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The study evaluated the effect of prosopis Africana seed coat meal (PASCM) on the performance and carcass characteristics of three hundred (300) Nera brown layer chickens that were fed for a period of 39 weeks. The birds were randomly... more
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    • Biology
Aging-associated, non-transmissible chronic diseases (NTCD) such as cancer, dyslipidemia, and neurodegenerative disorders have been challenged through several strategies including the consumption of healthy foods and the development of... more
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Background and Objectives: Canary seed is a true cereal crop and classified as a 'novel' food for human consumption. To explore potential food applications, the current study was focused on evaluating the functional and nutritional... more
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      ChemistryAnalytical ChemistryFood ScienceStarch
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
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      BusinessChemical EngineeringFood ScienceFood
Many different species of mushrooms are consumed around the world, after harvesting from nature or cultivated under controlled conditions. Fruiting bodies of mushrooms from the Agaricus, Lentinula, and Pleurotus genera are reported as the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFood ScienceFoodBiology
Penicillium sclerotiorum e uma especie de fungo filamentoso que produz biomassa com elevados teores de umidade, proteinas e minerais e baixo teor de lipidios e, portanto, tem sido alvo de estudos visando sua aplicacao na area de... more
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      ChemistryUniversidade Federal De Minas Gerais
Salacia crassifolia traditionally known as "Bacupari-do-Cerrado" is used to treat kidney problems, and as a healing agent for coughs and malaria. The phytochemical study of the S. crassifolia roots led to the isolation of thirteen... more
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      Traditional MedicineBiologyPhytochemicalCHEMICAL SCIENCES