UFMG - The Federal University of Minas Gerais
Computer Science Department
Capacity management of a hosting infrastructure has traditionally focused only on performance goals. However, the quality of service provided to the hosted applications, and ultimately the revenues achieved by the provider, depend also on... more
Capacity management of a hosting infrastructure has traditionally focused only on performance goals. However, the quality of service provided to the hosted applications and the revenues achieved by the provider, depend also on other... more
In this work we present an extension of our previous capacity management framework making it robust to security attacks. In a scenario where multiple applications are hosted in a shared infrastructure, our performance and optimization... more
Performance modeling is a central task in the capacity management of server platforms. Traditional performance models are created for transactional workloads (purely open models), batch or interactive (purely closed models). However, many... more
- by Itamar Hata
Recommender systems are quickly becoming ubiquitous in applications such as e-commerce, social media channels, and content providers, among others, acting as an enabling mechanism designed to overcome the information overload problem by... more
Os indicadores de quantidade de doença numa po¬ pulação: prevalência e incidência, a nível de efectivo ea nível animal, permitem avaliar o progresso realiza¬ do no controlo de doenças. Os valores calculados para estes indicadores são... more
Abstract In recent years, social media users are voluntarily making large volume of personal data available on the social networks. Such data (eg, professional associations) can create opportunities for users to strengthen their social... more
Understanding how users navigate and interact when they connect to social networking sites creates opportunities for better interface design, richer studies of social interactions, and improved design of content distribution systems. In... more
Abstract—With the growing popularity and usage of online social media services, people now have accounts (some times several) on multiple and diverse services like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. Publicly available information... more
Resumo. Máquinas Virtuais (VMs) oferecem um ambiente adequado para consolidar múltiplos serviços em poucas máquinas, reduzindo custos de aquisiç ao e gerenciamento. As principais questoes antes da migraç ao de uma infraestrutura de TI... more
Abstract E-commerce services have become a promising and profitable application of the Internet. In order to keep them growing, solutions must be found to deal with unreliable connections and high latencies, among other problems. The best... more
Resumo. Entender as características da carga de trabalho é uma tarefa fundamental para o provedor de acesso à Internet de banda larga melhorar o gerenciamento da sua infra-estrutura. Este artigo apresenta uma metodologia para... more
Server performance has become a crucial issue for improving the overall performance of the World-Wide Web. This paper describes Webmonitor, a tool for evaluating and understanding server performance, and presents new results for a... more
Using Internet to predict elections has been a topic of interest for different fields. Researchers from Google have showed an approach employing user's queries on that search engine [4]. Other site, The Daily Beast, has create an... more
Abstract In information networks where users send messages to one another, the issue of information overload naturally arises: which are the most important messages? In this paper we study the problem of understanding the importance of... more
ABSTRACT The Web is home for a plethora of virtual communities, ranging from friendship networks (eg, MySpace) to those targeted to commercial transactions (eg, Amazon. com) or content sharing (eg, YouTube). Collecting and analyzing such... more
ABSTRACT Online Social Networks (OSNs) such as Facebook and Twitter have experienced exponential growth in recent years. Users are spending more time on OSNs than on any other sites and services on the Internet. Users post and share a lot... more
Resumo. O grande volume de tráfego de e-mails indesejados (spam) que circulam na Internet consome recursos que poderiam ser melhor utilizados. Entender as características do tráfego SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), sob o ponto de... more
Resumo. O crescimento do tráfego na Internet derivado dos vıdeos gerados por usuários motivou este trabalho. Busca-se entender caracterısticas dos usuários e dos vıdeos de quatro sistemas de compartilhamento de vıdeos. O foco é voltado... more