Articles by Priscilla A F Almeida

Graphos, 2020
Livy, contemporary of Augustus, has written a monumental work entitled Ab Vrbe condita. The text ... more Livy, contemporary of Augustus, has written a monumental work entitled Ab Vrbe condita. The text described annually the events of Rome since its mythical foundation until the days of the author. As a fundamental part of the history of the Vrbs’ consolidation, there is a description of numerous confronts and wars between Romans and their enemies. In the archaic period of Rome (approached in the first decade of the Ab Vrbe condita), the Gauls were highlighted as the great opponents of the city – especially in the events that led to the sack of Rome around 390 B.C. It is known that Livy has written his historical work with nationalist purposes, and many times he stressed Romans’ superiority above foreign nations. Livy assigned the supremacy of Rome to its divine and elevated origins, and he has used that argument to justify the Romans’ domain over other people. At the beginning of this paper, there is a discussion about the sources employed by Livy in his work, as well as the role of Cicero’s influence on the writing of the Ab Vrbe condita. Besides, there is the selection of some specific parts (VII, 9-10, 26 e XXXVIII, 17), that will be approached in-depth, to observe how Livy has constructed the Gauls’ image as enemies of Rome. For that purpose, there is an analysis about the stereotypes, words and clichés employed by Livy, and how he has manipulated these elements in order not only to describe the Gauls as enemies, but also as inferior to the Romans.
Keywords: Livy; Gaul; Enemy; Characterization; Inferiority.

Clássica, 2019
This paper aims to analyze the role played by the Fabii brothers in Liv.5.35-39 and how their con... more This paper aims to analyze the role played by the Fabii brothers in Liv.5.35-39 and how their conduct somehow contributed for the tragic fate of Rome, which was plundered by the Gauls. Between chapters 5.35-36, Livy narrated the Gauls’ attack on the city of Clusium. The Romans, called to help, sent the Fabii brothers as emissaries, so they could try a peace agreement with the intruders. But this attempt became a great failure, since the Fabii disrespected the right of nations and attacked the Gauls (Liv. 5.36). Taking into consideration this terrible attitude practiced by the Fabii and the imminent sack of Rome within Livy’s narrative, this work will study the role of Fortuna (fortune) within the facts described in Liv.5.36-39. This paper also discusses the dishonorable behavior of the Romans, in 5.37-38, which culminated in their defeat, near the Alia River. Finally, this research focus on how Livy developed each episode in 5.39 as a regain of the Roman virtue, with examples of the courage of the Roman people and respect to the gods once disregarded. To follow the evolution of the Romans in this process of losing and regaining their virtue, each chapter will be entirely presented in Latin and in Portuguese, to not interrupt the reading. This paper also makes a study of the rhetoric and literary elements used by Livy to portray Romans and Gauls and to describe the occurred facts, as well as the analysis of some key concepts, such as fides, concordia and mos maiorum.
KEYWORDS: Livy; sack of Rome; rhetoric; morality; Fortuna.

Codex, 2019
Abstract: In his speech Pro Fonteio, of 69 BCE, Cicero has defended Fonteius, who was the propret... more Abstract: In his speech Pro Fonteio, of 69 BCE, Cicero has defended Fonteius, who was the propretor in Gaul and was accused by the local i n h a b i t a nt s (t h e a l lo b r o g e s) o f b a d administrating the province. It is important to keep in mind that, in a legal context, Cicero had a clear purpose in his speaking to the court, which was to accuse or to defend someone. With this objective, the argumentation that Cicero presented to his audience was, essentially, a verbal construction that he was free to manipulate in the best way he would like, so he could persuade and convince his public of his statements. This paper aims to discuss how Cicero has defended Fonteius by constructing his argumentation on the Gauls' characterization as the biggest and most cruel enemies of Rome. Therefore, there is an analysis of some parts of the speech, concerning the argumentative pictures and the vocabulary applied by the Latin orator to make that unfavorable portrait of the Gaul nation of the allobroges.
Revista Cantareira, 2015
In Brazil there is not a vast research about the theme of Gauls’ representations in the Latin Lit... more In Brazil there is not a vast research about the theme of Gauls’ representations in the Latin Literature and that is what this paper aims to discuss. It is known that the Gauls did not leave any written material and their culture and history from the time of the first century BCE are known today by third-part reports. Since Antiquity these people were sometimes shown as inferior to the Romans. The word ‘Barbarian’, which was a Greek designation for foreign people, has become a synonym of lack of civilization and savagery. In this paper the focus is the study of some passages of the Gauls’ representations made by the Roman author Julius Caesar and to see how these images of the foreign people are constructed.
In this paper, we aimed to explain the main characteristics of some works from Ancient times that... more In this paper, we aimed to explain the main characteristics of some works from Ancient times that are known as ‘novel’. We wanted to make a general outlook of the term ‘novel’, which is a anachronic term to describe ancient texts, and explain why the use of this term is actually used. We focused especially on an introductory approach of novels: which works have survived, and what we can discover from the works that arrived nowadays in fragments. We have also made a comparison between these Greek novels and the Latin novels, and intended to perceive how these two cultures, and literature, were nearby each other.
Master Dissertation by Priscilla A F Almeida

The poem Ilias Latina is a Latin resumed adaptation of Iliad, from Neronian times. In the first c... more The poem Ilias Latina is a Latin resumed adaptation of Iliad, from Neronian times. In the first century B.C, the Trojan myth became gradually unknown through Iliad, since Greek was learned only by the Roman aristocracy. During the Middle Age, Greek language was left aside in Ocident and Iliad was lost until Italian scholars started to learn Greek with Byzantine travelers in the XIVth century.
The Troy War history had been more and more known via resumes, adaptations and Latin versions of Iliad. This is the context in which Ilias Latina could be inserted; the only work of this group that survived well preserved over the centuries.
In this paper the poem Ilias Latina was fully translated and a comparative study of some passages was made, focusing plot, style and characters’ construction.
Being part of Latin literature, Ilias Latina is close to Virgil and Ovid, and has adapted passages of Iliad into Roman ideology. Moreover, it is possible to compare these extracts with some Latin works, such as Eneid, the Art of Love and the Metamorphoses.
This research helps to realize how the Latin adaptation has a significant impact in the transmission of Troy War history, provide another point of view of Homer and show how narratives have been developed in the Trojan cycle, during the Middle Age.
Key words: Iliad, Ilias Latina, epic poetry, Virgil, Ovid, Roman ideology.
PhD Thesis by Priscilla A F Almeida

We know that the Gauls didn’t leave any written material and their culture and history are known ... more We know that the Gauls didn’t leave any written material and their culture and history are known today by third-part reports and by archeological studies. Therefore, the theme of Gauls’ representations in Caesar, Livy and Pliny the Elder, as it comprehends the temporal period from the I Century B.C. to I A.C., is the main objective of this academic paper, as it coincides with the moment in wich Gaul was conquered and transformed into a Roman province.
In the beginning of this paper we offer a reflection about the word “barbarian” itself; besides we focus on the concept of barbarity – and civilization – among Greeks and Romans. Thereafter we talk about the expansion of Rome’s domain and how was the contact between Romans and Gauls. In addition, we put forward to research some Latin passages about the Gauls, and the sources are: De bello Gallico (The Gallic War), of Caesar, Ab urbe condita (The History of Rome), of Livy, and in the Historia naturalis (Natural History), of Pliny, the Elder. In this analysis of the Latin passages we will be able to realize how the rhetoric of Gauls’ representations is structured and how the construction of the image of the barbarian worked. We will also make some considerations about what was by the Romans from the I Century B.C. to I A.C. considered as barbarian (or civilized). Furthermore we make a research of the rhetoric elements used by Caesar, Livy and Pliny to distinguish the Gauls, as well to analyze the type of vocabulary and representative figures applied in these descriptions. Finally we close this academic paper by bringing some facts of what is know today by the Gauls through historiographical and archeological researches.
Papers by Priscilla A F Almeida

Sabemos que os gauleses nao deixaram nenhum material escrito, e sua cultura e historia nos sao co... more Sabemos que os gauleses nao deixaram nenhum material escrito, e sua cultura e historia nos sao conhecidas apenas por relatos de terceiros ou por estudos arqueologicos. Por isso, o tema das representacoes dos gauleses em Cesar, Tito Livio e Plinio, que compreende o periodo entre o seculo I a.C. a I d.C., e o foco principal desta pesquisa, ja que corresponde ao momento em que a Galia e definivamente conquistada pelos romanos e transformada em provincia. Propomos, no comeco deste trabalho, uma reflexao sobre o proprio etimo barb ro, lem de bord mos o conceito de b rbarie e de civilidade entre gregos e romanos. Em seguida, falaremos sobre a expansao do dominio de Roma e como foi o contato entre romanos e gauleses. Apos essa investigacao, nos propomos a estudar a fundo algumas passagens latinas sobre os gauleses, cujas fontes sao: o De bello Gallico (Sobre a guerra da Galia), de Cesar; o Ab urbe condita (Da fundacao da Cidade), de Tito Livio; e a Historia naturalis (Historia natural), de...

A Ilíada Latina é um resumo em latim da Ilíada, feita por Bébio Itálico na época de Nero. Já no s... more A Ilíada Latina é um resumo em latim da Ilíada, feita por Bébio Itálico na época de Nero. Já no século I a.C., o mito troiano passou a ser cada vez menos conhecido através da Ilíada, já que o grego era apenas aprendido pela elite romana. Durante a Idade Média, o grego deixou de ser aprendido no Ocidente, e assim, a Ilíada se perdeu durante esse período, até que estudiosos italianos começaram a aprender grego com os viajantes bizantinos no século XIV. A história da guerra de Troia, portanto, passou gradativamente a ser conhecida através de resumos, adaptações e versões em latim da Ilíada. É nesse contexto que se insere a Ilíada Latina, única obra desse conjunto que permaneceu conservada ao longo dos séculos. A redução da Ilíada homérica para apenas 1070 versos inevitavelmente acarreta perda da profundidade original, mas a Ilíada Latina também encerra aspectos interessantes. É possível ver claramente como Bébio Itálico entendia a Ilíada de Homero, através das passagens e aspectos que ...

Classica - Revista Brasileira de Estudos Clássicos
Este artigo pretende analisar o papel desempenhado pelos irmãos Fábios em Lívio, V, 35-39, e como... more Este artigo pretende analisar o papel desempenhado pelos irmãos Fábios em Lívio, V, 35-39, e como a conduta deles de alguma forma contribuiu para o trágico destino de Roma, que foi saqueada pelos gauleses. Entre os capítulos V, 35-36, Lívio narrou o ataque gaulês à cidade de Clúsio. Os romanos, chamados para ajudar, enviaram os irmãos Fábios como emissários, a fim de tentar um acordo de paz com os invasores. Essa tentativa, contudo, tornou-se um grande fracasso, já que os Fábios desrespeitaram o direito das nações e atacaram os gauleses. Levando em consideração essa terrível atitude praticada pelos Fábios e o iminente saque de Roma dentro da narrativa liviana, este artigo analisa o papel da Fortuna (sorte) nos acontecimentos descritos em Lívio, V, 36-39. Além disso, discute-se a conduta desonrosa dos romanos, entre V, 37-38, que culminou na derrota deles, próximo ao rio Ália. Por fim, esse artigo examina a maneira como Lívio desenvolveu cada episódio em V, 39 como uma reconquista da...

CODEX -- Revista de Estudos Clássicos
Em seu discurso Pro Fonteio, do ano 69 a.C., Cícero defendeu Fonteio, que era propretor na Gália ... more Em seu discurso Pro Fonteio, do ano 69 a.C., Cícero defendeu Fonteio, que era propretor na Gália e acusado pelos habitantes locais (os alóbroges) de governar mal a província. É importante ter em mente que, no contexto jurídico, Cícero tinha um claro propósito em sua fala ao tribunal, que era acusar ou defender alguém. Com esse objetivo, a argumentação que Cícero apresentava à sua audiência era, em essência, uma construção verbal que ele tinha liberdade para manipular do melhor jeito que lhe aprouvesse, de modo que ele pudesse persuadir e convencer o seu público a favor das suas alegações. Este trabalho pretende discutir como Cícero defendeu Fonteio fundamentando sua argumentação na caracterização dos gauleses como sendo os maiores e mais cruéis inimigos de Roma. Para tanto, faz-se a análise de certos trechos desse discurso, estudando as figuras argumentativas e o vocabulário empregado pelo orador latino para fazer esse desfavorável retrato da nação gaulesa dos alóbroges.

Revista Graphos
Tito Lívio, contemporâneo de Augusto, escreveu uma monumental obra intitulada Ab Vrbe condita. O ... more Tito Lívio, contemporâneo de Augusto, escreveu uma monumental obra intitulada Ab Vrbe condita. O texto narrava anualmente os eventos de Roma desde sua mítica fundação até os dias atuais ao autor. Como parte fundamental da história da consolidação do poder da Urbe, há nessa obra a descrição de inúmeros confrontos e guerras entre os romanos e os seus inimigos. No período arcaico de Roma (abordado na primeira década de Ab Vrbe condita), os gauleses possuem destaque como grandes opositores da cidade – especialmente nos eventos que culminaram no saque de Roma por volta do ano 390 a.C. Sabe-se que Lívio escreveu sua obra histórica com claro objetivo nacionalista, e ele muitas vezes salientou a superioridade dos romanos frente a nações estrangeiras. Lívio atribuiu a supremacia de Roma às suas origens divinas e elevadas, e usou desse argumento para justificar o domínio romano sobre outras nações. No início deste trabalho, há uma discussão sobre as fontes empregadas por Lívio em sua obra, be...
Nuntius Antiquus, Sep 18, 2012
Books by Priscilla A F Almeida

Esta obra é uma tradução inédita do poema Ilíada latina do latim para o português, e conta com um... more Esta obra é uma tradução inédita do poema Ilíada latina do latim para o português, e conta com um prefácio e um estudo introdutório dessa obra. Percebe-se que sempre houve um grande interesse popular – tanto de pesquisadores da área de Estudos Clássicos quanto do grande público – no tema da guerra de Troia e da Ilíada. Fica evidente que a tradução da Ilíada latina para o português torna o texto latino acessível para mais uma parcela da população, bem como contribui para enriquecer o estudo desse poema e do mito da guerra de Troia nos tempos atuais.
The Ilias Latina is a Latin resume of the Iliad, made by Bebius Italicus during Neronian times. In the first century B.C, the Trojan myth became gradually unknown through Iliad since Greek was learned only by the Roman aristocracy. During the Middle Ages, the Greek language was left aside in the Occident and the Iliad was lost until Italian scholars started to learn Greek with Byzantine travelers in the XIV century. The Troy War history had been more and more known via resumes, adaptations, and Latin versions of the Iliad. This is the context in which Ilias Latina can be inserted, and it is the only work of this group that survived well preserved over the centuries. The reduction of the Homeric Iliad to only 1070 verses provokes the loss of its original depth; however, the Ilias Latina has some interesting aspects. It is possible to see clearly how Bebius Italicus understood the Iliad through the passages and aspects he chooses to transmit, as well as what is possible to understand through his omissions and innovations towards the Homeric original poem. This is a traslation of the poem to Portuguese.
vol.7, n. 1 (2019) by Priscilla A F Almeida
Codex: Revista de Estudos Clássicos, 2019
Edição Completa do Vol. 7, n. 1 de 2019.
Articles by Priscilla A F Almeida
Keywords: Livy; Gaul; Enemy; Characterization; Inferiority.
KEYWORDS: Livy; sack of Rome; rhetoric; morality; Fortuna.
Master Dissertation by Priscilla A F Almeida
The Troy War history had been more and more known via resumes, adaptations and Latin versions of Iliad. This is the context in which Ilias Latina could be inserted; the only work of this group that survived well preserved over the centuries.
In this paper the poem Ilias Latina was fully translated and a comparative study of some passages was made, focusing plot, style and characters’ construction.
Being part of Latin literature, Ilias Latina is close to Virgil and Ovid, and has adapted passages of Iliad into Roman ideology. Moreover, it is possible to compare these extracts with some Latin works, such as Eneid, the Art of Love and the Metamorphoses.
This research helps to realize how the Latin adaptation has a significant impact in the transmission of Troy War history, provide another point of view of Homer and show how narratives have been developed in the Trojan cycle, during the Middle Age.
Key words: Iliad, Ilias Latina, epic poetry, Virgil, Ovid, Roman ideology.
PhD Thesis by Priscilla A F Almeida
In the beginning of this paper we offer a reflection about the word “barbarian” itself; besides we focus on the concept of barbarity – and civilization – among Greeks and Romans. Thereafter we talk about the expansion of Rome’s domain and how was the contact between Romans and Gauls. In addition, we put forward to research some Latin passages about the Gauls, and the sources are: De bello Gallico (The Gallic War), of Caesar, Ab urbe condita (The History of Rome), of Livy, and in the Historia naturalis (Natural History), of Pliny, the Elder. In this analysis of the Latin passages we will be able to realize how the rhetoric of Gauls’ representations is structured and how the construction of the image of the barbarian worked. We will also make some considerations about what was by the Romans from the I Century B.C. to I A.C. considered as barbarian (or civilized). Furthermore we make a research of the rhetoric elements used by Caesar, Livy and Pliny to distinguish the Gauls, as well to analyze the type of vocabulary and representative figures applied in these descriptions. Finally we close this academic paper by bringing some facts of what is know today by the Gauls through historiographical and archeological researches.
Papers by Priscilla A F Almeida
Books by Priscilla A F Almeida
The Ilias Latina is a Latin resume of the Iliad, made by Bebius Italicus during Neronian times. In the first century B.C, the Trojan myth became gradually unknown through Iliad since Greek was learned only by the Roman aristocracy. During the Middle Ages, the Greek language was left aside in the Occident and the Iliad was lost until Italian scholars started to learn Greek with Byzantine travelers in the XIV century. The Troy War history had been more and more known via resumes, adaptations, and Latin versions of the Iliad. This is the context in which Ilias Latina can be inserted, and it is the only work of this group that survived well preserved over the centuries. The reduction of the Homeric Iliad to only 1070 verses provokes the loss of its original depth; however, the Ilias Latina has some interesting aspects. It is possible to see clearly how Bebius Italicus understood the Iliad through the passages and aspects he chooses to transmit, as well as what is possible to understand through his omissions and innovations towards the Homeric original poem. This is a traslation of the poem to Portuguese.
vol.7, n. 1 (2019) by Priscilla A F Almeida
Keywords: Livy; Gaul; Enemy; Characterization; Inferiority.
KEYWORDS: Livy; sack of Rome; rhetoric; morality; Fortuna.
The Troy War history had been more and more known via resumes, adaptations and Latin versions of Iliad. This is the context in which Ilias Latina could be inserted; the only work of this group that survived well preserved over the centuries.
In this paper the poem Ilias Latina was fully translated and a comparative study of some passages was made, focusing plot, style and characters’ construction.
Being part of Latin literature, Ilias Latina is close to Virgil and Ovid, and has adapted passages of Iliad into Roman ideology. Moreover, it is possible to compare these extracts with some Latin works, such as Eneid, the Art of Love and the Metamorphoses.
This research helps to realize how the Latin adaptation has a significant impact in the transmission of Troy War history, provide another point of view of Homer and show how narratives have been developed in the Trojan cycle, during the Middle Age.
Key words: Iliad, Ilias Latina, epic poetry, Virgil, Ovid, Roman ideology.
In the beginning of this paper we offer a reflection about the word “barbarian” itself; besides we focus on the concept of barbarity – and civilization – among Greeks and Romans. Thereafter we talk about the expansion of Rome’s domain and how was the contact between Romans and Gauls. In addition, we put forward to research some Latin passages about the Gauls, and the sources are: De bello Gallico (The Gallic War), of Caesar, Ab urbe condita (The History of Rome), of Livy, and in the Historia naturalis (Natural History), of Pliny, the Elder. In this analysis of the Latin passages we will be able to realize how the rhetoric of Gauls’ representations is structured and how the construction of the image of the barbarian worked. We will also make some considerations about what was by the Romans from the I Century B.C. to I A.C. considered as barbarian (or civilized). Furthermore we make a research of the rhetoric elements used by Caesar, Livy and Pliny to distinguish the Gauls, as well to analyze the type of vocabulary and representative figures applied in these descriptions. Finally we close this academic paper by bringing some facts of what is know today by the Gauls through historiographical and archeological researches.
The Ilias Latina is a Latin resume of the Iliad, made by Bebius Italicus during Neronian times. In the first century B.C, the Trojan myth became gradually unknown through Iliad since Greek was learned only by the Roman aristocracy. During the Middle Ages, the Greek language was left aside in the Occident and the Iliad was lost until Italian scholars started to learn Greek with Byzantine travelers in the XIV century. The Troy War history had been more and more known via resumes, adaptations, and Latin versions of the Iliad. This is the context in which Ilias Latina can be inserted, and it is the only work of this group that survived well preserved over the centuries. The reduction of the Homeric Iliad to only 1070 verses provokes the loss of its original depth; however, the Ilias Latina has some interesting aspects. It is possible to see clearly how Bebius Italicus understood the Iliad through the passages and aspects he chooses to transmit, as well as what is possible to understand through his omissions and innovations towards the Homeric original poem. This is a traslation of the poem to Portuguese.