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and Networks are decentralized and self-organizing networks with dynamic topology and responsible for routing queries in a distributed environment. Because MANETs are composed of resource-constrained devices susceptible to faults, whereas... more
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      Mobile Ad Hoc NetworkData SharingMobile Peer-to-Peer NetworkBit Error Rate
Content dissemination over mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is usually performed using peer-to-peer (P2P) networks due to its increased resiliency and efficiency when compared to client-server approaches. P2P networks are usually divided... more
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      Distributed ComputingPerformance EvaluationMobile Ad Hoc NetworkComputer Communications
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have emerged as a new monitoring and control solution for a variety of applications. Although the behavior of a WSN is characterized by the type of its application, a common element exist: faults are a... more
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      Quality of ServiceNetwork monitoringWireless Sensor NetworkMonitoring and control
Peer (P2P) applications are emerging technologies based on the same paradigm: the Peer-to-Peer paradigm. Motivated, respectively, by the necessity of executing applications in environments with no previous infra-structure and the demand... more
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      NetworkingMobile Ad Hoc NetworkPeer to PeerEmerging Technology
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and peer-to-peer (P2P) applications are emerging technologies based on the same paradigm: the P2P paradigm. Motivated, respectively, by the necessity of executing applications in environments with no... more
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      Distributed ComputingPerformance EvaluationMobile Ad Hoc NetworkDistributed Processing
Both Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Overlay Networks are decentralized and self-organizing networks with dynamic topology which route queries in a distributed environment. Nevertheless, MANETs are composed of... more
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      Mobile Ad Hoc NetworkData SharingPeer to PeerSelf Organization
Both Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Overlay Networks are decentralized and self-organizing networks with dynamic topology and responsible for routing queries in a distributed environment. Nevertheless, MANETs are... more
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      Mobile Ad Hoc NetworkData SharingPeer to PeerSelf Organization
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      Distributed ComputingNetwork ManagementNetworkWireless Sensor Network
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are characterized by having scarce resources. The usual way of designing network functions is to consider them isolatedly, a strategy which may not guarantee the correct and efficient operation of WSNs. For... more
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      Computer ScienceComputational ModelingComputer NetworksRouting
Content dissemination over mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is usually performed using peer-to-peer (P2P) networks due to its increased resiliency and efficiency when compared to client-server approaches. P2P networks are usually divided... more
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      Computer ScienceDistributed ComputingMobile Ad Hoc NetworksContent Analysis
Due to the exploratory nature of DNNs, DL specialists often need to modify the input dataset, change a filter when preprocessing input data, or fine-tune the models’ hyperparameters, while analyzing the evolution of the training. However,... more
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      Computer ScienceHyperparameter Optimization
In this paper, we propose a new approach for color image simplification in order to improve flame pixel classification. The fire detection performance depends critically on the performance of the flame pixel classifier. Color image... more
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      Colored NoiseColor ImageHierarchical ClusteringMinimum Spanning Tree
This paper addresses transition detection which consists in identifying the boundary between consecutive shots. In this work, we propose an approach to cope with transition detection in which we define and use a new dissimilarity measure... more
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      Sliding WindowBipartite GraphPerformance Measure
This paper addresses gradual transition detection which is part of video segmentation problem, and consists in identifying the boundary between consecutive shots. In this work, we propose an approach to cope with gradual transition... more
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      Video segmentationMultimedia signal processingBipartite Graph
Hierarchical video segmentation provides region-oriented scale-space, i.e., a set of video segmentations at different detail levels in which the segmentations at finer levels are nested with respect to those at coarser levels. In this... more
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      Cognitive ScienceVideo segmentationElectrical And Electronic Engineering
Logic-based AI is often thought of as being restricted to highly abstract domains such as theorem-proving and linguistic semantics. In the Novamente AGI architecture, however, probabilistic logic is used for a wider variety of purposes,... more
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      Reinforcement LearningExperience DesignTheorem ProvingProbabilistic Logic
Currently there is a great advance in technology, especially in the social networks area, which allows us to access information recently released in a fascinating speed and comprehensive audience. Inserted in the business, the data mining... more
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      Sentiment AnalysisSocial Network Analysis (SNA)Opinion Mining (Data Mining)
RESUMO As instituições financeiras ao captarem recursos de poupadores e repassá-los aos agentes deficitários, mediante contratos de crédito, estão sujeitas ao risco de crédito, que se refere à incapacidade dos tomadores arcarem com suas... more
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This paper describes the results and experiences of a teaching project using concepts of Computer Science Unplugged methods on a undergraduate database class. Four unplugged activities were developed and two database class were used in a... more
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RESUMO Apesar da necessidade de gerenciamento de modelos nas organizações, um número reduzido de tomadores de decisões utiliza alguma ferramenta para gerenciamento de modelos. Algumas razões para este paradoxo são a complexidade inerente... more
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