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The Brazilian Cerrado is the most diverse savanna in the world. Phylogeographical patterns for Cerrado tree species are relatively congruent; however, the causes of these patterns are not clear. Ours aims were to investigate... more
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    • Evolutionary Biogeography
• Methods During a 15-month period, individuals from two populations in Cerrado, two in the Atlantic Forest, and six in transitional zones (three in a cerrado-like environment and three in forest fragments) were evaluated in Minas Gerais... more
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      Plant BiologyBrazilEcologyAtlantic Forest
-(Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in populations of two legume trees: Stryphnodendron adstringens (Mart.) Coville (Mimosoideae) and Cassia ferruginea (Schrad.) Schrad. ex DC. (Caesalpinoideae)). The aim of this study was to... more
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Banded iron formations (BIF) have a particular vegetation type and provide a good model system for testing theories related to leaf phenology, due to unique stressful environmental conditions. As a consequence of the stressful conditions... more
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Knowledge of the role of Neotropical montane landscapes in shaping genetic connectivity and local adaptation is essential for understanding the evolutionary processes that have shaped the extraordinary species diversity in these regions.... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyConservation BiologyGenetic DriftGene Flow
We report here the first set of microsatellite markers developed for species of Habenaria. A set of microsatellite markers for Habenaria nuda Lindl. and H. repens Nutt. were isolated, characterized, and tested for cross-amplification... more
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    • Biology