Asteraceae from Panga Ecological Reserve, Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil). A systematic treatment of the Asteraceae species is presented here. The ecological reserve, located 30 km S of the city of Uberlândia, has a mosaic of... more
- by Eric Hattori
This study describes the tree vegetation and soils occurring in a seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF) and mesotrophic cerradão transition in southwestern Brazil. All trees ≥ 5 cm diameter were measured in 20 plots of 20 × 25 m, 10 in... more
Aim The aim of this study was to test the role of environmental factors and spatially autocorrelated processes, such as historical fragmentation and dispersal limitation, in driving floristic variation across seasonally dry tropical... more
Sementes comerciais de forrageiras tropicais, pertencente a 26 lotes produzidos em diferentes regiões (safras 2004-05 e 2005-06), foram avaliadas quanto à sanidade. Foram analisadas sementes de cultivares de Panicum maximum (Massai,... more
Termos para indexação: caapões, fitossociologia, florística, pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul Introdução O Pantanal é a maior planície sedimentar inundável do hemisfério ocidental, com extensão de aproximadamente 140.000 km², formada no... more
Abstract: Phytosociology of aquatic macrophytes associated to the Miranda river, Pantanal, MS, Brazil. -This study aimed to analyze quantitatively the community structure of aquatic macrophytes associ-ated to the Miranda river, Pantanal... more
A apicultura tem estreita relação com o desenvolvimento da flora de uma região, quer pela participação direta das abelhas através da polinização, quer pela ação do homem procurando melhorar as condições apícolas e favorecendo deste modo o... more
In order to develop niche models for tree species characteristic of the cerrado vegetation (woody savannas) of central South America, and to hindcast their distributions during the Last Glacial Maximum and Last Inter-Glacial, we compiled... more
The objective of this study was to model the potential effect of future climate change on the distribution of a tree species indicator of Cerrado. For the modeling, we used 488 occurrence points of the species and also bioclimatic... more
Variações na altitude podem propiciar mudanças na composição florística e fisionomia das formações vegetais. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de descrever a flora e a estrutura de comunidades arbóreas ao longo de gradiente altitudinal na... more
The evolutionary processes underlying the high diversity and endemism in the Cerrado, the most extensive Neotropical savanna, remain unclear, including the factors promoting the presence and evolution of savanna enclaves in the Amazon... more
This study describes the influence of edaphic factors on the floristic composition of an area of cerradão (woodland savanna) in the city of Campo Grande, located in the Brazilian central-west. In 10 plots (5 × 20 m each), we evaluated all... more
Large areas in the Pantanal wetland are covered by monodominant formations, e.g. typical landscapes with local names such as “paratudal”, dominated by T. aurea. Studies on structure of these formations generally include only woody strata,... more