovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil, from illegal trade in the Brazilian Southeastern Region. Clinically, some birds showed apathy and anorexia or died suddenly without evidence of clinical signs. Necropsy was performed on 15 psittacines; 13 Amazon parrots (A. aestiva), one Peach-fronted parakeet (Aratinga aurea) and one Scaly-headed parrot (Pionus maximiliani). The most visible macroscopic changes were mild to marked hepatomegaly, with many white foci ranging in size from 1 mm to 100 mm that extended in to the parenchyma. Other findings included splenomegaly and fibrinopurulent airsacculitis. Microscopic lesions included multifocal to coalescing foci of necrosis of hepatocytes with infiltration of heterophils and lymphocytes and plasma cells randomly scattered through out. In some parrots there were multiple foci of necrotic and granulomatous hepatitis with biliary duct proliferation. The birds with splenomegaly had loss...
Oslerus osleri (O. osleri) is a filaroid nematode of the respiratory tract of domestic and wild c... more Oslerus osleri (O. osleri) is a filaroid nematode of the respiratory tract of domestic and wild canids that leads to parasitic tracheobronchitis. The aim of this study was to report the first occurrence of O. osleri in hoary fox in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The animal was found struck by vehicle in a periurban area and died before any clinical procedures were attempted. At necropsy the animal showed multiple bone fractures. The mucosa of the middle and distal part of the trachea, and primary bronchi were irregular and moderately thickened, containing numerous cylindrical parasites forming nests, firmly adhered to the mucosa. Histopathological examination revealed diffuse inflammation of the mucosa and numerous parasites embedded in the lamina propria with nematode characteristics. The parasitological evaluation including morphological structures and the size of parasites confirmed the occurrence of O. osleri in the Brazilian hoary fox. The conclusion of this report is that Brazili...
Canine mastitis is an infrequent condition that occurs most commonly in the postpartum period due... more Canine mastitis is an infrequent condition that occurs most commonly in the postpartum period due to ascending bacterial infection. This report aims to describe clinical, pathological and bacteriological aspects of mastitis caused by Staphylococcus hyicus accompanied by disseminated superficial lymphadenitis in a dog. In the postpartum period the animal showed clinical signs of prostration, dyspneia, and unresponsivess to environment. At physical examination, hypothermia, dehydration and subcutaneous edema of the limbs were detected. Gross and histologic features were consistent with marked purulent and necro-hemorrhagic mastitis accompanied by lymphangitis, lymphadenitis and thromboembolic pneumonia. Isolation and biochemical identification confirmed the infection by Staphylococcus hyicus. This study shows that one must be attentive not only of the risk of uterine infection postpartum, but also of the possibility of mammary gland infection.
A 7-year-old, intact female Bulldog was presented to the veterinarian with ocular signs character... more A 7-year-old, intact female Bulldog was presented to the veterinarian with ocular signs characteristic of Horner’s Syndrome: bilateral conjunctival hyperemia, enophthalmos, miosis, and protrusion of the third eyelid of left eye. A month later, the dog returned for recheck with marked neurologic signs: lethargy, circling, constant vocalizing, depressed mentation, and hyperesthesia. A neoplasm in the brain was suspected. Treatment was implemented in an attempt to reduce clinical signs. After initial clinical remission, the clinical condition got worse and the owner elected euthanasia. Necropsy revealed a large intracranial neoplasm affecting an extensive portion of the cerebral parenchyma. The neoplasm was histologically diagnosed as glioblastoma multiforme. Determination of the extent of the affected cerebral regions based on neurologic exam was useful in establishing the presumptive clinical diagnosis of intracranial neoplasm. Horner’s syndrome preceded the neurologic signs in this ...
A 2-year-old, intact female Maltese dog was present ed to the veterinarian with a history of acut... more A 2-year-old, intact female Maltese dog was present ed to the veterinarian with a history of acute neur ological signs. On neurological examination the dog showed deficit of mental status (apathy and depression), se izures, constant howling, head turn and compulsive circling to the r ight side and falls to the left side. The treatment protocol using prednisolone (for seizures remission) and cyclospor ine (initiated in the chronic stage) did not stop t he progression of the disease and euthanasia was elected 65 days later. N ecropsy revealed mild cerebral asymmetry, and in th e frontal (more affected) parietal and occipital lobes of the right hemisphere there were friable, depressed and yello wish areas characterizing malacia. The left contralateral fron tal lobe was edematous and slightly yellowish. At h istopathology, the lesions were characterized by marked, multifocal to coalescing necrotizing meningoencephalitis, charac terized by focally extensive areas of malacia, especially i...
Hergot I.G., da Rocha M.B.M.C., Xavier F.G., Santos W.H.M., de Oliveira L.B., Martins N.R.S. & Ec... more Hergot I.G., da Rocha M.B.M.C., Xavier F.G., Santos W.H.M., de Oliveira L.B., Martins N.R.S. & Ecco R. 2021. Evaluation of actions of the official veterinary service to mitigate outbreaks of infectious laryngotracheitis and improve biosecurity on laying hen farms. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 41:e06749, 2021. Setor de Patologia Animal, Departamento de Clínica e Cirurgia Veterinárias, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), caused by an Alphaherpesvirus (Gallid herpesvirus-1; GaHV-1), has been noticed in the region of the Terras Altas da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais. From 2010 to 2018, the “Serviço Veterinário Oficial” (SVO) of the “Instituto Mineiro Agropecuário” (IMA), implemented measures to prevent spread of the virus to other regions and control the disease in the area. Due to the close proximity and consequent epidemiological link amon...
RESUMO.[Diagnósticos diferenciais em 83 cães com icterícia.] Icterícia é a pigmentação amarelada ... more RESUMO.[Diagnósticos diferenciais em 83 cães com icterícia.] Icterícia é a pigmentação amarelada decorrente da deposição de bilirrubina em tecidos devido à elevada concentração plasmática. A patogênese da icterícia inclui alterações no metabolismo ou na excreção de bilirrubina, sendo classificada em pré-hepática, hepática ou pós-hepática. O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar, avaliar e classificar as causas de icterícia em cães necropsiados de 2014 a 2017, associando as lesões macroscópicas, histológicas e exames complementares. Foram avaliados macroe microscopicamente 83 cães com diferentes intensidades de icterícia. Os cães foram separados em grupos de acordo com o tipo de icterícia: 24 (28,9%) cães com icterícia pré-hepática, 45 (54,2%) cães com icterícia hepática, 13 (15,7%) com icterícia pré-hepática e hepática e um (1,2%) com icterícia pós-hepática. Foram identificadas várias etiologias associadas à icterícia, dentre elas pode-se destacar, agentes infecciosos (51/83), neopl...
An adult male puma (Puma concolor), hit by a car in an urban area, died three days later despite ... more An adult male puma (Puma concolor), hit by a car in an urban area, died three days later despite the therapeutic support provided. At necropsy, multiple firm nodules were identified in the gastric mucosa. The nodules were coated by an intact mucosa with a central opening from which reddish and cylindrical nematodes protruded into the lumen. Twenty-seven nematodes were retrieved for morphological and morphometric evaluations. During histopathological examination of the gastric tissue, the adult nematodes appear in longitudinal and transverse sections, surrounded by thick bands of collagen, interspersed with mixed inflammatory infiltrates. The nematodes had an eosinophilic cuticle with caudal serrated projections (bulbar type), coelomyarian musculature, pseudocoelom, and females with uterus containing numerous larvated eggs, characteristics consistent with the Cylicospirura genus. Morphologically, female nematodes had six large tricuspid teeth in the oral cavity and the vulva had an o...
Clinical and pathological findings in a case of malignant tumor located in the nasal and paranasa... more Clinical and pathological findings in a case of malignant tumor located in the nasal and paranasal sinuses of a six-year-old donkey are reported. The animal was referred to the Equine Veterinary Hospital after three years of progressively increasing facial swelling. Clinically, the animal presented with tachypnea, dyspnea, and wheezing in the laryngotracheal region. There was swelling in the frontal bone and left orbital regions with exophthalmos of the left eye and bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge, as well as retropharyngeal lymph node enlargement. Radiographic examination revealed radiopacity in the left maxillary, frontal and nasal sinuses, and in the left orbital region. Endoscopy revealed an irregular mass in the nasopharynx. Computed tomographic images of the skull showed an irregular mass, of variable density, in the rostral region, extending from the nasal cavity to the conchofrontal sinus on the left side, with dorsal displacement of the septum and dorsal nasal meatus. Loss of definition and destruction of other osseous structures of the nasal cavity and the frontal bone, and hypodense areas at the encephalic periphery were evident. Computed tomographic scans were taken to identify the localization and extension of the mass. Fibrosarcoma was confirmed on the histopathological examination for the first time in this species. The tomographic scan was considered more effective than radiography.
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, Nov 29, 2017
Systemic mastocytosis (SM) with leukemic manifestation is rarely reported in veterinary patients.... more Systemic mastocytosis (SM) with leukemic manifestation is rarely reported in veterinary patients. Here, we describe two cases of systemic mastocytosis with leukemic spread of neoplastic mast cells in adult dogs, including their clinical signs, clinical and anatomic pathology, and immunohistochemical analysis of c-KIT as a diagnostic tool. In both cases, hematologic examination revealed normocytic and normochromic anaemia, leucocytosis with segmented neutrophils, and mastocytosis. Cytological analyses of the peritoneal fluid revealed many neoplastic mast cells. Case 1 was associated with a subcutaneous mast cell tumor and Case 2 was not associated with a cutaneous or subcutaneous mast cell tumor. Neoplastic mast cells were found in the lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and kidneys, and a diagnosis of visceral mastocytosis was established. SM with terminal leukemic manifestation was confirmed by the mastocythemia intensity associated with the morphological changes of the mast cells in the blood and bone marrow.
The present report describes the clinical, macroscopic and histologic findings associated with Ha... more The present report describes the clinical, macroscopic and histologic findings associated with Halicephalobus gingivalis infection in a male Arab horse, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The animal presented with acute neurologic signs that quickly progressed to a comatose status. Due to the lack of response to therapy, rapid progression of signs and poor prognosis, the horse was euthanized. Post-mortem examination revealed large granulomatous nodules in the kidneys. Renal and internal iliac lymph nodes were enlarged and with loss of corticomedullary distinction. Histopathology revealed granulomatous encephalitis, nephritis, lymphadenitis and focal granulomatous pneumonia associated with marked and chronic infection caused by H. gingivalis. This is the first report of H. gingivalis infection in horses in Minas Gerais. H. gingivalis infection should be included in the list of differential diagnosis of equine neurologic diseases in the state of Minas Gerais.
ABSTRACT: Tracheal avulsion is a condition seen in small animals and occurs as a result of a trau... more ABSTRACT: Tracheal avulsion is a condition seen in small animals and occurs as a result of a traumatic incident to the cervical and/or thoracic regions. The aim of this study is to report a case of tracheal avulsion in a cat using imaging examinations for diagnostic investigation. In this report, we examined an eight-month-old male, cat of undefined breed, diagnosed with tracheal avulsion using complementary imaging tests. This diagnosis was confirmed with post-mortem examination. Radiographic examination of the patient’s thorax and a tracheoscopy were performed. These examinations revealed complete discontinuity of the tracheal circumference, the presence of focal and circumscribed dilation of the tracheal lumen and stenosis. The patient quickly died without clinical and surgical intervention. Macroscopic analysis revealed a tracheal diverticulum confirming the findings of the imaging tests. The use of radiographic examinations in conjunction with tracheoscopy was effective at diag...
We carried out an epidemiological characterization of human and feline sporotrichosis, between 20... more We carried out an epidemiological characterization of human and feline sporotrichosis, between 2016 and 2018, in a high density-populated area in Brazil. Professionals were trained to identify suspected cats and notified vets to interview the owners and collect swabs of the wounds from these animals. Mycological cultures were performed, and colonies identified for Spotrothrix spp. Subsequently, data regarding the outcome from suspected animals were collected. Confirmed cases of human sporotrichosis (56) were also counted and analysed for spatial distribution. Regions with highest prevalence of feline sporotrichosis, had greater frequencies of both human and feline cases. 118 (77.63%) animals were positive. Animals that lived only partially at home were 3.02 times more likely of being positive (OR 3.02, CI 95% 1,96-10,43). The prevalence of feline sporotrichosis was 8.36 ‰ (CI 95%, 5.38 - 9.55 ‰). There was no statistically significant association between environmental variables and ...
Squamous cell carcinoma, a malignant epithelial neoplasm originating from the epidermis squamous ... more Squamous cell carcinoma, a malignant epithelial neoplasm originating from the epidermis squamous cells or the digestive mucosa epithelium, was diagnosed in an adult rooster. The rooster was lethargic and presented difficulties in swallowing. Physical examination revealed a large deep mass in the cranial cervical region. Due to poor prognosis, the bird was euthanized and then post mortem examined. Grossly, in the oral portion of the esophagus, there was a mass invading and partially occluding the lumen. Microscopically, the mass had neoplastic cells interconnected by evident desmosomes junctions and keratin pearl formations. Microscopic findings confirmed the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma. This neoplasia is an important differential diagnosis for esophageal lesions in birds. There are various carcinogens for squamous cell carcinoma such as sunlight, virus, some chemicals and chronic wounds, the last one being a possible cause of the squamous cell carcinoma in this rooster as no evidence of other etiologies were found.
ABSTRACT: Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), caused by an Alphaherpesvirus (Gallid herpesvirus-1... more ABSTRACT: Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), caused by an Alphaherpesvirus (Gallid herpesvirus-1; GaHV-1), has been noticed in the region of the Terras Altas da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais. From 2010 to 2018, the “Serviço Veterinário Oficial” (SVO) of the “Instituto Mineiro Agropecuário” (IMA), implemented measures to prevent spread of the virus to other regions and control the disease in the area. Due to the close proximity and consequent epidemiological link among farms, the region was considered a unique epidemiological unit. To check the efficiency of the ILT control measures, we carried out: (1) a seroepidemiological survey, (2) questionnaires for evaluating biosecurity measures; and (3) an evaluation of the influence of farm population density on the occurrence of ILT. In 2016, 2017, and 2018, ILT was investigated using epidemiological and clinicopathological methods, along with GaHV-1 molecular detection. Serological survey was carried out on 24 farms in the quarantined region...
ABSTRACT: Icterus (jaundice) is a yellowish pigmentation resulting from the depositing of bilirub... more ABSTRACT: Icterus (jaundice) is a yellowish pigmentation resulting from the depositing of bilirubin in tissues due to its high plasmatic concentration. The pathogenesis of icterus includes metabolic changes or obstructed bilirubin excretion and it is classified as pre-hepatic, hepatic and post-hepatic. This study aimed to evaluate and classify different causes of icterus in dogs during post mortem examination. These dogs were examined from 2014 to 2017, using macroscopic and histologic exams as well as ancillary tests. Eighty-three dogs were examined macroscopically and microscopically. They were separated into groups of icterus types: 24 (28.9%) dogs had pre-hepatic icterus, 45 (54.2%) had hepatic, 13 (15.7%) pre-hepatic and hepatic and one (1.2%) had post-hepatic icterus. Many factors were identified as a cause of icterus, including infectious agents (51/83), neoplasms (13/83), hepatic degeneration (11/83), chronic hepatic diseases (6/83), and obstructive causes (1/87). Among the ...
A twelve-day-old foal was admitted to the Veterinar y School of UFMG with profuse diarrhea. The a... more A twelve-day-old foal was admitted to the Veterinar y School of UFMG with profuse diarrhea. The animal was treated with several medications, including antibio tics. Despite the clinical care, the clinical condi tion did not improve. Due to poor prognosis, the foal was euthanized. Gross a nd histopathological examinations, showed pseudomembranous and/or membranous glossitis, esophagitis and gastritis wit h intense amount of pseudohyphae and blastoconidia compatible with Candida spp Also, fibrinous and necrotizing typhlocolitis was observed. Clostridium difficile was isolated from intestinal contents which were also positive for toxins A/B by ELISA. Using a multiplex-PCR assay, genes encoding toxin A (tcdA) and toxin B (tcdB) were detected. The severe lesion s caused by Candida in this foal probably occurred due to changes in t he microbiota induced by the treatment with antibiotic s. However, the possibility of an acquired immunode ficiency cannot be excluded because information abou...
This paper describes an outbreak of chlamydiosis in psittacines recovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil... more This paper describes an outbreak of chlamydiosis in psittacines recovered in Minas Gerais, Brazil, from illegal trade in the Brazilian Southeastern Region. Clinically, some birds showed apathy and anorexia or died suddenly without evidence of clinical signs. Necropsy was performed on 15 psittacines; 13 Amazon parrots (A. aestiva), one Peach-fronted parakeet (Aratinga aurea) and one Scaly-headed parrot (Pionus maximiliani). The most visible macroscopic changes were mild to marked hepatomegaly, with many white foci ranging in size from 1 mm to 100 mm that extended in to the parenchyma. Other findings included splenomegaly and fibrinopurulent airsacculitis. Microscopic lesions included multifocal to coalescing foci of necrosis of hepatocytes with infiltration of heterophils and lymphocytes and plasma cells randomly scattered through out. In some parrots there were multiple foci of necrotic and granulomatous hepatitis with biliary duct proliferation. The birds with splenomegaly had loss...
Oslerus osleri (O. osleri) is a filaroid nematode of the respiratory tract of domestic and wild c... more Oslerus osleri (O. osleri) is a filaroid nematode of the respiratory tract of domestic and wild canids that leads to parasitic tracheobronchitis. The aim of this study was to report the first occurrence of O. osleri in hoary fox in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The animal was found struck by vehicle in a periurban area and died before any clinical procedures were attempted. At necropsy the animal showed multiple bone fractures. The mucosa of the middle and distal part of the trachea, and primary bronchi were irregular and moderately thickened, containing numerous cylindrical parasites forming nests, firmly adhered to the mucosa. Histopathological examination revealed diffuse inflammation of the mucosa and numerous parasites embedded in the lamina propria with nematode characteristics. The parasitological evaluation including morphological structures and the size of parasites confirmed the occurrence of O. osleri in the Brazilian hoary fox. The conclusion of this report is that Brazili...
Canine mastitis is an infrequent condition that occurs most commonly in the postpartum period due... more Canine mastitis is an infrequent condition that occurs most commonly in the postpartum period due to ascending bacterial infection. This report aims to describe clinical, pathological and bacteriological aspects of mastitis caused by Staphylococcus hyicus accompanied by disseminated superficial lymphadenitis in a dog. In the postpartum period the animal showed clinical signs of prostration, dyspneia, and unresponsivess to environment. At physical examination, hypothermia, dehydration and subcutaneous edema of the limbs were detected. Gross and histologic features were consistent with marked purulent and necro-hemorrhagic mastitis accompanied by lymphangitis, lymphadenitis and thromboembolic pneumonia. Isolation and biochemical identification confirmed the infection by Staphylococcus hyicus. This study shows that one must be attentive not only of the risk of uterine infection postpartum, but also of the possibility of mammary gland infection.
A 7-year-old, intact female Bulldog was presented to the veterinarian with ocular signs character... more A 7-year-old, intact female Bulldog was presented to the veterinarian with ocular signs characteristic of Horner’s Syndrome: bilateral conjunctival hyperemia, enophthalmos, miosis, and protrusion of the third eyelid of left eye. A month later, the dog returned for recheck with marked neurologic signs: lethargy, circling, constant vocalizing, depressed mentation, and hyperesthesia. A neoplasm in the brain was suspected. Treatment was implemented in an attempt to reduce clinical signs. After initial clinical remission, the clinical condition got worse and the owner elected euthanasia. Necropsy revealed a large intracranial neoplasm affecting an extensive portion of the cerebral parenchyma. The neoplasm was histologically diagnosed as glioblastoma multiforme. Determination of the extent of the affected cerebral regions based on neurologic exam was useful in establishing the presumptive clinical diagnosis of intracranial neoplasm. Horner’s syndrome preceded the neurologic signs in this ...
A 2-year-old, intact female Maltese dog was present ed to the veterinarian with a history of acut... more A 2-year-old, intact female Maltese dog was present ed to the veterinarian with a history of acute neur ological signs. On neurological examination the dog showed deficit of mental status (apathy and depression), se izures, constant howling, head turn and compulsive circling to the r ight side and falls to the left side. The treatment protocol using prednisolone (for seizures remission) and cyclospor ine (initiated in the chronic stage) did not stop t he progression of the disease and euthanasia was elected 65 days later. N ecropsy revealed mild cerebral asymmetry, and in th e frontal (more affected) parietal and occipital lobes of the right hemisphere there were friable, depressed and yello wish areas characterizing malacia. The left contralateral fron tal lobe was edematous and slightly yellowish. At h istopathology, the lesions were characterized by marked, multifocal to coalescing necrotizing meningoencephalitis, charac terized by focally extensive areas of malacia, especially i...
Hergot I.G., da Rocha M.B.M.C., Xavier F.G., Santos W.H.M., de Oliveira L.B., Martins N.R.S. & Ec... more Hergot I.G., da Rocha M.B.M.C., Xavier F.G., Santos W.H.M., de Oliveira L.B., Martins N.R.S. & Ecco R. 2021. Evaluation of actions of the official veterinary service to mitigate outbreaks of infectious laryngotracheitis and improve biosecurity on laying hen farms. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 41:e06749, 2021. Setor de Patologia Animal, Departamento de Clínica e Cirurgia Veterinárias, Escola de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos 6627, Belo Horizonte, MG 31270-901, Brazil. E-mail: [email protected] Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), caused by an Alphaherpesvirus (Gallid herpesvirus-1; GaHV-1), has been noticed in the region of the Terras Altas da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais. From 2010 to 2018, the “Serviço Veterinário Oficial” (SVO) of the “Instituto Mineiro Agropecuário” (IMA), implemented measures to prevent spread of the virus to other regions and control the disease in the area. Due to the close proximity and consequent epidemiological link amon...
RESUMO.[Diagnósticos diferenciais em 83 cães com icterícia.] Icterícia é a pigmentação amarelada ... more RESUMO.[Diagnósticos diferenciais em 83 cães com icterícia.] Icterícia é a pigmentação amarelada decorrente da deposição de bilirrubina em tecidos devido à elevada concentração plasmática. A patogênese da icterícia inclui alterações no metabolismo ou na excreção de bilirrubina, sendo classificada em pré-hepática, hepática ou pós-hepática. O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar, avaliar e classificar as causas de icterícia em cães necropsiados de 2014 a 2017, associando as lesões macroscópicas, histológicas e exames complementares. Foram avaliados macroe microscopicamente 83 cães com diferentes intensidades de icterícia. Os cães foram separados em grupos de acordo com o tipo de icterícia: 24 (28,9%) cães com icterícia pré-hepática, 45 (54,2%) cães com icterícia hepática, 13 (15,7%) com icterícia pré-hepática e hepática e um (1,2%) com icterícia pós-hepática. Foram identificadas várias etiologias associadas à icterícia, dentre elas pode-se destacar, agentes infecciosos (51/83), neopl...
An adult male puma (Puma concolor), hit by a car in an urban area, died three days later despite ... more An adult male puma (Puma concolor), hit by a car in an urban area, died three days later despite the therapeutic support provided. At necropsy, multiple firm nodules were identified in the gastric mucosa. The nodules were coated by an intact mucosa with a central opening from which reddish and cylindrical nematodes protruded into the lumen. Twenty-seven nematodes were retrieved for morphological and morphometric evaluations. During histopathological examination of the gastric tissue, the adult nematodes appear in longitudinal and transverse sections, surrounded by thick bands of collagen, interspersed with mixed inflammatory infiltrates. The nematodes had an eosinophilic cuticle with caudal serrated projections (bulbar type), coelomyarian musculature, pseudocoelom, and females with uterus containing numerous larvated eggs, characteristics consistent with the Cylicospirura genus. Morphologically, female nematodes had six large tricuspid teeth in the oral cavity and the vulva had an o...
Clinical and pathological findings in a case of malignant tumor located in the nasal and paranasa... more Clinical and pathological findings in a case of malignant tumor located in the nasal and paranasal sinuses of a six-year-old donkey are reported. The animal was referred to the Equine Veterinary Hospital after three years of progressively increasing facial swelling. Clinically, the animal presented with tachypnea, dyspnea, and wheezing in the laryngotracheal region. There was swelling in the frontal bone and left orbital regions with exophthalmos of the left eye and bilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge, as well as retropharyngeal lymph node enlargement. Radiographic examination revealed radiopacity in the left maxillary, frontal and nasal sinuses, and in the left orbital region. Endoscopy revealed an irregular mass in the nasopharynx. Computed tomographic images of the skull showed an irregular mass, of variable density, in the rostral region, extending from the nasal cavity to the conchofrontal sinus on the left side, with dorsal displacement of the septum and dorsal nasal meatus. Loss of definition and destruction of other osseous structures of the nasal cavity and the frontal bone, and hypodense areas at the encephalic periphery were evident. Computed tomographic scans were taken to identify the localization and extension of the mass. Fibrosarcoma was confirmed on the histopathological examination for the first time in this species. The tomographic scan was considered more effective than radiography.
Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, Nov 29, 2017
Systemic mastocytosis (SM) with leukemic manifestation is rarely reported in veterinary patients.... more Systemic mastocytosis (SM) with leukemic manifestation is rarely reported in veterinary patients. Here, we describe two cases of systemic mastocytosis with leukemic spread of neoplastic mast cells in adult dogs, including their clinical signs, clinical and anatomic pathology, and immunohistochemical analysis of c-KIT as a diagnostic tool. In both cases, hematologic examination revealed normocytic and normochromic anaemia, leucocytosis with segmented neutrophils, and mastocytosis. Cytological analyses of the peritoneal fluid revealed many neoplastic mast cells. Case 1 was associated with a subcutaneous mast cell tumor and Case 2 was not associated with a cutaneous or subcutaneous mast cell tumor. Neoplastic mast cells were found in the lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and kidneys, and a diagnosis of visceral mastocytosis was established. SM with terminal leukemic manifestation was confirmed by the mastocythemia intensity associated with the morphological changes of the mast cells in the blood and bone marrow.
The present report describes the clinical, macroscopic and histologic findings associated with Ha... more The present report describes the clinical, macroscopic and histologic findings associated with Halicephalobus gingivalis infection in a male Arab horse, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The animal presented with acute neurologic signs that quickly progressed to a comatose status. Due to the lack of response to therapy, rapid progression of signs and poor prognosis, the horse was euthanized. Post-mortem examination revealed large granulomatous nodules in the kidneys. Renal and internal iliac lymph nodes were enlarged and with loss of corticomedullary distinction. Histopathology revealed granulomatous encephalitis, nephritis, lymphadenitis and focal granulomatous pneumonia associated with marked and chronic infection caused by H. gingivalis. This is the first report of H. gingivalis infection in horses in Minas Gerais. H. gingivalis infection should be included in the list of differential diagnosis of equine neurologic diseases in the state of Minas Gerais.
ABSTRACT: Tracheal avulsion is a condition seen in small animals and occurs as a result of a trau... more ABSTRACT: Tracheal avulsion is a condition seen in small animals and occurs as a result of a traumatic incident to the cervical and/or thoracic regions. The aim of this study is to report a case of tracheal avulsion in a cat using imaging examinations for diagnostic investigation. In this report, we examined an eight-month-old male, cat of undefined breed, diagnosed with tracheal avulsion using complementary imaging tests. This diagnosis was confirmed with post-mortem examination. Radiographic examination of the patient’s thorax and a tracheoscopy were performed. These examinations revealed complete discontinuity of the tracheal circumference, the presence of focal and circumscribed dilation of the tracheal lumen and stenosis. The patient quickly died without clinical and surgical intervention. Macroscopic analysis revealed a tracheal diverticulum confirming the findings of the imaging tests. The use of radiographic examinations in conjunction with tracheoscopy was effective at diag...
We carried out an epidemiological characterization of human and feline sporotrichosis, between 20... more We carried out an epidemiological characterization of human and feline sporotrichosis, between 2016 and 2018, in a high density-populated area in Brazil. Professionals were trained to identify suspected cats and notified vets to interview the owners and collect swabs of the wounds from these animals. Mycological cultures were performed, and colonies identified for Spotrothrix spp. Subsequently, data regarding the outcome from suspected animals were collected. Confirmed cases of human sporotrichosis (56) were also counted and analysed for spatial distribution. Regions with highest prevalence of feline sporotrichosis, had greater frequencies of both human and feline cases. 118 (77.63%) animals were positive. Animals that lived only partially at home were 3.02 times more likely of being positive (OR 3.02, CI 95% 1,96-10,43). The prevalence of feline sporotrichosis was 8.36 ‰ (CI 95%, 5.38 - 9.55 ‰). There was no statistically significant association between environmental variables and ...
Squamous cell carcinoma, a malignant epithelial neoplasm originating from the epidermis squamous ... more Squamous cell carcinoma, a malignant epithelial neoplasm originating from the epidermis squamous cells or the digestive mucosa epithelium, was diagnosed in an adult rooster. The rooster was lethargic and presented difficulties in swallowing. Physical examination revealed a large deep mass in the cranial cervical region. Due to poor prognosis, the bird was euthanized and then post mortem examined. Grossly, in the oral portion of the esophagus, there was a mass invading and partially occluding the lumen. Microscopically, the mass had neoplastic cells interconnected by evident desmosomes junctions and keratin pearl formations. Microscopic findings confirmed the diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma. This neoplasia is an important differential diagnosis for esophageal lesions in birds. There are various carcinogens for squamous cell carcinoma such as sunlight, virus, some chemicals and chronic wounds, the last one being a possible cause of the squamous cell carcinoma in this rooster as no evidence of other etiologies were found.
Resumo: Uma cadela boxer, de seis anos de idade, foi atendida com sinais clínico-neurológicos crô... more Resumo: Uma cadela boxer, de seis anos de idade, foi atendida com sinais clínico-neurológicos crônicos, progressivos e multifocais. Imagens de ressonância magnética foram sugestivas de um grande nódulo intra-axial no hemisfério prosencefálico esquerdo. Após nove meses de remissão clínica com lomustina, fenobarbital e prednisona, foi realizada eutanásia, devido a piora clínica considerável. Ao exame macroscópico foi identificado nódulo macio de 3x2 cm de diâmetro, submeníngeo substituindo o parênquima na região prosencefálica esquerda. A avaliação histopatológica foi compatível com astrocitoma anaplásico. Objetiva-se relatar o caso de uma cadela boxer de seis anos de idade com astrocitoma anaplásico que apresentou remissão dos sinais clínico-neurológicos multifocais após tratamento conservativo. Abstract A 6-year-old, entire female boxer dog was presented for evaluation of chronic, progressive multi-focal neurological signs. Magnetic resonance imaging suggested a large intra-axial mass in the left forebrain. After 9 months of treatment with lomustine, phenobarbital and prednisone, euthanasia was performed because of substantial clinical worsening. Grossly, there was identified a woolen mass with 3 cm in diameter, replacing the parenchyma in the left forebrain. Histopathology was consistent with anaplastic astrocytoma. It aims to report a case of a 6 year-old, entire female boxer dog who had remission of clinical neurological signs due to multifocal brain anaplastic astrocytoma after conservative treatment.
Papers by Roselene Ecco
Abstract A 6-year-old, entire female boxer dog was presented for evaluation of chronic, progressive multi-focal neurological signs. Magnetic resonance imaging suggested a large intra-axial mass in the left forebrain. After 9 months of treatment with lomustine, phenobarbital and prednisone, euthanasia was performed because of substantial clinical worsening. Grossly, there was identified a woolen mass with 3 cm in diameter, replacing the parenchyma in the left forebrain. Histopathology was consistent with anaplastic astrocytoma. It aims to report a case of a 6 year-old, entire female boxer dog who had remission of clinical neurological signs due to multifocal brain anaplastic astrocytoma after conservative treatment.