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O livro está dividido em três grandes temas. O primeiro deles, dedicado ao domínio do cinema de não ficção, perscruta aspectos estéticos, éticos e políticos do documentário em diferentes períodos, em diferentes países. A segunda parte... more
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      Film StudiesCinemaAudiovisualFotografia
A estrela de Antonioni Monica Vitti protagoniza três de seus filmes acerca da incomunicação – A aventura, O eclipse, O deserto vermelho. O diretor italiano é comentado a partir de conceitos de Noel Carroll, Noel Burch e Jean-Paul Sartre,... more
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Os premiados belgas Jean-Pierre e Luc Dardenne sempre impressionam o mercado cinematográfico mundial com suas obras marcadas por forte impacto, por uma estética seca e crua, livre de efeitos visuais, diálogos complexos, cenários ricos ou... more
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    • Cinema
This thesis proposes the understanding of cinema as a body narrative, and suggests that the making of an audiovisual piece is a performance act. In order to comprehend some audiovisual pieces as cinemas of the body, I draw from the... more
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gestos da memória gestos da memória do vestígio estranho, do formativo em ação, um menor indício de força, aquele traço que, em sua singularidade, traça.
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Artista pesquisadora das linguagens do corpo nas imagens móveis, realiza videoperformances e lecio-na na Pós em Artes da Anhembi Morumbi. Mestre e doutora em Semiótica pela PUC-SP, organizou o livro "Performances da memória"... more
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In recent years democratic theory has taken a deliberative turn and one central question that needs to be answered is how to connect face-to-face conversations and deliberations in particular forums to broader discussions in the larger... more
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      Media StudiesCivil Society and the Public SphereDeliberative Democracy
Public Sphere Reconsidered: theories and practices is a book that compiles two-day conference, which took place on 19 and 20 May 2011 at University of Beira Interior in Covilhã, Portugal, where the concept of public sphere was analyzed... more
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      Media StudiesDemocratic TheoryPolitical Science
This article investigates the problem of legitimacy of non-electoral representation, and attempts to highlight the discursive dynamics in such a process. I argue that various forms of non-electoral representation overlap and may conflict... more
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      Political ScienceIdentity politicsPolitical Representation
This paper aims to examine how political conversations take place on the digital discursive tools offered as part of the Digital Participatory Budget (OPD) in Belo Horizonte (Brazil). The authors propose an analytical model based on... more
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      Public DeliberationPublic Budgeting and FinancePublic Participation In GovernanceNew Models Of Participatory And Direct Democracy
This article aims to investigate the forms of interaction and communicative exchanges in discussion groups composed of beneficiaries of a Brazilian income transfer program (Bolsa-Família Program) and how these forms contribute to the... more
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      Political SociologyCommunicationPolitical ScienceDeliberative Democracy
This article investigates the role of the news media in constructing mediated deliberation, focusing on how instrumental politics intertwines with critical argument exchanges in public debates. In the context of Brazil's recent... more
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      Media StudiesCivil Society and the Public SphereDeliberative Democracy
This article examines the role of the news media in enforcing different forms of accountability, such as political, professional, and legal, in crisis situations. It is argued that demands for accountability cannot be regarded as merely... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismAccountabilityDeliberative Democracy
Several scholars acknowledge the important role that journalism has in promoting accountability. Precisely how television news images contribute to triggering accountability dynamics, however, remains virtually unexplored. With this... more
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      FinanceJournalismTelevision StudiesAccountability
This article investigates how the Internet creates opportunities for deaf people to express themselves, in a struggle for recognition. It focuses particularly on the use of storytelling by leaders of deaf people's social movements and on... more
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      Digital HumanitiesDeaf studiesVirtual CommunitiesPolitics of Recognition
The purpose of this article is to explore the morphology and development of the concept of public sphere present in various of Habermas’ works, as well as the main criticisms that accompany such concept, particularly with regards to: (a)... more
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      CommunicationPolitical ScienceJurgen HabermasDeliberative Democracy
This paper investigates the visibility of groups of despised sexuality in Brazilian soap operas, evincing hostility, social invisibility and disrespect as different forms of violence. First, we examine the “reflexive” process of the media... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesIdentity (Culture)Social Media
Este livro tem a intenção de contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento dos estudos em Comunicação e Democracia no Brasil. Mais especificamente, a proposta é examinar as atribuições participativas que Estado e sociedade conferem à Internet. A... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesNew MediaParticipatory Research
As relações entre a comunicação de massa e os processos políticos democráticos, já examinadas recentemente, no panorama internacional, por um considerável número de autores, não obtiveram ainda o mesmo espaço na literatura brasileira.... more
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      CommunicationNew MediaPolitical SciencePolitical communication