Papers by Natalia Fagundes
Hemangiosarcomas are tumors of mesenchymal origin, potentially deleterious, associated with areas... more Hemangiosarcomas are tumors of mesenchymal origin, potentially deleterious, associated with areas of high vascularization. Tumor progression and growth are associated with these tumors’ ability to retain blood and give rise to tortuous blood vessels. They have a vast metastatic capacity, often occurring in organs such as the spleen, liver, and aorta artery. However, other sites may be affected, although less frequently, such as the third eyelid and the conjunctiva and cutaneous regions. This article aims to report the case of an 8-year-old female dog with a history of conjunctival hemangiosarcoma, in the medial region of the left eye, with a hemorrhagic appearance. The animal was submitted to the surgical procedure of enucleation after the involvement of the surgical margins in a previous histopathological examination.

Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, Aug 25, 2016
Background: Primary bladder tumors are rare in dogs, in spite of that, the transitional cell carc... more Background: Primary bladder tumors are rare in dogs, in spite of that, the transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) is the malignant tumor that most affects dogs. The TCC usually begins in the vesical trigone and extends into the bladder, and may cause partial or complete obstruction of the urinary flow. The treatment with cystectomy and urinary diversion in veterinary medicine is not usual probably because the partial cystectomy has low success and ureterocolonic anastomosis can cause pyelonephritis and/ or urinary incontinence. This paper describes the cystectomy surgery and ureterocolonic anastomosis in a dog with TCC in the bladder and bilateral hydronephrosis. Case: A 8-year-old, male, not castrated, Pitbull was referred to the Veterinary Clinic Hospital-UFRGS. The patient had progressive weight loss, low appetite, dysuria, and hematuria. Abdominal ultrasound showed bilaterally hydronephrosis, kidney pelvis and ureter dilatation. The mesogastric region presented a mass measuring about 14 cm. An exploratory laparotomy was request by the responsible veterinarian. A mass, measuring about 20 cm was observed in the spleen and a splenectomy was requested. An increased of the kidney's volume and an expansion of the renal pelvis and ureter were observed. The bladder wall had thickened and presented a firm consistency, an ureterocolonic anastomosis was requested by the responsible veterinarian. Total cystectomy was performed in a second surgical procedure. Six days after the second surgery the patient condition got worse. The dog presented abdominal pain signals and pale mucous membranes. The hematological and biochemistry analysis findings were, severe anemia, and elevated serum creatinine (6.12 mg/dL) and urea (263 mg/dL) levels. Based on severity of clinical signs and unfavorable prognosis the owners elected for euthanasia. Necropsy revealed a viscous material into the left ureter and in left renal pelvis, and papillary necrosis in the right kidney. The histologic assessment revealed tumor cells in regional lymph nodes and lungs. Discussion: The urinary diversion when consist of total cystectomy and ureteral transplantation to the gastrointestinal tract can be considered a therapeutic option in cases where the trigone is affected. In this study an ureterocolonic anastomosis was requested due to bilateral ureteral obstruction caused by TCC involving the trigone. Neurological and gastrointestinal signs, elevated serum creatinine levels and pyelonephritis may occur after surgery. Neurological signs were not observed. The dog, in the present case report, had already azotemia in pre-surgical examinations, probably caused by bilateral ureteral obstruction. One of the reasons for the increase in postoperative serum creatinine levels is chronic renal failure caused by ascending infection or post-renal obstruction. Another reason could also be reabsorption of the metabolite through the colon. Necropsy findings were ascending infection and pyelonephritis. Dilation of ureter at the time of surgery may have predisposed to the ascending infection. In previous studies aggressive surgical therapy did not result in a significant increase in survival time in dogs when compared to chemotherapy. Most dogs presented metastases, observed most frequently in lymph nodes and lungs. In this report the surgery was performed in an attempt to improve kidney function and life quality of the patient during hospitalization. The prognosis was considered unfavorable because of the advanced stage of the disease and kidney failure. The absence of an early diagnosis and inability to start early chemotherapy may result in a reduced in the survival time of these patients.
Veterinary and Animal Science, Jun 1, 2023

Journal of Medical Primatology, Mar 10, 2020
Background: This study evaluated and compared cardiorespiratory and blood gas parameters, as well... more Background: This study evaluated and compared cardiorespiratory and blood gas parameters, as well as sedation, analgesia and recovery of two protocols: ketamine (10 mg/kg) or dexmedetomidine (10 μg/kg), with midazolam (0.5 mg/kg) and butorphanol (0.3 mg/kg), IM (KBM and DBM, respectively) in brown howler monkeys (Alouatta guariba clamitans). Material and methods: Twelve brown howler monkeys were selected in two groups and evaluated for cardiorespiratory parameters and sedation, from 5-30 minutes after latency. Blood gas and arterial lactate were taken at 5 and 30 minutes. In the end, time and quality of recovery were evaluated. Results: The HR in DBM group was significantly lower at all times. The sedation score was higher in DBM. Recovery in DBM was faster. All animals had moderate hypoxaemia. Conclusion: Both protocols produce satisfactory anaesthesia and analgesia, but DBM provides deeper sedation with faster recovery. Oxygen supplementation is recommended in both due to hypoxaemia.
Research, Society and Development, Mar 1, 2023
Sedative and cardiorespiratory effects of detomidine combined or not with diazepam in horses subj... more Sedative and cardiorespiratory effects of detomidine combined or not with diazepam in horses subjected to dental examination Efeitos sedativos e cardiorrespiratórios da detomidina associada ou não ao diazepam em equinos submetidos ao exame odontológico Efectos sedantes y cardiorrespiratorios de la detomidina asociada o no al diazepam en caballos sometidos a examen odontológico
A síndrome do arrancamento de penas é uma afecção comum dentro da clínica aviária, atingindo prin... more A síndrome do arrancamento de penas é uma afecção comum dentro da clínica aviária, atingindo principalmente os psitacídeos, devido a sua alta capacidade cognitiva e comportamento social bem desenvolvido. Caracteriza-se pelo arrancamento das próprias penas causando danos e podendo chegar a automutilação. Esta síndrome pode estar relacionada com diversas etiologias, desde erros de manejo nutricional, falha nos cuidados neonatais, falta de estimulo cognitivo, presença de ectoparasitas, entre outras. Neste trabalho, serão analisadas as diversas causas desta síndrome, permitindo assim uma melhor avaliação de casos, formas de prevenção e tratamentos disponíveis.

Anesthesiology Research and Practice, Nov 24, 2022
Objectives. Te aim of the study is to compare the sedative, cardiorespiratory, echocardiographic,... more Objectives. Te aim of the study is to compare the sedative, cardiorespiratory, echocardiographic, and blood gas efects of dexmedetomidine and methadone associated or not with midazolam for restraint chemistry in cats. Methods. Eighteen healthy young cats (4.06 ± 0.48 kg) were randomly sedated with two protocols, through the intramuscular route: dexmedetomidine (5 µ −1), methadone (0.3 mg. kg −1) and midazolam (0.3 mg. kg −1) (DMTM, n � 9), or dexmedetomidine (7.5 µ −1) and methadone (0.3 mg. kg −1) (DMT, n � 9). Te cardiorespiratory parameters were measured at baseline, 5 and 10 minutes after pharmacological latency. Te sedation, analgesia, and muscle relaxation scores were assessed before and 5 minutes after pharmacological latency, while arterial blood gas analysis and echocardiography were assessed before and after 10 or 15 minutes, respectively. Results. Tere was no diference between the protocols regarding the cardiorespiratory, blood gas, and echocardiographic parameters used. Te scores for sedation, analgesia, and muscle relaxation also did not difer between the protocols, with the degree of sedation, analgesia, and myorelaxation considered satisfactory in both groups. A signifcant decrease in heart rate (HR) was observed after administration of the sedative protocols, reaching a maximum reduction at T10 (46% and 53% reduction in the DMT and DMTM groups, respectively). Te reduction in HR had an impact on echocardiographic parameters such as CO, which decreased 53% and 56% in the DMT and DMTM groups, respectively. Tere was a signifcant reduction in PaO 2 , SaO 2 , ejection fraction, and fractional shortening in both protocols. SpO 2 decreased signifcantly after 5 minutes of sedation in the DMT group, but with a minimum mean SpO 2 of 92% in T5. Te respiratory rate decreased signifcantly at 5 and 10 minutes in the DMTM group, while PaCO 2 increased in both groups, indicating respiratory depression caused by the drugs. Conclusions and Relevance. Te study pointed out that both sedative protocols can be recommended for clinical sedation of young and healthy cats in the doses used. However, both protocols resulted in cardiorespiratory depression in cats and also the particularities of the animals should be evaluated regarding reducing cardiac output by more than 50%.

Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, 2017
RESUMO O cisto aracnoide medular (CAM) é uma doença que pode ocorrer em humanos e animais, podend... more RESUMO O cisto aracnoide medular (CAM) é uma doença que pode ocorrer em humanos e animais, podendo causar sinais clínicos neurológicos. A origem dessa enfermidade ainda é desconhecida assim como sua patofisiologia. Acredita-se que pode ser congênita ou adquirida. Até o momento, não foi verificada predileção por raça, sexo ou idade. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de CAM lombar em um cão com 13 anos de idade, que causou paralisia dos membros pélvicos. Ao exame clínico, o paciente apresentava dor lombar na palpação epaxial, incontinência urinária e fecal, com paraplegia de membros pélvicos. A sintomatologia progrediu durante oito meses, com histórico de trauma. Na mielografia, foi identificado um CAM na região lombar (L1-L2) lateralizado para a esquerda. O tratamento instituído foi a laminectomia e a durectomia. A paciente apresentou melhora dos sinais clínicos após 11 dias da realização da cirurgia. O tratamento cirúrgico obteve bons resultados para essa enfermidade. O CA...

Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 2016
Background: Primary bladder tumors are rare in dogs, in spite of that, the transitional cell carc... more Background: Primary bladder tumors are rare in dogs, in spite of that, the transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) is the malignant tumor that most affects dogs. The TCC usually begins in the vesical trigone and extends into the bladder, and may cause partial or complete obstruction of the urinary flow. The treatment with cystectomy and urinary diversion in veterinary medicine is not usual probably because the partial cystectomy has low success and ureterocolonic anastomosis can cause pyelonephritis and/ or urinary incontinence. This paper describes the cystectomy surgery and ureterocolonic anastomosis in a dog with TCC in the bladder and bilateral hydronephrosis. Case: A 8-year-old, male, not castrated, Pitbull was referred to the Veterinary Clinic Hospital - UFRGS. The patient had progressive weight loss, low appetite, dysuria, and hematuria. Abdominal ultrasound showed bilaterally hydronephrosis, kidney pelvis and ureter dilatation. The mesogastric region presented a mass measuring abo...
A síndrome do arrancamento de penas é uma afecção comum dentro da clínica aviária, atingindo prin... more A síndrome do arrancamento de penas é uma afecção comum dentro da clínica aviária, atingindo principalmente os psitacídeos, devido a sua alta capacidade cognitiva e comportamento social bem desenvolvido. Caracteriza-se pelo arrancamento das próprias penas causando danos e podendo chegar a automutilação. Esta síndrome pode estar relacionada com diversas etiologias, desde erros de manejo nutricional, falha nos cuidados neonatais, falta de estimulo cognitivo, presença de ectoparasitas, entre outras. Neste trabalho, serão analisadas as diversas causas desta síndrome, permitindo assim uma melhor avaliação de casos, formas de prevenção e tratamentos disponíveis.
Papers by Natalia Fagundes